This month's issue of House Beautiful is a beauty, story after story, I'm loving it. There's a spread on Suzanne Rheinstein's fabulous new fabrics. Suzanne is looking good these days, younger and younger! She's unrecognizable to me in this issue. Then there's a great story on Belgian design and another one on a fabulous apartment by Joe Nye. The Peak of Chic already showcases that story here, as does the House Beautiful web site.
There is one story in this issue that is very strange, though. As you may remember from my previous blog on the movie, Something's Gotta Give by Nancy Meyers, the Hampton house that starred in that movie actually upstaged Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton. Scores of articles have been written about the Hampton house, and people have designed their own homes based on it. Why is it so universally loved? It could be the soothing blues and creams, the famous striped dhurri rug, the ironstone dishes in the dining room with the Bennison slipcovers, the Swedish Mora clock, the dark wood floors, the fabulous soapstone counters in the even more fabulous kitchen - I could go on and on about why that house appeals. So, I was thrilled to see an article in HB by the interior designer of the famous Hampton house. Or is he?

The living room with the striped rug, dark wood furniture, and Mora clock that stole a movie!
"You've designed houses in two hit movies by director Nancy Meyers, Something's Gotta Give and The Holiday. Are you a set designer or an interior designer who also does sets?"
I've always believed that the Production Designer of Something's Gotta Give was Jon Hutman and the Set Director was Beth Rubino. James Radin's name has never been mentioned in any articles that I've read on the set design. Jon Hutman is also listed at the Production Designer for "The Holiday", another movie of Meyers' where the set steals the show.
The dining room with the Bennison slipcovered chairs and wonderful ironstone collection.
Continuing, Radin's response to the statement that he designed these fabulous homes for Meyers' movies: "I'm an Interior Designer. I designed Nancy's own house and she asked me to help the production design team with Diane Keaton's house in Something's Gotta Give. She wanted it to look professionally decorated, like Diane's character would have."

The much talked about soapstone countered kitchen from the movie set.
Paul brings up the movie several times throughout the interview and it's mentioned in the notes accompanying it's pictures. There's even a TV with, you guessed it, Something's Gotta Give playing on the screen. House Beautiful definitely wants the reader to believe that Radin was the credited designer on the two movie sets.
Another view of the living room with the leather ottoman and slipcovered sofas.
What's going on here? It seems strange. When I first read the article, I was excited thinking, wow - this is designer behind that fabulous house. But I kept thinking about Beth Rubino, the famous set designer. Wasn't she the designer here? A detailed Google search for Something's Gotta Give and James Radin showed only one hit: on the credits, Special Thanks go to James Radin. It leaves me wondering, who's scamming who here?
Another shot of the dining room, dark wood floors, seagrass rug
Below are a few pics from House Beautiful of Radin's admittedly beautiful home, regardless of whether he is THE designer of the famous Hampton house or not.
For much more detailed reporting on the movie set of Something's Gotta Give see Surroundings' blog
Radin's master bedroom, serene in whites and creams with touches of blue.

The lady of the house's walk in closet. Now this is luxury.
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this house. Thanks for the post! Very interesting!
ReplyDeleteJoni, this is one of my favorite movie houses. I absolutely love it and hope to have our little lake place looking somewhat similar. It an amazing house. I watch this movie over and over, every chance I get, just to see the interiors and exteriors!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the information in regards the designer. I'll try to get a copy of this issue of House Beautiful.
Even the movie moves me...the house, the beach, the palette, I WILL have soapstone counters someday!!!
The October HB is a real winner...lots of great articles and pictures.
ReplyDeleteI also noticed the discrepancy in the set designer names vs. this interior designer...I am so glad you posted on this! You are a good sleuth.
Very interesting, Joni. Maybe you've uncovered some secret behind the designers! he he! I love the pictures. Pretty inspiring!
Hmmm, what a mystery. I wonder if we will get to the bottom of it. Great post!
ReplyDeleteWow--The dressing area is to die for!
ReplyDeleteNancy Meyers films always have a timeless quality that I love. I don't know who did the set design for some of her other projects, like The Parent Trap and Father of the Bride, but they also have beautiful interiors and a certain glow.
Fabulous post!
Good Morning,
ReplyDeleteI too, looked forward to the release of these movies for their interiors, after having read about them. Has anyone seen THE NANNY DIARIES? What did you think? Heddy
Thanks for all the comments everyone! No, I haven't seen the Nanny Diaries, I'm going to get it though asap.
ReplyDeleteAny other great movie houses?
This is one of my favorite houses!!! Loved seeing all the pics! How interesting that there is such a discrepancy in who did the design work?!?!?!
you may have totally just busted somebody. he probably was just called in to oversee the project. which i'm sure the production designers LOVED.
ReplyDeletemkay, that last shot? of the dressing room? i almost collapsed at the beauty of it.
if even, i could just have that stool!
I want to live in this home!
ReplyDeleteNanny Diaries should still be in theatres..i loved it!
ReplyDeleteNanny Diaries should still be in theatres..i loved it!
