COTE DE TEXAS: Belgian Design – Hot, Hot, Hot!

Belgian Design – Hot, Hot, Hot!


Belgian design is hot, hot, hot – swiftly taking the place of Swedish design in the trendiest style.  Why Belgium, as opposed to say, The Netherlands?  According to my friend, Ron Empel, owner of Empel Collections – a custom lighting company, and a native of Holland, the sleepy county of Belgium is home to two extreme classes, the ultra rich and the ultra poor – with very few in the middle.  The Netherlands, by contrast, is a country of the middle – with few wealthy citizens and few poor.  Where there is extreme wealth, there is usually good design to support the upper class’ desires and Belgium has been producing some very good design lately.  It all started a few decades ago when the interior designer, antiquarian Axel Vervoordt, moved into a castle, made it his home and shop and invited the world to see his wares.  Riding on Vervoodt’s coat tails, a group of architects and designers are now cashing in on the sudden wealth of publicity and now Belgian Design is THE look to have.  The traditional Belgian style – not its contemporary style (which is plentiful) – is quiet and monotone.  Few printed fabrics are used;  instead plain linens and deep-hued velvets are favored.  Houses in the country are renovated using antique elements – ancient stone floors, beams, marble staircases, and acres of limed wood - everywhere.   The accessories are overscaled and very few – books are usually plentiful.  Sofas are austere - large, long, and slipped – the opposite of our soft, down-filled cushions.  Lighting fixtures play a big part in the design – oversized always, either lanterns or crystal chandeliers are used.   Textures are a very large part of this style – rough, rustic woods and stone surfaces are played against smooth, shiny crystals and glass.   To truly understand the Belgian look, the publishing house Beta-Plus is a great place to start. 

Today, we’ll look at two houses in the Belgium countryside that typify the trendy Belgian look.


House #1


The first house – pictured above and here:

The living room – with an oversized arm chair, slipped in a neutral Belgian linen. The floors are large flags, antique - no doubt.  The accessories are a lone tortoise shell.  A basket of wood, much used, – becomes the objet d’art.  The walls are fauxed in a light khaki tone, which picks up the linen color and the color of the freshly chopped wood.




The dining table is surrounded by a mass of arm chairs, slipped in persimmon linen.  The iron framed windows open to the terrace, but can be covered against the cold wind by a lined, linen shade with curtains.  The floors are antique tiles.  The oversized chandelier becomes the focal point.



A close up of the chandelier.  Notice the accessories on the table, so typical of Belgian design, plain concrete vases and balls, with an old, antique book. 



The powder room continues the austere Belgian design – a concrete sink with a single aged faucet.  An antique window is made into a mirror.  Everything is a neutral putty color, even the stacks of towels.  As usual, the useful towels becomes a design element. 




The stair hall.  The floors are typically Belgian – unstained and unfinished planks, the color of the wood becomes the design element.  The stairs are also unadorned.  A trio of deep archways line the hall.  The console is an ancient piece – rustic like the floors.  The lamp, made out of a simple plain vase, continues the rough textured feel found throughout. 



The bedroom on the top floor opens to the large bath and dressing area.  The floor is smooth concrete.  The walls are plaster and wood planks.  Ancient beams hold up the roof. 



The dressing room, open to the bedroom, seen on the right behind the mirror.  A large chandelier lights the area.  The closets are behind the wooden plank doors.  The center island dresser is topped with concrete, and a few baskets.  Not sure who is standing there in a bathrobe!!!




The dressing room – the curtains are simple white Belgian linen.  The drawers are rough, unstained wood – the same as the closet doors.



The master bath room with more concrete and wood cabinetry.  A fancy antique mirror is juxtaposed against all the rough surfaces.  The walls are a fauxed putty color, perhaps a plaster finish.  The shower is through the arch.



In the master bath, a fancy, highly carved wood chair, sits next to an unexpected contemporary canvas.    Belgian design is all about the mood, the quiet colors, the sparseness of the interiors against the vastness of the architecture, and the textures – the rough, rustic touches mixed with smooth, shiny crystals and glass.




