COTE DE TEXAS: No More Granny Wicker!

No More Granny Wicker!



It’s amazing how something as simple as a new finish can come along and make everything else look so dated and out of style.  Lately, this phenomenon has happened to wicker.  Suddenly, gray wicker – or a gray washed wicker - has exploded on the scene and all other wicker stains and finishes look so…. granny.   

No one loves wicker more than I do – especially dark, deep brown stained wicker.  But, that’s all over now.   The end of dark brown wicker came when I started noticing the gray wicker finish here and there.   I also used to love white wicker.   No more.   Does anyone out there want to buy some white and dark brown wicker?    I’ve got a few pieces for sale!



image My guest room – yep, there it is, hiding its ugly face in the corner!  A dark brown stained wicker chair, just waiting to be replaced.  It thinks if it keeps hiding it will go unnoticed. 



image And oh, I used to love white wicker.  No more.  Sold to the highest bidder!



image Ah…there she is.  The most gorgeous wicker chair in the world.  Gray wicker.  It’s color is subtle:  light brown with a hint of a whitish gray paint covering it.  This chair is perfect either inside or out.   I especially love it in a dining room paired with a limed wood table.



image Just like this!  Jill Brinson’s gorgeous dining room.   The chairs look especially good when placed near the gray faux finished cabinets.   PERFECTION!



image These gorgeous chairs were seen in the Kirby Mears designed house in Veranda.   They are sold at Thompson Hanson in Houston as “Belgian Wicker.” 



image Brooke Giannetti of Velvet and Linen pairs her gray wicker with grayish old shutters.   So beautiful!



image The same chairs then go outside on Brooke’s gravel courtyard.  




Houston interior designer Sally Wheat used these gray wicker chairs in a breakfast room – paired with a Wisteria steel table. 



image In this house, Sally Wheat used the gray wicker with painted legs as bar stools.  





For this client, Sally took a paint brush to white wicker, turning it luscious gray.  Hmm.   That’s not a bad idea!!!





Heaven on earth!  I ordered three sets of three wicker baskets – all heavenly gray. 



 image The smallest sized basket sits on my kitchen counter – filled with take out menus.



image  The medium sized basket on my bakers rack holds Elisabeth’s school books.




My Albans client is borrowing a set of the baskets until she finds a Mora clock for that wall. 




Noir Furniture LA is a great wholesale company for this chair.   Doxa Home HERE carries this chair for retail clients.







Of course Restoration Hardware is all over the gray wicker.  They call it their Provence Collection.  And of course the French would want credit for this gorgeous wicker. 



image  Restoration Hardware:  It is a pretty collection.  Not as fluid or sensual as the chairs with curved lines though.



image Restoration Hardware:  These make great chairs for the inside dining room.





OKA – the best catalogue in the world.  They get it.   HERE.




Pottery Barn – you need to wise up.  These two shades are out, finished, over, done-with, out of style.   Get with the program, Pottery Barn!



While I am dying to get with the program myself – and change out all my wicker to the new gray - for the moment, I am going small.  I recently bought two tiny gray wicker baskets with filled with succulents at Thompson Hanson (of course!)    For now, I will be happy with my small nod to the new gray wicker.   Ben is hoping this will get me through the trend.   Somehow, I doubt it.   But – we’ll see!!!  It might!



image For now, I will be happy with my small nod to the new gray wicker.   Ben is hoping this will get me through the trend.   Somehow, I doubt it.   But – we’ll see!!!  It might!



REMEMBER:   PVE Design give away ends on Saturday -  hurry and sign up!!!!


  1. Why don't you just paint your existing pieces grey? Would be cheaper maybe...

  2. Some of those pieces look like the old brown and white got together and a beautiful baby gray wicker!

  3. Eleanor Cummings was the designer on the outside porch area that was published in Veranda not Kirby Mears

  4. Joni-
    Paint works magic. I am loving the gray wicker too.

  5. Those gray wicker baskets look great on your dining room table....Why don't you just spray paint a slightly watered down light gray paint on your chairs?

  6. Joni~
    Some trends are here to stay. Grey wicker will be around for a long time!It will probably become a classic. I vote for painting all the wicker grey.


