COTE DE TEXAS: My Virtual Beach House

My Virtual Beach House

All this talk about beach houses and Galveston and hurricanes and linen slipcovers has really got me thinking. How would I, an interior designer, (or interior decorator if ASID is listening!) design my own beach house? The problem is, as I've told you before, I love two different styles of designs - cluttered and sparse. While, the cluttered look has won out at home, would I be able to decorate a beach house with a clean, spare vibe? Even playing around with a virtual beach house design, I can't seem to commit to one or the other style. So, I've put together two looks for a beach house that if I was buying one, this is how it might look. Vote in the comment section for the look you like best.

Look #1 - The Cluttered Beach House:


For House #1 - I would use a blue and white striped dhurri as the starting off point. The floors would be dark hardwoods, the walls a light grayish white.


The sofa would be clean lined, slipcovered in white linen, of course!

The two side chairs will be these English inspired, ikat covered ones from Suzanne Rheinstein.


This red chinoiserie table is the coffee table.


Across from the sofa would be these two bobbin chairs.

In between the two chairs will be this antique wine cooler table - perfect to cool down a bottle after a summer day.

The curtains would be made of this Bennison Fabric as would the pillows on the sofa.

And more pillows by Bennison.


This bench would go under the windows, covered in the Rheinstein Ikat.


The open bar: this Spanish table would be piled high with liquor bottles and glasses, silver trays and ice buckets.


This delightful set of 4 watercolors from the Chinoiserie series are the work of the wonderful artist Harrison Howard. These would go above the bar/Spanish console. To see more of Mr. Howard's work, please be sure to visit his web site!!


This lantern from 1st Dibs would hang over the living room.


A gateleg table for cards.


Surrounded by these wicker chairs.

This huge bookcase would be filled with books and globes and blue and white porcelains.


Tons of blue and white everywhere!


And a collection of old globes.


And books.

An antique clock for the wall.

Tortoise shells and boxes everywhere - on the walls and on tabletops.


This collection of boats would go on top of the bookcase.


The dining table would be this large antique French wine tasting table.


With chairs slipcovered like this all the way around it, in the ikat fabric.


A round bullseye mirror next to the table.

Another lantern for the over the dining room table.

Look #2 - The Uncluttered Beach house


The aqua and white dhurri will be the starting point here - walls light aqua, floors painted white.


This large Bobby McAlpine sofa - slipcovered in white linen.

Over the sofa - a starburst mirror.


Flanking the sofa, these two Swedish chests.


Two Chelsea Editions chairs and ottoman across from the sofa.

Between the two chairs -19th c. Painted Refraichissoir


Under the window- a Swedish day bed in check fabric.


These four prints from Harrison Howard, two on each side of the armoire below. See his web site for more of his fabulous work!


Holding the TV - Swedish armoire.


Shells, everywhere.


Big Checks for the pillows, upholstery.


Small Checks: curtains, pillows, slipcovers.


Chest to double as the bar.


Old cartoon - over the chest above.


Antique bird cage.


A painted chest over chest in the living area.


A Mora clock, of course!


The game table, white washed table with wicker chairs.


Sconces - gorgeous, from 1st Dibs.


In the dining room, a Swedish cabinet filled with white ironstone.


For the dining room cabinet - white ironstone or creamware - depending on the budget!


Mix white books with ironstone.


Steel dining room table.


Swedish Chairs, in check, Chelsea Editions.

Which look do you prefer, the English influenced cluttered look recapped below:


Or the spare, Swedish inspired, clean, white and aqua look?



  1. Argh Joni you've really stumped me! Both styles are absolutely gorgeous! You are so very clever you really are...

    I guess for me, if it's a beach house, I guess I'd go for the Swedish aqua style.

    Anna :)

    p.s If you ever get the time I'd love to know how you put all the pics together like a checkerboard :)

  2. Wow! What a fabulous collection of pieces but without a doubt I would have to say No.2. The uncluttered look in aqua colours screams beach house at its best. Love it.

