COTE DE TEXAS: Copy a Swedish Room On a Budget!

Copy a Swedish Room On a Budget!





One of my all time favorite Veranda covers was of Shannon and Andrew Newsom’s house, a young couple in Dallas who own the fabulous catalogue company, Wisteria – my personal favorite.  It’s no coincidence that the Newsoms live a stylish life:   Andrew’s mother Lisa Newsom is the founder/editor-in-chief of Veranda, while Shannon’s mother is the uber talented Houston interior designer and shop owner, Jane Moore.   No wonder the younger Newsoms created such a wonderful company – they have design in their blood.  I wrote about this house before here, but recently I’ve noticed that Wisteria has begun carrying more and more items based on the antiques found in their own home – mainly Swedish.   While the Wisteria reproductions don’t have the same patina that antiques acquire over the years, the newer versions do have something the antiques lack:  affordability.  Swedish antiques are prohibitive in price to all but a lucky few, and with today’s economy, even less of the lucky few are willing to fork over the money to live with such priceless pieces, because, trust me, Swedish antiques are priceless!   Wisteria’s new offerings are very welcomed, because while there are several companies that make Swedish reproductions,  most are located in England – who has had a love affair with these painted pieces for years and years.  To be sure, there are a few companies in the United States with great reproductions, Chelsea Editions comes to mind immediately, but their to-the-trade only line has to be ordered and you will wait and wait for delivery.   In contrast, as long as their stock holds out, you can have a Swedish home overnight with Wisteria’s product.   Another company that sells reproductions, GJ Styles, who just changed their name to Halo Styles, recently introduced a Swedish line.   Though to-the-trade only – their catalogue is online and Cote de Texas will be more than willing to order their product for anyone, along with deep discounting!  And not to forget – there is Tara Shaw who just last month debuted a gorgeous reproduction line, heavy with Swedish pieces.  Again, though to-the-trade only, readers are welcome to order anything from Cote de Texas


I’ve long wished to live with Swedish antiques, but truthfully, their prices are out of my budget.   Perusing Wisteria’s latest catalogue, it occurred to me that finally – I could get some great  Swedish chairs and tables and still have money left over for the beauty shop!    While I realize even the reproduction prices are not “cheap” like Target or a flea market, they are substantially less than their antique counterparts where a single chair can go for over $2,000.     So, let’s see if we can actually recreate a decent looking Swedish styled living room/dining room on a budget.     Start with the above picture from the cover featuring a corner of the Newsom’s living room.   Of course, as luck would have it,  the very first picture would have to be nearly impossible to duplicate.  The desk with the clock is so special – there isn’t anything like it  on the reproduction market, but, lets try with this new piece from Wisteria, which may have been created just for this purpose!



To recreate the clock/secretary, from Wisteria, at just $2199.00 – though not cheap, it is a fraction of what an original Swedish antique would cost.   The finish is really special on this piece.  And be sure to watch for sales.  Wisteria is known for having great ones!




At Halo Styles, there is this Swedish desk for around the same amount as Wisteria’s.




For even less, from Halo Styles, is this Swedish cabinet with the traditional detailing. 




The desk with a Swedish clock is highly unusual and very rare.    If you were looking for an exact copy, Tara Shaw Antiques has this beauty in their store right now. This piece is the real thing – not a copy!!!!!




In the original picture, the chair is  Swedish.   I found an exact copy of the chair in the Tara Shaw Maison line!  It’s an amazing reproduction, at a fraction of the cost of an original.




To replicate the altar candlestick found in the living room - Target on-line has this set of three - a true bargain at $149.00.



Aidan Gray – to-the-trade – has a wonderful assortment of reasonable reproduction altar candlesticks.    Their web site will find a retailer in your area, or Cote de Texas can order them for you.



And this beautiful assortment of altar candlesticks is available from Tara Shaw Maison.  Again, Tara’s reproductions are near perfection.   Antique altar candlesticks start at over $1,000 and up, way up, so buying a reproduction makes good fiscal sense.




On this side of the living room, the Newsom’s installed an antique limestone fireplace.  While, this is definitely cost prohibitive, there are companies that sell copies of these mantels – another way to get the look without paying the price.




Mantels are made of concrete to resemble the original limestone antiques, and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes.  One day I would love to replace my wood mantel with  something like this that includes an overmantel.      





