COTE DE TEXAS: Webb Design: The Albans House

Webb Design: The Albans House


Last fall, my neighbor directly across the street approached me about decorating her house. What a job! Across the street – who can argue with that? I absolutely loathe taking jobs across town, and as I have gotten older, I am really not accepting work outside the loop – well, outside the beltway I guess. My days of traveling past the airport for work are over, especially now with the blog. I just don’t have the time to spend it fighting Houston’s horrendous traffic. So commuting by foot is definitely tempting – and I gladly accepted the job. My neighbor has two dogs, one senior citizen and one puppy (who once ran away and I had to chase after him for thirty minutes with no luck – even dangling What-A-Burger fried chicken as a bribe, which he scoffed at. Now there’s a new invisible fence around the perimeter of their front yard for the maniac bird dog – but, I digress.) So, with two dogs, two daughters under ten, and lots of entertaining, my client wanted – can you guess? Slipcovers! OK. OK. I am BEGGING my anti-slipcover stalker to just quit reading this now. It’s going to be all about slips from here on out. When you have two dogs and two children, slipcovers are truly the only way to go and yes, I have heard all about the miracle fabrics available, but I happen to prefer NATURAL fibers!

Besides slipcovers, my client also wanted seagrass. Of course! She lives in West University and everyone here either has or wants slipcovers and seagrass. This client was easy. And no, I’m not talking about her morals. She was easy to please and quick to make a decision, in other words – THE BEST KIND!!! Thank you God for small favors!!! I think we decided on the total overhaul of her downstairs in about 2 hours or less. And with a smile! So nice. AND, as if it couldn’t get any better, her husband is actually funny! Like funny ha-ha laugh out loud funny. Which is much better than the husband who hovers and wants to see all the bills and bids and proposals. I’ve been lucky lately, it seems I just keep getting the best clients in the world and my neighbors top that list. Besides the slips and seagrass, the client was firmly decided on white linen and aqua colored walls and black granite, and these were her only requests. She casually mentioned that she wanted a bold second fabric, not bold in color, but in design, something youthful. I knew what she was thinking about: Kelly Wearstler’s Imperial Trellis fabric – but please. Please! Enough of that. Let’s give other famous and fabulous interior designers-turned-fabric designers a chance.

image Windsor Smith’s family room as seen in September’s House Beautiful. This picture served as an inspiration for me when designing the new project.

It just so happened that while we were planning the design, the September House Beautiful magazine featured Windsor Smith’s wonderful new house. Before Jill Brinson’s house, Windsor's was my favorite, especially the family room with her famous double sided sofa covered in her new pre-washed linen fabric from Kravet. I had seen the line at the Decorative Center and fell head over heels in love with it, bringing home samples of all the colorways. Once my client mentioned the “trellis” type fabric, I knew that Windsor’s Riad was going to be the one. And it was. Said nice client agreed immediately. And so, apparently, did every other client in the United States. After the publication of the House Beautiful story, Kravet had sold out of her fabric, thousands of yards of it. We had to patiently wait until December to finally get our order. Do you think I ever heard a complaint about the wait? No, I never did. And I never heard a compliant about the wait for the bamboo shades either.

image Windsor Smith’s fabrics by Kravet – Riad on the left and Cap Deluca on the right. My client chose both fabrics, the stripe will be the curtains and the Riad will be used for the slipcovers.

While waiting for the fabrics to arrive, we were busy with a small kitchen redo – new matte black granite countertops, appliances, Shaw’s sink and a creamy subway tile backsplash was installed. In the living room turned study, we built a wall to wall computer desk for the girls with shelving. That room was painted a warm chocolate brown to offset all the seafoam paint throughout the downstairs. The dining room was redone too with new seafoam paint but in a deeper, more luxurious tone. In the family room, we reconfigured the built in shelves to hold a nice, huge flatscreen – allowing us to ditch the former faux-antique armoire hiding a large TV. Ah...I loved getting rid of that piece! And so did my client, of course – she’s nice and easy! And then we waited and waited and waited. Until today, when I finally installed the family room furniture and part of the dining room. Unfortunately the before pictures are missing from my computer for some reason. But to explain how it used to look, the downstairs was painted yellow, with deep red walls in the dining room. The fabrics were all reds and greens. The decor was typical West University 1990s, except now it’s now 2010. There were mini blinds on all the windows in the back and beautiful wood shutters on the front windows. The breakfast room is connected to the family room and there was a light oak colored table with matching chairs along with two iron bar stools. In the family room there was an assortment of brass lamps and a skirted table. Of course there was the Pottery Barn rattan chair and ottoman. That must be their most popular item ever! The many bookshelves held even more framed pictures. Thinking about the installation, last night I could hardly sleep, I was so excited. I really wasn’t worried about it, like I usually am. But, it’s been a few months since I’ve had a full install like this (times have slow for moi) so that added to the excitement. The truck was due at 11:00 am. I woke up at 10:15 am – I TOLD you I wasn’t nervous!