  3. the second for sure...the first one seems too serious and dark

  4. For a beach house the aqua swedish collection gets my vote.

    Vote 1 Clean Aqua Swede.


  5. absolutely the second, more relaxing for a beach house, the first is gorgeous too but has more of a homey, cozy feel.

  6. absolutely the second, more relaxing for a beach house, the first is gorgeous too but has more of a homey, cozy feel.

  7. Yes definitely No 2. the Oz style would even be a little more casual, but love the aqua.

  8. Number 2 with reservations. I'm really getting sick, sick, sick of the white, white, white of it in the magazine spreads that look like a snowstorm went off in the house.

    The beach house should have a design that at least nods to the fact that it's very difficult to keep a beach house clean. I lived in a casita on the beach for awhile and the damage from sand and salt was unbelievable.

    - Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

  9. Such fun and such beautiful furniture! I'd vote for #2, uncluttered. I have a similar issue...can't decide between the formal/elegant and casualcomfortable(linen, slipcovers, ironstone, etc.) look! I'd love it if you could do a post on somthing like to blend the two styles, if possible! Thanks.

  10. Argh...I hit the wrong button again, here's the comment. Thanks, Deborah.

    Such fun and such beautiful furniture! I'd vote for #2, uncluttered. I have a similar issues...can't decide between the formal/elegant and casual, comfortable (linen, slipcovers, ironstone, etc.) look! I'd love it if you could do a post on something like to blend the two styles, if possible. Thanks!

  11. Maybe it's because I'm not a beach person, but I loved #1. I think the touches of red and wood were warm and cozy and a little unexpected for the beach. It seems more like a house were I could genuinely curl up and read a book while everyone else is running around on the beach. Plus I prefer rooms where I can move something or leave a newspaper, magazine or book lying around without disturbing the look of the space.

  12. I am in my family beach house right now, and as much as I love the location, the decor is a disappointment every time I come here (I had no say in the decor). Why? Because it is decorated in earth tones, which does not work with the beautiful view you see of the sky and sea outside.

    Your #2 beach house would be just the remedy. Light floors, so you can't see the sand that gets tracked in, and blends with the view outside. Shades of blue and aqua so that you really feel like you are at the beach.

    That's my vote!

  13. I agree with all that #2 screams beach and is soothing. Just bring all the stuff from #1 to my main house, please?? Isn't virtual fun!

  14. Oh number Deux for sure , although the first schemem made me swoon I adore the second look , and why have two places in the same flavour that is the fun to be able to have a different style , that is a true get away .
    You always inspire me , thanks

    I did my first project for other than me I would love your imput , not a paying job yet , but great for my portfolio. It was so much fun , I am looking forward to making a career decorating, this is an exciting time.

  15. So can I have both houses? If not, I'm going for #1. I'm definitely in the minority, but I heart everything in the first house.

  16. I'm going with the Swedish style. When do you start accepting reservations at your new beach home? ;) I'll bring the Starbucks!!!! HA!

  17. I love both, but the second one is Wonderful. I could see myself relaxing in that room and for the beach,,, perfect. Suzanna wrote something about being sick of white, white, white. For some reason I didn't see white, I saw the blissful colors of an ocean setting

  18. Yes #2....but....I know that within a short period of time, I would be adding this and that and soon it would look like #1. Fun and thoughtful post. As usual you stand and deliver. Thank you Joni...Ginny

  19. You've outdone yourself again. I loved both schemes. The second house seems better for the beach. They are both great!
    Marion from Kentucky

  20. Hooked on Joni, have you a 12-step program, I cannot seem to stay away from your wonderful posts! What joy( and talent) you bring to us all!