The dining room is seen through the open iron windows. 




The landscaping in early spring is as spare as the interiors are.  The three blossoming trees in zinc pots are the main attraction.   In the United States, we would put pots of blooming plants all around the pool!   



On the terrace, wicker chairs surround a wood table.  A lone sign on the wall adds the only decoration, besides a wicker basket with a flowering plant.



House #2:


The second house is owned by a couple who are both antique dealers and interior designers, Alain and Brigitte Garnier.  Their estate has several buildings that were renovated on the property, which at one time was a working farm.  One building, is a low, thatched roof house.




Connecting to the thatched roof smaller building is this three story white house.   The kitchen and breakfast room are located in the smaller house, while the fancier living areas and bedrooms are in the white house.




Inside, is a two story entry hall with a winding stone and wood staircase.  A large lantern hangs over the typically Belgian sparse space.  The walls are a cool putty color. 



Under a row of carved wood animal heads, sits this antique settee.  The floors are antique marble.



The powder room uses an antique marble bowl for a sink, with a single faucet in the shape of a swan’s head.



The family room has the typical Belgian sofa, slipped in linen – long and plain.  The coffee table has the industrial look that Belgian design is famous for: wood and iron.  The Garniers designed this table and currently sell it, along with other versions and sizes.   The walls are plain limed wood.   As always, the lighting fixture plays an important role in the design.    Through the opening is the living and dining room.



The antique dealer owners have many collections – here they display a large collection oxblood vases.



The family room, from the other side, with it’s long, slipped Belgian sofa and crystal chandelier.




Connecting to the family room is the combination living room and dining room – which runs the length of the white house.  The two areas are separated by a large statue of dogs on a pedestal.  Since the owners are antique dealers, this home has a more cluttered look than typical.  The floors are aged wood planks in a herringbone pattern.  



The living room, facing the sofa.  Through the doorway is the connection to the thatched roof house, where the kitchen and breakfast rooms are. 





The dining room has a large, round skirted table surrounded by tall Os De Mouton chairs, slipped in Belgian linen.  An antique chandelier hangs low over the table.  A large French armoire runs the width of the wall.    In the foreground is the dog sculpture, dividing the living and dining areas.



A close up of the armoire which holds a collection of antique Celadon pottery.



Standing between the living and dining areas is this gorgeous marble topped console with two crystal candelabras.   Always the texture, the juxtapositions of smooth and rough, fancy and rustic.



Upstairs, a bedroom with simple limed wood planks and wood doors.  Modern art plays against all the antiques and the age of architecture, itself.



Antique marble floor and tub in a large bathroom.   Unadorned and sparse – Belgian style!



Another bedroom, a rare dark room, with white linen that pops against the walls. 



The kitchen and breakfast room are located in the small thatched roof house.  Notice the beautiful wooden door and attached shutter.  The kitchen is accessorized as a living area with fine art work and lamps.



The black range with it’s black tiled backsplash.  Next to the range, the sink and countertops are marble. 



Across from the island, a large green armoire holds more celadon pottery.  Notice the charming door next to the wicker chair.



In the kitchen, an old spiral staircase leads to the upstairs loft area.  The breakfast room is through the opening.




The breakfast room, here with a wooden table surrounded by new wicker chairs with toile cushions.  The Garniers sell this chair.  In fact, they manufacture all the upholstery pieces, lamps, and new tables seen in the house.  I suspect everything is actually for sale!



Another view of the breakfast room, styled differently with a round table.  The large, original fireplace is elevated, the wood is stored below.





The two houses.  Outside the French doors across the front is the large living room – dining room combination.   The wicker lounge chairs are sold by the Garniers.  Be sure to visit their web site to see all their fabulous merchandise!


And in the United States, visit Brown, located in Houston Texas and on 1st Dibs for a collection of unique items, antique and new from Belgium.  Brown specializes in lighting fixtures and industrial design, along with Belgian design. 