The next important element in this room are the chairs.   These could be either Swedish or French bergeres.   Halo Styles has two Swedish armchairs that would be great substitutes.  This one has open arms.




This chair from Halo Styles has closed arms.   Of the two, this one is my favorite.




From Wisteria, this cane chair would be great to use in the room – and for $799.00 the price is low considering the quality.  The finish is truly beautiful!




For above the mantel, Wisteria sells this little sunburst mirror for $179.00.  At 19” it is very small, but effective.




Ballard Designs sunburst mirror is much larger at 46”, $279.00.







A hot new look in antique designing is books on the fireplace, but placed so that the pages are showing – as the Newsoms have done.   Lately in antique stores, I’ve been seeing bound books sold, without their covers in order to achieve this look.   Wisteria takes it one step further with these charming boxes – stacked two or three.  $44 and $49.  




Wow!  Ballard Designs has this ottoman for $445, in a sage check fabric too!   I’m not sure it wouldn’t be as cheap to have an oval ottoman custom made – and get that extra double ruffle detailing that is missing here.  But if you don’t have access to an upholsterer, this is a great alternative!





Finishing out the room, is a small sofa, two antique Swedish chairs and a few tables.   Wisteria makes the sofa easy for you to copy.




From Wisteria, this sofa is an almost exact copy of the one in their own home!  It comes in a host of different colors, but all in a plain pattern.   I don’t know if they accept a COM (customers own material), but it’s worth asking.    At $2,399.00 it’s not inexpensive, but the detailing – all the tufting and ruffles and down does not come cheap.   Very charming!



Or, from Ballard Designs for just $1,087.00 – you can get this settee, with casters, and the sage green check!  What a steal!!!!!! 





Again, Wisteria copies their own “coffee” table almost exactly.   For $699.00.  Great price for the value.




For the skirted table, Ballard Designs comes through with a plain linen fabric at $287.00.    Again, it might be just as cheap to do it yourself – especially to get the double ruffle effect of the Newsom’s own table. 




Wisteria sells these  Gustavian chairs for $289.00   You could use these here, or in the dining room or kitchen.  I love this chair – it’s so authentic looking and the finish is wonderful.  Love the checked fabric too.




Halo Styles has a chair that looks more like the Newsoms chairs, and at a great price.






For the end table, though not round, this Swedish painted table from Wisteria is just beautiful.  $549.00.   Halo Styles has more tables similar to this, but not quite as pretty.  Again – a wonderful, wonderful Swedish finish.





The rug – how would you duplicate the dhurris that are without color, pattern – the subtlety of it?  Ikea sells these flat, wool rugs – in different colors and sizes.



This rug from Ikea looks pink here, but it’s actually an off white.   This might be a great substitute for the more expensive dhurris seen in the Newsom house.   Or there is always seagrass which is wonderful to use in a Swedish style room – with it’s white walls.




In this part of the room– two Swedish barrel chairs flank a console.  Wisteria has provided us with both!  Thanks Andrew!  




This barrel chair is a great copy.  These chairs are so very expensive when antique – so at $799.00 – you can get the look with out having to put out too much money.  What a fabulous copy!!!!!



Wisteria’s new Swedish console – at $1,499.00 – not cheap, but what a beautiful piece – notice all the detailing.  The finishes on the Wisteria’s pieces are amazing too.




Tara Shaw Maison has a barrel chair, too – another beautiful piece – and not much more than the Wisteria chair.  This chair has a nailhead trim and notice the lion heads!!! Beautiful!   




The antique leather screen is very difficult to duplicate.   Hunt Ebay, Craig’s list, or Ruby Lane for a cheap version.    Or at $499.90 -  this screen from Horchow is a nice alternative.  Not the same as a leather screen – but passable.  If someone has a source for good screens, let me know.  One thing you could do is  buy handpainted wallpaper and frame it.




$189 from Home Decorators.   You could antique this screen for a nice effect.



Or buy some old shutters!      These shutters are so pretty and would look great in a Swedish room.   You could always buy untreated new ones and leave them outside.




 Lowe’s has a tutorial on how to make a screen.  This might be a good alternative. 



To duplicate the statuary – go to a garden shop and get a concrete piece, rather than a cheap resin copy from a store like Z Gallerie. 



And for the stool under the console, GJ Styles, or Halo Styles, has this darling foot stool.



For $229, a great price, Wisteria has this Swedish stool in oak.



From Wisteria, this authentic copy of a 18th century trumeau, at $799 would look great over the console.