  7. Loved seeing the pictures of your beautiful home, loving this trend and I am not a trendy girl...

  8. Joni, Love the wicker baskets. where can I purchase

  9. Joni, I love the images you pulled (as usual)! As for painting the wicker the finish would not be the same as the color would not be integrated into the actual fibers which is what gives the wicker it's wonderful casual and earthy my opinion. The watered down idea may work if the paint was flat?? Hmmmm, I'm not super crafty so I will refrain from giving tips...that is where my trusty black book steps in;) Holly (Things That Inspire) as for the DOXA chairs by Noir, when being used outdoors, they are best when under a covered patio. Thanks for including us Joni!! Have a gorgeous day love;)

  10. Where did the set of baskets come from? Love!

  11. Favorite line?


    Bless you.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  12. Love your idea to paint the wicker. Maybe you start w/the chair in the bedroom and see how it goes? Somehow I think Ben knows those baskets aren't going to get you through the trend...

  13. Great post Joni;
    I have been thinking the same thing! I have a couple of side tables made of raw wicker, I have been itching to paint and make them gray / brown in color.

    As for the pieces of yours, Doxa home is correct in getting the exact finish, as paint would almost act as a dye & go into the finers of the wicker.

    You could paint them a light "feather" gray and then over glaze a lighter brown color. You could achieve a similar look but it would not be the same.Too bad we live so far away!

    I am so right there with you, I love the look and I agree it is here to stay.

    Bon weekend to you my dear;


  14. Love the gray wicker too. And love the take out menu idea! We are always fishing around for them in a drawer. Have a great weekend.

  15. It's fun seeing the trends through your eyes...and house. I'm too lazy for all of that turmoil and too cheap to replace what I have inherited. But it sure is exciting to watch at your place. Anyone taking bets on how long it will be before we see gray wicker chairs at Joni's?

  16. Amazin images. Makes me want to START OVER at my house! Seriously though....we are working on a small renovation and eventually want to get an outside living space done --- love the images here! Have a great weekend!

  17. I also have been lusting after those grey wicker chairs. Really fabulous ones by Gloster (Havana Collection) but I see that Crate and Barrel now has a similar chair at half the cost.

    Thanks for the inspiration--I might take the plunge and buy 8 for my dining room.

  18. I love it too. Believe it or not, I've been finding the baskets with tin/zinc liners on clearance at Marshalls AND IKEA is already on this trend. They have a bunch of baskets and some arm chairs. Probably not up to your standard, but might be worth checking out.


  19. I still like the brown {and even black} wicker. White went out for me a long time ago, although I did have a set on a screened porch many years ago. I think that was all they really had then in mass produced wicker! I'm bucking all the trends now, Joni ~ I have had "outdoor" wicker in my screened gazebo for several years now {just a rocker and chair} and it's not any of these colors! It works for our winters here on Long Island because I don't take it out and store it at the end of the season.

  20. I love the comment about the white wicker married the brown wicker and had grey wicker babies! This grey wicker looks similiar to some of the faux finished wicker baskets from the 80s... I need to go get them out of the attic!

  21. I recently bought an antique farm table and I am on a a mad search for chairs and a bench to go with it. I have 2 small children and my house is small so the bench needs to slide under the table. When I asked the owner of the store for ideas she suggested that I read your blog. I know this sounds as if I live in the dark ages but I had never read/subscribed to a blog before- with two small kids I feel lucky if I brush my teeth before noon. However, I have now become addicted to your blog.

    Can you please tell me where the set of wicker baskets came from? I would love them for my kitchen. Thanks so much! Happy Memorial Day!

  22. Your guest room is gorgeous! Who would ever want to leave such a beautiful room? It looks so comfy and welcoming.

    I'd leave the wicker in that room just like it is, and maybe paint your outdoor chairs that beige grey color as the others have suggested. That way, you get your fix, and when or if you tire of it in a few years, you can either a)repaint or b)go for new lawn furniture.

  23. Instead of paint, start with a glaze in a brown toned gray. Practice on some inexpensive baskets until you get the effect you are looking for. The glaze will soak into the wicker and you can continue coating until you achieve the depth of color you like. The chairs look like some of the glaze has been wiped off in places revealing a little of a white tone in places. If you get the formula, publish it.

  24. We have wicker bar stools in our kitchen and I just love the feel that they bring to the room!!

  25. In the late '80s, I bought a silvery gray wicker chair and side table at Pier One. Went great with my apartment's mauve carpeting. Since then it has been painted hunter green and now chocolate brown, to coordinate with the espresso desk in my study. It has held up remarkably well over the years and is the perfect size, hence its survival when just about everything else from its original tenure in my home is long gone.

    But now, thanks to Joni, I'm thinking it might return to its gray roots...

