COTE DE TEXAS: Help Celebrate Cote de Texas’ Second Birthday With A Giveaway!

Help Celebrate Cote de Texas’ Second Birthday With A Giveaway!




Yep – that’s her!    That’s the chic and oh-so-very cool Cote de Texas grabbing her Tinkerbell bath products gift at her 4th birthday – Nov. 20, 1958!  Forgive the 4th birthday – there are no pictures from my second birthday party.     Now just look at me.   That’s true excitement in that face!   Not much has changed either.  I still get that excited over gifts and bath products – except Tinkerbell has lost some of its charm through the years.   OK – for any one who doesn’t believe me when I say my nicknames growing up were Frizzball, Bozo, Zulu, et al – here’s proof!   Guests shown at my party are my late, sweet Aunt Mary helping with the gifts and her daughter, my beautiful cousin Josette, sitting right next to me, all prim and proper in her party dress with her red hair in a pony tail.   She looks a little jealous of my Tinkerbell gift though, doesn’t she?   Her older sister Sandy, in a striped shirt,  is behind her with something that looks like a pompadour – not sure WHAT is going on with HER hair!   Next to Josette is the girl whom I owe my present day legally-blind status to.  Lisa.  She truly was near-sighted and wore thick glasses which I badly envied – so much so, that I am convinced I faked my first eye examination just to get some glasses.  I do remember pretending I couldn’t see the blackboard in school and walking right up to it to peer at it (my first acting job) – just so I could get those beautiful horned rims.   Remember, this was eons before designer glasses.    There’s someone in front of me wearing a Go Texan hat.  Why?  I have no idea.  It’s probably my little cousin Joey.  


imageI know that look well.  Impatiently waiting to get through the cake ceremony so I can open my gifts.  That hair!!!!!   You’d think someone would have brushed that brillo pad on my birthday!    My poor Aunt Mary was really working it hard that day.


We were known as the Three J’s – Josette, Joni, and Joey – all named after our grandfather Joseph.  We used to really think “The Three Js” was a big deal and even today, we still proudly refer to ourselves as that.   Brainwash a child long enough and they start to believe you.     I remember this birthday party –  and I truly remember that gift!   Obviously it’s because there’s this photograph of it:  I surely don’t remember another single gift from that party.    I do vividly remember that dress I was wearing – probably because I wore it for all fancy occasions and there are a lot of pictures of me in it.   My party was at Kiddie Playland – on Westheimer, right past where the Galleria stands today, for all you baby boomers from Houston.  Remember that little roller coaster?   And the helicopter ride?   Uh, you really don’t care about any of this – you just want to know about the giveaway!  Admit it!    Just hang on, ok?    I’m going to drag this out a little.   It wouldn’t be Cote de Texas if it was short and sweet, now would it?


scan0003  Aw, happiness!  Another great “girly” gift!   Finally – my mother, her arm at least, on the left.  And Josette is behind me trying to maneuver her way in to see the latest present.  



May 28 was really Cote de Texas’ second birthday –  I’m a little late by a month with this celebration.  I had all good intentions of doing a give away on the proper date, but, I got bogged down by other stories – like “Battle of the Sexes” – that very important tale of Ben’s new fan.   So when the nice people at  CSN Lighting approached me about a giveaway – I thought it would be the perfect way to celebrate the day my life changed forever when I wrote my fabulous – I mean fabulous -  first post, which I repeat here now, for you to read.  Now, brace yourself if you have never read my first post.  It’s a killer.  Truly - Terry Sapienza from The Washington Post really missed out when she didn’t nominate my first post for the “Best Blog of the Week.”  OK – are you ready to be blown away by pure genius?  Maybe you should sit down.  You are about to read such words of wisdom, that people immediately flocked to Cote de Texas for more!  More!  They cried – give us MORE!   ok, ready?  




Where are the grammar police when you REALLY need them?  God, that was awful.  And I love how proudly I state my mission, yet I haven’t lived up to it at all!   France, France, France.  That really went by the wayside quickly.     And notice too how I’m begging for comments on my first post  – how arrogant!  It actually took a full 7 months to get my first comment on it.  And look how my sweet friend, Things That Inspire, was obviously looking for a good laugh a few months ago when she read my first post.  Hopefully, like fine wine, or a French antique, Cote de Texas has gotten better with age.  It certainly couldn’t get any worse.   What a stinker!

OK, OK.  On to the giveaway!      As  a HUGE thank you to all the readers who have supported me the past two years – CSN Lighting is offering my readers a fabulous giveaway.   You just go to their web site and pick ANYTHING you want that is $100 and under, then come back here and tell me what you picked in a comment.   If you win, it’s yours!    AND, I’ve got a second place prize too – from Kenneth Turner.    You have until Wednesday, so get busy.  The link to the web site is at the bottom of this post.  

But first – let me show you are few things that I picked out from the web site that I would want myself, if I won, that is.   CSN Lighting has thousands, I mean thousands of items and I spent hours picking out these things.  They also have a wonderful search engine – you can put in a specific item you want AND then on the left side – choose the price you want to spend – it makes it a little easier to navigate through their immense inventory.   But, I do encourage you to take a look around at all price points.  If you are in the market for a light fixture or a home decor item – this is the place to find it.  There are a lot of items on sale too.  

Below are the things that caught my eye.    And truthfully, I couldn’t look at every item, after about five hours, I had to stop and write the story!!!!! 




Laurie Smith designed a lighting line for Quoizell – this sconce comes from in at $99!   I think it is really great looking to use down a hallway – or as a pair over a console.  The price is phenomenal.   It comes in three finishes too.  Love, love, love this!  CSN also carries Martha Stewart’s FABULOUS line  – be sure to search under her name too.  Some of her items come awfully close to $100.




Kichler makes a great outdoor line – but I would use this inside, in a kitchen or a laundry room - I love this fixture!  Search under Kichler Outdoors to see the entire line.