The dining room at the Newsom’s  house – this would be tricky to copy for one reason – the table.  I had trouble sourcing this, but I did come up with a few ideas.




First the clock.   Halo  Styles has several different Mora clocks in several finishes.  Here in blue is one – I love these Mora clocks  - the shapes are so feminine.  There is a wonderful fairy-tale quality to them, like Cinderella at the ball!  



And another style!  I just adore these clocks – anywhere - in any styled home.  I have one myself on a stair landing – it makes me smile each time I see it!!!   How can you not smile?



This chair from Halo Styles or  GJ is a close  match to the Newsom chairs.   Any Swedish chair would do here.





The major problem to copy in this room is the dining table.   I have a client right now who wants a table exactly like the Newsoms and I can’t find one at any price!  So, to find one on a budget is a real hard one to accomplish.   BUT, Wisteria does have this metal table which is a nice alternative at $999.00 – a folding medal version.  Not bad!




If you love the scroll – how about this console from Wisteria?   At $149 – buy two – and add a painted wood top!   I think that is a genius idea!!!  Haha. 



Or, have a skirted table made – like this one that Pam Pierce created - (love her double ruffle effect!).    Then, use one or two of the scrolled consoles to get the effect!  I think that may be my favorite solution.   Use any of the Swedish chairs shown with it. 





The biggest bargain of the room is this chandelier, found on Amazon, Yes! Amazon!   The Regency style mimics the one at the Newsoms, but much less expensive.  Get it here for $862.00!!!! Antique versions of this chandelier start at $5,000 and up.




This popular picture on the blogosphere was taken from a Houston house photographed by House Beautiful.  I wrote about it extensively here.  It’s not from the Newsom’s house, but I thought it looked like it could be!    How could you reinterpret this small sitting room for your own house – on a budget?   The homeowner actually created this wallpaper copied from an original Gustavian home.  She bought black and white botanical prints, copied them on a printer, and then had them hand painted!!   BUT – you could find a calendar with images similar to these, copy them on a printer, then paste them on the wall.   I know it sounds very labor intensive and maybe it is – but how gorgeous is this??????   Once the prints are on the wall – you could put a wash over them to antique them.   It would be worth a try. 







Halo Styles has an array of reproduction Swedish sofas.      These are two of my favorite designs.   Again, the real thing is so expensive and these are great copies – the detailing is so exact.   These sofas make good accent pieces in any design really, not just Swedish – in bedrooms at the end of a bed or in a sitting arrangement,  in a living room, or an entry, or in a dining room instead of chairs on one side of the table!   Both would need a soft cushion and loose pillows – and they both could be upholstered in a checked fabric – a traditional Swedish look.



Notice this adorable set of child sized Swedish furniture from Wisteria!    The sofa is $169.00 and $249 for the two chairs.  This would be so adorable in a playroom OR if you did a Swedish styled home, one chair or the sofa would be a cute accent in a family room.


Thanks to Wisteria, Halo Styles and Tara Shaw Maison – today you can purchase Swedish furniture and not spend a fortune.  Wisteria and  Halo Styles have really invested in the current Swedish trend and that makes it great for  you and me.   Even if you don’t want to go all out Swedish, these painted pieces are beautiful on their own and would make great accents mixed in with other design styles such as  French, Belgian, and even contemporary! 



  1. You always introduce me to new resources, Joni.
    I loved getting to know Tara Shaw, and now I can add Halo Styles to the list. Their pieces feel wonderfully authentic.
    Wisteria has been a favorite of mine for a while. I have saved the Veranda article on the Newsom's home in my inspiration file.
    Great research, as always.


  2. Joni, what a wonderful post {as usual!}. You have really done your homework in giving us alternatives that are more budget friendly. I too have the Newsom's home in my tear sheet file. What inspiration!

    Professor Joni....You've done it again....You get a 100%! :)


  3. While I am a bit partial to the real thing because they will hold their value over time, a well executed reproduction can be a wonderful alternative.

    Thanks for the in depth and interesting post.

    Tricia - Avolli

  4. I love this post - right up my alley!

    For the iron table - do you have an ironworks in town? We have a few in Atlanta - places that make custom iron stairrails and such. They could make a table like this for you quite easily.

    I just had several Chelsea Textiles pieces delivered last week (after waiting for 4 months) - and I am thrilled. Two of the pieces I ordered were a Swedish style console and a little stool. I can't stop admiring them every time I walk by!