  21. Be still my heart!!!!!!! The second one of course. It is dreamy, perfect for the beach or anywhere. Let us know when you build it! CC, Va and I need a new house on our stalk list! :)

  22. Spare Swedish gets my vote!

  23. Ah Joni, you put us on a sizzle plate with this one. Love the question...and will have to straddle the fence. I'd have to say it would depend on the beach house and the beach.

    Open sandy beach and an open & airy house...or a small cape on a wind-swept point with battering waves?

    If it's the airy house I'd go with the Swedish and some dark piece to anchor them in. Of course aside from the linen and blues, I'm in a yellow phase and would welcome that splash.

    And if it was a small cape on a pacific Northwest or New England coast, I'd go with the cluttered "lets have a bottle of red wine or oily french roast coffee" house to nest in - look! :)

  24. Loved this post! I pick house #2. Feels like you can just come in off the worries...

    Have a Sunny, Beachy Day!

  25. Lovign them both - but I vote for #2. I just melt for swedish, chppy paint and aqua!

  26. Well since it is a fantasy - BOTH! #2 for the beach and #1 for a green, tree filled plot of land. Right now I would take either as a respite from the hot desert. Oh well, at least its a dry heat! Joni, another great post!

  27. The Swedish inspired room is beautiful, but I think the first grouping is my pick for a beach house. Of course, the beach house I envision for myself is on a cold, rocky coastline, so no doubt that's why.

    If I were on a sunny, European beach, I'd go with the second group.

  28. How could I possibly choose - they're both wonderful! I'll take both - 2 houses, 2 decor schemes.


  29. This is fun! I love virtual house decorating!Number one is so MY style, but perhaps would be better in the mountains by a lake!!!!! Numero 2 is an easy breezy beach house.
    I've never seen those wine cooler tables, they are so cool. I love the lantern and adore Harrison Howard! And MOST IMPORTANT...where did you find that red coffee table??? I NEED it!

  30. POOR BEN. I hope he reads this blog. He doesn't know about the tidal wave (no pun) that's headed his way!!!

    Speaking as a fellow Texan, who rents homes on the beaches Joni does. I have to go with the Swedish look. Our summers are so suffocatingly hot, I don't want to come in from the beach or deck to Sense and Sensibility. I want to come in to cool and airy. Although I love the look of the English group, I agree with Alex that it depends on the locale. I would however have some accents in the Swedish cool look that would pop. Some reds & oranges in accessories and some yellows.

    Joni, you HAVE to have some ships in the Swedish look too. I collect them.

    As always....great post.

  31. I'm with the small team of Saucy Momma and Alex. Prob since I grew up on the East Coast, house #1 melts my heart. And, oh, to have that perfect glass of red wine in that very home. Joni - when I hear about your latest post, I RUN to your blog. It's better than a best seller. You are my Blog Idol!

  32. Honey Child, #2 by FARRRRRR!

  33. Love them both but I would have to go with #2 definitely! The palette seems so calming and fresh...what a fun post!

  34. Clever idea, well executed. Agree with responders who said that where the beach is located is a determining factor. Personally favor #1 for my virtual rocky coast of Maine or Martha's Vineyard clapboard getaway. Would like to be a guest at #2 in Galveston or Naples,FL. For no good reason except instinct, feel that both work for California, maybe #1 in Marin, Napa, etc. and #2 in So Cal. Both good for Santa Barbara?

  35. OMG Joni, this is too wonderful! I want you to help me with our Beach House!!!! I vote for the spare, clean & white! I love, love, love it!!!! I feel like you have given me a huge increidble gift! Thank you!

  36. I like almost everything you've picked out in both, but for a beach house, I'd take number one. The swedish antiques don't work for me in a cottagy beachy kind of house. A question: where are you finding your wicker?

  37. You've really done it this I scrolled thru the first cluttered look I KNEW it could not be surpassed and then I had to eat crow. What a terrible decision to have to make. But my lust for a mora clock (for my cluttered interior) wins. Both would be so wonderful. You're very very good.

