COTE DE TEXAS: A Pure Baby Shower

A Pure Baby Shower



image Lauren of Pure Style Home and Michele of My Notting Hill


One of the design blogosphere’s most beloved blogger, Lauren, of Pure Style Home, is having a baby – her second – and today we are all giving her a virtual shower hosted by Michele of My Notting Hill.  Lauren is a young interior designer who writes both a beautiful and an intelligent blog – a rare combination.  She is full of talent and ideas and this year it has been great fun watching her turn her 70s era split level house into something we are all envious of.    It seems almost every day Lauren is posting about what she has done to her house this time – what she has changed, painted, moved around, bought, created – she is the artist, her house is her canvas and we are her captive audience. We all watch her decorating, amazed at her joie de vie, all the more amazing because she has totally renovated her house while pregnant the entire time.     She is a stager extraordinaire and there’s not a catalogue around that wouldn’t  hire her in a minute to style their photos, she is just that good.   She makes her own house look like it came straight from the pages of a magazine.   She especially loves using a trio of laboratory beakers as vases in her house photography -  she moves the beakers to and fro, from room to room to room – putting all different kinds of leaves in them, or flowers, or she might just leave them bare.



imageLauren’s living room, a month ago, with the fabulous blown up etching in the dining area



image The living room – today - with its newly stenciled walls.   The beakers make an appearance here on her mantel.  




The dining room with the fabulous art work.   This room has totally changed since her new chairs and curtains have finally arrived! We’re anxiously waiting to see them!



imageLauren’s kitchen with the great iron chandelier she bought after spotting it on a shopping trip with the famous Eddie Ross.   I love her pantry “door.” 



imageHer adorable breakfast room – all styled for dinner – her plates match her wallpaper, of course! 




Lauren’s collection of laboratory beakers make an appearance on her living room mantel.


  imageHere the beakers have been moved into her master bedroom! 



imageAnd here, on the dining room – the beakers hold herbs.


And so, for my shower gift – I am giving Lauren and her new baby a brand new set of laboratory beakers for the nursery – now she can style the room and not have take the baby’s beakers away to use in another room, for another photo shoot!   Enjoy Lauren, and much health, happiness and love in your future!



365.15 by Vaedri1.

A new set of laboratory beakers for the nursery!  Enjoy Lauren!

To attend the baby shower, be sure to visit My Notting Hill HERE.  To read Lauren’s blog The Pure Home, go HERE.


  1. Joni, what a sweet tribute to Lauren. I love her blog've nailed her....she is a wonderfully gifted lady! She's got such fresh and classic ideas. How sweet of y'all to throw her a baby shower. What a thoughtful gift that you've given her. :)

  2. Awww . . .
    the perfect gift for such a talented young woman.

    I have an idea that you're one of those people who ALWAYS comes up
    ThePerfectGift :-)


  3. I have been following Lauren's wonderful blog and have so enjoyed watching her transform her house. She is so talented. I love that her rooms are so thought out and seem to be places where "real" people with kids and pets can live.

  4. What? No "L is for Lone Star: A Texas Alphabet" book? Okay, the beakers are good too.

  5. Both talented and interesting women! I love the huge etching print! The virtual shower is a great idea. Joni, check out my latest art!

  6. Her home is charming and I'd love to sit on that fabulous plump green sofa. Please visit her again in about a year. I'd like to see the "baby proofed" tweeking, as babies can require a new layer of decorating concerns and I'm sure she will have some creative solutions. Plastic beakers?

  7. What a nice group of ladies to give a shower.
    Very talented. So glad to see wallpaper again. I love a room in wall paper. Never saw dishes to match paper. Fabric but dishes?


  8. So sweet of your girlie bloggers! I love her home...just beautiful and maturity I did not have at her age.
    Love the beakers!

  9. hahahaha Joni- i love you!!! thank you so much for this sweet post & the beakers!!! (i really should get more huh?)

    but seriously, you're making me blush & i so appreciate your words & you guys really all made me feel so special today. wish we all lived closer- we could rearrange bi-monthly and i'd go to starbucks with you ;)

    thank you!!!!


