COTE DE TEXAS: Before and After Lessons

Before and After Lessons


December is a lonely month for Jewish bloggers.   All the other bloggers are busy showing off their holiday finesse, while we sit in the darkness literally and figuratively.   Who knew that when we signed that covenant with God all those eons ago, we were forever signing away our right to evergreen trees and twinkling lights?    Even though I can’t indulge in the fun, I certainly appreciate its beauty.    One of this season’s prettier, yet very understated and modest holiday displays, was seen in this month’s Veranda.



Poor, lonely Hanukkah Harry!


The cottage shown in Veranda was designed by Lisa Luby Ryan of Dallas, Texas.  An interior designer, Lisa is also the well known owner of the décor shop Vintage Living HERE, and is a designer for Arteriors.   Through the years, Lisa has garnered much press – her own house has been published several times, beginning when she was into the cluttered English Country Manor look.  Today, Belgian and Sweden are her countries of choice.



Lisa Luby Ryan’s Vintage Living features Swedish and Belgian furniture, new and old. 


The Veranda holiday house only shows glimpses of the cottage designed by Lisa  – not nearly enough to satisfy.   The closely cropped photographs leave you wanting to see more of these quietly elegant rooms.   Luck would have it that the Vintage Living web site does show the entire house – before and after – a sort of tutorial as to what to do when remodeling a bungalow with priceless antiques.

The house, built in 1951, is located in Highland Park West, in Dallas, Texas.  It is a mere 1,600 square feet with just one bedroom – a second bedroom was turned into a dining room.   The new homeowner was recently divorced from a man who didn’t like antiques, so this house was her first chance to decorate for herself and herself only.   She chose Lisa Luby Ryan to help after visiting Vintage Living, where much of the furniture and accessories were ultimately purchased.  The pair also took two trips to the South of France in search of antiques.   The change is substantial, only four pieces remained from the homeowner’s previous possessions.    The house also underwent structural changes with a new dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and back porch – along with its own fireplace.   The homeowner is thrilled with her new décor – she stayed at a hotel for a few days while Lisa put it all together for the “big reveal.”    Lisa also installed the Christmas finery at the same time to coincide with the magazine photoshoot. 



From Lisa’s web site:   the bungalow started out with red brick which Lisa painted white.  A wooden gate was added to create a front courtyard.




The Veranda spread opens with a tantalizingly unfocused Swedish desk and chair.




Veranda:  next, this glimpse of a peeling painted Swedish day bed leaves you wanting to see more! 

The tree and presents were color coordinated to the house décor.  Lisa was insistent there be no typical red and green scheme. 

I love the burlap bags and the Tiffany blue boxes – so cute!!!!!




Here is a picture of the entire living room.   Long and narrow, the soothing room is broken into two sitting areas by the Swedish day bed. 

Another pair of matching arm chairs are seen on the opposite side by the fireplace.  

The chairs’ tall backs bring a much needed vertical element to the long horizontal room.




Veranda:  a close up of the blue chest that sits opposite the front door in the middle of the living room.   I love all the holiday flower arrangement – they aren’t the typical usually seen.



The Swedish day bed divides the room into two seating areas.   A large seagrass rug covers the hardwood floors.  At the window are printed fabric curtains – the same fabric is used in the living room and dining room for continuity. 






Here you can see the antique French wine tasting table used as a coffee table.  

The surprise is the modern art work – whose colors are just perfect in this room.




In these pictures you can see exactly what Lisa did to transform the room.  The mantel is an addition, as are the window treatments.  The walls appear to be painting a very light blue. 




The opposite end of the long living room.  Here you can see the dining room through the antique wood doors purchased in France.

The dining room was once a bedroom.     Pictured here are the two other wing chairs, along with a beautiful pair of antique Swedish arm chairs. 

I love the pop of zebra against all the muted colors – Lisa is really great at accents. 




imageVERANDA:   we only got this one small look into the dining room.  

I love the blue and white vases filled with white flowers – such a refreshing change from red and green decoration. 

Notice the framed documents that take up one wall – so interesting.






Here you can see the Belgian styled table with the Swedish dining chairs.

