COTE DE TEXAS: More Changes at Maison Cote de Texas!

More Changes at Maison Cote de Texas!




Remember this latest change at Maison Cote de Texas (I love how that sounds - makes it seem so glamorous!?)   A new lantern was finally hung after waiting patiently for over a year in the garage.    The reason for the wait?    I first needed permission from Mr. Slipper Socks Man to take down his beloved ceiling fan.   And remember his gift to me?  That huge black and silver thermometer to the right of the TV?   See that gorgeous piece of metal next to the even lovelier TV?     It came from Brookstone, I think, some store I never even heard of before.   I seriously cried for two days looking at that abomination.  The only thing that kept me from smashing it over his head was all your hysterical comments – many of you  have this exact fan – a gift from your own husbands!   Oh, the horror stories you shared with me.  One husband actually went out and bought huge RABBIT EARS for a tiny kitchen TV!!!!  Thank God that digital is now mandatory and she can finally toss out the useless antenna.





Wait – here’s the close up.   Pretty isn’t it?   For a thermometer!  Love the cord too.   The sad thing is, after Ben had proudly pointed out all its wonderful features – the fan never worked that well:   it was noisy and it wasn’t very powerful.   AWWWWWW, what a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    A few of you wrote me that he should check out Restoration Hardware’s retro fans.   Then, out of the clear blue, he shocked me one day when he came home with a cool looking fan in a box – in black!   He tried all day to put it together and finally gave up, taking it back to RH for help.  I very sweetly asked him to exchange it for the silver fan, much less noticeable than the black version.   




Ta-da!  Well?  It’s better, come on, it’s a lot better, admit it!  It’s retro cute and the silver version kind of disappears into the background.  The fan is very quiet, much quieter than the Brookstone one, and it works so much better, too.   It actually gets very cold in this room at night.  The best part?  Mr. Slipper Socks Man is one happy camper now (well, not really.  You see his only child, who is now 18, is away at summer camp and he’s sooo mopey and sad and depressed!  God knows what he is going to do when she leaves for college next year!) 





Ceiling fan problem solved.  On to the next issue.   Remember last year I posted about my guest room and the zebra rug?  I asked you should I take it out or leave it?  Most of you said to take it out.  You speak, I listen.   Yes, it IS a year later,  but last week, I finally got a brainstorm about where the zebra would look better.



Zebra rug – gone!   This picture was taken last year,  today it is now cluttered with you-know-who’s crap, but that’s another story.




Viola!    When I got our new coffee table a few months ago, I realized the zebra rug might look good down here.  Before, the old coffee table was too low to the ground and the proportions were all wrong for the rug to go under it.   But now, I think it kind of looks good here.   You can disagree, of course!   But I’m happy with it here.   After the last post about What’s In/What’s Out  – care to count all the trends in this room?   Suzani, zebra pillows & rug, lanterns (2), sunburst mirror (out of view), coral, marble grapes, garden seats (2, no less),  new mercury glass, antique globes, rock crystal votives, and a lamb (also out of view) – this year’s faux deer head.  I TOLD you I can’t resist a trend.





AND, finally, yes, I know.  Houston:  we have a pillow problem.    I am very well aware of the fact that I need to retire the Oly Studios faux zebra pillows asap.  I get that.  But with what?  In the past two years I have tried to change out the pillows numerous times to:    Schumacher’s Chenonceau fabric in grey/white, a silk velvet tiger print, a very hip feedbag fabric I bought on Ebay, and a striped awning type fabric.    Most of the rejected pillows (along with various rejected suzanis and a faux cow head) ended up for sale at Sally Wheat’s antique booth (Antiques and Interiors on Dunlavy.)    So, if you have any suggestions about what pillow fabric would look good here, I am all ears.  After all, you solved my fan problem, my zebra problem, and now – maybe you can solve the pillow problem!!!!!


  1. I refuse to help you in your pillow conundrum because you are guilty of filling my head with a dangerous new addiction: linen lust.

    Even if I wanted to help you, I wouldn't have time because my lust for linens developed a painful tic, which expresses itself by causing me to constantly surf ebay for vintage European linen.

    And if I could find the time to help you, my mind is too preoccupied with the moral quandary of whether to buy enough vintage European hemp linen to slipcover my ugly chenille sofa, or use same money to pay the mortgage.

    As such, I cannot be trusted to render a neutral pillow opinion (but should you care to send me your discarded feedsack pillow, I might be convinced to venture a suggestion.)

    I would clutter up your comment box even more but I cannot rest until I find where to buy linen yardage in a robin's egg blue??