  10. Lauren is a dear blogger friend of mine too! We met in DC at Michele's party in fact! Isn't her house gorgeous?! She has such style and she is so down-to-earth. We are all proud of our Lauren. I do think she should get a show. :)

    Now, as for those beakers...I work at a huge lab. Lauren...if you need any more...?

    xo Terri

  11. I just found Lauren's blog yesterday and was transfixed. I think I read (mostly at work-- eek!) most of the old posts in less than a 24 hr span. Awesome job with the house. I just have to shout this out though--- most of the "beakers" you have pictured in the house are more of a "boiling flask" and "graduated cylinder" rather than a beaker. I believe beakers are the shorter straight-up cylindrical type vessels (ie- the largest glass object in Joni's last picture). I just wouldn't want any of you to be in a lab situation somewhere in which you would ask someone for a beaker and end up with the totally incorrect glass vessel which is totally unsuited to your science experiment needs. OK- sorry- science lesson officially over. I love the house and congrats on the baby. A virtual shower is such a cute idea!

  12. Great post on Lauren. She has done an amazing job with her house..I'm a little bit jealous every time I read a new post on her latest. Yay for baby #2.

  13. She certainly is talented...her house looks fabulous! I'm coveting that green couch too! Tracey xx

  14. Hi Joni,

    I had the pleasure of meeting Lauren as a result of participating in the designer series at Pear Tree Cottage in August. We have become friends since. We live only one town away and she invited me to lunch in the fall. I can tell you first hand that her house is as beautiful and creative in person as the picture we all view through our computers. She is also as nice and giving as she comes across in her blog. In my book, she is the absolute "Queen" of tasteful and imaginative DIY. Lauren has encouraged me to start a blog and I am trying...ahh if only I could capture some of her energy!

    Thanks for the opportunity to send Good Wishes and Congratulations!
    Rebecca-RLI Interiors

  15. I was lucky enough to meet Lauren earlier this fall at My Notting Hill's party for Eddie Ross. What a great gal! She and her husband (a HS teacher) are lovely people!

  16. Lauren is the best! Her home is a delicious mirror of her talent and freshness and common sense! I love it.

    This little babe is all set!

  17. Well, how absolutely sweet is this!! Lovely blog and it sounds like a lovely young woman as well. Congratulations, Lauren!

  18. Lauren has done a wonderful job decorating her house. Just a little hint,though, is that as I am a mother of five, I know she will need to get that green sofa slipcovered! Even my 22 and 25 year old daughters were saying over Thanksgiving, that they do not understand why slipcovers are even considered an "option".Be sure to always pre-wash the fabric that will be used ,too.Happy Holidays!

  19. What a lovely post. I enjoy Lauren's blog so much! She has such style....I wish her beautiful family much happiness. How exciting for them -s

  20. If you know someone who collects lab beakers then another thing they can be on the lookout for are old vinegar cruets. They can serve the same purpose as the beakers. My grandmother gave me a beautiful cut glass vinegar cruet and a friend gave me one with a silver stopper when I married and that started my collection. Then when my husband and I were stocking our antique shop, I begin adding to the collection. They look pretty next to the beakers.

  21. you hit the nail on the head about Lauren -- everytime she doesn't something new to her house I think it can't possibly get any better, but it ALWAYS does. Amazing!

    the beakers are too funny!

  22. What a wonderful thing to do! It is rare that people celebrate each other any more. How sweet.

    A question!You have peaked my curiosity by mentioning Pamela Pierce is redecorating her house. I am so curious. I have the Veranda magazine that featured her home. Please give us an update!!

    Love your blog. I check it everyday.

  23. I LOVE purestylehome. Lauren is beautiful, gracious, and oh so talented. I am twice her age and I think she's going to be a powerhouse in the design world if she's starting out so young with such wonderful taste. Her husband deserves kudos too as he is an awesome worker to make these projects happen.

  24. What fun...a virtual shower! Joni...thanks for giving us a tour of Lauren's the stenciled wall in her living room...that would be fabulous going up my stairway! :-)

  25. pamela - all i know is Pierce redid her house - all of it. very different too. i'm sure it will be in a mag when she's through - so get ready for it!!!!!

  26. True confession - the only two blogs I check-in every single day is Cote de Texas and The Pure Home. Neither ever fails to provide either the perfect visual eye candy or be informative! Thanks, Joni & Lauren, for more often than not - making my day! xoxoxo

  27. Hi,
    Dear Girls of Skirted Roundtable,
    Why don't you snag Pamela Pierce for the Skirted Roundtable??????????????