I love the crystal chandelier used with all the rougher elements. 

This room is just so pretty. 




Veranda:  Lisa gutted the existing kitchen turning it more into a room with its beautiful cabinets.  

The rough wood table is fabulous paired with all the white marble.  I especially love the silver Louis Philipe mirror over the sink!

The back wall is perfectly symmetrical  - another great detail Lisa added. 




In this picture you can see more of the layout.   The wood table is so large and is a very important element in the room.

Just beautiful!




The kitchen before.  Here you can see the windows and how they have been changed into doors.   





One more before and after of the kitchen.   An amazing transformation!!





Veranda:   The breakfast room as shown in the magazine.  I just love this!!! 

Here’s another look at the antique Swedish sofa and chairs, along with a marble topped iron table.   Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!





From Lisa’s web site – a view of the breakfast area, before and after.   It is so elegant!




From Lisa’s web site – a view into the lone bedroom in the house.  Simple elegance.




Again from Lisa’s web site, the bathroom is remarkable.  Notice the antique doors that close off the vanity area.

The chair wears a darling slipped cushion with ballet leg ties.  Great vanity skirt. 





The vanity has a sink recessed into a Swedish chest.  Notice the wall treatment – so muted. 




And finally, the bath yard with its fabulous fireplace!!!!!  This is like a room itself.  Just wonderful!  



Lisa Luby Ryan:  Before and After



On Lisa’s web site, there are many pictures from other houses showing before and after.   I really enjoyed seeing these pictures because Lisa is not afraid to make small changes that other designers might let stand and not bother with.  For instance – in this hallway, the décor is fine and doesn’t really need much changing.  But Lisa didn’t agree and went the extra step, which really is much, much nicer:  new lanterns, a set of intaglios, and curtains make a hallway come alive.



In this dining room – the décor was fine, but not to Lisa.  She had the walls painted in a Swedish inspired mural.  She moved the chandelier to another room and installed crystal lights instead.  Next, she slipped the chairs.   The lamps were changed out, as was the screen.   Many designers would have probably kept the dining room as is, but Lisa changed it to bring it up to date. 





In this vignette – she removed the red and blue oriental rug in favor of a muted textured one.  The TV cabinet was changed out for a painted French version.    The hanging screen from the previous dining room was moved to this room.   Notice in the next room, the brown stone was painted cream.  These changes Lisa made really brings this room up to date.  




In this room, Lisa didn’t just redecorate – she changed out the fireplace to make a huge statement.  Then she added antique paned doors.   The bookshelves were updated by adding louvered doors instead of plain cabinet ones.   Many designers would have just changed out the furniture, but Lisa changed the architectural elements to truly make a huge difference.




The same room.   I love her slipcovered furniture.  Notice how she fauxed the cabinets to make them look like Belgian limed wood.




Here  - a new muted rug, a raw wood table, new velvet slipped chairs, new chandelier and curtains – what a huge change!!!!   The new table makes such a difference in updating the look for today.  Notice the wing chairs – how the pointed wings look so much fresher than the rounded wings from the before picture.  A small detail that makes a big difference. 




In this living room – four chairs surrounded an ottoman.  Again, the décor was not bad at all, but Lisa brought it up to date by changing out the rug accented with the zebra.   The framed documents add so much more warmth than the mirror – which I never thought I would say.   The four chairs were moved to the family room – and a sofa and two chairs were added here, along with a Mora clock. 




Another view of the same room.   The fireplace looks so much better without that screen!!!  




Finally, look at the changes in this entry hall.  The wood floor becomes elegant marble tile.   A muted rug on the stairs tones down the contrast.   The plant is changed out for a collection of shells.   The small pictures are removed to declutter the look.   Small solutions that make up a big difference.




Looking at the other wall – this made me really think.   Would I have made the changes that Lisa did?  The console and mirror aren’t bad.  Would I have just let it go because the owner already owned these pieces?   What Lisa replaced the furniture with – a much larger chest that fills out the space much better – a more substantial mirror with sconces – there is no doubt that the space looks much better with what Lisa did.  I would love to see how she presents these changes to her clients:   “what you own is pretty, but I can make it prettier!”    I really admire her work and her skill with her clients.   It’s not easy working with clients, but Lisa certainly knows what to say and knows how to get the job done.  