  26. OK~ one more thing to add to my list of to-do's around the house, ha! Love the grayish wicker look as well and it sounds like anon 9:32 has the right idea, glazing and wiping off in spots to achieve the right depth.
    Enjoy the long weekend Joni!

  27. Hey Joni, I agree with the others, that you should PAINT! You are a pro and will be able to figure it out quickly. I have been re-painting my wicker chairs for years. It does dry out the wicker slightly, so I wouldn't paint anything of real value. I always use a homemade glaze(water added to paint) or ready-made antiquing glaze. To achieve the look you want, I would first brush on a cream color mixed with a light brown. After it dries I would then brush on the gray paint and go back over it with a cloth to allow the other colors to come through. Then just add to or wipe off until you achieve the desired finish. You can do this!!

  28. Love the gray wicker. I just purchased 4 lovely brown wicker chairs for $700 a piece. Ouch! I paired them with a weathered zinc top table with a pale gray painted wood base. They have all white cushions and this ensemble sits on a walnut stained concrete floor on my covered porch. I have loved it. I hope I don't start hating it now. Am thrilled to know about the OKA catalog. Wish I had known about this resource sooner but my clients will benefit. Do you know where the wicker stool with painted legs from Sally Wheat's kitchen came from? In love with it. As always, your posts are the best.

  29. Enjoyed the post. I too am one of those not into trend, I lOVE the greys but I think any of the colors have their place. That was a good point about dragging out the 80's baskets.
    Decorate with what you love and avoid declaring the in or out.
    OH! Did anyone see Vincente Wolf on Selling New York last night! Loved it when his assistant meekly asked if she could make a suggestion and he barked NO!

  30. Joni, I had a big grin on my face as I read this post. Oh my to keep up with the trends is exhausting. For you I do not think the gray wicker would be a trend. It is the perfect texture to go with the look of your home, but you already know that. Two things made me grin. I just bought white not gray spray paint to freshen up my porch chairs which are turning this beigy chippy color which I think you would love. They were cream to begin with. I love white wicker always have always will so it is a constant in my non-trendy life, that was why I was smiling and then the basket for take-out made me laugh because I remembered that you don't cook. Love your baskets and that is a perfect design element, Joni even makes take-out look pretty. Let us know when you get the gray wicker. I think Ben knows you are on a quest!! Happy Long weekend, Kathysue

  31. I too love all the grey wicker that seems to be popping up all over these days! Everything in my house is granny though.....not to mention the house itself is great granny in style. LOL... The last few months I have had a complete change of heart and have decided I really don't care about "trends" anymore. I just want my home to be comfortable and easy to live in. This new attitude has actually made decorating enjoyable for me once again. Have a great weekend :o)

  32. Wonderful post, Joni; we were thinking of the RH chairs for our loggia but Noir is better. I have toyed with painting the rolling carts but only did one in jet black for a special order with black & white liner. The French "osier" is willow and a different fiber than rattan fibers used for most "wicker" so I'd have to experiment. I might try one in grey now...sounds like a good project! Have a great weekend!

  33. hmm...could a liquid paint stripper with a coarse paint brush work to remove some of the existing paint/stain, then add a new lighter stain that woudl then soak in, wiping off excess once it has dried?

  34. Hey Joni!
    West Elm has FABULOUS grey wicker accessories on sale right now - just got a huge 30" round grey wicker tray that I have piled high with limes in my living room.
    Also, the real deal is at IKEA ---yes, IKEA- they have FABULOUS grey wicker baskets - good to use under a drapers table or to design a whole kitchen pantry around - they are fabulous - I have bought 25 ---
    3 carloads full -
    Is that WRONG?

  35. Whew - I got worried that my new set of wicker is suddenly granny! But, it's a grayish color, so I guess I'm okay!!

  36. You know I love those baskets! It's hard not to use them over and over again, because they work so well. They look wonderful in your kitchen.
    Have you looked at Artesia's gray wicker line? Quite pretty. I also found a great resource for my wicker chairs at a much cheaper price. They have it in a white wash that looks great. Could be inspiration for what to do with your wicker chair.
    Your baskets on you dining table make a wonderful center piece. I've gone a little succulent crazy these days, but they're so pretty and so low maintenance.
    Thank you for including my wicker in your post. It's always an honor :)


  37. Hi Joni!

    Grey wicker sounds lovely. However, before I indulge in a trend, I ask myself, "Do you see yourself living with this 10 years from now? 20? Will you still be madly in love with it when a different colour is in style?" If the honest answer is no, then skip the trend. If you see yourself growing old with it, embrace it with open arms!

    Happy long weekend!