  2. How bout some of that new Bennison fabric you just got on ebay? Or ikat (another lovely trend)- maybe too much with the suzani(love it by the way)? William-Sonoma Home has fun pillows or copy the ribbon Dransfield-Ross pillows. Love Love Love your blog! Thanks for all the time and energy you put into it.

  3. OK, Joni, you must have thought of this..... don't put any decorative pillows on your couch or chairs. Doesn't look like you need them. Your furniture has loose back pillows. Then take the Suzani and place it over the middle of the back of the sofa with the loose white back pillows in front of it to give some balance to the zebra rug's strong pattern. Voila! Love your posts....can't wait for #2 post! Thank you for all the fun!!!

  4. dear, joni... please go to your previous post & see the comment i made on a book i just bought. bennison love-fest in this book!

  5. there's no doubt that zebra pillows with the zebra rug is too much -- are you SURE you want to choose the rug over the pillows? Well, it's a tough choice. My suggestion for replacement pillows would be silk maybe in one of those gold shades on the suzani? It's a bit early in the season for velvet pillows but if you are looking to change them up for winter a dark chocolate brown velvet could be positively yummy!

  6. I have no helpful input about the pillows LOL..but I am liking the new fan! I'm glad everyone's happy now haha :0)

  7. Of course I want to say trellis, based on my recent post, but am concerned about the number of patterns. But what do I know?

    I laughed out loud at this post- I am glad that others have to work out compromises with their husbands. I still have all my ceiling fans. :(

  8. May I ask about the rug? It appears to have been a real live animal at one point in time. When did you get it? And if it is in fact real, am I incorrect in thinking that living zebras are limited in number?

  9. I just love it when you stay at home and start rearranging your things! Very fun. If I had known, I would have brought you by some Starbucks.

  10. Thanks for the update about the fan. Now, did I miss you telling us which house was which re the mother and daughter?

  11. The new fan is indeed great. I love it. Now as for the pillows, I am at a loss. I think I like the suggestion above of a couple of silk ones. I think that would looks summery. Beautiful rooms. Hugs, Marty

  12. LOVE how everything's looking!! your hosue is just so beautiful!!!

    we have that RH fan on our list too. love it

    ok, and for pillows, could you maybe do some in a Bennison print/ linen you love that would fit the space? I just remember how you are SO i love with all those linens so maybe one would work in here??


  13. hahahah okay after reading up on the other comments i don't feel so original about the bennison linen!!hahhaha


  14. Anonymous is right - the rug and the pillows are redundant. If you love the rug more, then follow his/her instructions and drape the suzani over the back of the sofa and store or sell the pillows, if you drape the suzani. Or, store or sell the zebra........I can't believe I, of all people, am saying this, but right now there is now too much going much as you love Bennsion, you really do not need pillows (with the suzani on the sofa)..... unless, of course, the fabric is really sort and subtle - hmm.....sounds like Bennison linen, in which case you could use it and leave the suzani on the ottoman - see why I can't tone it down - I think and talk in circles and can rationalize anything I love!

  15. I have that same pretty metal fan from Restoration Hardware. I love it, wish I had a few more!

    Looks like you are having fun and who cares about the rules, just have fun :-)

  16. I'm seriously drooling over that suzani .... again! At one point you had it draped over the table in the corner and I loved it there. I love the Zebra rug in it's new location. Pillows? Schmillows... I like them but it you want some color why not pull one of the colors from the suzani?

    I'll tell you one thing for sure, I want to be at your garage sale!!! I'll gladly drive the 15 hours to Houston to shop your castoffs. I might find something to replace the plastic fruit in my kitchen. (Shhhhh, don't ask)

    - Suzanne, just a few letters shy of a suzani

  17. i love the pops of blue in the room, so maybe add some more? What about this lee jofa linen?

    or this pierre frey (that was recently featured in elle decor in aerin lauders boudoir)
    this is from houston, and these folks sell at the urban market..

    something subtle and soft might be a nice juxtaposition...

  19. oh Joni you make me laugh, laugh, laugh. When you tell Houston that you have a problem, you can get away with more than most - it just doesn't have the same zing when I say that from California. haha.

    Yay Ben - that fan is a vast improvement. The zebra rug looks fab under your new coffee table, and it looks great with the suzani! (I know, I know, tick off the fad pieces hehe) What about more suzani in your life with pillows covered in them? =) Fun for summer, looks good with the zebra.. I'm just saying...

    Looks great!
    xo Isa

  20. * LORETTA, aka MRS.POM, just left me chuckling w/ her comments~ (great writing n' sense of humor there!)~

    NOW Joni, I would N*E*V*E*R, E*V*E*R even PRESUME to "suggest" anything to y-o-u! (OMG, would THAT be CA-RAAAAZY!!! But HEY! Feel free to suggest TO ME, if you wish/WOULD, plz! Grins!)~~~

    I WOULD, tho, "share" w/ you what I was "THINKING" (for what's it's worth, anyway), I-F this fab space were M*I*N*E.