And finally – we are off to the country to celebrate Christmas with Ben’s family.   Here’s wishing you and yours a healthy, happy and safe holidays!!!! 


  1. I came over to keep you company and to see this beautiful tale of Before and After. Have a wonderful holiday, Joni. Warmly, -susan

  2. Joni, have a wonderful time with family. Sorry you feel so out of it this time of year. It's not intentional!

    Love this house, all those pics are just gorgeously beautiful. Fun to see the transformation & I love that Christmas tree & all the colors.

  3. Hi Joni!

    Lisa is, indeed, a talented designer. I love her gentle colour schemes and choice of antique pieces.

    I hope you, Ben and Elizabeth have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. Loved the pictures you feature from the talented Lisa. Very classic, reminds me of something you'd do.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season.


  5. Seems like you get to have all the fun - have great (on-going) holidays.

  6. Joni, I felt kind of selfish after reading your opener about the lonely month of December for Jewish bloggers. I have been going on and on with all of my pink and purple just let me tell you I adore your blog, and this house was just another great post! I have you to thank for learning about the fab Lauren Ross, and after blogging about her style, she contacted me and we have had many lovely email chats. So thank you Joni, I love my new blogging life and you have one blog I really treasure.

  7. Hello Joni;

    I hope that you are enjoying the holiday season and all that comes with decorating. I have a close friend that is also Jewish and though she is skipping the tree, she does a beautiful job with winterizing her interiors. Silvers, creams and blues are prominent in her home.
    I too loved this home when Veranda featured it in the magazine.I guess it reinforces how great things can come in small packages!

    Thanks again for all the beautiful images that you share throughout the year! Happy Holiday Season to you and your family.

    La Maison Fou

  8. Hi Joni,

    Just called in to wish you and your family a very happy holiday season.

    Please don't feel left out, you know we all love you!!

    Thanks for all the time and effort you put into your posts. I ALWAYS, ALWAYS LOVE calling in. The blog world would not be the same without you.

    Sending much Aussie love to you all.

    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  9. Joni, did you see how the Veranda copy photoshopped out the upper cabinets on the wall with the sink (to the right of the fridge), whereas in the real life pictures there are two upper cabinets?

  10. Joni,
    Just beautiful. I love the limed wood, the chandelier, and the breakfast are and the sofa is to die for.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Joni,

    Funny you should post these pictures today because I was in Lisa Luby Ryan's store today!

    Let me just say thank you for all your wonderful posts this year. They always show your attention to detail.

    I hope you and your family have a terrific New Year.


  12. Dear Joni Please enjoy this solstice season like everyone else. I had just finished studying this very house in Veranda and using it for inspiration for my holiday decorations. What a treat to learn more about this talented designer. Thank you for your blog which is like a holiday card for me.

  13. I agree with you. I love those burlap bags and Tiffany blue boxes used as the theme for the wrapped presents!

  14. A divorce with beautiful results!
    I also can't wait to see your Christmas from the country, I love all the over the top decoration and gifts. Please don't skimp on the pictures.

  15. Wonderful transformation of a simple bungalow, how inspiring! Have a wonderful relaxing weekend and we'll help each other ushser in a happy new year, Joni!


  16. Joni, what a transformation and how inspirational for those of us with small spaces!!

    Enjoy your time with family!

    Joyeaux Noel!

    Art by Karena

  17. Was just in Highland Park last weekend visiting my cousins.....WHY can't Houston be more like that??????SO CHARMING, and without the plethora of ugly new houses scattered all through the historic neighborhood like people are doing here in say, the Rice area :( Anyway, love everything in that darling house. Want one! Enjoy the Holidays and thanks to your post last year, this year I have gone ALL OUT in my decorating ...I have bought every poinsettia in The Woodlands and am striving to look more "Webb" and not "Ebenezer" like I was last year. Happy New Year too, my friend!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Joni: Great to have become acquainted with you this year through your fabulous blog. Thanks for your friendship and my best wishes to you and your family, and hope you have a blessed time together in the country!