  1. Beautiful, spare interiors. Every photo looks like a still life painting. A tutorial in less is more. If only I could grasp that concept!

  2. I love the soft neutral palette of Belgian interiors.
    I have taken many ideas from this look and applied it in my own designs. The slimmer feel of the tightly slipcovered pieces are slowly replacing my more over-stuffed Shabby chic chairs and sofas. Thin, simple steel drapery rods now hang where thicker more carved wood ones once hung. I am now drawn more towards paneled white oak cabinetry and white plaster walls. Belgian style really is soothing.


  3. Wow, every room is so interesting. It definitely is a lesson in less is more, but with very deliberately chosen pieces. I really love the old world furn. and accessories against the very modern. The contrast is stunning. Thanks for another great post. Hugs, Marty

  4. What a wonderful post! I love your choices!

  5. Gorgeous homes and gorgeous rooms, the first home you profiled in particular. Is the arrival of Belgian style on this side of the Atlantic the death knell for pseudo-Mediterranean? I sure hope so!

  6. This is my kind of heaven. Concrete, ancient wood, stone, velvet, linen, books, muted, worn hues and a crystal chandelier to top it all off -- that dressing room is to die for! I'll be back with my coffee to spend my morning swooning over these pictures!
    xo Isa

  7. Peaceful. That's how I'm feeling after gazing at these photographs. I visited Brussels many years ago as a college student and fell in love. Just like your photos, it is indeed a peaceful place, too!

  8. Beautiful post!

    I've now got to add Belgium design to my list of ever-growing inspirations.

    And that dining room, with the table surrounded by armchairs & that stunning chandeleer is my idea of fabulous!

  9. I think that Belgian style is coming into vogue at a perfect time - many seem to be tired of all of the excess of the country over the past 15 years (as is evident in your last post), and are looking for a less is more, quality over quantity approach. A soothing, peaceful environment as a way to block out all of the chaos of the outside world.

    I love these images, but personally find the look to be a little austere. It is wonderful to learn more about this style, though. I keep reading about those Beta books. Where do you find them?

    Out of the two houses, I prefer the first. I absolutely love the gorgeous elaborate crystal chandeliers in contrast to the simple and uncluttered rooms they are in.

  10. Interesting how all the drapery seems to 'pool' on the floor in most rooms. I love the bursts of colour here and there. Very 'rich' post. I thoroughly enjoyed learning from you today!

  11. could not be more "Belge " ;-) Belgium is my heart country where I study and lived 12 years , grey is as the sky a national speciality . I do love it a lot!

  12. I much prefer the style of the first home to the second, but the Belgian style is beautiful no matter. Great post Joni.

  13. Beautiful, but the rooms all make me shiver.

  14. My favourite Belgian house (no shivering, just chic) is the home of Edouard Vermeulen, the fashion designer and head of the couture house Natan. You can see some of his house (series of photographs) at and the rest of the beautiful house was published in British House & Garden years ago and also Traditional Home. The beauty of the worn boiserie and its elusive colour is breathtaking.

  15. I love the belgian decoration , they have such an art to match things together and their houses have a special ambiance

  16. So very beautiful.Very unique designs.i love the rustic looking walls and decor.Hugs Marie Antionette

  17. Beautiful...but what I love the absolute most is the tree painting.

  18. Thank for for the wonderful belgian tour.
    Your pictures are always beautiful.

  19. Well this is WONDERFUL! Who need blooming potted plants around the swimming pool anymore!

  20. Joni, Thanks for showcasing these beautiful Belgian homes. What I love about the decor is that it is so noble and stately looking, yet at the same time is simple and strikingly unadorned, just the way I like things. Great post as usual!

  21. It always best to have a fresh cup of coffee when sitting down to read one of your wonderful posts. Actually I feel like I have a fresh magazine (you know what that's like :) to go through! Thank you for your wonderful descriptive posts, I feel throughly educated now. Even though I'm a colour girl I would still do my own home more neutral just like this kind of design so that I can change up the accessories. Lovely post!