    Which GH Styles/Halo Styles mora clock do you like better - the tall one or the regular one?

  5. Joni,
    Love this post! Never hear of Halo, so will check them out.

    I would also like to add in Zentiques as a great resource for Swedish style reproduction chairs and Groundworks for zinc tables. Both are quality manufacuters.

    Also, I adore the Tara Shaw Maison Mora clock - lovely workmanship for the price.

    But, I do agree with Tricia, there is no mistaking a quality antique if you can afford it. But mixing in good reproductions is always an option.

  6. And you offer to let us order through your connections too, amazing.

    What I need is a good resource about painting existing furniture in the Swedish patina. With your pictures as guide, I'll google the method, and get started.

    Comment about resin pieces in the garden is so true. Don't do it. Some resin pieces, if large enough, can be coated with a coat of small leafed ivy or creeping fig, depending upon your zone. You'll get the shape you want from a focal point without the cost.

    Have a great Mother's Day Joni XO Tara

  7. Hands down, Joan, you are the best! I love your big heart too.

  8. Wonderful furniture!! Very pretty!!

  9. Thanks for the tutorial. I'm in love with the sofa and the secretary! Beautiful! And I have to tell you Joni that I am so enjoying The Skirted Round Table. You ladies are doing an awesome job!

  10. Joni:
    I'll be dreaming in Swedish blues, grays, and linens tonight!

  11. I am visualizing a re-do in one of our guest rooms. The color combinations in these photos are so inspiring. This room has one rather small west window so I think the cool blues will be just what it needs. Thank you for sharing your time and talent with all of us.


  12. Are you sure you arn't from Georgia, cause you are sure a peach!!! What a wonderful blog and I learned something too.

  13. You are so good, Joni! Thanks for all of the hard work sourcing these budget conscience finds. The Skirted Roundtable Budget show was great as well. Thanks for sharing!

  14. i've never commented before, but i've been following your blog for the past few months (since i saw you featured in BHG). i love this post... what great inspiration. i am hoping to purchase a mora clock as my "next big purchase"! also, i wanted to tell you that Joyce Horn Antiques, here in Houston, sells those metal tables. I was eyeing them when we needed a breakfast room table, but I couldn't talk my husband into it. They have them in oval and round, and the run about $3-$5k. This was about 2 years ago so I am not sure if they still carry them. Happy Day!

  15. Beautiful poat! Joni I adore Wisteria catalog; I did not know about the connections to Veranda and Jane Moore!

  16. Hi Joni~

    What a great POST! So informative! I love how Wisteria has changed, grown and adapted through the years! So refreshing to see how YOU were able to show us how we can achieve a highend look with a budget and newer pieces. I LOVE this post! EVERYTHING! Thank you Joni!

    ~Miss Kris~

  17. This is a fantastic post....those reproductions are truly amazing--especaily Tara Shaw's work. But a little depressing--I'm an antiques dealer who has a passion for the real thing with the old patina, etc. But after seeing these beauties at great prices--maybe I'm in the wrong field. Loved the resources...Thanks for all of the hard work.

  18. Wow, Joni. This was a really wonderful post, as usual. I LOVE the zinc table, too, and the clocks and the Bergere chairs. It's just all so beautiful! I have a Ballard side table that I need to recover and have been toying with the ruffled skirt look. I may just have to jump in.

  19. Beautiful post -- and wonderful sources for gorgeous furniture! BUT don't forget about the classic DIY -- and check out your local Craigs List --

    Here's a listing from the DFW area -- two curvy armless chairs for $300 or best offer! Just imagine what a soft gray wash of paint would do for the wood -- and perhaps a lovely linen on the chairs?

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage

  20. Here's another listing for a sofa with GREAT curvy lines for a mere $85 in the DFW area -- on Craigs List! Just think of the wonderful lines covered with a great linen!

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage

  21. What a wonderful post full of excellent resources and ideas, Joni! You should get paid for blogging.

  22. I keep saying you need to write a book. You have the interest/impulse to do the research, love the work and love the sharing of information. I think all of the Cote de Texas readers should start doing their networking thing to link you up with a publisher. Nothing like a little pressure, huh?

  23. It's true that those Mora clocks make me think of Cinderalla at the ball, or that any minute it'll start to talk and walk like in a disney movie!