  20. Dear Joni, These are again lovely pictures and they make it all bright and festive. I see your point of view, surrounded by a sea of Christmas deco show and tell!!!!
    Perhaps Hannukah should be emphasized more, after all it's the festival of 8 lights!!!
    Merry everything, my friend and a happy new Year!

    Much love

  21. does anyone read in a room with little or no task lighting? I am always suspect of a room with no lamps by the sofa. Joni, this is something you seem to appreciate in your designs, and I always notice your choice of lamps and shades. (I guess that is why these rooms, though pretty, seem a little cold to me.) Really interesting post, thanks!

  22. Fantastic write up. Better than Veranda's. What a spurt of adrenalin this gave me. You do great work.

  23. Oops! I just posted my comment to this post on the one that follows...oh well. It must be a side effect of eating too many sugary treats and eats!

  24. Brilliance tapering the bricks on the front wall & adding a wood gate.

    Vanishing Threshold to the back terrace is fabulous.

    Curious, who did the landscape?

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  25. So much to love in these fabulous transformations = and as usual, I'm smitten with the kitchen and bath in the small house. Not only do I love the silver Louis Philippe mirror but the beautiful tiled wall behind it. And don't know that I would have thought of putting the barn doors in the bath - but they're fabulous.

  26. Oh Joni,
    I just love the work of Lisa! Fabulous!!
    Thank you for introducing us to Lisa!
    Joni, I wish you and your family a warm Christmas!!
    A big Christmas hug from Belgium!!

  27. ...amazing what some white wash and a few well chosen pieces of furniture can do for a home... stunning designs..maureen

  28. Many more posts like this one....and I'm going TOTALLY SWEDISH! This just took my breath away. It's in my "save" file. franki

  29. Once again, Joni, you have stood us all on our heads with this incredible post of Lisa's work! I have looked and looked and looked some more...and it seems like with every re-visitation I see something different.
    Thank you for all your hard work on this post and all the posts throughout the year! You are a huge blessing in the blogosphere! Happy Holidays to all of you! I am sure you are thrilled to have Elisabeth home for the celebrations!

  30. I love befores and afters, even if I don't totally agree with every decision that's been made. I especially love how that front entrance was transformed with the painted brick and the gates.

  31. I am fortunate to live just a few blocks from Lisa Luby Ryan's shop. It's always such a treat to go there. Always--the shop is beautiful. She is a very very talented designer.

    Thank you for this post! I enjoyed it immensely--especially seeing the other photos of the cottage featured in Veranda.

  32. I was writing some Christmas Eve comments and was just thinking, that unless the blogger writes something about Christmas... we don't know if they celebrate ;)
    wishing you a happy weekend and please don't feel lonely.

  33. I noticed the upper cabinets missing from the Veranda article as well! I love Lisa's work! I check her site weekly to look at changes that are made in her store!

  34. Does anyone know the technique for faux liming the built-in bookcase? I would LOVE LOVE to know how.

  35. I really enjoyed this post and look forward to going into the details more. Love the velvet blue slip covers, and how in one array of etchings or bookplates, whatever they were, the top row of four has the two center ones a little bigger in the vertical dimension. I appriciate your musing about the decorator who improved the entry that was already pretty. I think you can help your clients prioritize as well as anyone, and that may be valuable to most of us. And these post show not just the good and the bad but why it's good. Thanks again.

  36. also notice in the kitchen where the dishwasher has feet but they photoshopped the feet on the cabinets on the left. weird. i like it better without the upper cabs.

  37. Okay, I know I' supposed to say I like this but really this is the house of someone with a lot of money and very little style. This look is so overdone that it's just soulless. I can't see anything in this house that speaks of the people who live there. Many beautiful pieces though. Maybe two years from now these will be the "before" and the trend of the moment will be the "after". A little sad.

  38. I feel so blessed to have found your blog. Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season from Southern CA. xx

  39. Thank you for keeping this Jewish blogger company Joni! I thoroughly enjoyed spending Christmas Eve with you and Lisa's beautiful designs!
    Have a wonderful Christmas!