    I would... (oh gosh, I must be SO STUPID to put it in writing ,cuz YOU'RE the pro, but here goes)...

    "I" would, just for the heck of it AND the "summer fun" n' lightheartedness of it all, remove the great rug AND the super pillows, & even be so gutsy as to clear off that TERRIFFIC table for the most part... thennnn, "just because you CAN", I'd bring in some DIFFERENT things you REEEALLY LOVE from around the house, but that you might not GET to SEE & appreciate everyday... "happy", memory-filled items, some fav books, maybe a small little photo album in a fantasic BENNISON cover (?)~ or a "beach pic" of loved ones in a shell frame (to "work" w/ that INCREDIBLE, huge piece already on the table) from a FAV VACATION the three of you took (or an old family summer photo of your's or Mr. Muckluk Man's family "at the lake" one summer, etc), happy flowers n' things that you remember so fondly~~~ sounds good for SUMMER to me, and change is always so fun once in a while isn't it?

    Either way, I allllways love seeing your beautiful, comfy ANNNND stylish HOUSTON HOME, my friend!!!

    Big hugs,

  21. take a peek at this fab;


  22. I love your blog!!!To me it's the BEST. I look forward to your posts and all the pics, they are so in!!!
    Thank you for your blog!!!!

  23. Im in the no pillows consenus. I too suggest throwing the Suzani & living a bit without the extra poof.
    And again do what you live there.
    Glad Mr SS surprised you!!!
    Resto so works for men.

  24. The guest room is just perfect. I absolutely adore that room. The downstairs as well, but I have a special place in my heart for the guest quarters.
    I think you are having a hard time filling those pillows because the zebra packs a pretty big punch. I know you love the Bennison, but maybe it's the wow factor that you love so much with the zebra?? Just a thought.

  25. Yeah, baby, yeah! Love all of the little tweaks, Joni, and I know you are doing the happy dance about Darth Vader being gone! LOL!

    Looks WONDERFUL, but I think everything you do is WONDERFUL!


    Sheila :-)

  26. Pull that melon color out of the Suzani (plain linen of course)Have Renea at Shabby Slips make them.
    Travers has some great colors in that shade...they would look great with your blue and white.

  27. Loved, loved this post Joni! Congrats. on your successful campaign to rid the ceiling of Ben's OHF - great validation of the 'Quietly, quietly, catch the monkey' adage. The new lantern looks scrumptious. Now the challenge is to deal with those Brookstone Totem Pole/Boom Box thingies. Would the Darling Boy consider some teeny-tiny built-in speakers mounted high up & unobtrusively on the ceiling cornices? I'm loving Jan Constantine's newest pillow range, might be worth taking a look.
    Millie ^_^

  28. Go with a burlap linen color trimmed in black!! Simple, timeless and perfect!

  29. Hey Joni! I say leave the rug and make two large pillows out of the suzani! I would then pull one of the bright colors out of the suzani (orange/yellow/pinky coral)-and make a pop-of-color linen pillow for the chair.

  30. Another option: Relocate the blue & white chinese garden stool elsewhere in the room. Buy a rush basket ( a la Rush Matters

    You probably know where to find more appropriate ones)

    and pop in the zebra pillows, the blanket on the couch, and fold the suzani neatly on top of the basket so the colors peek out. Place the basket where the chinese garden stool was. Or tucked partly under the barley twist side table (loving that table). Access to the comforts of your living room plus an excuse to go shopping.

    Liz in Upstate NY

  31. i dont dare suggest but i do love the zebra layered and all of the black..those grapes rock! cant wait to see what you do!

  32. Okay, Joni, don't kill me but I liked the zebra in the bedroom (how can you of all people not trust your gut and listen to us??!! :-).

    (And I am pretending it is faux zebra...)

    I love your fam. room with the zebra pillows. You had a perfect room!! I think it's too busy now. Sorry. :-D

    I still love, love, love that sunburst mirror and have never seen one even remotely like it so please never get rid of it or if you want to, pls. email me. I will be happy to take it off your hands.

  33. Laughing hard Joni. No idea about pillows, but I do like the RH fan, and Mr. Slipper Socks deserves it. He's sounding pretty sweet this week.

  34. Joni, you crack me up!!!! I love your writing!!!

    I also L-O-V-E your home....may I move in once said daughter moves out? LOL!?!?!?

  35. Joni, you crack me up!!!! I love your writing!!!

    I also L-O-V-E your home....may I move in once said daughter moves out? LOL!?!?!?