  22. I am SO happy to see this post. Belgian is my favorite new design "trend" and I've been looking for inspiration everywhere. This reminds me of a conversation I was just having with a friend...we talked about what the Somethings Gotta Give house would look like if it had been created today, in '09. We (not exactly experts, mind you) decided that it would probably look pretty much the same, but with a little Belgian influence - the less is more thing. Oh, what I wouldn't give to have that dressing room! Thanks Joni!

  23. I thought it was interesting that the second house had Raachel Ashwell's sheets and duvet on the Master bed.As I have pointed out before, this is very much her look, sans pattern and a bit of down!
    She uses old tile and chrome in her bathrooms, but the use of chandeliers, the spareness, lack of clutter, are the same.i LOVE that plum settee!

  24. Thanks so much for the post. Much to drool over. And to second Olivine's comment, somebody - I forget the source - said Belgian design (particularly Veroordt) is shabby chic for rich people. Alas we don't have those old marble bowls and aged planks languishing in the basement here in Illinois. But I can dream.....

  25. I actually like the first house better which surprises me because I'm not a monocrhomatic/black and white sort of person - I have to have color but I find that scheme very soothing and interesting.

    I love, LOVE. LOVE the landscaping - the pool with the trees in planters, etc. Oh, WOW! I'll never get that in my Katy backyard for sure. Gorgeous!

    When we lived in Norway, we often went down to Denmark, driving down to German, into Austria, up through Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg (oh, the fun of the Villeroy and Bach outlet!) - I love European design. And the Belgian villages were breathtakingly beautiful as was the countryside all through those countries. It was much more "laid back". I think it's the simplicity of it all that makes the design WORK. It's useful, peaceful and harmonious.

  26. Oh, dear Joni ... . you read my mind.
    My idea of heaven is to hand Axel Vervoodt a very large check - a very large castle (similar to his own) and say "Just Do It." Those belgium boys sure know about subtle textures, interesting objects and perfectly edited spaces. For now , I'll just read and reread your glorious post and keep dreaming -
    Judith de Axel Wannabe
    you requested some pics of my house - so I've posted a couple for your perusal.

  27. Interesting tour of Belgian homes and design, Joni. I love that little thatch-roofed building.

  28. Beautiful homes, Joni - lots of ideas to take away. I could live in the living and dining rooms of the second - I need color and pattern and layers. Love the wall of limed book cases and collections.

  29. I love the Belgian homes and their natural designs. The faux finish on some of the walls are so neat. The first powder room I want!!

    1. As a born and raised Belgian, I can assure you that those walls aren't "faux finished" at all. They are plaster, and the subtle difference in color is achieves by 'washing' the walls with paint that's watered down, sometimes in multiple colored paint, so that the plaster absorbs the paint at different intensities.
      Belgian houses have brick walls, interior and exterior, covered with plaster, including on new constructions.

      Sheetrock is virtually unused, except for remodeling old houses where the weight of adding a brick wall would be prohibitive.

      My sister (lower middle class) is currently building a new house in Belgium, and she's not using a single piece of sheetrock anywhere. She'll have solid brick and/or concrete block walls, covered in plaster, just like is common for the entire country.

  30. I have been following this trend since falling head over heals for it about two years ago. It is quiet, yet rich, simple, yet textual. Gosh, I'm a big fan.

    I have been looking for the cycle to come back around to the mid-70's, when big, bold graphic prints and pattern gave way to the broader "earth" movement. I wondered how the earth movement would come back in a new and fresh way, and I believe that this is it. Gone are the troubling rusts and burnt oranges of that era, and in their place is a softer take on natural materials, pale blues, soft putty, greys; and when orange does lift its lively head it is done so in a softer, better balanced way--sometimes even with shimmering crystal rising above it.


  31. I like the color in the second house. I always admire restraint in decor but can't live it if that makes any since. I just love color; it makes me happy. But I also love to flip thru my mags and admire the restraint of others (and, I suspect, they don't have small children, hee hee). I love your tutorials. I can't tell you how much I've learned from this blog and how much it's helping me focus my decorating. Thanks from Aledo, TX!