  38. What a fab.. fab... fabulous post!! Love all the wicker... I'm wondering if you would share where you got the cloched domes that said cheese on them? I've looked everywhere and cannot locate any. Thank you in advance.. hugs ~lynne~

  39. You have the gift of showing off every single gorgeous thing in the world of design. I was perfectly happy with my White Wicker Chairs outside....until now.

    {trouble maker!} Happy weekend, Joni. Love that you use your wicker basket for Take Out Menus. my kind of girl. xo Lidy

  40. Someone above said "keeping up with the current trends can be exhausting" but I honestly believe that if you buy good timeless pieces you have to make very few changes to keep up with the "trends".

    Like marble and limestone I think grey wicker is also timeless and it will be around a long, long time.

    BTW where did you get those baskets with the lids? I have been looking for some large ones like that to store items in my living room and would love to know where to get them.

    Thank you for a beautiful post, as always.

    The Gilded Barn

  41. That gray wicker chair is the bomb! Love it everytime I see it!

  42. Joni, I say take them and spray or paint; don't sell as they are nice wicker pieces!!

    Also some of the images really look more natural than gray. What do you think?

    Art by Karena

  43. Love that you're bring this up! I have thought that for months... And I live in "Wickerland". That first picture is hysterical......I've already picked the paint for two of my chairs but the look also is in the non-cluttered lines of the pieces and that beautiful edging on them...Maryanne:)

  44. I love all the gray wicker, beautiful! RAndom question, in Sally Wheat's kitchen with the wicker barstool- what kind of countertop is that??? Love it! Know any way I could find out??

  45. It may be popular right now, but it's really classic -- AGE. That's all it is! I have left natural wicker outside in the elements for a few weeks and... voila!

    And it's been said before, but I have to add my testimony...IKEA. They have greyed baskets of all kinds and nice chairs too. --Jennie

  46. I love it's versatility. Moves quite nicely in and out of any style of decor.

  47. Hello Joni,

    I am a new follower and love, love your blog! Vagabond Vintage has some incredible wicker baskets and of course Palacek has some beautiful, affordable gray tone chairs. Also Mainly Baskets. No doubt about it, gray is the new black. Think I may do some painting this weekend, hmm. Shiree'

  48. I'm not usually a big fan of wicker furniture for myself. But I must say these images are extremely inspiring and make it look oh so comfy!

  49. OMG!!!! Joni, I just bought dark brownish wicker chairs, I'll shoot myself....
    No,I didn't! Just kidding! HA Ha!
    I am for painting, you know, the old fashioned distressed look, take brown wicker, use gray spray paint, take rough brush and distress the thing! Voila, desired result! Perhaps you can even hire someone to do it for you!!!

    PS: I wish gray hair would become all the rage!!! Life would be easier!!!

    Happy M.D.weekend!


  50. JONI! An entire basket for take out menus? Please, stop rubbing it in! Can I please trade lives and order OUT! I love MAKING just about anything except FOOD! Calgon, take me away! signed, Jealous in Charlotte

  51. It is gorgeous. It looks like the color came with time and exposture to the sun. Quite lovely. This has got me wanting some for my garden.! Have a good weekend Joni.

  52. You can paint your wicker gray, or you can glaze it with brown, then distress it with whatever, but you have all missed the point.

    The REAL THING is actually made in thailand and called Ruku. the beautiful shades come from soaking the rattan in mud. the Belgians love this rattan, thus the term "Belgian Wicker".

  53. You've done it again, Joni -- spotted a trend well before others and then shared it with your fans in your wonderfully inimitable style. I love reading your blog. Thanks so much for enlightening and entertaining us.

  54. I am so with you on the gray it! I saw quite a bit of it in accessories at Lucketts last week. I fell in love with a zinc and gray wicker tray. Unfortunately it had already sold.
    Take care,

  55. Funny, I've been experimenting with my wicker baskets. A couple that I bought from One Kings Lane are that awful reddish color. I'm trying to strip them as we speak. Hoping to take them back close to the original finish, then I'll try to stain them gray. I'll definitely be painting my wicker settee, though!! My dark brown wicker will have to stay dark brown, for now anyway.

    Still absolutely loving the glimpses of your new wall color, Joni! It's so beautiful with everything.

    Where can baskets like yours be ordered?

  56. AAAH!!! Your post has left me seriosly wanting some grey wicker, it really creates a feeling of homely warmth in a room. I shall be like you & add it to my wish list,the list my husband hopes will go away, LOL!!!