  36. Love the fan, I have the same one in my bedroom.

  37. I think you could make some irresistable pillows out of that Susani. Maybe for the two smaller pillows (on the chairs)you could just have the Susani fabric on each side of the pillow and have the zebra skin fabric in the middle section of the pillow, if you know what I mean. Use some great cording and you are set! Something nobody else will have! Love the light that your room gives you, so refreshing!

  38. There is one trend you haven't mentioned and I don't see in your house.....IKAT!!!! How about ikat pillows to totally clash with that rug! Or maybe a black and white ikat could work? A summer look you could swap out come October....


    the suzani can't go on the back of the sofa = it's arched. BUT For Love of A House suggested making pillows out of the suzani -and I am loving that one. I have to have pillows because Ben likes to sleep on the sofa all weekend. he needs a little pillow for his head. love them all!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And the ebay Bennison is light blue and green and white. won't do.

  40. Well I love the new fan. So much better, then that tower of no power that Ben first got for you.
    First on the pillow problem,, are they the problem? For the summer, I love them with your slips and the zebra rug. Just take away the suzani and the flowers on the table and add a large box for all the remotes and another orchid. For fall bring the suzani back in and like most have already said, have pillows made from linen pulling some of the colors from the suzani. I would have them made in the same style as the ones you have now and add one more with your initals embroidery BIG in Black on it.

  41. Joni,
    You are too funny -love your writing and your decorating!!!
    I liked the zebra rug in the guest room-it was an unexpected pop against all the other french elements.
    Whatever you decide will be divine!

  42. one other thing - it's not quite as busy as it looks in the pictues - NOTICE how I am defending myself! the rooms is very wide and there is a lot of just plain seagrass. soooo. but I think suzani pillows. and maybe plain velvet in the cantaloupe for winter? hehe. sooo excited!!!

  43. Joni, when I was here two hours ago you had 20 comments, now you have rock!!!! Love all the suggestions!

    I have done a post on your dilemma...come check it out!

    Never heard the term's refering to the gorgeous throw on the ottoman I hope!


  44. someone asked =
    House #1 was the mother
    #2 - the Mario Buatta was the daughter!!!!

  45. Hi Joni! First of all lucky you to get that fan replaced to a much cuter one! Great! Loooove the zebra rug under the coffee table and the guest room is looking adorable! Very chic! I wouldn't change the zebra pillows, I just adore them! Wish I could work with some zebra pillows in my living room... You always do a wonderful job! Have a great week! Vanessa

  46. Best wishes to Slipper Socks Man while daughter is gone. It is a very sad thing for dads. Makes us feel really old.

  47. A-Ha! As I was looking at your room my first thought was to turn the suzanni into pillows...even three. 'cause you can get a lot of different colorways out of that one suzanni. Then I thought "naw..can't imagine Joni cutting into a suzanni." I was wondering about a longer lumbar type pillow on the couch...but recognize it may be too much with the three back pillows.

    And looky...already suggested. For the love of.....


  48. Suzani as pillows is a nice idea. But I vote for linen/feed sack in a burlap color and leave the suzani where it is because I really love the way the suzani plays with the zebra where they are.
    And yay for the new fan. HUGE improvement.

  49. It looks great here under your pretty table! Garden stools are another "trend" I dont think I'll ever tire of!!!

  50. Well, I haven't read all the responses. At this point there were 46 of them! I love Mr. Zebra in your LR. I don't have any suggestions regarding the pillows, however. I think they look good already. The suzani looks especially great on the ottoman!

  51. DON'T cut the suzani. Seriously, if you cut the suzani someone will get hurt.

    - Suzanne

  52. it is so funny about the fan. men are just all about function rather than "pretty" aren't they? i don't like ceiling fans, but they do create a nice air flow. i'm trying to pick other options for the living room besides a ceiling fan, but i have no idea! ahhh!

    oh i think your bedroom looks much prettier without the zebra rug. it was pretty to begin with but now even more pretty!

    i just realize i wrote the word pretty numerous times:)

  53. Oh, I forgot, thanks for posting about the fan. We've been looking for a good one. Looks like you've got lots of positive comments about it. That really helps!

  54. Oh Joni, I can't get enough of your blog! I absolutely love seeing your home and reading that you're a real person just like the rest of us, who has design dilemas and appreciates the advice of others. How refreshing!!!

    Can't wait to see what you do next!

    Jessica (Long-time stalker, first-time commentor :).

  55. My choice would be to remove the Zebra rug and the zebra pillows. Add pillows with a print that has blue/tan/cantaloupe that works with the suzani and your lampshades.