  38. Thanks everyone for the votes - ok I should have said this - but I ran out of steam last night and just gave up - I wanted to find a pretty house in the Hamptons for house #1 - that's where I envisioned it - an old, stone facade, charming Hamptons house - not a new Mac Mansion.

    And for the 2nd house - I wanted to find a gorgeous old stone (again with the stone!) rubble of a house in the south of France overlooking the Med. ocean. You know the type.

    That's what I envisioned for the two looks. Thanks for pointing out the difference in the locales for choosing - you are soooo correct to notice that.

    Thanks all again - I'm answering by emails right now, so any ANONs, put your email addresses down next time, ok???????

  39. If only I had that choice to sweet a life. Both beautiful but I choose number 2 for it's serene palette. And for those cold days, of course, warmed up with a roaring fire.

  40. This is a wonderful imaginative post ! The creative process at work. I vote for the first mix. I love romanticism of the Gustavian theme, but it somehow is too monothematic for me compared to rich eclecticism of the first.

  41. Love them both! Let's mix it up! You gave me some FAB ideas for my house! Thanks :)

  42. You have style lady! A wine cooler built into a table... I’ve never seen anything like that before – very beautiful. I want one!

  43. balsamfir: I got most of the wicker (and most of all the pictures ) off of 1st dibs. In real life - I tend to go to PIer One for wicker or Pottery Barn.

  44. Thanks for showing your thought process. I love all of your posts, but this is one of my favorites. As a Carolina girl (living in TX since 1985), I vote for look #1. My parents have a beach house in SC that, by intention, isn't "beachy" at all, more Charleston-traditional, but is still great fun to visit.

  45. I just love everything about number two. It wouldn't matter to me whether it would be the Mediterranean or Maine. The colors and the wood finishes all look relaxed and weathered by the sea. Oh what fun to imagine and vote!

  46. Love both, but prefer number two. Where do you fine those "white" books? Great!

  47. Wow, Joni, you hit a homerun on this one. I'm going with #1. It's funny. I decided to go ahead and make my own home my Beach House (since I'll never have one) so #1 is my design board already. British Colonial, palms, dark wood, white slips, more palms, blue & white block prints. I"m thinking of having boards nailed to my walls to create the cabin look. One can dream!

  48. I vote with the brillant suggestions forwarded by Alex -- my choice would depend on the location of our dream beach house AND its location. Perhaps #1 in a cooler beach place so its warmth and charm would infuse the entire house. Charming fireplace and cooler nights -- perhaps even a second outdoor fireplace and Adirondack chairs with brandy and cashmere! Then off switch to the fabulous cool-and-elegant #2 for a warmer location with icy drinks under the stars -- and handsome men in white dinner jackets. And somewhere the music is playing "In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening" Oooooo -- lovely!

  49. My vote goes to Number 2 it's absolutely my style at the moment with the exception of the buffalo check. All of mine went to storage, lol. Right now im loving everything in linen. I sooo adore ironstone but keep getting outbid on Ebay! PB makes great replicas thank goodness....

  50. Love the second one - especially the use of White Ironstone in the beautiful cupboard! It is at its best against the aqua.

    To find Antique English White Ironstone -
    Visit Our Internet Store:

  51. Joni... did you see this article? It's about a house in Rhode Island on a little rock island. I think that house no. 1 would work for that.

  52. Okay, now here I am being the odd man out huh? I would go with #1 just because that is what my heart shouts! I DO adore the second however...oh so much, but it is that English inspired, a tad but cluttered look tha suits me best. Even at the beach.
    This post was such a treat for me. It was like a sweet treat at the end of the day.
    Thank you for that.

    Oh, and I have just spent some time viewing Harrison Howard's work and I am in love with it. The originals would be out of my league but the prints...oooh...those prints! Maybe husband dear should take a look. Our 30th anniversary is coming up and we lived near the Scripps park in La Jolla at one time...: )
    Grace loved the Chinese prints, as did I. Just gorgeous!

