COTE DE TEXAS: A Collecting Couple

A Collecting Couple

Recently, my sister and her husband moved from a high-rise condo back to a ground level townhouse. They decided they are just too young to live in a high-rise building and they longed for the advantages of a garage, a garden, a neighborhood. Plus, my brother-in-law really missed b-b-qing outside! I was there the other day helping them hang all their paintings. They're pretty settled after just one week, except for the rugs, which had to be cut down to fit the new floor plan. Both of them are die hard collectors - just of very different things. My sister likes to collect antiques, French and English. My brother-in-law likes to collect - well, I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves!

My sister and I collect many of the same things, but for some reason, her collections are much better than mine! For instance, I'm very envious of her masonware collection - her pieces are more varied and unique than mine and I love going over to her house to examine her masonware. Since we collect the same things, we've often gone out on the search together, which is great fun. When we were first starting out collecting, we would go to the Round Top Antique Fair twice a year to buy new pieces. On birthdays, we try to gift each other a new piece, if we can find something affordable. Now we both collect on Ebay occasionally, but you have to be very careful. I've been burned a few times when a reproduction was sold to me as an antique. Over the years, we've seen our collections increase in value. For example, a transferware plate used to cost us around $50 or $60, but now we are lucky to find one under $100. Antiques are a great investment, as long as you can find a buyer.

Regarding the interior design of the townhouse, originally my sister hired designer Billy Francis who worked with them on their previous home. Francis, who passed away recently, was a well known Houston designer who eventually moved to NYC to live, though he retained business ties in Texas. He used a color scheme of rusts and blues in various shades. The mark of great design, her upholstery all coordinated throughout the home, allowing them the flexibility to move furniture from one room to another, as needed in the new townhouse. Below are a few pictures of their new townhome with an emphasis on their collections. Enjoy!!

As you enter the townhouse, you get your first glimpse of her wonderful Masonware collection. Here are three jugs in the same pattern and a platter of a different pattern.

The living room with its fabulous antique french screen. We found this at the Mews in Dallas when we were antiquing there many years ago.

One of my favorite pieces of my sister's: an antique French bonnetiere. Here her English pewter collection is on display. Some of these pieces are over two hundred years old.

On the side table next to the sofa, is a collection of mauchlineware boxes - small boxes from Scotland made of wood from plane trees.

Also in the living room, another French antique piece holding her collection of blue and white spongeware - notice the jugs up on top of the buffet.

Going down the center of her Rose Tarlow dining room table are more Masonware jugs - all of various sizes. At dinner parties, she puts matching flower arrangements in each jug.

Against one wall are two buffets holding her magnificant collection of Masonware - ironstone made in England in the Mason factory. Most pieces are from the 19th century.

A close up of my favorite Masonware pattern: yellow scale.

Under a collection of botanicals, more Masonware - Bandana pattern jug in a bowl and large platter.

In the family room, another French buffet displays two collections: blue and white transferware and yellowware.

A closeup of her superb blue and white transferware. Her yellowware isn't too shabby either!

On the shelves, a small sampling of her collection of antique biscuit tins.

In the family room, another biscuit tin rests on her coffee table.

The master bedroom features beautiful Manuel Canovas material. The bed rests under a collection of antique furniture prints.

Master bedroom: A close up of her antique French desk.

Close up of the master bedroom.

Pair of antique French beds in the guest room.

My brother-in-law's office filled with sports memorabilia.

The star of the memorabilia: bobble head dolls from college football teams and favorite baseball teams of his youth. Totally organized in a system only he truly understands, this collection of dolls is priceless. These dolls are original, made of papier mache - not the cheap plastic or wood dolls sold today. Many of these dolls, if not all, are extremely rare - this collection took quite a determination to finish and it still is not complete. He's lacking a few bobble heads that he wants. Despite that, the breadth of this collection is phenomenal. It's a unique collection - few in the country have anything close to rival this.

Close up of the bobble heads - this shelf features baseball teams. Don't they have the cutest expression?

The personality of his collection: on the left, the University of Texas football team. On the right, the University of Oklahoma football team. In between, the symbol of the famous OU-UT rivalry: Big Tex from the Dallas Fairgrounds where the game is played each year.