  56. Oh, poor poor Joni! You're a hoot today! Honey, I think the heat is getting to you! LOL Couldn't resist saying that since you had your fan issues! Husbands! ;) Your daughter's room is so lovely. I know what kids can bring home and I know what kids rooms can look like too!
    Now about your lovely living room! Go turquoise with your pillows! I have no idea, I'm just being silly! Heat's getting to me too!
    I'm having a giveaway! I made a pillow! Yes, I did! It's black and cream and it might look...naw, it's not sophisticated enough for your room! You can enter your name though if you want to!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  57. The zebra rug is disturbing and it gives me the creeps.

  58. Message To Self: Do not read Joni's post quickly when at work trying to do a zillion other things! Take the time to relax & read CDT at home & then you'd get things correct you silly Millie! Yep, you are right (after all it is YOUR house!) & those are NOT new speakers it's Mk.1. fan, the one Ben so 'happily' returned to the store with Joni's blessing. Gosh Joni, as we say here in Australia, now I need a cup of tea, a Bex (Tylenol) & a good lie down.
    Millie ^_^
    P.S. 'Interesting' comment from Anon - gosh I'd wish they'd be brave enough to out themselves!

  59. The 'interesting' comment was alluding to the cold, hard fact that that was once a living, breathing animal that was skinned for fashion. It is sad and disturbing and I would never want that in my home.

  60. Hi Joni, I would rotate the rug so that it's head is going towards the fireplace.

    One the sofa, instead of replacing the two end pillows with two other end pillows, I'd opt for one elongated rectangular pillow (8" x 48"). Down filled, of course.

    Whatever it is you end up doing, it will be fabulous.


  61. well I am a new girl here and don't know much about design and I normally think animal prints make me puke, but I love how this looks, think you should keep them, just sorta my eye anyway


  62. French ticking is the answer to the pillow problem!

  63. I like the zebra pillows for summer. Change them this Fall.

  64. LOL, your comments regarding the fan dilemmas are soooo always! We have all had do make those compromises both personally and/or professionally at some point, that I am sure of! Thanks for the morning chuckle.

  65. First, you have impeccable design style and I love, love, love your home and of course your blog site. I only wish you were in Missouri!

    Pillows are always difficult, they either work or they don't. But my "no fail" go to pillow that always works is the antique aubusson. The colors are beautifully muted, they look great in traditional and contemporary settings and you can use them. If you can find aubusson remnants you can have them customized with fun trim and lovely backing fabric to coordinate with your rooms. I think they can be the perfect solution to a pillow problem.

  66. I had the same ideas as some others... an elongated orange/coral/melon-y pillow in the middle of the sofa and nothing on the chair. The shape of your sofa is so beautiful you should let more of it show. I do NOT, however, think you should get rid of the zebra pillows. They are too much in that room with the rug, but keep them-- here and there you can take the rug out and put the pillows back. An easy switch! I love the rug. And I'm surprised I didn't notice this when I first saw your husband's fan picture, but I just love that molding along your staircase. I also love the bright, cheery yellow of the room. Do you understand how excited I get when I am first able to peek at a new blog and see that it's something about your house?! Love it! I know you said you didn't want to post rooms of every client because some aren't necessarily all your choice, but if they're okay with it, I would love to see more of your work on your blog. Maybe you could just moderate those comments so no one got their feelings hurt about their homes by negative morons? While that last linen post was INCREDIBLE, one of my favorites, the BEST are when we get to see your stuff (part of why the linen one was so great).
    Oh, and thank you re. the mother/daughter houses-- I'd been wondering that too!

  67. Hi Joni!

    ditch the zebra rug~
    off the the resale shop...

    I know you are trying to make use of it, but it goes against the clean, simpler style you do so well.

    then the suzani across the sofa back, and the zebra pillows will be fine.

    Please don't introduce any more patterns. This looks too "done", even if you are a decorator!!

    take care,

  68. Oh, and I forgot to say...
    I do not think your room is too trendy. Yes, there are some current trends, but really, these are things that keep coming back. Is a zebra rug new? NO!!! Is a sunburst mirror new? NO!! But these are elements that have been focused on recently. I think things like zebra prints (when done well), coral, shells, linen, seagrass, etc. are based on nature and really can't go out of style. How can a shell go out of style? But you can also think about toile. Obviously toile was TOTALLY overdone about 5-10 years ago. But even with that in mind, a good toile is still appealing! And it had been around for ages befvore there was this latest toile craze.
    Stick with what you love and you'll never be wrong!

  69. Love the new placement of the zebra rug. Have you tried the Suzani across the back of your sofa? Thank you for sharing.


  70. We have the RH fan in our bedroom in black. Love the white noise it generates at night! I agree with the people who suggested linen pillows for summer. One of the colors from the suzani...don't cut it. You would get tired of the pillows and wish you had the whole piece back...eventually!