  57. Either a stain or paint will give you lovely gray wicker. Going lightly is key.

    Love those gilded candlesticks, too!

  58. Henk Teunissen @ Riviera Maison ( does the best range of grey whicker around dear Joni. I'm pretty sure he's still not expanded to the U.S., I reckon he'd be crazy not to appoint you as his U.S. Distributor/Agent after this post!!
    Millie ^_^

  59. Joni,

    Love your post as always. When I lived in Belgium this colour wicker was so in vogue, I immediately fell in love with it and hence bought baskets, square (just like the ones you have on your dining room table) which now live on my outdoor table on the balcony of our 25th floor apartment in the heart of Tokyo, planted with variegated ivy. I also have several larger round ones with two small "picking up" handles, one of which I have sweet peas growing in outside, one I use as a waste paper basket in my office and another containing slippers which we use to go outside on our balcony. I also have several storage lidded baskets like the ones you have. I would like to say that the greyish wicker trend started back in Belgium several years ago, you see the trend setting Belgians know something good when they see it, it's such an easy and adaptable accessory in both modern or traditional interiors/exteriors.

    Angela x

  60. Hi Joni. I love all the new weathered gray things that are out there now, and have gotten a few pieces. But what do you think about mixing it with warm colors in other wood pieces and rugs? I feel like there is a bit of a clash and got out some wax to warm up the gray weathered coffee table I recently bought. I ordered an Aiden Grey chandelier that turned out to be much more gray that I expected, but the gold tassles tied it in. I wondered what you thought. Thanks!

  61. I love having baskets around the house to organize the mail, magazines and all of those odds & ends that look messy if left out! I will have my eyes out for some grey/weathered baskets-- may have to check out Ikea too!!

  62. Oh I adore this look as well. Yes, pick up your paintbrush. You can do it!

  63. love all the gray wicker but i have to say i still love the old too.

    i'm part-granny though i think anyway ;) ;)


  64. I don't think gray wicker is a trend; it's what happens to it when it ages and gets weathered. Lovely- just like aged teak. I say treat yourself to some for Memorial Day. :)

  65. You are a dangerous woman Joni.....I want some grey wicker now! Happy weekend, xv.

  66. You crack me up! I love, love LOVE your guest room, by the way, no matter what color the wicker chair is. There's something sultry and interesting about that room, something about the deep green walls, that darkly graceful chandelier, and the fabulous bed. I want to come visit! :-)

    If you're nervous about painting your wicker on your own, and you want to end up with a worn, aged gray appearance like the pieces you're lusting after in your photos, why not ask your favorite decorative painter to try his or her hand at a couple of pieces? A couple of years ago they might have been too busy, but my faux painter has been doing amazing things to give new life to cabinetry and small furnishings lately. Reinventing what you have and repurposing old things feels more European anyway; it's us wasteful Americans that keep throwing everything away and buying new stuff all the time. Not that I'm any less guilty than anyone else in that regard... :-)

  67. Ha! Well, I'm just going to be out of style! I just bought this weekend a set of DARK brown all weather wicker at, of all places, Big Lots. That's my speed & all I wanted to spend. I'm sprucing up my outdoor deck and this will fill the bill for me. That gray is pretty, but I'm going with brighter colors & my dark brown will pop with the fabrics I'm using.

    So, once again, I'm hopelessly out of sync with all the HOT new trends you find out there, Joni, my dear. :) But, that's OK with me.

    And yes, you really should try your hand at painting your wicker. It works great. I've painted many a wicker piece. I got rid of white wicker years ago too.

  68. You posted this caption twice, with the last and next-to-last pictures:

    For now, I will be happy with my small nod to the new gray wicker. Ben is hoping this will get me through the trend. Somehow, I doubt it. But – we’ll see!!! It might!

  69. I love your blog and I love the table! It would be perfect in my bedroom.

  70. Most all wicker looks great in the right setting. I love the gray, but think there will always be a place for white wicker and brown as well.

    Thanks for this wonderful post. Loved the photos--and the commentary.

    Your blog is one of the best!

  71. My dog chewed up my old wicker chairs when he was a puppy; he did me a favor as they were SO ugly both in style and color! I definitely have my eye on this beautiful color wicker - I loved the collection at RH from the moment I saw it, but also like the curvy chair that you pointed out.

  72. I am in love with anything gray for the home. I really like the texture of the wicker and want to incorporate some of it in my home for breakfast chairs to outside furniture. Hoping to accomplish it this summer!