  24. I do love Wisteria and was sad to have just missed a trip to their outlet my last time in Dallas. Though for me, the charm in their pieces lie in mixing them with other styles. I'm not sure i could do one of these rooms where that is the entire span of the room. Still, lovely, lovely things.

  25. Great post Joni! I know how much time and effort goes into doing a post like this... and it's a lot! But isn't it great, when you've done the research and can catalog it away for quick access later? The most wonderful part, is that you share it with all of us!

  26. Wow, Joni! Thanks for the step-by-step guide to creating such a stunning space. I was completely unfamiliar with Swedish design. I just love the subtle combination of colors. The space looks so peaceful and lovely. I have always found most antiques too fussy. But this is something different altogether. What a wonderful look and feel. And a big thanks for the introduction to Wisteria. It will definitely be a frequent stop for me online.

  27. I love the colors in swedish design...they are so pretty and calming. I also LOVE mora clocks!..and yes you are so right about them having a cinderella quality lol. They really are special, such beautiful shapes. Thanks again Joni for such a great post, I always learn new things here.

  28. Joni, such wonderful put together post, lovely. Where can I find these beautiful simple buffet lamps, shown in one of the pictures? I seem never to come across something so simple, yet elegant.

  29. Love the lighter colors..but the swedish style is a bit minimalistic for me...funny thing is - my Mom was 100% Swede!

    Anyway - wanted to ask you a question. Have you ever had to purchase more memory space since you download so many pictures? I am having to do that - I am sure because of all the photos I download on my texas saddlehorse blog. You are the only other person I know who loads tons of pics. Thanks!

  30. joni, i, too love the new wisteria lineup! in fact, the swedish book box and the starburst mirror just showed up at my door yesterday! but i was not aware of halo styles and i have to ask -- could you tell me the price and the dimensions of the chicago dining table? i am also interested in the mora clock. i would need to wait for my renovations to be completed to purchase the mora clock, but i am definitely interested. also, i was looking for a similar iron table too, and found one on mecox gardens online. here is the link: i wanted to buy it when i saw it, but at $2600, it is too pricey for my kitchen table. hopefully, it will work out for your client. i don't know if you can post prices of the halo styles pieces on your blog, so if you need my email address, i will send you my email address. thank you so much as usual for all the inspiration that you provide!

  31. Joni,

    I skilled metalworker could make that table very easily. The trick would be getting the finish right. About a month or so ago I think I saw that exact table in Houston at the antique shop in the same shopping center as Shabby Slips. The name escapes me at the moment but a well known shop you know. The older I get the worse I am at remembering things. It was in their extra showroom behind the main storefront.

  32. This must have been a fun post to research. I am intriqued by the Target candlesticks and if they were $50, I'd give them a try. My favorite photo is dining room with the round metal table. Maybe they have one on 1st dibs, but you know it would be $$$$ plus shipping $$$$. I really like the Wisteria iron scrolled console and can't believe it's only $149. My checkbook is calling to me....Deborah

  33. Joni,
    You are awesome! Love this blog post! And I love, that Veranda cover and Wisteria! Thanks for the info- those altar candlesticks are my favorite!

    You Take Care now!

    Zuniga Interiors

  34. Hi, Joni!

    This is one of your best posts ever! I am almost speechless. Know that I will be referring to this again and again. What an amazing job you have done to describe the options to get this serene, clean and beautiful look. THANK YOU!!

  35. Suzannec - email me at

    if you have any questions.


  36. Teacats - thanks!!!
    love your Craig's List finds!!!!

  37. What a treasure trove of information. Thanks for introducing me to some great new sources.

  38. Your comment made me laugh, but also really think about it. You are so right!! And I feel so strong about both colors and they are not that differant. You need to do a color post...thanks

  39. Joni, I was so excited to see your post because I love Wisteria and also have the Veranda article on the Newsom's home in my file! I've ordered smaller accessories from Wisteria but have always been too nervous about ordering reproductions without seeing the quality in person first. I think it is AWESOME to hear an interior designer with positive things to say about reproductions! Of course the real antiques are amazing and I am slowly collecting things as I can, but I am only 30 and in the meantime I would still like to have nice looking things! You may have given me the confidence to add a few reproductions from Wisteria (or your other great suggestions) to our new home! Thanks so much!

  40. SUPER post! I love this fresh, clean and uncluttered. I know that wouldn't last in my house; I'm a "too much is never enough" kind of gal! :-) It would only take me a couple of weeks to add a whole bunch of "extras"...



