Noted Author: Diane Dorrans Saeks



Do you have a favorite design book?   I know, I know, there are so many design books available that it is hard to pick a favorite.  But, it didn't used to be that way.   In the past there were much, much fewer design books published.   Today, the market for these beautiful books has exploded and it seems every well known interior designer has his own book.  My collection of design books was once manageable.  Now I have literally run out of space to store all my books - there are stacks of them in  my garage waiting for some miracle like a gorgeous two-story library to suddenly appear in my house.   What are my favorites?    The list would be long.



An early design book that I absolutely loved was California Cottages, written in 1996.  



image This small book is filled with pictures of charming California houses.  



image I remember I particularly loved these chairs!!! 




The year 1997 brought this book – I devoured it – cover to cover and then over again.  This book was a favorite for years and years.  



And of course, a more recent book – Elements of Style – is now in its 8th printing which is a huge feat in design books.   All these books I have mentioned have one thing in common – they were written by San Francisco author Diane Dorrans Saeks. 



imageimage Above are Diane’s books.   How many do you own?   I was surprised how many I actually had myself!  Besides writing books, Diane writes for many publications.   She is currently working on two new book titles.  And Diane still has time to write a wonderful blog, The Style Saloniste HERE 



image The author, Diane Dorrans Saeks.   Our honored guest this week on The Skirted Roundtable.   She is an intelligent and fascinating woman.  Be sure to listen HERE.


As always, your support and comments are very, very much appreciated.

A Little Blog Lovin’



image Trish’s backyard – showing her lavender garden.  Isn’t this the most beautiful photograph?


I’ve mentioned before that one of my favorite blogs is Trouvais.   The first time I stumbled upon it – I stayed there for an entire night just salivating over all of Trish’s photographs.   This photo, above,  of her lavender garden just killed me!   OMG!!!  So unbelievable that someone lives with a backyard like this.   I immediately emailed Trish, asking her how to grow lavender.    Trish is a die hard romantic and her blog reflects this.   It is not only pure eye candy, but, also educational.   She is interested in the most beautiful and intriguing things, like old uniforms, clothing and shoes from the 18th century, manuscripts written in French, grisaille – anything!    Story after story on Trouvais is a visual treat.

So,  you can imagine,  how humbled and honored I was when Trish wrote a story about Cote de Texas.   What’s so funny about this, is the first time I was on Trouvais, I almost gave up writing Cote de Texas altogether.   Trouvais is the blog I wished I wrote.  It has a consistent aesthetic quality to it that I greatly admire and aspire to.   Please visit Trouvais HERE to read her story about Cote de Texas.   It was interesting reading the article myself – I didn’t remember writing half the stories she chose to highlight!

Below are a few of my favorite images that Trish has posted on Trouvais – these were all taken by her, at her home.  Notice that she is great photostylist. 



This photograph shows a dinner table Trish set up in her back yard.



image Besides lavender, Trish grows gorgeous peonies and roses.



image The old debate between books you read and books you buy to display!




Trish’s entry hall.  This looks like a photograph from Cote de Sud magazine.



 image When I first saw this photograph, I was so jealous of Trish’s fireplace!




 I love this image of Trish’s collection of zinc finials




A vignette from Trish’s kitchen.



   imageA view to the outside at Trish’s house.    So beautiful. 



image Another photograph of Trish’s lavender garden. No, this is not in Provence!


Thank you again, Trish, so much!  You are so sweet!   To read the article about Cote de Texas on Trouvais, go HERE.