I really think this set of mirrors is great – you could hang them flanking an armoire or a breakfront or on both sides of a bed behind the nightstands!  I also think they would look great hanging from bookcases on either side of a fireplace.  #PPI2733




 I really like this vanity mirror – how pretty would this be in a powder room, or in a master bedroom on a desk!  Love this!!!! #0fn1248




I thought the shade was so pretty with this aquamarine lamp – what a perfect accent lamp for an entry console, or between two chairs.   Doesn’t it look much more than what it costs?  #JCO-X3353




So cute!  There are hundreds of storage units under $100 – I just liked this particular one a lot.   #WN1243




There are many different hanging shelves for the bathroom or a laundry room or a kitchen.   #EHF1137




Perfect for a million reasons – one being that it’s so cute!   Load it with rolled up white towels for the bathroom or powder room.  #BAM1097



This one reminded me of Layla from The Lettered Cottage for some reason!  #HF2572




I would put this in a living room between two French bergeres.   #OFN1246



Oh wait – I already did!!!



I’ve been dying for a clock like this!   #UH1397



Or this!   #UH1335



k                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 image

Or this one – love the pendulum.    #HW1118



There’s more art work than you can even imagine!  I’m a sucker for a vase of pink roses.  Or peonies. Or hydrangeas!   #WRV1085



 image  Pretty turquoise lamp, great detailing and great shade!   #CBK1648




A couple of these candlesticks would be so nice on a coffee table or console – 26” tall!    They come in white too.   ASH1047




This model reminds me of Brooke from Velvet and Linen.   #AMD1241




This looks like an antique oxblood vase to me – beautiful!   #FG1063




Think you can’t afford Wedgewood?  Think again – there are many Wedgewood pieces at CSN for great prices!   I particularly liked this one.  I think Wedgewood blue looks so beautiful massed together in a breakfront.  #WED2164.



image It is really a pot rack – but I would get rid of my upper cabinets and store my dishes on this!   #O21042


image And I’d put my pots, here!   #RR1026


   image Brushed nickel!   #PG7064




Lots of rugs – all sizes, shapes and styles.  This black and white striped one would look cute in a kitchen or in front of a sofa.  #CV1849



This pendant light comes in different colors – I am drawn to the red for some reason.  I would use this over a kitchen sink, or put a couple over an island.  Darling!   #GX2616.



Lanterns – they have lanterns, for indoors and out!   #GX2309.




Great pendant!   Wouldn’t these be wonderful over a bathroom vanity?   #PG3105.



image  Sweetness personified.  Love, love, love!   #MXL2438



Yes, this IS under $100 – as is everything that I have shown!!!!  #GX2292



I just love these industrial type of pendants.   So much better than the art glass pendants you see all over the place!  #IT2688



This floor lamp would be great between two cozy armchairs.    #GCH1164



And, saving the best for last, these buffet lamps are two for under $100.  Yes, you heard that right!  Two!   The shades are adorable!   Search under “lamp sets” to see all the pairs.   #LO3086


Now that I’ve shown you what I would get if I won – it’s your turn to pick out what you would want.  After you find something you like with a value of $100 or less on the CSN website, leave me a comment telling me what you’ve chosen.  And don’t fret- if you win and you change your mind about what you want, it’s fine, ok?  We’ll let you do that.   And, don’t forget – you get two chances to win - there will be a second place winner, too.    One winner for each birthdays year!

Finally, I want to thank each and every one of you for all the support, friendship and LOVE you’ve shown me these past two years!    I am in constant awe of your generosity of spirit and know in my heart that if it weren’t for you – I’m not even sure there would still be a Cote de Texas.   Just knowing you are out there reading the blog gives me a reason each day to sit down at the computer and try to write something that will interest you and entertain you.  Without your loyalty, it wouldn’t be nearly as meaningful or fun.     And I want to give a special thanks to ALL the Cote de Texas “stalkers” out there – you know who you are.   You really went that extra mile and I’ll never forget that. 


***To enter the contest, go to the CSN Lighting web site, by clicking here:  CEILING LIGHTS.   GOOD LUCK!!!!!!


  1. There is nothing that I need, except to wish you Happy 2nd Birthday! You have done such a brilliant job over the past two years, and been a good friend, to boot!


  2. Happy 2nd Birthday! Love your blog!!!

    I'd choose this light fixture to replace the tacky one currently located in my powder room.


    Minka Lavery - Agilis Two Light Vanity Light in Black

  3. What a wonderful giveaway! I would definitely choose the Minka Lavery - Three Light Mini Chandelier.

    It would be soooo perfect for my workspace.


  4. Oh, Miss Joni!!! You never cease to amaze!!!! What a fun birthday celebration!!!!! Happy, happy 2nd birthday!

    May I tell you the truth....You are adorable in those pictures! I LOVE YOUR CURLS!!!!! :)

    I'm lovin' that bamboo shelf! You're so could use it in a million different ways.

    Thanks for being such a great sport and putting up with crazy stalkers like myself!!!! You are such a hoot!

  5. Happy Birthday Joni. I hope to enjoy many more years of posts.
    So many items and so little time....
    Lately I am enjoying an Asian slant on my decor. I think I would want OFN1246. The Garden Stool that is so much like yours. It is beautiful and could be used in so many different places. My fingers are crossed that I'm the winner!

  6. Happy Birthday! I love all of your selections, as always. The outdoor lighting is amazing!

  7. Joni, Happy 2nd Birthday to Cote de Texas! I am most appreciative to have been the recipient of some of the blogging wisdom you have gathered over the past two years that you shared with me, a new blogger. Also, I have thoroughly enjoyed your posts. Thank you!

    I checked out the CSN Lighting website...they have some wonderful styles.

    I am almost healed... just need to get this fog lifted from my brain from the anesthetic and other meds. Thanks for you comment.

  8. Ah, now we are two!! Congratulations, Joni! You know I love to visit here. I wish you a wonderful are celebrating aren't you???

    I also love your childhood photos. Curly hair!! What a luxury.

    And that aquamarine lamp. Divine.

  9. I know folks who would kill for those curls! Happy 2nd year of blogging. I always enjoy popping over and seeing what you have to say.

    ch4201-22, the Adesso Floor Clock/Mirror. I know a 16 yr old who would love it!