    PS....thanks so much for your visit!

  41. Joni!
    Loved this post! You turned me on to GJStyles/Halo a few months ago and I have visited their showroom at the Atlanta Mart, I have my eye on a couple of chairs now. I adore Tara Shaw Maison's barrel chair....loverly!
    Blessings Girl!

  42. I have a friend from design school that used to work for Jane Moore. I had no idea her daughter started all time favorite design catalog! Small World, isn't it?!

  43. Uh Oh, I saw a couple of Tara Shaw pieces there OK?


    Great pieces here...especially the upholsted chairs...there is something about down fill.


  44. Hi Joni! Had to stop in and see what was happing. Karla & I have done a similar project with Xeroxing pictures for wall paper.... never thought of painting them! Oh are heads are spining with the posibilities! Love those botanical prints. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Karla & Karrie

  45. Joni, you are amazing. Where in the name of heaven do you find the time to constantly come up with such lengthy and informative posts, with so many images, and to scout out so many resources like this all the time?

    BTW, thanks for listing me in your blogroll! I just noticed it today.


  46. * I am ALWAYS in A*W*E of you, Joni~ ALWAYS! And the time, effort & CARE you put into all you do for others is just incredible!!!... Such a DELIGHTFUL, INFORMATIVE & PRETTY read today, as always!

    NOW, am off to listen to YESTERDAYS "discussion" that I actually have "prepared for" ~ my special, "time-out snack" of a crisp, red apple & a pellegrino, on ice, w/ fresh limes! Sooo, everything's gonna be "JUST YUMMY" here in a minute!

    Hugs n' TUs as ever,
    Linda in AZ *

  47. Joni, I loved this post. I love looking for new sources and always get excited to find new ones. Thanks for all your hard work! Carol

  48. What a feast for the eyes!

  49. This is close to my personal style due to my heritage. What a beautiful collection of images you put together Joni. Gorgeous as usual. :)

  50. Thank you so much for this awesome post! I learn so much from reading your blog. I appreciate it.

  51. What a beautiful post!!!

    As a designer...and I have family from Sweden.. I love it all!!

    A big step up from Ikea! lol

    Thank you for sharing all the wonderful vignettes and room settings.

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.


  52. Very informative post and so appropriate for people who want style without spending a fortune.
    When do you find the time to source all this and to write it down in such a descriptive way?!Amazing Joni.

  53. So that's why Wisteria is so wonderful. It's in the genes.

    Lovely as always, Joni!

    And Happy Mother's Day to you!!

  54. I love your blog. And the Veranda cover that you discuss is one that I have held on to since the issue came out because it is such a perfect vignette. Thank you for the tip about Halo Styles. I'm already a fan of Wisteria and Aidan Gray (and I know about Tara Shaw), but now I have a new vendor to get excited over. Thank you.

  55. sophiedahydesignsMay 11, 2009 at 8:43 AM

    Check out our arrangements in Aidan Gray vases on We will be adding some on our ETSY shop in the near future. Love Wisteria!!

  56. Joni,
    So happy to learn more about Wisteria and it's proprietors. I posted a few of their items a little while ago with a couple of things in mind....Mother's Day being one. I topped my photos with the lovely blue & white hanging lantern & dropped a hint in my comment box to the wonderful Mr. Porter. Thanks to my got the message & we have been enjoying the candle-lit lantern every evening.
    Thanks Joni for taking it up a notch. I now know more & am thinking the Texan/Gustavian look is a good thing!

  57. I would appreciate more visual materials, to make your blog more attractive, but your writing style really compensates it. But there is always place for improvement

  58. Absolutely beautiful! We love these photos!Great photos on the Swedish Decorating Style!Thanks for sharing these awesome design photos! We love them! For more Swedish Design ideas check out Swedish Dekor at

  59. Some very nice pictures that you got.
    I found some modern bar stools that could perfectly match few of the ambiances i saw.

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  61. Really a great blog with a best thoughts and ideas are shared thanks for sharing such an interesting article about Swedish room budget.

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  62. The french bergere chair reproductions is beautiful. You have done an amazing. I spent many months researching different companies that sell a french style upholstered bed. I finally made the decision to go ahead and buy the Chelsea upholstered bed. Extremely pleased with my decision. Below is a link to the product page. Good-luck with your upholstered bed shopping.