    Thank you againj dear Joni! You have out done yourself!

    have a wonderful week!


  53. ...both are splendid in their own ways. I like the swedish w/ the addition of the other bookcase (style)& how 'bout using the one table in the dark montage as a sofa table? You could always make it lighter/swedish.

  54. At first I was going to choose #1 but then after seeing #2 I was in love! The swedish,cottage-look with aqua grey colors are exactly how I want my house now! You are amazing at putting everything together.

  55. I keep meaning to tell you I watched The Holiday this week and the library is behind the kitchen on the first floor. And there IS a "loo" under the stairwell with Jude Law used in the very first scene he had in the movie!

    Validation is great...

  56. Call me a rebel, I vote for #1. I think "feels" warm and inviting. I'd certainly not baulk at #2 either. I think I'm drawn to seeing the wood grain in 1. A bit too much paint for me in 2.

    Thanks for the great post. I love this comparison. I need to do a post like this for a kitchen I'm dreaming of. Come by this week and give me your thoughts.

  57. I can't make up my mind as to which style I prefer! They're both gorgeous. Well, my solution is, you have all the goods so come on down and buy a couple of condos and you can play all day long. I will come and help and bring lunch!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  58. Oh my goodness, Joni. The options are so beautiful. Even though I'm typically cluttered, I love your spare choices the best. I think I love the aqua and checks and swedish furniture. It may be spare, but it's warm and inviting. Love, love the steel table.

  59. Okay, since I finally read all the posts and the 2nd one is designed for the South of France, I'm there, #2 it is.

  60. Aw, you know what to do! TWO houses of course - east coast AND west coast, and if you're really feeling luxe - another one on a beach in France!!!! Then you can choose more great stuff to fill it! Love it all - you're a genius! Also I love the way you did the photo review at the end, the collage of little thumbnails to refresh our memories. You are so good at the photo management Joni! How'd you do that little montage?

  61. Swedish, Swedish, Swedish!
    Can't resist those beautiful antiques!
    Great post!!!

  62. Wow Joni... a lot of work went into this post! I say #1 just b/c that's more my aesthetic. But #2 is awfully pretty as well.

  63. Joni - I want both! But I really want to come and stay with you there and drink the wine. These are fabulous!

  64. Oooh, so difficult to choose! I guess I'll go with #2, both are fabulous though. Great post!

  65. Swoon, swoon! Those would be hard to choose from. I love the collages at the bottom, makes it easy to visualize it all.

    Come by & see a St. Augustine beach house video tour I have up today! It's swoon-worthy too.


  66. Hi Joni:
    Excellent post! I absolutely loved everything about the English styled one - bookcase, old globes, blue & white, and the wine tasting table!!

  67. I've returned to this post a number of times over the weekend, and now on Monday morning. Just want to reiterate what a terrific post this is - hope you'll reprise this concept in another setting. You can see by the number of positive comments how it thoroughly engaged your readers. Would also like to second an earlier responder's compliment on the layout - running images individually and concluding with the mosaic (is that what it's called?)was really effective. Kudos again!

  68. I love both, but am slightly more drawn to the first, more formal yet warmer and cozier look. Perfect for Southampton!

  69. Thanks Joni, sorry the email link didn't work. Still trying to figure out the registration stuff.

  70. Found myself nodding in assent and approval until coming upon the gate-leg card table (too heavy and assertive) and the dining chairs with deeply flounced valances, which conjured up nothing less than short ballerinas in tutus.
    Apart from these quibbles, full marks to your lovely virtual beach house.

  71. There are truly grand elements in each of the two choices but my heart leaps for the sparse Swedish look.

  72. I am confident that under your direction they would both look "simply gahgeous", so I vote for the most inexpensive one. Your work is, as usual, outstanding. Love, Your Soul or is that Cell Mate (BKW)

  73. The first look is gorgeous but, I vote for the second look for a beach house. It's cool and calm. A nice retreat from the sun and the heat.