  10. Feliz Cumpleanos Cote de Texas! I too love the twin mirros PPI2733.
    I have learned so much from your blog and anxiously await your new posts. Keep up the good work - now I am off to spend 5 hours on the CSN website.

    Sue Anne

  11. Joni, happy 2 years! You're just a little behind me, mine was in Feb. Oh, my it would be so fun to win something from them. I love that mini-chandy you posted: MXL2438 and would love something like that over my office nook space. A girl can dream!

    Hey, doesn't anything remind you of ME!? :)

  12. Oh Joni, you were a darling little girl! What a generous, lovely and wonderful giveaway! Congratulations on 2 years of wonderful blog posts! Loved that first one! (I think the first time I found your blog-back when I was a stalker)-I spent hours and hours and days and nights going through every post-including that first one!) I'll be back to tell you what I liked at CSN, but from the looks of what you've shown, I can see it will not be an easy decision! laurie

  13. Wow! Joni, they have some super neat things! I love that vanity mirror. I'm crazy about table top mirrors like that. It's SO neat. What a fun giveaway. Thanks! And I'm so, so, SO glad I found you as I think you might know I love your blog!!!


    Sheila :-)

  14. Happy Anniversary,

    If selected I would like 2 of these -- Progress Lighting - Ceiling Mount Directional in Urban Bronze. How timely, I have been looking for lights like but have been unable to find. Love your blog!

  15. Happy Birthday Cote de Texas! And thanks Joni for the fantastic blog and this fun opportunity. I need a new fixture over my kitchen sink. Dolan Designs Sylvan Park Mini Pendant would do the trick quite nicely.

  16. Happy 2nd Birthday! Thank you for your wit, wisdom & impeccable eye for details.

    Check your BallBox email account for a little gift coming your way.

    Best Wishes,

  17. Happy Birthday Joni !!! And you were a beautiful little girl too. Put me down for either of the blue lamps...just kidding, I would like to enter for the two buffet lamps LO3086, this was so much fun. As always you are the queen of blog land.

  18. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday Dear Cote de Texas!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    & many many more!!!!!

  19. Was thinking about the rather rude comments of a few days ago and perhaps Fair Use was what the writer was alluding to?

    What is "fair use," anyway?
    The United States government has established rough guidelines for determining the nature and amount of work that may be "borrowed" without explicit written consent. These are called "fair use" laws, because they try to establish whether certain uses of original material are reasonable. The laws themselves are vague and complicated. Below we have condensed them into some rubrics you can apply to help determine the fairness of any given usage.

    The nature of your use.
    If you have merely copied something, it is unlikely to be considered fair use. But if the material has been transformed in an original way through interpretation, analysis, etc., it is more likely to be considered "fair use."

    The amount you've used.
    The more you've "borrowed," the less likely it is to be considered fair use. What percentage of your work is "borrowed" material? What percentage of the original did you use? The lower the better.

    The effect of your use on the original
    If you are creating a work that competes with the original in its own market, and may do the original author economic harm, any substantial borrowing is unlikely to be considered fair use. The more the content of your work or its target audience differs from that of the original, the better.

    We recommend the following sites for more information on "fair use" and Copyright laws:

    University of Maryland - Copyright Laws
    Fair Use Guidelines

  20. Happy 2nd Birthday JONI! and thank YOU for all you do.. your posts are so inspiring and educational!! You are truly bloglebrity!!! ha ha!! Love your blog and I am sure if I had the pleasure of meeting you in person I would love ya even more!! Here's to MANY more birthdays at Cote de Texas!!!

  21. Happy second birthday to you and your fabulous blog!!!
    Many happy returns!
    Love - Victoria

  22. Happy 2nd Birthday! The pics of you as a kid are priceless!

    My pic is the George Kovacs Wall Reading Lamp w/metal shade.

  23. I LOVED Tinkerbell bath products when I was a little girl. I had forgotten all about them.

  24. A big bloggy Happy Birthday to the girl with the curl! I absolutely loved your stroll down memory lane. It was too too precious.

    Right now I am living with a circa 1990 brassy fixture in my foyer and no $$$ to replace it.

    The sea gull lighting GX 2309 comes pretty close to perfect.

    Fingers crossed and blessings to you!

  25. Happy birthday/anniversary, Joni! Here's to many more.

  26. Just want to wish U a HAPPY 2ND BLOG ANNIVERSARY Joni!

    I scooted over to the Website and YES, they actually deliver to Canada. Yipee! (Have it bookmarked for reference.) Shan't be entering your contest but will wish those who do; Good Luck to ya all. -Brenda-

  27. I have no clue if that troll meant fair use vs. stealing other's written work. Fair Use is a hotly debated legal issue in blogdom. There have been a few cases where blogs were ruled to be fair use in regards to photos. Blogs are educational which is fair use. they aren't a money making enterprise which is fair use. even blogs that advertise fell under fair use. There are cases against the blogs too. it has not be decided def. by the courts but the ball appears to be in the blogger's court. the problem with blogs vs fair use is usually in the entertainment business where photos are scooped by people like perez hilton - not him, but others - when the photo was going to be on the cover of the new People. These blogs are robbing the magazine's of their upcoming issue by preprinting the scandulous photo. Pictures of Mariah Carey's wedding were one such event that a lot of bloggers got cease and desist letters.

    as for MY blog - the pictures I use come from magazine web sites which appartenty the magazines don't have problems with. too many of us have relationships with editors, etc. that would have asked us to pull their photos years and years ago if they had a problem with it.

    I have been asked to pull photos that come from real estate web sites before = which I have done promptly. but really, i didn't have to do that. anyone can sue over the issue. let them.

  28. OMG - you were such a beautiful little girl (and a beautiful lady!). Congrats on your second birthday Joni. My blog turned 3 in March but I did not have time to celebrate with all the goings on. And I am not as famous as you, so didn't bother with a big hurrah. But YOU- thank heavens for you in the blog world. I have learned so much.