  32. The weathered, sun bleached color of the wood pieces is totally calling to me...

    Going back in for another gander.

    Love this look,


  33. Joni, another fantastic post.. I love the rough hewn beams, and the chandys hanging are out of sight. I especially the one in the den.. I'll be having sweet dreams I'll have I tried and tried this morning to comment and it wouldn't let me.. you notice I am one determined little gal.. hugs ~lynne~

  34. Very informative post, Joni. I like this calm Belgian style. I could kick myself for being so close to visiting when I was already in France, but I didn't do it!! I have some Belgian blood on my mom's side. Great collection of photos.

  35. Joni, I enjoyed this post so much. Those beams are wonderful, and I love the spareness of the design. Great looking houses, both.

    Thank you once again for a great read!

    Sheila :-)

  36. So serene and lovely. Less really is more! Great post as usual.

  37. I like the (relative) simplicity of it, and the combination of rustic and refined. Lovely.

    Great post!

  38. I love you, Joni. You are so awesome. I love "hot, hot, hot"!!! I bet you would crack me up even more in person. Since you took me under your wing as a new little bird and showed me the blog ropes, I nominated you here (will you accept my meager award? I'm not Washington Post, but hey...)


  39. That's a tremendously interesting post. You really put your finger on that European style! Thanks for the enlightenment.

  40. It may be hot, hot, hot - but it's not not not for me. Way too drab and austere for me.

  41. I could move right in. I feel that a lot of trends here in Chicago are moving this way and many of my clients want my help trying to achieve this look but still many want me to incorporate a little bit more warmth. Inspirations from Belgium are helping to create a whole new style here. Americans will never really quiet understand Belgium design. I love it and wish I could create a home just like this. But again clients insist we incorporate more elements which changes the overall look and clutters it up. I love your blog.
    Thanks for all the wonderful information.

  42. Joni - Beautiful Style-! Beautiful Post-!
    The Architecture and the Rare, Exquisite Accessories Rule here-!
    Which means it's all so Exquisitely Expensive-! Loved it-!

  43. "Monotone fabrics...and limed wood". Perfection. And the addition of some interesting pictures, (oils). I am a very big fan. To me it's not austere - rather is screams "wealth" and "class" through its understatement.

  44. Gorgeous, gorgeous! I am loving these wonderfully minimal interiors....they are speaking to me! Great post!

  45. Gorgeous! I always look forward to reading (and seeing!!) your beautiful posts.

  46. Thank you for another wonderful, educational post!I love this look,it's beautiful, but I don't think I could live in it. The dressing room in the first home!I could have a dinner party in there. It's so gorgeous!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Joni, I love this Belgium design. The Settee is wonderful.

    Be sure to look at the contest that I nominated you for!

  49. Wow Joni,
    what a great post. actually I like the first house much better than the second.

    greetings from a traveller:

    Gina from Germany

  50. I cannot say enough how much I LOVE Belgian design. I'll be bookmarking this post & referring back to it often. I need a printer that prints like a magazine because this one deserves to be on paper!!!

    To me, Belgian design is really just perfection. I feel in love with it when I first heard of it in a House Beautiful article in 2007 & then again saw a beautiful home in O at Home by a decorator who did her whole home in the style, Kirsten Hollister:

  51. The biggest take-away from this is that I'd like to buy a beautiful crystal chandelier and some comfy cushioned wicker chairs for my dining table. With the recession and all, I'll stick with my wrought iron light fixture and wood chairs for now. Thanks for the inspiration! It's nice to dream.

  52. Joni,

    Like many others, I am suffocating under the burden of out-of-control collections. Just the required upkeep is mentally, physically, and spiritually exhausting.

    When exposed to sparse, serene environs such as in House #1, I cannot help but believe that our psyche is benefitted by the calm. The eye is given places to rest in this soothing design. My house would tax the attention span of a Border Collie......way too much to herd.