  71. There are an excess of the Burchell zebra in South Africa. Conservation efforts are having to limit the herds. That is a Burchell on Joni's floor, and my bet is that it came out of SA as that is where most of the skins are coming out of---these skins leaving the country are regulated. And heaven knows that SA could use the boost to their economy. MYOB on the zebra, people.

    Joni, if you relocated the suzani to another room then I would use deep blues for pillows. It would really pop against the black-and-white of the zebra and also your pottery.

    If you keep the suzani, then I like your idea of the melon colors.

  72. Check out - what a cute room you looks great.

  73. For new pillows I have seen a silk that looks like burlap at some showroom, and you probably know what I am talking about. I would like that. I can ask my decorator where we saw it if anyone is interested. But there is a distinction between redundancy and a theme, and with these pillows and rug, you could say it’s re-enforcing a theme. And isn’t the zebra rug old, from the days before we were so PC? So it OK by me. But the rug really took my breath away in the guest room. I like it there as well. I love the links that the designers left in the others comments. Thank you. I am about to check them out.

  74. I would look for a silk that has the two bright colors that are in the suzani. I recently ran across some silk that have a swirl pattern applied in a different color and it was gorgeous. Unfortunately it wouldn't work for the project I had going, but I can't get it off of my mind.

  75. Joni
    I cannot resist jumping into the fray so here are my suggestions. I love the following from Lee Jofa Groundworks David Hicks. La Forentina, Turkish Flower in blue, and Knossos in blue. Your room is lovely. I actually have a similar scheme in my condo with upholstery covered in white slipcovers and a mahogany Queen Anne bench covered in a Kravet knock off of the velvet leopard print. I may incorporate my own suggestions. I admire your diligence in writing your blog. Thanks.

  76. Just take them off. you have enough action. My eyes go everywhere, the simple white furniture uncluttered would like nice with everything else that is going on.

  77. Everything's looking beautiful, Joni! Love all the changes.

  78. I second a schematic lifes suggestion of bringing out the colors in the suzani. What about adding a tiny kidney pillow in the center of the sofa to pick up either the suzani or real zebra skin? Love the zebra rug with the suzani. It looks positively yummy!

  79. Joni you are a genius designer, however...please don't cut the know how I feel about that gorgeous piece!

  80. The new fan is soooo much better! What a guy you have :o)I'm not a huge fan of zebra skins but actually like yours underneath the table. I can't offer any advice on pillows since I have my own pillow woes right at the moment! LOL...As always your home is gorgeous and I always love seeing what you are up to :o)

  81. I just have to ask where on-line can you order great down filled pillows?

  82. I agree with anon 9:03!!!
    Relocate the suzani and use deep blue....keep the suzani and use deep melon! Whatever you do it will be fabulous...always is!

  83. Hi Joni, I love everything you do it has your own personal stamp on it. Since it is summer why not cool the room up a bit and put the suzani away until fall and bring in some blue and white Ikat patterned pillows only a couple.I think when fall gets here the rug and the suzani will be a great spring board for a fall look. kathysue

  84. PS here is a nice Ikat from Schumacher

  85. Geetings from sultry Florida.
    I just LOVE the new location of the zebra rug.

  86. If the zebra needs to stay...I would use the suzani for pillows as you suggested, it would look great or have pillows made of plain sand colour linen, like the rug colour (under the poor animal). Not sure if you ever take the slipcovers off the sofa? what do you have underneath???

  87. Well -- I do love the standing fan (yes -- I know -- you are already a long-standing fan of your DH! LOL!!! just teasing!) LOVE the rug -- but too many zebra-print cushions! How about creating a long ivory linen pillow for the sofa -- with black trim? Or perhaps a couple of black linen pillows (do the flip side in melon-colored silk) with white monograms for the two armchairs? Or check with Mrs. Blanding (the lovely Mrs. S!) for ideas on doing a silhouette -- and then turning it into a pillow! Maybe of your daughter?

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage (where the cats are doing are fine imitation of furry rugs on this hot and humid day!)

  88. Jan - I love your monogrammed idea! hmmmm. so many great ideas. but that is one I will seriously consider! thanks.

  89. Your fan saga is particularly funny to me, because we settled on that silver RH fan after a nearly identical process. We actually even bought 2 of them (the other in a table-top size).

    Regretfully, they are both now broken and gone. The plastic knob on the small one snapped in half after about 6 months of normal wear and tear, and RH wouldn't do anything about it. My husband kept a pair of pliers by the fan to turn it on and off, but that obviously couldn't last forever.

    The larger one also broke, when movers picked it up by its pole (actually pretty reasonable). It is only very weakly soddered to the base in a few points, and it seems like this could happen really easily... so be careful moving your lovely fan!