    No need to enter my name in the draw. I don't have time to go troll through the site, although I am in the need of some lighting, though I don't think what I want is less than $100. Ok, put my name in and if I win, I will go pick something out - maybe a lamp. I am a lamp addict.

    Love u and your beautiful birthday pictures. What a doll!

    xo Terri

  29. Those have to be the cutest picture ever. Seriously. And not the lights! Congrats to you on two inspiring years!!

  30. Happy 2nd Birthday! Those are the cutest pictures, thanks for sharing them. I always enjoy reading your blog, it provides so much inspiration.

  31. Happy 2nd birthday Joni! I love reading your blog. If I have a choice I'd go with the natural fiber rug you found for the give away - I heart stripes, they rock.

  32. I loved seeing the pictures of you as a little girl! I can understand why your hair was a mass of curls given the humidity in Houston. I often look at pictures of myself as a child, and wonder why my mother never did my hair. Now that I have girls, I understand - sometimes a little girl simply will not allow anyone to mess with the hair!

    Did you notice the chic Greek key on your Aunt's skirt?

    I love that first sconce you featured in this post...beautiful.

    Happy blog-birthday! I started my blog soon after you started yours, and you were one of my very first readers.

  33. Happy Birthday!!! And so hard to pick just one thing but the sea gull single light brushed stainless steel pendant keeps stealing my eye!


  34. Happy 2nd Birthday! I love your curly locks! I could always use a a pewter chandelier, gorgeous ! Thanks for the chance:)

  35. So you were just about the most darling 4 year old in Texas, ever. I cannot relate to the concerns about your hair... You had the hair I coveted... for my whole life.
    Mine? Bone straight, even when my mother put rag curls in on Saturday night. Within 30 minutes of taking them out for church they were weak and barely bent.

    Happy 2nd birthday to a woman who exemplifies Texas glamour and grit.

  36. Happy Second Birthday, CdT. Thanks for letting me be a tiny part of your successful young history!

  37. I don't have to tell you why I am thrilled that you started a blog!! What a fun way to get to know my woulda been sista! You inspired me from the start, you are a great blogging model for me now, and I love watching you grow and get better every single time you post. I told you a long time ago, you have found your calling! Happy blogging birthday!! xo Ann

  38. Adorable all the curls! Congrats on two years...that's awesome! Can't wait to see what the next two hold!

  39. Uh... that troll is an idiot. You critique and talk about what inspires you. Is it stealing if a book critic quotes from a book? No. You explain why you like Charles Edward's lamp, so why wouldn't you show the picture of it? You don't claim to have been the photographer of his store or the lamp designer of his lantern. This argument doesn't even make sense to me. WE LOVE YOU, JONI!

  40. Happy second birthday, Joni! You inspire and delight many readers, including this one. :) Your birthday pictures are adorable! My 25 year old daughter has hair just like that. Twice as long wet as it is dry. LOL!

    I love this lamp.

    SKU #FG1120
    Fangio - Table Lamp in Old English

    Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! ~~Rhonda

  41. Joni you were and are an absolute doll!! I love your curls!

    Happy 2nd blog birthday! I've enjoyed getting to know you, these last two years. Looking forward to more!!

    I love your choices. Especially the industrial look pendant. The second (outdoor) fixture is very similar to the ones in J's bathroom.

  42. Happy Birthday! I truly appreciate your work and look forward to your postings. I've learned so much from you!
    I loved this site-- I'd never seen it before. I would choose MU2588 bathroom vanity Bentley 2 light fixture to replace what we have in the powder room. I love the oil rubbed bronze lantern you chose, though... So many great finds!

  43. I enjoyed reading your first post-I've followed you for a while but not that long. And your curls were precious.
    My choice for your give-away would be a limoges box to add to my collection.
    Happy Birthday!

  44. Happy blog birthday. May you do many future posts from the Cote d'Azure itself (but please do come home afterward).

    This is what we need: "W.A.C. - Low Voltage Archable Arm Display Light with Plug-in Electronic Transformer" to light a tall picture with ginko leaves in our bedroom. You've probably seen the picture; it's everywhere. It makes a beautiful pool of light in one corner. But our cheapo light isn't up to the challenge.

  45. Happy Birthday! The curls are precious and perfect. To celebrate his starting high school, I'm redecorating and moving my son into a larger bedroom while he's at his grandparents' this summer. This clock: Infinity Instruments 13314BK-2510 would be perfect!

  46. Hi Joni! How exciting! Happy 2nd blogversary!!! This is an amazing giveaway thank you! I love the nested tables SKU #WN1040 they would look great here in my living room!! Happy blogging! Vanessa

  47. I found your blog over the weekend. I am in love. I am currently working with a designer on houseplans for a European Cottage look. Your website gives me insight. Thank you.

    The Black Mini Chandelier - SKU #TI1792.

  48. Happy Birthday. If I win, I would re-gift the prize back to you so you would have another gift to open on this birthday....maybe better than the Tinkerbell gift!

    Keep up the good works!!

  49. Happy B'day!!

    The Sleeping Partners Wrought Iron chandelier would look so good in my younger daughter's room!

    Thank you for having such a great giveaway!

  50. Congrats Joni, You know you are a muse to me. Loving the pics from when you were a little girl. I can't wait to see what the next two years have to offer.

  51. I adore your blog! COngrats on two years and may you also have many more! My pic is the George Kovacs - Grid Pendant - coolio! :)

  52. Happy 2nd Birthday!
    i actually think your hair was darling : )
    If I won,I would pick the mini pendant in bronze.


  53. Happy 2nd Blog Birthday! I love forward to reading your blog daily and have reread many posts multiple times. Your take on design as well as your sense of humor have brought all of us much joy!

    Thank you for everything,
    Nancy W.

    PS-I love the mini pendant as well!

  54. Happy Birthday! Love your blog... I'd choose this one: Sea Gull Lighting - Trenton One-Light Directional Mono-Point in Antique Bronze. It would add light to my inspiration!

  55. From a girl born just a few months before you with both that hair AND glasses, let me say I think you were (and are) beautiful!

  56. I would choose the Minka lavery sconce in brushed nickle MKL2372 $99 since I already have the ceiling lights. I am repurposing my Dad's old office to a guest house. It is in the old Brookline neighborhood in Houston.