ReplyDeleteI can almost hear the wonderful music that accompanies this movie! I love that others swoon over movie rooms,the fact that you are a Texan ( I reside in Dallas) and oh so talented and generous makes it all the better!I so love everything about your blog! Don't stop!
ReplyDeleteYou are so fucking Nancy Drew! I love this. You've totally busted *someone* and I cannot believe your total recall when it comes to who designed what. This is why we LOVE you (even though you won't room with me at Camp Viceroy during Bloggers Convention with a Vodka Tonic In Hand Week).
ReplyDeleteAnd Megan, I am with you on that closet. I am not kidding here when I say that closet is at least 3 time larger than the illegal "room" I rented when I was 21. It's stunning. You know your closet is full of some premium goods when you're willing to have windows in the doors. It's as if to say, "Yeah, just LOOK at all my Chanel and Lanvin, ladies."
I am beyond jealous of this closet.
Joni, this was an A+ post, my dear.
I know that somewhere in heaven is a closet just like this with my name on it! sigh...could it get any better than that?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the sleuthing, but mostly thanks for the fabulous photos.
He said he was part of a production team....so he did acknowledge others...........
ReplyDeleteim not sure what to comment on first,im glad the queen of shabby chic is changing her style ever so slightly but still keeping her relaxed approach! love the slip covers and the story on my favourite movie, very interesting!
ReplyDeletebut i did seriously drool over that wardrobe maybe my next house!
I haven't read my issue of HB yet, but your post made me curious. He is given "special thanks" on IMDB.com's listing for the movie.
ReplyDeleteYou are better with homework than I am. I, too, noticed that I had never seen a decorator's name associated with the film sets. The HB house is lovely, and you can certainly see the similarities. Curiouser and curiouser. The closet? The best shot of the house. I was thinking a little something like this (except 2"x5") with that O&L Asuka paper - maybe that will make me forget the lack of Chanel and Lanvin.
ReplyDeleteWhoa!! That closet is truly wonderful eye candy! And I adore the hat! Excellent post and sleuthing Joni! Thanks for another wonderful lesson!
ReplyDeleteJan x at Rosemary Cottage who suffers from Closet Envy .....
Thanks for your commments everyone! including anonymous too! Yes, I do know that he was said he helped the production team, but he was not on the team and I'm not sure exactly what he really did because every interview I've read with Meyers and Rubino, neither mentions this wonderful designer who actually created the interiors. sorry!
ReplyDeleteJoni you clever girl!!! I'm LOVING the closet!!
ReplyDeletefellow 'delightful blog blogger' here, just popping in to say what a wonderful blog you have here! my daddy was from texas! i am bookmarking you as my new favorite :)
ReplyDeleteooooh, the intrigue!
ReplyDeleteWell that is an interesting question you pose as to did he really design the set? I was working in LA at the time that this set was being designed and from the various showrooms that I was in where some of the pieces were from, I never heard his name mentioned. I love this movie. I love the house. It is one of those magical memorable homes that strikes a cord in many people's hearts.
ReplyDeleteI loved the kitchen in that article- and the closet. But what I'm really loving is the article on Belgium style. It's so EXACTLY what I'm obsessed with. :) Very much like that Veranda article we both liked.
ReplyDeleteI noticed this discrepancy as well.
ReplyDeleteHere are a couple more... The kitchen counters are not soapstone. They are wood faux painted to resemble soapstone. The dining chairs are Jofa Lee slipcovers. How's that Nancy Drew?
I'm obsessed with this Beautiful home!
Susan aka Nancy Drew - I have to take issue with some of your theories!!!! The counters in the movie were painted to resemble soapstone - because of budgetary concerns and other reasons, which I read about but have forgotten. They weren't painted because they liked painted wood, it was just instead of soapstone. IOW - they would have prefered soapstone, if they could have it. AND the chair fabrics in the SGG home is not Lee Jofa, it's Bennison. I'm sorry!!! Maybe you can be Nancy Drew's friend. hahaha Thanks so much for the comment, I tried to email you but your profile doesn't allow that.
I am a little confused - which does not take much. Is this Bennison or Lee Jofa fabric or slipcovers? Does anyone know where I could purchase these slipcovers/fabric or anything similiar? I absolutely love this house. Unfortunately, I am incapable of replicating it. Any suggestions? I heard that after the movie wrapped (and before the movie was released) that some items from the house were sold on ebay. Always a day late.....
Teresa: Someone left a comment that they were Jofa Lee slipcovers??? First off, it is Lee Jofa, not the other way around and second, as far as I know, and I'm pretty certain about this - the fabric is Bennison and yes, they are slipcovers here in the dining room and in the living room. I think there are several elements of the house that can be easily duplicated and at not that much money - if you are interested, shoot me an email with your email address: email me here at Mrballbox329@aol.com
ReplyDeletep.s. I have an older post about this house - did you see that too?
Beth Rubino, SDSA, is the Set Decorator, not set designer, not set director, and any other random job titles that are referred to here. For more information on what a set decorator does and more on Beth Rubino, go to www.setdecorators.org and click on "Hot off the Set".
ReplyDeleteThis is a fabulouse post! Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThe fabric for the slip covered chairs in the SGG house is definitely Lee Jofa "Bordeaux Toile". I have the fabric and also have a picture of it I could send.