    "Acquiring" has evolved into a national obsession, and some of us need an intervention. Thank you for your guidance and encouragement.

    Oh, and how I love that majestic Rottweiler lolling by the pool. I have had the privilege of being the "mom" to 3 of this wonderful breed.

  53. Gorggggeeeouuusss!!! These interiors just calmed my whole day down! Thanks for sharing!

  54. Beautiful, stunning!! I noticed that I am in love with every single floor in all of those pictures, they are sooo pretty!

  55. Great post Joni!Love the Belgian linen - much in demand in Sydney, so expensive - but worth it!
    Am wondering if many Americans may find this type of Belgian decorating too spare and unembellished, compared with the style so often shown in Architectural Digest??
    The black kitchen with the bull figurine is the only shocker! Or do you think I'm being too harsh?

  56. I just LOVE the dining table with the low chandelier and persimmon linen slipcovers. My new dream dining room. LOOVE IT! Thanks for showing me something new and different! But how can that be my new favorite room AND that Kenneth Lane library be a favorite? Totally different. And you introduced me to both. I keep a separate folder for my favorite posts of yours and what's nice about them being online is they never get dogeared like the magazines, no matter how often I look at them. Thanks again!!

  57. Joni,What a wonderful and informative posting.I enjoyed each and every picture,especially with your description.The use of textures and the different elements give each room an ease and inviting quality.Although the chadeliers were over the top grand each room felt approachable.Now that is the best type of design.Thank you for always bringing to our attention the latest and the best in design.Kathysue

  58. So many STUNNING elements to this style! I love the serenity and simplicity...and the texture!

    ...but that cow head(bull?) in the kitchen looks a leetle too authentic for me.

  59. What an incredible feast for the eyes!


  60. While I love the asthetic. However,I find your friends economic demographic breakdown plain wrong and explanation for this design trend smelling alot like a fabricated marketing story. This asthetic has been around and can been scene in French and Belguim, and to a lesser extent Dutch and Danish mags (they use more color). You can call it whatever you want but its not some emerging trend because the Belgium has no middle class.

  61. You chose wonderful examples to showcase this style. I couldn't take my eyes of that herringbone floor!!

  62. Joni,
    Stunning...I can really relate to the soft hues and and the simplicity and elegant me so much better than an over the top too much fabric decor. My sis lived in Belgium and I had the good fortune of is such beautiful countryside.

    Blessings to ya!

  63. Joni,
    Another fabulous post. I love the Belgian look - a bit austere and pared down, but textural and serene. Each week I keep thinking this is my favorite post and each week in need to add another Cote post to my collection. I have highlighted this post on my blog tihs week.
    Keep up it - You are the best!!!

  64. Wow lots of great pics again my friend! Don't ya just LOVE all the texture!!!!

    Hope your weekend is going great...maybe we can meet up at the Urban Market coming up?

    Take care and will talk later...xo..deb

  65. Gorgeous exterior on the second house, but I cannot take all the putty-putty-putty of this Belgian style. Mimsy

  66. I love Belgium and my husband's family hales from Belgium. It is a wonderful place, practical design, and full of history. Nothing stuffy nor as I like to say "girly-girl" -

  67. Hi Joni,

    Amazing post...your blog is like an interior magazine, without ads! As you probably noticed, I Love Belgian interiors, so I was all over this. My next post is related to Belgian interiors and a unique topic; it will probably take another week to finish.

    I just spent the weekend at a European friend's spare, Belgian style home. His family is affluent, as is everyone I know with this interior style. Could be that Belgian style appeals to people who grew up in opulent homes, but don't like living in a 'show house', as one friend put it.

  68. I like some of the elements but this style does not scream cozy and warm. Which is what I lean toward. I like all your in-depth posts!

  69. hey hon, wherehavyabeen????

    hoping you get a chance to sit a spell in my kitchen makeover....looks sorta Belgian.


  70. the first few pics reminds me so much of Santa Fe style...gorgeous.