  57. Joni, thank you so much for a wonderful blog. Congrats on 2 years and here's hoping for many more! Love the bamboo shelf.

  58. Joni, are stalkers allowed to enter? Well, I'd kill (or stalk) for the bamboo shelf. And, no matter WHO wins....your blog will always be a hit with us. Happy Anniversary!!!

  59. Joni...The happiest of blog birthdays to you!

    I believe yours was one of the first blogs I found and read regularly.

    You are always an inspiration...and a consumate professional!'re a curly girl! Who knew??? (what an adorable litle bright eyed bushy tailed girl you were!!)

    We are working on our outside curb if I won (and I AM crossing my fingers!) I would go for a Kichler - Architectural Bronze Contemporary Accent Spot Light Set. Easy peasy!!

    Keep doing what you do curly girl!

  60. Happy Birthday Joni.

    Every morning when I get to work I get excited about what Cote de Texas has in store for me that day. Your blog has inspired me in so many ways! Keep up the good work girl and never let the few haters bring you down! :)

  61. Just discovered your blog this month and have been busy catching up on 2 years worth. I guess you could say I'm hooked.

    It was hard to decide but I think GX4848 would look great in one of my bedrooms.

  62. Hi Joni!
    Happy Birthday!! You are a generous and wonderful friend!! I have been following your posts almost from the very beginning. You(and Linda M.) were my inspriation to start my blog!! And now two years later you are still willing to help, answer questions and give advice. You have taken blogging to the next level with The Skirted Roundtable! Amazing!! Have a wonderful day!! I send you cyber hugs!! Wishing many more years of Cote De Texas!!

  63. Have to agree with you about the vase (Fangio - Martin Richard Daleville Porcelain Bottle Vase). And they ship to Canada!
    Congrats on two successful years.

  64. PS- I love the first sconces you featured, but in brushed nickel or pewter.

  65. Happy birthday Joni!! The childhood pics are adorable. You are truly a blog girl with true intentions of educating and delighting all of us!

    The Kichler sconce , and since i just did the baths that charming double basket shelf would be perfect. so much to love!

  66. I went to the lighting web page but didn't see the give away link for contest. someone please tell me how to do this.

    thank you.

  67. Happy Birthday! And many more! Love the pic's of your 4th birthday, I think you look adorable! Love your expressions! Thank you Joni for your lovely blog, I sit in wonder of how you possibly get anything else in your life done. You must not need sleep! Thank you Joni!

    I like this pretty little chandelier for my girls' bathroom:

    World Imports Lighting - Three Light Mini Chandelier in Whitewash Pecan

  68. I'd go with your pic for my entry hall lantern gx2309. Thank you for all your beautiful posts and generosity with your talent.

  69. Happy 2nd Blog Birthday! I'm glad to see your blog has evolved and it's definitely one of my faves!

  70. Michele from BostonJune 30, 2009 at 8:48 AM

    Congrats Joni on a wonderful 2 years. Even though I discovered you late, I enjoy your postings every day. Must say that your suggestions were the top - so for me that lovely stool - OFN 1246. I never win anything so it's nice of you to even offer this to your readers. Hope the sun is shining where you are.
    All the best for both you and your blog-
    Michele from Boston

  71. Joyeuse fete! You rock, Joni!

  72. First, "Happy Blog Birthday!". I have been changed as a designer (for the better) by reading your posts over the past two years. Next, I love the "messy" curls. I have the same Shirley Temple locks and my mom DID comb through mine--a terribly painful experience, which resulted in a fuzzy, moppy mushroom--your ringlet's are adorable. Lastly, if I won the CSN contest, I think I would either select the "Lite Source - One Light Mini Pendant Lamp in Aged Copper" or the gorgeous garden seat you selected for your living room.

    Best wishes for many more wonderful posts to come!


  73. Thank you, Joni, for this offer, and congratulations on your 2 year blog anniversary. You blog is my favorite! I choose the Wedgewood vase you chose--SKU #WED2164. Cece Cross

  74. Happy Birthday! Here's to many, many more! I would choose Minka Ambience - One Light Table Lamp in Weathered Brass -- and buy a matching one!

  75. ooh - I love this: Quoizel - Tiffany Butterfly Table Lamp in Architectural Bronze with Off White Glass - I've always wanted a tiffany piece - this might be the perfect time!

  76. Oops - didn't mean to remain
    anonymous! Happy Birthday! Here's to many, many more! I would choose Minka Ambience - One Light Table Lamp in Weathered Brass -- and buy a matching one!

  77. Delurking to wish you a belated happy blog birthday and to say that I thoroughly enjoy your site. Keep up the inspiring work!

    It's difficult to choose, but I would likely select SKU #UM4039: Uttermost - Newport Oval Beveled Mirror in Bronze. I think it would work well in my powder room.

  78. Happy Blogiversary! Isn't CSN great? Love so many of the items you chose -especially those round mirrors!
    Keep up the good work -and you were the most adorable little girl EVER! Those curls are so cute, don't brush them away!

  79. Well at least your curls came naturally, I remember getting my first and only prem at that age.:-(
    Happy 2nd year of out-standing Blogging, You truly give us your all.
    Thanks for giving us the CSN Lighting web site. I found a pendant fixture that I have been wanting for way less then I was going to spend.
    PS: I think you girls at the round table have found a topic to talk about in the Troll's comment on Fair Use, I know I for one, would love to hear what you think and know about that topic.

  80. Happy Blog Birthday!

    It's a tough choice but I'd like the Sea Gull Lighting - Sebring Weathered Copper Outdoor Wall Lantern.