  74. Oooooh!! Uncluttered all the way!! Which is shocking to me because I'm normally a cluttered-type gal. But the choices for your uncluttered look are AMAZING! I love every single one of them!

    I'm going to Galveston this weekend by the way! I can't wait! But I've heard it's supposed to rain the whole time. Oh well... just seeing and hearing the ocean will do my soul good! I had to get at least one quick trip there in before the kids start school on the 25th!

    Love, love, love your blog by the way!!!

  75. Afternoon, pretty lady! Have you found your condo in Galveston yet? lol Thanks for popping and the getting to meet Edra!
    Have a lovely evening and remember to be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  76. As a reformed minimalist, I must say that #1 would be my choice.
    Where did you find the wicker chair?

  77. morrismore - I don't remember where i found that wicker chair!!! I just can't remember. I don't think it came from 1st where I got most....wait, maybe it did!!! It might be from this antique shop in the hamptons on 1st dibs where I pulled a lot of the pictures for House #1 from!!!

  78. Honestly, I love them both. You have great style. Why don't you decorate both places, and I'll come visit. Only then could I really decide which I liked best. :-)

  79. Gosh Joni! I go away for a coupla days and I miss everything! I love both looks... but I would have to say that the first one with it's punches of red and the charcoal wicker puts me in a very happy place! I am thinking of an old fashioned beach house with this one where you could really relax. LOVE IT!!!!! What a fun idea. A little virtual decorating looks like alot of fun!

  80. Gosh Joni! I go away for a coupla days and I miss everything! I love both looks... but I would have to say that the first one with it's punches of red and the charcoal wicker puts me in a very happy place! I am thinking of an old fashioned beach house with this one where you could really relax. LOVE IT!!!!! What a fun idea. A little virtual decorating looks like alot of fun!

  81. Gosh Joni! I go away for a coupla days and I miss everything! I love both looks... but I would have to say that the first one with it's punches of red and the charcoal wicker puts me in a very happy place! I am thinking of an old fashioned beach house with this one where you could really relax. LOVE IT!!!!! What a fun idea. A little virtual decorating looks like alot of fun!

  82. Gosh Joni! I go away for a coupla days and I miss everything! I love both looks... but I would have to say that the first one with it's punches of red and the charcoal wicker puts me in a very happy place! I am thinking of an old fashioned beach house with this one where you could really relax. LOVE IT!!!!! What a fun idea. A little virtual decorating looks like alot of fun!

  83. Gosh Joni! I go away for a coupla days and I miss everything! I love both looks... but I would have to say that the first one with it's punches of red and the charcoal wicker puts me in a very happy place! I am thinking of an old fashioned beach house with this one where you could really relax. LOVE IT!!!!! What a fun idea. A little virtual decorating looks like alot of fun!

  84. Gosh Joni! I go away for a coupla days and I miss everything! I love both looks... but I would have to say that the first one with it's punches of red and the charcoal wicker puts me in a very happy place! I am thinking of an old fashioned beach house with this one where you could really relax. LOVE IT!!!!! What a fun idea. A little virtual decorating looks like alot of fun!

  85. Gosh Joni! I go away for a coupla days and I miss everything! I love both looks... but I would have to say that the first one with it's punches of red and the charcoal wicker puts me in a very happy place! I am thinking of an old fashioned beach house with this one where you could really relax. LOVE IT!!!!! What a fun idea. A little virtual decorating looks like alot of fun!

  86. I LOVE them both, but #2 makes my heart beat faster!! ESP if it is in the South of France.This is the stuff that Dreams are made of. Good work Joni.

  87. option one, but both are stunning, beautiful. thank you!