  90. Hi, Joni! :) I think you are such a doll to ask your readers for their input! That's such a nice give-and-take gesture. For my part, I like the melon velvet suggestion for the cooler months (does it get cooler in Houston??), but perhaps for the spring/summer months you could stick with a NON trendy (wink) French-inspired fabric. My vote would be for an oversized check in a neutral color scheme. I like the neutral check with the blue & white porcelains as well as with the zebra and the suzani. I know, all that pattern is definitely leaning away from the minimalist/edited look. But, I could never be a minimalist :) Or, maybe stick with white but with a lot of texture - loops, matelasse, tucks? Fun to brainstorm with you!!! Thanks!


  91. I'm back with a smile on my lips again...and this fan is much better.

    Now for Ben's cushions.... I've been doing textiles in my workshop for 20 years and know how tricky it is to find the right mix. The best way is to have them made made-to-measure or make the yourself.

    Have you browsed on Mulberry, I know it's not a well-known brand in the States but they have gorgeous fabrics that will last a lifetime and will go so well with the Suzani and your rug( not my fav, but it will do).

    Look for collection, then trimmings!

    I should add some heavy trimmings on the cushions, they should also come in different sizes for a less symmetric feeling.

    Beacon Hill and Robert Allen Textiles have great trimmings and fabrics for making cushions.

    Let me know what you think!

    Xo to you Joni from across the Atlantic.


  92. The Gardeners CottageJuly 8, 2009 at 5:19 PM

    OMG! I wouldn't even know how to sort all these suggestions. Not only are you a talented designer but your readers are too. No wonder you house looks so good! I like the suggestion of ditching the zebra rug and keeping a simple, soothing atmosphere. I'm a pillow addict and change mine quite regularly just for fun so I don't take it to seriously. I thought the before pictures were amazing so what the heck do I know? Fantastic blog. Janet

  93. What if you turn the suzani into pillow covers? It works well with the zebra, and you wouldn't have to find another pattern to coordinate.

  94. The old fan is gone! Yay, I know you are happy about that one? I know you'll be tweaking away, so I'm not even going to suggest pillows. I love the zebra ones so much, but I know too much of a good thing. But I'm guilty of that many times, so I'm certainly no help.

  95. Have always thought this room would be beautiful with drk teal blue needlepoint pillow(s), one on each chair, in a floral; I'd use a tubbed silk on the couch in a color that picks up a dominate color from the needlepoint. I prefer the room w/o the Zebra rug.

  96. Before I suggest anything re toss cushions, I would like to know what fabric is the Suzani and is it silk embroidered?

  97. I am calling Lion Country Safari.
    Keep the rug. paprika linen print pillows like your flowers.

  98. Hi Joni,
    Only me!!!!! Thought I would leave a quick comment in regards to your living room. Thanks for asking us our opinions - not that I'm a designer but here goes. Before you get too excited I'm not going to tell you anything new from anyone else that has left their comments. My only advice is DO NOT CUT UP YOUR SUZANI (I have never seen one "in the flesh", love the one on your bed by the way). I think in time you would regret it. Whatever you decide on with your cushions (pillows to you!) go with what you love - whether that be bennison or a gorgeous linen. If its something you truly love you will walk from one end of the house to get to the living room just to have a look at it and think wow. Maybe that's just me but that's what I do when I get something I truly LOVE!!! My mother in law was saying how its taken her a long time to find a doona cover for her bed and I told her the same thing - wait for it, it is so worth it to walk from one end of the house to the other just to look at it and it gives you a thrill every time you see it. Hence to say my mother in law is still looking!!! Sorry waffling on here and talking in circles but love your living room and I like the spare room without the zebra rug and I also love love the new tablescape with the lamp coral, marble grapes etc.,. You have a wonderful day Joni...better leave room for someone else to comment!!!

    Take care

    Love Janine
    Tasmania, Australia

    p.s. Also if it were me I would not drape anything on the back of your gorgeous couch. I think its a shame to cover the back up with anything because it has gorgeous lines. XXOO

  99. Bennison would be beautiful and timeless. Also, maybe a new obsession (high quality ones of course, such a big difference). I have a wonderful OWW Ananti with Lee Jofa tape around them (turkish corners). Also just found some wonderful Clarence House "copies"...looks identical at only 80/yard; small niche company...beautiful crewel on linen, gorgeous colors based on old french pattern.

  100. I love your home! Beautiful. You asked opinions....well.....I would relocate the zebra rug!!! The only time I have seen zebra rugs are in a study....or library room...little harsh for a cozy family room.

  101. I agree... remove the Zebra rug....when you look at the room the "first" thing you see is the rug. It really jumps out at you. Without it... people would focus on your beautiful furniture and accessories.