ReplyDeleteSee above - to be clear the slipcover fabric for the Dining Room chairs is Lee Jofa 'Bordeaux Toile'.
ReplyDeleteHi - ok, I just read that last comment I wrote and I must have been still asleep or something - i says it's Lee Jofa and then I say it's Bennison. I always thought it was Bennison until one day I saw a picture of the chairs really clearly and I realized they weren't Bennison and I really don't know why I did think that originally. Lee Jofa sounds right to me when you see them up close. If you say it's the Bordeaux Toile, I have no arguement at all. In fact, I'll pull the fabric - its so pretty, I would love to see it in person! Thanks for clearing this up. Joni
ReplyDeletesee my post on the oscars - there's a much better shot of the chairs there and you can clearly see it's not Bennison!!!! Two shots acutally, in February 2008.
ReplyDeleteI know James Radin, worked with him for several years, and find him to be the singly most talented and versatile designer I've ever had the pleasure to associate with. This work has his signature all over it and, as anyone who has worked with a real talent knows, concept and finesse of execution are everything. James is a kind and humble person and if he had not been intimatley involved in the creation of these interiors he would not have said so. I know he does all of Nancy Meyer's personal work and has been referred by her several times to very high end discerning clients. The fact he is not listed in credits may have to do with SAG and/ or other union issues, I don't know but surely this is his signature look. Please don't disperage him...he's a true talent and so well versed in a myriad of design deiciplines.
Oh, I'm so sorry. I probably would word this differently today. It just seemed a little weird at the time. I think I put the blame on H.B more than him, at least I hope I did. thanks for writing this and I'm sorry if I offended you or him. I think this house is gorgeous and so did all the people who commented. they especially love her closet!!! Again thank you for writing this. Your comment will stand in his favor.
Has anyone figured out the paint color in Diane Keaton's bedroom?
ReplyDeleteI am the owner of the Something's Gotta' Give-inspired kitchen you used from a "photo sharing site." I do have a range, not a rangetop (you obviously didn't look at all the pictures) and my granite is honed, not shiny. I was going for the look of soapstone, without the upkeep. (We have five ovens total. I like to cook/bake.)
ReplyDeleteWe intentionally went with slate floors, instead of hardwood, for durability and ease of cleanup. I know it's not a perfect recreation, and we definitely could have done a lot better, but just thought I'd chime in those corrections. (Someone just pointed me to this site.)
Oh and, as for the table. It's from our old home and, yeah, it's not right for the space or decor. But, for right now, it's a place to sit and eat until we can afford the perfect one.
I wasn't, by the way, going for perfect recreation, just inspired-by the idea/look. It is my all-time favorite "house" though, even if it was only a movie set and the countertops were actually--as I read in one article--painted plywood (talk about breaking your heart).
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteIs there any way to get a floor plan for the "Something's Got to Give" home? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI just love this house, you captured it so perfectly in your blog! I found a set tour online, the link is at my blog. I'm also working on a floorplan for it which I will post there when done. You are one of my favourite blogs - love your work!!
ReplyDeleteTerrific info on this fabulous home; thank you!
ReplyDeletethe house, the beach, the palette, I WILL have soapstone counters someday!!!
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am so glad you posted on this! You are a good sleuth.
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Ha, ha! I just came from James Radin's own site, where as part of "his portfolio" (of 14 sets total), 3 sets are the design of Beth Rubino!
ReplyDeleteI've always heard "Good artists borrow and great artists steal" (the meaning being that a great artist can take a basic idea, run with it and make it their own).
James seems to have taken a literal interpretation to stealing, and maybe even gotten the quote wrong:
He seems to be working off the idea that good artists steal from great ones.
On the other hand it's a great compliment (of sorts, I suppose) that James would feel the need to steal Beth's sets in whole.
reading these comments make me physically ill and so incredibly happy i left the state of texas. to think i was actually interested and excited to check out this blog i see has texas written so proudly on it. the comments are so incredibly tacky and embarrassing that it makes me not want to read this blog again.
ReplyDeleteget your facts straight and hopefully the other tacky people will too.
p.s. you and no other "designer" started in this world without the love and knowledge of what inspires them. we all were inspired and get inspired by the past and present. get over yourself. you should just delete these horrific high school responses.
hats off to the people who didn't acknowledge the ugliness.
That is a really nice house. I love the furniture.
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ReplyDeleteI had a rug made exactly like the one in the movie 'Somethings Gotta Give with Jack Nicholson & Diane Keaton. I have never used it and it is new. We had it made for a house we never moved into so it has just stayed in storage. It is a 12ft by 18ft large Dhurry Handmade rug. Its giant & 100% cotton flatweave and exactly made and inspired by the movie Something's Gotta Give.
It is absolutely gorgeous! I am looking to sell it as unfortunately it is just too big for where we live. I was wondering if any of you are interested? Or anyone you know. I live in the UK but will arrange postage with anyone who is interested and keep the price as economical as possible. Please let me know if any of you are interested here is my email address and I am happy to send any of you pictures: bencaring@hotmail.com
I look forward to hearing from you,
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