Here’s a look at the family room. Pictures of the kitchen and dining room to follow next week:

image The Family Room

First we covered the entire room, including the breakfast area with seagrass, custom cut 3 inches around the perimeter. The client’s sofa was remade with two new back cushions and one bottom cushion. Her chair and ottoman were slipped in the Windsor Smith fabric, as were the two black caned chairs. The curtains are Windsor Smith’s striped fabric. All Windsor’s linens come prewashed. The kitchen is to the left, behind the curved bar. We replaced the countertops with a matte black granite that is highly textured. (To see the entire picture – be sure your browser is maximized!)


Looking towards the other direction, instead of having two end tables, we opted for a sofa table to put the lamps on. Bookcases flank the fireplace. Two white garden stools are used for drinks tables.

image Each window is covered with the Cap Deluca Windsor Smith fabric and bamboo blinds, which we raised to the ceiling for a cleaner look, extending the visual line and hiding that dead space between the window and the ceiling. The curtain rods are the smallest matte bronze rod and rings I can find. The curtains and blinds really made the biggest impact on the room. I know I say this all the time, but it’s true: curtains and blinds are so wonderful to cozy up a room. The blinds cut down on the sun’s glare and gave the room a soft glow.


The breakfast alcove.

The black wood table and chinoiserie inspired chairs came from Noir L.A. The Windsor Smith fabric was used to make slips for the chairs. I put two dozen faux green apples in a large clam shell on the tabletop. The knock-out in this area is the lantern from BROWN in Houston, the best lighting/decor store ever!!

A note about the design process: the client wanted two things – a black granite countertop in her kitchen and bar, and seafoam colored walls. At first we toyed with a Belgian inspired design, using limed woods and painted gray furniture. But with the black countertop and aqua walls, it seemed more natural to go with the black furniture. In the end, I’m really pleased with all the black accents – I think it grounds the room and is a good foil for the white and seafoam linens and paint.

image The view from the breakfast area. The lamps came from Ballard Designs and the shades are from Pottery Barn. The barstools from Noir L.A. are covered in burlap with nailhead trim. All the ceramics came from Legends of Asia.

image The view from the kitchen, looking over the bar and bar stools. The sofa table from GO Home Ltd. is metal with a white marble top. The mirror above the mantel is 19th century from Tara Shaw Antiques.

image I bought the zebra rug at Round Top. The cane chairs came from Furniture Classics LTD. The leopard throws are for when the dogs are lounging on the sofas, it will keep them from having to clean the slips all the time.

Note: I tried the photography tip from Michael J. Lee here. On this week’s Skirted Round Table, he advised taking pictures while sitting down.

image Looking towards the kitchen. Along that back wall, I used the set of 3 wicker baskets from Artesia there. Eventually, the client wants to find an antique for that spot, so until that happens, the baskets will do. The lantern is from Vintage Vagabond – which Olivine carries. The coffee table was the client’s.

image The client’s chair and ottoman were first recovered in muslin and new cushions made, then they were slipped in Windsor Smith’s Riad fabric. The client owned that darling plant stand so I added the blue hydrangeas.

image Closeup of the slipcovered chair and ottoman. All the seams are 1/4 inch flange.


View of the right side of the family room.

imageOld Faithful: Custom Creations by Monica does all my soft goods – curtains, bedding, etc. We’ve worked together from my very first job to my last. To see Monica’s web site, go HERE.


Next week I’ll show the dining room and kitchen. I was too tired to style them tonight, plus the curtains weren’t installed yet!


  1. My computer is taking forever to download these pictures, but what I have seen is EXQUISITE! I love seeing your designs, and isn't it great that you have clients whose design aesthetic is so aligned with your natural aesthetic? Maybe that's why it was so stress free (in addition to having a great client, who happens to be across the street!).

    I love the lamps on the sofa table - they are the perfect scale for the space. Are these the ones from Ballard? I looked on the website and did not see them.

    Beautiful, beautiful job!

  2. aaah.... what a beautiful and soothing atmosphere you have created Joni. You have become my decor mentor.

  3. Stand up and take a bow!!! Bravo!!! Joni, you've created such a beautiful, soothing place. I love, love, love this home!!!!! I can't wait to see the rest of the house.

    You're THE BEST Mrs. Webb!!!

  4. Joni, this is amazing. Wow, I want to move right in. Such a calming environment for a young family. This has magazine written all over it. Thanks so much for sharing and I cannot wait to see more!