  1. I love their french screen . It looks terrific and I recognized the Manuel Canovas' fabric , I used this fabric a lot .
    So french and so chic

  2. Oh how I wish I was still editing Collectibles magazines. I would be at your sister's house in a heartbeat with a photo crew. Gorgeous! How did she ever fit all of her treasures into an apartment?

  3. Joni! I was all set to comment on your sister's beautiful pieces, then I scrolled down and saw the bobble heads! I never knew there were old ones. I'm blown away by the quantity. His collection could have been a whole post of its own. What a great home they have.

  4. What an awesome home Joni! Both your sister and brother-in-law have marvellous collections! I will have to get my boyfriend to have a look at the bobbleheads. He loves all that stuff, which I didn't know was such a valuable collector's item - at least the type you mention.

    I admire your sister's collection too. I can't imagine deciding to collect at such a young age and stil liking everything years later. I get bored so easily and just beginning to think of things I'd like to collect! What taste!! :)

  5. Hi Joni!
    Well a good eye definitely runs in your family! What a beautiful home. The bubbleheads are a crack up! I know memorabilia can be very desirable. His collection is amazing. I love these sneak peeks into the homes of your friends and family!

  6. Hi Joni!
    Well a good eye definitely runs in your family! What a beautiful home. The bubbleheads are a crack up! I know memorabilia can be very desirable. His collection is amazing. I love these sneak peeks into the homes of your friends and family!

  7. Hi Joni. You've been tagged! Go to for the rules.

  8. You and your sister have excellent taste! I esp. love her collection of blue/white transferware. Love all colors of it, but have not yet started any of those. I have a few pieces of red/white that are new, but there's just something about the older pieces. I have some older pieces of furniture, but I think that's what I need more of...antique accessories. Love how your sister put her home together.

    And LOL at the BIL gotta let them have their's too!

    Merry Christmas, Joni!

  9. Oh wow! As an avid collector of all matter of things myself I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Everything is displayed so beautifully. They must absolutely love spending time in the comfort of their beautiful home marvelling at their stunning pieces.

    Anna :)

  10. Wow! What collections they both have! Perhaps it's good for the marriage that they both collect?!

  11. Your sister's home is absolutely breathtaking. I enjoyed seeing every single photo, this evening. What a wonderful treat!

    Her collections are amazing and so are his!

    Thanks so much, Joni, for sharing your sister's lovely home.

  12. Terrific post, Joni! I guess good taste runs in the family! Those bobble heads ARE amazing - my dad had some of those exact old vintage bobbleheads years ago - my grandfather gave them to him as a boy.

  13. What a treasure house! And so beautifully displayed -- for both your sister AND your BIL's wonderful collections. Great eyes for color, texture, pattern and fun too! They must be the cutest pair -- and such fun at parties! Of course -- such charm and talents run well in your family!

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage who is happy if she can find one decent item to display! LOL!

  14. Fantastic home and fantastic collections Joni!!

  15. I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas.
    Take care.
    Love Elzie

  16. Those bobble heads are hilarious! What a fun collection!

    But I especially love that French screen, wow!

    Merry Christmas, Joni!

  17. Hi Joni!! First off, Happy Holidays...second, I don't believe I've ever seen collections like these. That masonware is fantastic, what an eye!


  18. Holy moly, where are the smelling salts? I had to pick myself off the ground after looking at all those bobbling heads. If only he could put the shelves on springs.....:-)

  19. OMG I'm glad I don't have to do the dusting over there! Happy Christmas!

  20. Love this post Joni!! The Masonware is just wonderful, but it was the bobble heads that made me smile!

  21. It is all beautiful!!

    I wouldn't' be able to let my boys set *foot* in that house or it would all be history! :)

  22. dear god Joni! Your whole fan-damily lives in the most awesome houses! That screen is awesome, and the french dresser and the blue & white is tops! The yellow ware too. I love the plaid in her study. The table in the living room is so great. Is it chinoiserie?

  23. the blue and white plates are lovely and remind me of my mothers kitchen dresser which is FULL of blue and white plates just like these :-)

  24. Your sister's things are so beautiful and they are displayed beautifully as well. The other stuff makes me most thankful my husband likes vintage cars..:) thanks for sharing with us