  81. I love your blog- one of the first ones I check each day.

    I would choose the Contas 4 tier etagere for my bathroom. (

  82. Happy 2nd blog birthday! Joni you are one classy lady, and your giveaway...classy...
    Thanks for giving us the CSN Lighting web site...I have bookmarked it so I can use it for clients, they accept paypal..and they ship to Canada!
    If I was to win, I would love the CV1849, 2'x4' rug for my kitchen...if I don't I will be going back to buy it...great find, thank you...
    Regards, Carol Ann x

  83. Happy Birthday! what adorable photos, and that first post is priceless :) I had never heard of CSN before - they have a lot of really well priced and good looking items, I would pick the 'Sea Gull Lighting - Sebring Black Outdoor Wall Lantern'. I have been lusting after replacing my houses door lanterns with something more appropriately country :)

  84. Happy, happy 2nd birthday! You crack me up at times, and your posts are educational. Humor while learning..a perfect combination. Love how you can laugh at yourself, and express your feelings when a not so kind comment is made. We can all relate.

  85. I just love the clock with the pendulum! (HW1118)

    and i know just where to put it!

    bon anniversaire!

  86. Happy Birthday! I enjoy reading your blog daily! Thanks for pointing out CSN Lighting, I would have never found it on my own! I would choose Minka Lavery alabaster wall sconce MKL1032. I would love to replace the 5 year old builder's specials in my hallway.


  87. congratulations, joni, on cote de texas turning 2! i've enjoyed reading your posts the last few months. pam

    ps i'd choose the haverhill pendant from hudson valley lighting. perfect for over my kitchen sink.

  88. Happy Birthday and congratulations on such a fabulous job for two years now! I love the tripod lamp you picked (#GCH1164) and that would definitely be my choice!

  89. Well, Congratulations from a fellow Houstonian! I love the Tahoe Mini Pendant, too.

  90. Happy Birthday to you and to ME! It's my birthday today (but I am much older) Your blog is darling and the lights are great. However, I love the clock by Infinity Instruments - Two Sided Charleston Clock Thermometer. I love the double sided look. Hope you have a great day and I will too.

  91. Happy Second Bloggy birthday!
    Your dark shiny curls are adorable!!!

  92. happy blog birthday! what a great giveaway... but so many great choices made it hard! but i would have to go with this wall fixture for my guest bathroom, it definitely needs an update..
    Maxim Lighting - Three Light Vanity Light in Frosted Glass (7143FTSN)
    Finish:Satin Nickel

  93. Happy Birthday!

    Love this post as all the others. What a cute little girl with gorgeous curls!

    I went to the website, but my connection here at the beach is sketchy and downloading pages takes forever. I saw some lovely things and have bookmarked the site for when I return home to a higher connection speed.

    I'm currently shopping for a casual, French country inspired chandelier for my master bedroom. I saw a few possibilities!

    Again, Happy 2nd Birthday and here's to many, many more!

  94. Love, love, love the little bamboo table! Just redid our master bath and it would look great paired with the white hex tiles, subway tiles and carrera! Can't tell you how much happiness this blog brings me. And the fact that you have so kindly responded to my pestering emails is just, well, beyond generous.

  95. HApPy 2Nd. I wOuLd ChOoSe tHe:

    Sea Gull Lighting - Three Light in Heirloom Bronze Pendant

    My husband hit my stairwell lighting fixture with a ladder, so I need a replacement BaDlY.

  96. Sorry I'm late to the party. Happy Blog Birthday. It was very touching to read your first post. You are as sweet as you were from day one!
    xo xo

  97. Joni...bless your heart! This is just too much fun! Thank you again for all you do. You are such an inspiration!!! I am trying to finish my closet/ dressing room...finally matching hangers all facing the same direction, neat little stacks of sweaters and scarves...and, the best part...not one thing of my husband's! All I need now is that sweet little Minka Lavery 3 light mini chandelier.

  98. First off Congrats on 2 years of blogging! I just want to tell you that you have a wonderful gift and I feel like I win a prize every time I read your blog! I love the ideas I get from your site.

    Second, thanks for giving us a chance to win a prize!!

    I would have to pick the Minka Lavery - Del Rey One Light Nook Pendant in Spanish Crackle. I just got a Tibet Door as my kitchen table and this fixture would look neat over it!! (Well if it doesn't then you'll have to help me pick one that does!! HA!

    Have a great day!!

  99. I'm in love with the Glenna Jean - Chandelier

  100. Congratulations!!!!!! So glad I found your blog....
    Mo ;-)

  101. I love your blog! I choose the Laurie Smith Sconce for Quoizell SKU #QZ5036

  102. Oooh! A contest! I choose the stool SKU # OFN1246

  103. Happy 2nd- I'm so glad I found your blog long ago- it is still one of my first stops every morning!!

    I love contests!! I pick #GX2311- it would be just what my bedroom needs :)

  104. Two years, infinite wisdom shared, lots of laughs and each post is like a little present in my inbox. Thank you for all the inspiration and the fab reads!

    I would go for the pair of baroque candleholders. Everything is better in candlelight!


  105. I really LOVE your blog. I'm inspired every time I read it.

    I would go for the SeaGull Lighting Sussex Three Light Semi-Flush Mount in Heirloom that's a mouthful!

  106. Happy Birthday, Joni.
    Your blog has become such an amazing resource for me. I can't tell you how many hours I have spent searching and reading.
    Nobody is as thorough as you are. Every post could be a book.
    Thank you for all that you have given to me (including your perfect advice this morning).
    You and your C de T make me feel like I have a nurturing, supportive friend behind me when ever I feel unsure about a job I am working on or a bloggy issue.
    I look forward to sharing many more birthdays with you.


    BTW: Love that boat. :)

  107. wow...I litterally spent all morning long on this site. Here is a clever lighting option from Mary Kate and Ashley

    Elk Lighting - Mary-Kate and Ashley Create-A-Shade Plastic Chips

    for $10! Of course you have to get the light that goes with them...but I am serisoulsy considering this for my daughters bathroom. How clever and what a great way to change out the colors if you want!

  108. Happy Happy Joni! I love that it took 7 months to start getting comments on your posts and look at you now....109 comments on this post! Keep up the great work inspiring all of your loyal readers, you're wonderful.

  109. Happy Second Birthday from a nearsighted Lisa, who still has frizzy hair, and remembers the thrill of receiving Tinker Bell on her birthday.