  40. Thank you Joni for showing us more of this beautiful home. That issue of Veranda is such a keeper!
    From one jewish blogger to another - merry christmas!

  41. Joni, what a neat before and after article. Thanks for sharing!

    I've been sick hence MIA, but I'm dropping by to wish you and your family a very Happy Holiday! I know that you spend Christmas with Ben's family in the country, and it always looks like a fun celebration. I'm sure it's going to be extra fun because Elizabeth will be there with you from college.

    Please be safe in your journey and know how much we all love you, especially me. If you makes you feel any better, I haven't put up the first decoration because I've been too sick this year. SO I'm in the boat with you this go around!

    Have fun...


    Sheila :-)

  42. Happy Hoildays Joni! Thanks for keeping up your blog for another year. It is such a gift to me.

  43. Joni: Thanks for being such a good sport about all the Christmas décor...and I think your December post have been fantastic. My favorite room above is the breakfast room...great spot for tea with girlfriends.
    Mary Ann

  44. Love this Before and After post. It has given me many ideas as usual!
    Happy New Year!

  45. It's very feminine and I applaud the owner for making it exactly how she wanted it after a divorce. On the following photos and the grand entryway... I would never have taken up the herringbone hardwood to put in the busy marble tile floor. Maybe larger tiles with one clipped corner on each one instead of insert tiles on every corner would be better.
    GREAT post!

  46. One of your bloggers said that they had looked over the pictures in the Veranda article and saw something different every time. That is just how I feel when I walk into her store, Vintage Living. I go to Dallas a couple of times a year and believe me that is the FIRST place that I go when I get there. I have walk through her store several times and maybe even go back another day to absorb all of the beautiful things that are in there. Thanks for a great post, Joni.

  47. Joni! I love before and after posts! They are great fun to see what people can do with a little bit of creativity, elbow grease (and talent!).

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year filled with blessings of love, good health and happiness!


  48. Joni, This was a fabulous post. I love Lisa's work. I just have to go to her shop every time I visit Dallas. This was like going to school. I saved almost every image. I've been to her site several times but never saw all of these. Wonder if she updated with these images recently. Hope you have a wonderful time with Ben and all of your family in the country. Happy New Year. Mona

  49. Gorgeous! Loving the kitchen and back patio! Have a beautiful day, Kellie xx

  50. Thanks for posting this before and after. I am always amazed at the difference some paint can make, thankfully. And her furniture is so lovely.

  51. Joni, Happy Holidays! The mantel in the Veranda house is from my shop! I just loved it. Great post. margaret

  52. So many gorgeous photos and wonderfully inspiring words ... all year round! Happy New Year Joni!!!!!!


  53. I love everything about this house! More proof that a smaller house can be exquisitely done. Thanks Joni and Happy New Year to you and all your readers!

  54. Lisa is a friend here in Dallas, and she is just as nice a person as she is a talented designer. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of her work, especially the before and afters. As usual, I never would have noticed much of anything without your pointing things out! I certainly didn't notice the photoshopped upper cabinets that the previous commented noted! As as person who cooks and uses her kitchen, though, I must wonder where one would unload the dishes from that dishwasher without that those cabinets.

    Hope you've had a nice time with Lizzy home. Will is off to the Rose Bowl today. After he returns he has another week before he has to report back to TCU for second semester. We've enjoyed having him home, though he has spent MUCH more time with his friends than with us!

    Happy New Year, Joni!

  55. Such a wonderful "Joni" post! Beautiful rooms and superb narratives, you're the queen Joni!

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year...thank you so much for the time, effort and ispiration you gave to us all in 2010!
    xoxo Jessica~

  56. Joni,
    Have you ever thought of having Lisa Luby Ryan on SRT? I'd love to hear an interview.

  57. Not sure if it was intentional or not, but the wreath you posted reminds me a lot of Pantone's color for 2011.

    You have a wonderful blog and I appreciate the quality and content of it.

  58. Great post. Loved the before and afters especially with your comments. You confirmed some things I was thinking and mentioned things I had not thought of or noticed. Very helpful information. I loved it.

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