  102. Joni, this just proves how many fans and friends you have out there! It is fun to see all of the different opinions. Also I think it is not so much about trends, it was when some of the shelter mags had room after room where you felt the designer said ,"lets just stick a sunburst mirror up there, etc. It is the way it is all put together which you do beautifully!

  103. Joni, I read your blog faithfully but have never commented before. I think gold linen pillows would be beautiful.

  104. A shade of gold would look pretty. It would complement the suzani & walls.

  105. The new Southern Accents Magazine Editorial page talks about this very subject of following trends in decorating. The advice given is to use what you love...what speaks to you. I have these Zebra pillows and I love them. Animal prints are timeless! So, if the pillows speak to you...keep them.
    Great pillows are hard to find!
    I would not use the rug in the same room, though.
    I enjoy your blog and your home is lovely.

  106. I think the zebra rug looks fabulous in its new location Joni! Tracey xx

  107. Joni, How much I've missed you. I've been a busy girl lately. I just wanted to congratulate you on all the changes you've made. Everything looks beautiful.

  108. Joni,

    I think I would like the KUBA CLOTH pillows from Wisteria on your sofas!

  109. Hi,

    I've visited your great blog many times.

    I like the Asian meets English country look of your room.

    My suggestions are that the zebra pillows are the wrong scale and the pillows must go. I love zebra prints.
    I have an oversize vintage zebra lamp gathering dust in my garage.

    If this was my lovely home, I make the following changes. On the couch I would have two solid black
    neck roll type of pillows on each end running from the back of the couch to the front - adjacent to the arms. I would introduce a warm
    orange fabric piece (similar to a table runner(rounded off) but much narrower and very short)I would have something monogrammed on it and it would drape only over the middle couch cushion ending just above it. I would have black tea type towel (cotton) on each arm of
    the chairs. Running opposite of the arm direction.I'd change out the lamp shades. I'd also start to think about some soft panels for the window/doors. In the corner by
    the window doors near the bookshelf
    you have a round items on the wall.
    I'd change that to something larger and rectangular.
    Do you use your fireplace?
    I think that moving the one chair at some point would good for your vignette.

    Kind Regards,

  110. CJF - I HATE when I get great comments like yours and you don't leave an email. You'll never see this but here goes. I do love your suggestion about the pillows and the fabric - I love it. I don't know why I haven't thought about that before, I guess i"m just stuck on pillows - but the only problem is Ben sleeping on it. He loves the soft pillows - he has migraines and he's always recuperating on the sofa. but still, I adore your idea. The lamp shades - I know! I love them though. I need new lamps too. any ideas? OH well. love the idea about the chair arms too. And I'm going to get panels for my room - it needs it so badly. I'm just stuck on what? I need to repaint too and I want to paint my floors. That's a little clock there on the wall, no big deal. I do want a gorgeous barometer though. ok - listen to this - I have seriously thought about putting the wine table in the middle of the room - under the tv and putting the big chairs adjacent to it across from the sofa and just putting smaller tall chairs where they are now. Can I hire you? who are you? I'm trying to figure out the initials. CJF. Charles Faudree - haha. who are you?

  111. You have been busy posting, while I've been busy doing other things. I've missed a lot. I just love coming to your blog. You are a hoot, and this post was just so fun! Love the zebra rug in this room, and the new fan is a beaut! laurie

  112. joni,

    hopefully you are at the beach, and relaxing!!! I have just read 114 comments on this post! It's so much fun to give advice, and you are so kind to invite us in to your decision making!!

    you DO have so many talented readers!! Here's an idea I want you to seriously consider, although we may have to kidnap Mr. slipper shoes, in order for you to pull it off. but, hey, i am the one who removed the pool table from a room without asking. actually i HAD asked and was told no(!)

    Houston to Joni:

    Remove your back cushions from your sofa and chairs. You know, the ones that CAME with the sofa?? do a long lumbar pillow in the middle, with two small square pillows on either end. you would be able to SEE the gorgeous high backs of your furniture. and, what about a lumbar pillow on each chair.

    Release the Suzani!! (half kidding, but unfold it and let people see it) Let the suzani be used by the fan man when he naps, and stick a nice comfy down pillow somewhere where he can grab it to sleep. will it fit hidden under the sofa??

    Now, as to the zebra rug, I think you need to add a horse head to the wall. I saw one in Sollano 16 in San Miguel, but it was quite pricey! they assured me it wasn't real, but it LOOKED real, and that is what you want, right?? I am DEAD serious--call the store. Black horse head, with a white muzzle!! ..must be a new trend as they are always ahead of the curve.~~~~

    enjoy the BEACH!!!