    I will soon be in need of many lighting fixtures, as we are building, and will need to replace the boring fixtures. Sea Gull Lighting - Traditional Five Light Olde Iron Chandelier would fit the bill wonderfully for one of the changes.
    Thanks for the website. I have it bookmarked, and will be returning when I can actually order.

  110. GX2309 -- The wonderful lantern! To replace the ceiling fan in my living room -- BUT YOU have to explain the change to my DH!!! (I'll be too busy popping out the champagne corks!!!) Many thanks for all of your hard work over the past two years! Stilllllll waiting for your decor book ......... LOL!

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage ((who would sell tickets to hear the exchange between Joni -- and my DH! ))

  111. Hi Joni! Happy 2nd blog birthday!! Love your curls and always wanted them myself.

    I picked this outdoor lantern (#MGO1168 ) for our family room we're finishing up right now. (can't wait to show you pics- we ended up going with wall-to-wall seagrass because after so many images of it on your blog, i fell in love. ha!)

  112. Happy 2nd year Blogaversary, Joni! Oh, I too love coming by your blog! Love your LOOOOOONG posts! ;) I really do and you have so much to say!

    Now you must pop in to see me! I've put your gorgeous Bathroom snap up for all to see!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  113. Happy 2nd Joni! XOXO!!!

  114. Happy Birthday Cote De Texas!

    I have finished reading all your archives and have learnt so much, you are truly inspirational.

    Thank you Joni for all your wonderful work!

    Just in case CSN Lighting travels further than Canada lol, I do love Meet the Girls buffet lamp (K16682)

  115. Oh, Joni! I forgot to say - you were so darling with those beautiful curls! What a cutie and you still are a Most Gorgeous One!

    Continue to be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  116. Congrats and thanks for the swell contest.

    CSN Lighting needs to know that their website crashed on me 3 times in ten minutes when using search parameters to refine search.

    Anyways, loved the sale section and for my selection (I loved many things in the Uttermost line):
    Uttermost Marble Armillary Table Lamp in Brown. If it came with a black shade I would weep with joy.

    Thanx again Joni !

  117. Happy 2nd Birthday Joni....just want you to know how much I appreciate all the work and knowledge that you share with us.
    I know you must put hours into your posts. I would love to own the clock HW118.

  118. Cote de Texas--I've been dying to have one of those demijohn lamps that was pictured in your blog last spring featuring Memorial Antiques & Interiors merchants. Yikes those antique bottles are expensive! So, I am making mine (BIG GRIN).

    For the giveaway, I would like to chose the Living Well White Drum Dupioni Hard Back Shade--it will look tres chic with the demijohn. Wish me luck--lord knows I am no electrician.


  119. The curls are to DIE for!! Happy Birthday, Miss Joni! It's been a great 2 years of driving my husband crazy over your blog!!! I will go with your suggestions and choose LO3086 lamp set!! Many, many, many more!!!
    Staci DeGregori

  120. Joni-I came across your blog over a year ago and now can't wait to get your new posts. I absolutely love your blog and all of the beautiful homes (including your own). I live in Connecticut but can't wait to go to Houston to visit some of your haunts! The CSN website is HUGE but I do think the Bamboo54 3 tier shelf would be usesful! Looking forward to much more blogging! Mary

  121. Oh Joni! Happy 2nd Birthday! I have followed you almost from day one, when I discovered you quite by accident after I googled Lynn von Kersting! Forgot all about her after I clicked on the link to your wonderful blog! I have shared you with friends and strangers who had no idea what a blog even was! None of us has EVER been the same! You are First Class my dear!!! I NEVER miss a post!
    For my light fixture, I would choose the Castlewood Walnut 3 light mini chandelier. Such a nice giveaway! Break out the bubbly!

  122. I really enjoy reading your blog everyday. I live in Houston, too. I love the last picture of the buffet lamps.
    Thanks for such a great place to be entertained and to learn!

  123. Congratulations on two fabulous years! Here's to many, many more...

  124. LOVE this blog, Happy 2nd Birthday!! Just discovered Cote de Texas last week and I love it. The Grey Gardens post should be put together as a coffee table book, it's amazing.

    For under $100, I really loved this light,and would love to work it into my bathroom redo:
    Kichler 2621NI - Seaside Indoor 1 Light Incandescent Brushed Nickel Mini Pendant

    Joni, Thanks for all of the great posts, keep the inspiration coming!!!

  125. GASP...I am just catching up from your last two weeks! Happy BlogBirthday to you. I tell my friends that your website is addictive. are getting very good with your new lens. That was a fun two weeks I just reveled my way through. Best...Mimsy

  126. * (Sung to "Unforgettable", by Natalie Cole:) "INSPIRATIONAL, that's what you are!"~~~~~~

    Sooo Joni, I'm guessing your two years of blogging have TRULY gone by quickly!!! I have just a few truly "MY FAVE" blogs, and of course, your's is one!

    If my name is entered just by visiting here, AND announced the winner too, I would like to "transfer" that win, if I may, to your daughter~~~ for HER enjoyment~~~!

    HAPPY CELEBRATION "Oh-talented-one", and THANKS for EVERYTHING you do for so many!!!

    Warmest wishes and thanks again for all the WONDERFUL, day-brightening blogs!!!

    Linda in AZ *

  127. (OOPS! Forgot earlier to add that I am SHOCKED~~~ truly SHOCKED, Joni~~~ that NOBODY noticed/mentioned how you look like the PRECIOUS SHIRLEY TEMPLE in those pics~ "the cutie with the curls" as she was called in MY family~ (OOPS! Guess I'm "DATING" MYSELF, huh???)~~~
    Happy Smiles, Princess~
    XO, Linda

  128. Happy 2nd birthday!! This is so much fun as your blog always is. I can not thank you enough for all the help you have given me by reading your blog!! You are amazing!! Keep up the fantastic work. I would love an iron chandelier for my late 70s kitchen redo!!
    Joni from Dallas

  129. I really could spend all day on this site! I would love to win 2 of the ET2 - Flash One Light Directional Wall Sconce in Chrome. They are so modern and would look great in our new OLD house! Thanks!