  73. I have some old Pier 1 wicker chairs that were white, now black, maybe I should 'grey' them down!
    I love your DR!!!

  74. I found a great magazine organizer in weathered gray and lined in linen at Home Goods and there were other pieces to go along with it. They're really pretty.

  75. It is beautiful, but I just want to say if you replace your d.r. chairs with wicker chairs, I want first chance at buying your existing chairs! (I'm not so into what is "in"-I'm just into what I love). laurie

  76. *** AMEN, Sista!

    I've loved this look for quite a while now, & these PHOTOS showing them "IN ACTION" are just sooooo DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!

    THANKS, gf~~~ such a lighthearted n' charming "upper" today!!!


    Linda in AZ *

  77. Hi Joni,

    I have recently been working with RIT fabric dye and have been dying sea fans for a year now. The fabric dye works for anything organtic but leaves the natural organic tones as is. It's amazing and I'm going to use the color taupe made by RIT to dye my lighter colored baskets and I'm going to try mixing colors as suggested on the RIT website to get my darker baskets a greyish tone. It's very easy to use the dye and it should work beautifully because the fans I use are usually dark in color and they instantly color beautifully. I think just dipping the baskets in a large tub of the dye and removing and drying in the sun should work. If you are interested in seeing how I dyed the sea fans, take a look at my latest blog posting at Thanks so much for sharing and I love your blog!

  78. oh and let me add Joni that for larger wicker pieces like a chair, the RIT fabric dye should work by painting the dye mixture on with a large foam brush and just let it dry in the sun. You may need to experiment with a small basket to get the right color/ tone of grey that you are looking for but the RIT products are simply amazing for things that are organtic and they finish look is completely natural looking, unlike paint.

  79. I love it!!! Gray natural wicker. Of course it is wonderful--I would never have noticed it without your heads-up. Have a great week.

  80. thanks for the many sources for the fab grey wicker is wonderful in Provence interiors, and it looks great in southern inspired/caribe rooms too!



  81. i love gray..i may name my next child gray (if there is one) seriously i had a plain jenny lind crib painted (via photoshop) gray the other day and it is gorgeous...cant wait to do it real life..gray kitchen cabinets, grey clothes..its nuts! great post!

  82. love that stool!!! great post as always.


  83. Joni,
    This time of year I like to "lighten up" everything around here. All the white comes out and winter get's tucked into the linen closet.
    I am so glad that i stopped by BECAUSE I was considering a couple of wicker chairs for the family room. Saw them at Pier One, loved the quality, price and lines but ugggh the color. After reading your post and ALL the great opinions on painting, I might just go for it!
    I did glaze some old wicker twin headboards for the kid's room when they were little. Turned out wonderful! I think glaze is the ticket!
    Have a great weekend!
    xoxo Lisa

  84. Joni:
    I have been looking for some wicker baskets like the ones you have. I just bought an industrial table that I am using for a sofa table and need the baskets to go underneath for storage...and the look.

    Care to reveal your source? I'd love to know.

    P.S. FYI...Remember my daughter who moved from NYC to San Antonio and had everything destroyed in the move? Her roof was ripped off during the storm last Weds. and her house was flooded as a result. She's having a bad year. At least this time the insurance is taking care of things. I hope this means another trip to Round Top for more treasure searching. I finally received my things I bought the last show. Can't wait to see it in my new addition.

  85. I'm so with you on Jill Brinson's dining room. (in LOVE with the wall unit!!)! You select the most gorgeous photos for your posts!!

  86. I'm so late to the party, but I want in! Someone else asked and I'm sorry if I missed the answer: Where are the grey barstools in the Sally Wheat designed kitchen from? Thanks Joni, hope your summer is going well so far!

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  88. We are manufacturer of gray basket from Indonesia.

    Our gray baskets are export mostly to UK & Netherlands.

    You can visit our website

  89. Hello
    love love love love your blog
    can't get enough! could you please tell me where did you get the baskets in your living room ? pretty please !!

  90. Researching grey wicker rocking chairs for our front porch!! Does anyone know where to find some? I thought IKEA had some pretty grey wicker rockers but I don't see them on the website. Thanks! :)

  91. I love your blog! Any ideas about where to find woven furniture in the US similar to the New England style from OKA?

    Thank you!


  92. Hi! do you know where your Alban client's trunk coffee table is from? it's beautiful.

  93. Came across your blog searching for some ideas to refinish two wicker chairs I found on the side of the road. Sold on the idea of grey washing my wicker chairs. Love all your photos and inspiration! Thanks Deb at
