COTE DE TEXAS: Anne Harwell
Showing posts with label Anne Harwell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anne Harwell. Show all posts

When It Rains.....It Pours!




Annechovie's Queen Elisabeth Series


Sweet Anne Harwell, artist extraordinaire and blogger of  Annechovie was kind enough recently to showcase moi,  here.  I'm not sure what I've done to garner such niceness, but - hey, I could use a little "nice" in my life.  Anne and I go way back in blogger world, I started in May 2007 and she in July the same year.  We connected early on and have remained in touch through many emails and a few phone calls.  Early on in our friendship, Anne painted an area of my living room and more recently, my two dogs.  She's always been there for me when I needed her and hopefully she feels the same of me!   I was thrilled when she sent me a list of interview questions and said she wanted to include me in her Artist's Portrait Series.  I guess being an interior decorator can be like being an artist, but I'm not sure I would go so far as to call myself that!! 



Anne's famous Courtney Barnes chair

If you have a moment, click here to read the interview with me  and be sure to take a look around her Etsy store.  She does fabulous paintings of house decor and - my favorites are her chair series.    You can probably even buy portraits of my dogs if you want! 



Anne's adorable painting of my springer,  Georgie!



Courtney's Favorite Things by Annechovie


Anne, thank you again so much - this means the world to me.  Here's looking to many more happy years of blogging!


Joni  aka Cote de Texas


Guardian Statue by Annechovie

My very second post to my blog, Cote de Texas, was entitled Concrete Statuary and in case you missed it, this was the post:

My favorite shape is the urn, as in a crusty, old, concrete garden urn. I love placing urns inside the house with or without something inside of them. Another accessory I love using inside the house is garden statuary. This lady has been guarding my front window for many years. She is not an antique, but a copy of one. She is concrete, of course. I abhor all those "light weight" fake concrete items on the market today and would rather pull my back out moving real concrete than using the faux thing. My lady had been in the corner of the window for years, but recently I moved her to the middle of my window, framed softly by the silk curtains. She's much happier now that she can be easier seen.

Ok, ok, like I said, it was one of my first posts! Hopefully they got better along the way. Truthfully though, I've always liked that post because I adore the picture that accompanies it. I like the way the statue is framed in the draperies, I like the lighting, the glimpse of my tree outside the window - I was proud I had taken this picture.

And so, when I noticed that quite a few of the design bloggers were having an artist paint a special vignette, I wanted a painting too! The question became, of what? Style Court had had her newly upholstered chair immortalized, Patricia Gray chose to have a client's room painted, and online, there were renderings of pictures from design magazines that I liked. The artist behind this work is none other than Anne Harwell, aka, annechovie. Anne takes commissions for her renderings of interiors in the Mark Hampton style, but she also does exteriors or anything else you might want. If you have a special "view" you like or perhaps you have something else in mind you would like painted, Anne is more than happy to work with you to create exactly what you want. She's very pleasant to work with, sweet, kind, and most importantly patient while you make your final decision. My experience with Anne was first rate and I highly recommend her. To see all the work she has posted online, visit her Etsy store here. Below, is Anne's lovely vision of my guardian statute.

Anne, thank you so much, I adore my piece and I am most grateful to you!