  130. Your blog is inspiring!
    I would choose Progress Lighting - Brookside Antique Nickel One Light Outdoor Wall Lantern 10" x 10.75"

  131. Minka Lavery - Three Light Mini Chandelier in Taylor Bronze... so french... perfect for this franco-phile!

    With little room left in my garden Cottage, I simply must add this sweet little jewel to the collection...

    Happy Birthday! Fellow blogger!
    LOve Love LOVE! Your style and attention to detail!

    A true Fan...

  132. Love, love your blog and wonderful taste all I can say I wished you lived in Miami. I would choose castlewood mini chandelier, thank you and wishing continous celebrations.

  133. Hi Joni,

    Happy 2nd Birthday :) Oh what a giveaway....hubby has been wanting a clock so I'd choose #HW118 love that...or those Buffet lamps for me LOVE EM...

    I can't get over the prices !!

    Love your blog, it's always fun to visit....

    Kathy :)

  134. Le deuxième Anniversaire heureux!
    Working in my home office, day after day I delight when I see the little email notification window popping up with "Cote de Texas", and instantly go to my email to be whisked away to some amazing home someplace. I've enjoyed reading your blog and listening in on the "Skirted Round Table". Thank you for providing hours of entertainment, travel without the airfare and knowledge. You inspire me. I suppose I've become like so many others a cyber-stalker!
    For me I adore the Chinoiserie stool. I would feel like Royalty resting my cup of coffee upon the stool alongside my favorite cream and black damask chair.
    All the best - Andi


    HERE'S TO MANY MORE. What are you doing today to celebrate this special day? I hope you do something nice for yourself to mark this special occasion. I will jump on the bandwagon along with everyone else (and I know I've said it before) THANK YOU.. THANK YOU to you for being just you and always taking time out for us here in blogger land. To give us your gorgeous photos and indepth and informative stories. WE SALUTE YOU...
    Love hugs and kisses

    Tasmania, Australia

  136. Happy Second Birthday to a very talented and most generous woman. Your blog is a ray of sunshine. I think the lantern #GX2309 is amazing for the price. I would replace the builder's cheapie fixture in my entranceway with this beauty.

    Wishing you many more birthdays.

  137. Alrighty, I give up. I spent hours looking at that site, and I found many wondrous items. I could be in love.

    But, after all of my browsing. I want the piece of Wedgewood you showed.

  138. Congrats & Happy Birthday! Love your blog and all of the truly detailed posts... you inspire so many of us as well as teach us to see the details. Thank you!

  139. As we say in Italy! Auguri!! Happy B-day (B-log)!!
    I must say that piece of I'm very partial to WED2164 --always have been weak in the knees for it!

  140. Happy Birthday!!!!!

    In my new home near Canyon Lake, Texas I have tons of space above kitchen cabinets and LR wall unit cabinets with ten foot ceilings. I desperately need some guidance in this area. I moved from a small house to a very large 10 foot ceilings and it seems everything I own is small now. I have a few tall things and need a source for perhaps some affordable greenery and grapevine. Would you please consider giving me a direction? Thanks, Pamie G.

  141. Wow...141 comments...That's amazing!
    Congratulations and Happy Second Birthday! Your blog is full of inspiration and great design. I definitely need to check out the skirted round table. Wonderful idea!
    All the best,

  142. Knew that pic was you the minute it loaded. Those lovely eyes!! Curls were cute too. My clock died and it was very similar to the one you posted. I would love to replace it with Howard Miller 620-257, SKU #HW1118. Love your blog...out of the huge number that follow lurkinly, I have gotten so that I check yours first. Happy

  143. Happy second birthday Joni!! COnGraTulAtiOns too!!! Those pics are so sweet!! I look forward to many more Cote De Texas birthdays !! :0)

  144. Happy 2nd birthday! Thanks for the hard work you put into your blog. I always enjoy reading it!

    My choice is $3 over, but I would go with the Minka Lavery Three Light Mini Chandelier in Castlewood Walnut. It wood look perfect in my master bath!

  145. Happy 2nd Birthday, Cote de Texas! I love the blog, Joni, and hope there will be many more birthdays to come.

    My husband & I just bought our first house together and we are gutting the entire thing, so I would seriously be able to use just about anything from the CSN site. But if I could pick only one thing I think it would be the World Imports Three Light Mini Chandelier SKU#WOR1176. I have no idea where I would put it (I have about 12 rooms to chose from...) but I think it is adorable.

    Thank you so much for the advice you gave me on hardwood floors and lighting; I'm still in awe that you really do answer each and every email. Cheers to your 2nd!


  146. Happy Birthday!
    Probably the Minka 3 light chandelier-can't have too many chandeliers.
    I added one to my laundry room this year.

  147. Happy Second Birthday! I really enjoy your blog.

    I would choose the Great Outdoors by Minka - Montellero Small One Light Outdoor Wall Lantern in Vintage Rust - Energy Star
    $95.90. LOVE IT!

  148. omgosh - look at all the comments - i picked you out in the b'day picture immediately - blogday wishes to you - i have been enjoyed skirted roundtable at night with my needlepoint - your regular cote d t posts are great too

  149. Love the blog... I have been a magnet to design blogs lately because as you noted several design magazines have gone away..what to do with my obession............ Thanks for the fix! I like the brushed nickel light fixture #7064 I could add some seagrass chandelier shades??

  150. Happy, happy blog birthday, sweet Joni! You continue to amaze me with your vision, your taste, your industriousness and above all your genuinely kind heart! I'm so glad we *met* through the blog world.

    Technically it is still *Wednesday* in Texas, so I hope I'm not too late to enter your contest. That is quite a web site you linked us to! If I won, I would replace the chandelier in my breakfast room that has a tendency to collapse on itself (the arms are not fixed). It takes an act of Congress just about to get the thing balanced. I saw several on the CSN site that would work, though I would probably consult with you before making a final decision. I really like the one you featured, #PG7064, and also the Sea Gull Lighting Traditional Five Light Olde Iron Chandelier.

    Thanks for everything you do, Joni! You're the best.