  71. While living in Germany we went to Belgium a few times and I absolutely loved it.

  72. Perhaps this is the next big design trend...Getting tired of "Morroccan" - Did you see that cool fireplace?

  73. Perhaps this is the next big design trend...Getting tired of "Morroccan" - Did you see that cool fireplace?

  74. another of your classic posts. I wasn't sure it was ready to look at until yesterday, and didn't get to read it till today. This is definitely going to be one of my favorite posts to return to. After reading your analysis, I realize a lot of things I've been ogling elsewhere come out of this style.

  75. Hi. Your blog is spectacular. I wonder, can you comment on Barack's oval office. Last night's interviews on CNN at AC360 it seemed to be painted a soft green.It might be Obama's favorite wall color; I think his Chicago house had another green.

  76. What a fantastic spread! Loved it! Thanks for posting!

  77. Thank You Joni!
    You are always coming up with a new twist....some of my fav movies as well.
    lamaisonfou blog

  78. nice article upon antiques. This valentine you can gave free antiques jewelry to your love.

  79. I love the outside of the homes, beautiful! But sorry, not a fan of the interiors. We can't all like the same things, right?

  80. As a Belgian interior-architect I'm pleased that so many of you like this so called Belgian Style.

    But the information given about Belgium and his inhabitants is not correct:

    "... the sleepy county of Belgium is home to two extreme classes, the ultra rich and the ultra poor – with very few in the middle."

    Belgium has no extreme classes whatsoever but a general middle class society, like the rest of West-Europe.
    And a waelthy society is not always a garanty for good design. That is the difference between a country like Belgium, with in general a more sophisticated taste, and Dubai, for example.

  81. I adore the first house and would have loved to have seen its kitchen.

    I am struck by how similar it is to the look I am trying to achieve in my 350 square foot Manhattan apartment. Don't laugh, look at what someone did in a 700 square foot apartment, see link:

    Am at an impasse with my kitchen; perhaps I'll order one of the pricey Beta Books.

    Yours is the most inspiring of all the design websites--so much more than eye candy--it's an education.

  82. The few seconds i spent seeing these images- It took me to my heavenly world of creativity - I love it !!!!!
    10 out of 10 .

  83. I think you should get your facts straight before publishing something. Belgium is not the country of extremes, with the ultra rich on one side and the ultra poor on the other. Belgium is mainly a middle-class country, with very few ultra rich and very few ultra poor. It is much more like Holland than you think. I believe there are other more credible factors at work which make Belgium so conducive to design, such as the avant garde culture, top seeded design schools and a very demanding customer base.

  84. Kristin of Covetable Design mentioned the term 'Belgian style' en referred me to this post. It is an intriguing concept, and very interesting to see how various people are reacting to it in the comments. I was saying to Kristin how some elements of Belgian style as you define it also seem to echo the Japanese concept of 'wabi', or the modest elegance of imperfect objects.

  85. I don't remember how I got on this blog right now but I was amazed to see my house!!!
    Thank you for showing it & talking about us in your blog!!
    I have a blog myself since a while & I hope you come to visit me some time.

    Thanks again & congratulations with your (don't know the wright words for it as it is very special)!

    Warm regards,
    Brigitte Garnier.

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  89. I am sorry, but I do not agree with the designer from the Netherlands who says that the Belgians are either extremely rich or extremely poor. There is a thriving middle class, especially in the north and the farmers of the south have done very well for themselves.

    As a Belgian woman from an established family, I assure you that these designs are not typical of how our homes are furnished. We are not rusticating our estates. Rather, the foundation furniture in our homes is strong, traditional, heirloom pieces. How can it not be, with so much handed down through the family? Of course we insert modern notes and colors, and adapt it to modern styles, but I do not personally know anyone in my circle whose homes look like these.

    The furnishings of the second house pictured begin to approach the "feel" with its antique pieces, but other than that, these designs are charming, but rather affected, and certainly not truly reflective of our lifestyle.

    It would have been far better to have displayed these photos as design styles with a certain freshness, perfect for young and newly successful couples... the so-called "middle class" Belgium is deemed to be lacking.

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