  5. Beautiful Joni!!
    It really came out restful and cozy.
    I'm sure the client must be overjoyed!

  6. It is absolutley gorgeous! I wish you lived across the street from me! :-)

  7. yeah my PC takes ages to download your pics too, no one else's - go figure - anyways, the house, what can I say - it's amazing! I just love the trellis right now (who doesn't!) and the styling in this room is amazing - I have to ask, is that fake flowers in window stand? I only ask because someone criticised my use of fake flowers recently, but there are some absolutely gorgeous fake flowers around these days... just wondered if your clients would use them too?

  8. Hi Joni
    I have to say I love what you've done here. I adore the fabric, in fact I used the very same pattern in a different colourway for a lovely client of mine just recently. Here in Australia we have limited access to some of the gorgeous fabrics and products you have in the States, and I'm always so envious! Thanks for such interesting and inspiring posts. I'm an avid reader of your blog, you're so generous and informative and a great inspiration to a newby like myself.
    All the best,

  9. Hi Joni! It's all gorgeous! Love the fabrics and slipcovers. Do you mind divulging the paint color?
    It is lovely.

  10. Absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait to see the kitchen and maybe even the before pictures if we get lucky? Just curious, do you plan on doing anything with the ceiling fan?

  11. Wow! This is quite lovely. My next house is getting family room slips but now you have me thinking about seafoam colored walls. I am especially taken with the seagrass and the bamboo shades.
    Congrats on a showstopper.

  12. Beautiful pictures, your client must have been as pleased to work with you as you with her. A question please, if you have the time - the seagrass cut 3 inches from the edge. That's not a technique we use in Europe that much, how is the seagrass kept in position?
    Many thanks.

  13. Delightfull's really stunning! Looks like Michael's photo tips really paid off...these are great!!


  14. Joni, it looks great!!! I really love the sofa table. I even like the Perfection~ Thanks for sharing all your sources too. 5 stars

  15. Wow! Everything is so current and wonderful! The seagrass, the slipcovers, the outdoor lantern, the feedbag seatcovers! You put these design elements on the map! Things may have slowed down for you, but girl, you still got it! Love it.

  16. This is amazing!!! My fiance and I just moved into a new apartment and I will DEFINITELY be using this as inspiration. It's gorgeous! Love it. I keep going back to those cane chairs...So excited to see the other parts of the house. I'm just starting to really get into decorating the new apartment and your blog has been a wonderful resource. So thank you!!

  17. Joni, another scrumptious room. Love the colors and that zebra rug is such a great finishing touch.

  18. Joni,
    Thanks so much for sharing your design experience! I also try to stay in my area with clients, hate to travel across Atlanta. How lucky for you to have one across the street! I love the washed linen fabrics by Windsor Smith and enjoyed seeing them used on this project.
    The Designer Insider

  19. Incredible as always. Your choices work beautifully together. I have to say even though I live far from Texas, I am becoming a seagrass convert after seeing all the fabulous rooms you have shown in past posts and this post.

  20. another Joni home run ! Great pictures!

  21. Oh, my. That is GORGEOUS. So chic and light-- perfect! (On a side note-- I didn't realize the hides still have the tails on. I'm not so sure how I feel about that-- stepping on a tail in the middle of the night....oy!)

  22. Lovely for a young family. Some day when mommy and children grow up they will experience the beauty of upholstered sofas and chairs. Until then enjoy the wrinkles, the uneven hem lines, pleats that gap open and the I shop at Ikea look.

  23. Hi Joni,

    I love this... great job and a great post

    Dean in Naples, Fla.

  24. Dear Joni,
    What a fabulous room-fresh and young yet calm and serene. I love the slipcovers (who doesn't with kids!) and think the bookcase is just perfect. I love the way you staggered the shelves--great job, your clients must be so pleased. all the best, Barbara

  25. Gorgous! I had also clipped out that page with the Windsor Smith fabric as a dream fabric. It's so fun to see what you did with it. Thank you for showing us something fresh and new that we can't see anywhere else but your beautiful blog.

  26. Joni,

    Just wonderful! Congratulations on a beautiful job! Your client must be over the top!


  27. Great job Joni;
    The seafoam and black is really neutralized by the cane chairs,sisal blinds and textures in the room. It is hip & fresh, fun for a young family, I think it is very fitting and looks tres chic!
    Thanks for sharing with us!

  28. Lovely! What a beautiful space! Could you address why you chose the artwork for the space above the fireplace? To my very untrained eye, it seems a little small for the space.