  88. I would be a happy guest in either. I prefer the Swedish inspired:)

  89. You are so darn famous now that my little comments get lost in all the traffic! I love the English cluttered sample here!

  90. I'm in LOVE with house #1, so, so gorgeous! I love the beachy blue and white with the extra little oomph of color.

  91. Humm - both have thier own flair..but I think I like where is that winning lottery ticket so I can have one too!

  92. Wow, they are both so great!! But...I like the English influenced look myself. Really, though I'd stay at either of these beach houses!!


  93. gimme clutter! i'm a firm believer that *more* is almost *always* better. but i'd take the birdcage from #2 and throw it into #1. and maybe the shells too. see? i like the clutter!

    nice work, joni. someone needs to hire you to turn those beach house visions into reality!

  94. IMPOSSIBLE to choose! I, like you, adore both of these looks. The answer is to have two beach houses!

  95. Wow Joni! Almost 100 comments on your Beach house. I wanted to ask you if I could move in with you! All the items you picked I can see culminate in a REALLY dreamy beach house. Impeccable taste as always.



  96. Hi Joni,

    Both are lovely, but I vote for the second Beach House. I love the colors you have chosen and find it so soothing and restful. When can I move in?
    I love your site and your work.
    The Queen's Quarters

  97. Well hell, I just can't decide! :) They are both absolutely wonderful. I would probably choose #2, only because it is such a change from my cluttered, red-filled norm.

    What a fun post! You are SO talented!

  98. Wow! 100 comments!

    I love them both, but I really would choose #2. It's cleaner and fresher. But I would try to use the Spanish table from #1 in there somehow... it's beautiful!

  99. I may be super late for this discussion but I love the second one. Wherever the beach house might be, it's look I want.
    This post is so fabulous.

  100. They're both lovely, but I'd have to say the second choice. The first one seems a little fussy for a beach house. And even the second is a very grand, upscale beach house! Most of the beach houses I've visited are much simpler and no frills - still elegant, but no worries about antiques getting wet or deteriorating due to the sea air! You have great taste. I'd really love to have that second home you've envisioned - year-round!

  101. Oh, thanks again for all that hard work and thought! Your posts are so great! If you could possibly put that red lantern in the aqua/white house, I would definitely go for #2, but I do love both!! Do you have any good resources to pass on for INEXPENSIVE lighting? Those lanterns look like they'd be Urban Electric, which I absolutely love, but can't afford. The chest of drawers and daybed are gorgeous!

  102. A comment from a native Houstonian artist now living in Charlotte, NC: I like #2. Where would one acquire a striped rug like that?

    And I enjoy reading your blog!

  103. Joni, I love #1...cozy, comfortable and unexpected for a beach house. It's very interesting to see your design process.. Mary

  104. You had me with the bobbin chair. I love that. While both are divine, the blue and white pottery and globes made me swoon.

  105. SHARON: the rugs come from the Aspen Rug Co. - if you google it - you can get their address. I'm not sure what it is. thanks!!!!!!!

  106. Joni -- love the English version. We've got some overlapping favorites there :)

  107. Since you got all the stuff, go get the house.
    Gina from Germany

  108. Oooo, to have to pick, hmmm - well! I am a fan of the spare, Swedish inspired, clean, white and aqua look? Only because the Swedish Daybed and armoire are so lovely. I am coveting the Spanish Table from the earlier English grouping, but for argument sake - the latter will do. So - when will you be delivering these things to my door?

  109. Oooo, to have to pick, hmmm - well! I am a fan of the spare, Swedish inspired, clean, white and aqua look? Only because the Swedish Daybed and armoire are so lovely. I am coveting the Spanish Table from the earlier English grouping, but for argument sake - the latter will do. So - when will you be delivering these things to my door?

  110. Really a great and wonderful home bedding and furniture collection!! Great find...........

  111. I read this two years later and I think WHAT was I thinking? The Swedish is what I picked but the English is really what my heart loves.....

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