  29. I love getting the low-down; the resources. You made my Friday morning THAT much more enjoyable. GREAT job, Joni!!!! And, of course your neighbor(s) had fun with you. Who wouldn't? :)

  30. Joni, this is perfection! Hampton Hostess is right, calm and serene, and beautiful. Thank you for sharing. And very, very funny story about the bird dog!

  31. LOVE the project!! AND kudos from Stephen Drucker as well?? You're having a good week!

  32. Fab job! I noticed the new angle of the camera right away. And thanks for introducing me to at least three different shops I hadn't heard of. Also, I'm glad you went for black furniture!!!! I may be wrong, but the full blown belgian look will be short lived. I would consider the table behind the sofa and the gorgeous lantern over the dining table just the right amount (a hint) of the belgian look. Hurray!!! Great job.

  33. What a fabulous room! Please be my neighbor!

  34. Ahhh. Your slipcover "loving" friend did show up. Not a party without them.

    So the sofa table and the counter chairs. And what an impeccable job on the sea grass, curves and all!

    And YES! on the camera!

  35. JONI - I LOVE it!!! Really great - the black accents with the seafoam - can't be better, and everything washable!! GREAT JOB!! jane

  36. This is gorgeous. But what I love about this post is that the client's good natured attitude and patience and understanding of the process took center stage. Too often, pressure from the client (time, expense, time, cost, time, money) causes the project to take an unfortunate direction. This project highlights that good design is only as good as the people who are there to execute it and the client plays a big roll in that! Marija

  37. This is a really lovely room! You should be quite proud of your work here. Love the slipcovers!

  38. Joni, this is so pretty, I just want to sit down!

  39. I REALLY like this room. I have those shades throughout my home and love the texture and warmth they give. Fabulous job!
    xoxo Pattie

  40. Angla P. in HoustonMarch 5, 2010 at 8:03 AM

    Another beautiful interior! Your rooms certainly have you signature on them, but I love how each one reflects the client as well. In my opinion, that's the mark of an excellent designer. It was a pleasure to look at each different view. I expect that your client is overjoyed, as she should be!

  41. Absolutely gorgeous, I love those lamps! The light above the table is amazing too! Great job, I'm sure your neighbor/client was thrilled!

  42. I agree with one of the other comments.....I wish you lived across the street from me! What a beautiful job you have done. I can't wait to see the rest!

  43. Your talent has made this a home to be so proud of. It just nails it. LOVE the black furniture, sofa table, garden seats, AQUA COLOR...I'm still smiling...Franki

  44. Joni-licious! This blog probably cost me lots of money!!!

    Perfectly delightful - you captured the beauty and comfort of the set in "Something's Gotta Give" and made it better. You gave an active family a beautiful and practical nest.


  45. So fresh and beautiful! Another wonderful job, Joni. I am ashamed of that first 'Anonymous' post; if you have nothing nice to offer, why would a person bother? So mean spirited of them.
    And OMG!!! Stephen Drucker commented on your post!!! Girl! You have ARRIVED!!! Love it ALL!

  46. Totally gorgeous in every way! Can't wait to see the rest of the rooms. You do amazing work! Would you mind sharing the names/brands of the paint colors you used? They're perfect!

  47. Michele from BostonMarch 5, 2010 at 8:36 AM

    Joni- what a truly lovely room. My hearty congratulations! Please do me a favor and in your next post (which I can't wait to see) tell me the brand of the bamboo blinds and the color selection. I just love them and they make a wonderful contrast to the high style of the furnishings. Thank you. This was a wonderful post. What lucky clients to have you so close by. All the best-

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I love it all. Every last thing.

    I've also been meaning to thank you. I got my first seagrass rug a couple weeks ago, and I LOVE it. I wouldn't have had the courage to go for it, without your recommendations!

  50. Love it!!! I am having so much fun reading through all of your posts. I googled how wide should drapes be and that's how I found you! Being that I have a fabric addiction/obsession, your blog really speaks to me and is very inspiring.

  51. Awesome!!! Ok, where are the bamboo shades from? Love the cane chairs. Can't wait to see the rest!!

  52. wow joni, you are amazing!

    love everything.......the varying textures, the mix, lanterns, rugs and THE SLIPCOVERS!

  53. Wowee Joni~ it's all amazing and that fabric is beautiful mixed in with the sea grass and textures and the different wood tones. You are so incredibly talented. I like the flipped books on the bookshelves too.

    Did you happen to see the new listing on our street but on the East side of Buffalo? I did a small post on it earlier this week. It's right up your alley.

    Happy Friday lady!

  54. Well, I love slipcovers, Joni, and I got my white sofa slipcover in January for my living room sofa. My WASHABLE white sofa slipcover! I love it. It's changed the whole look of the room. I love the slipcover on your client's sofa. Love the fabric choices and the wall color. I'll bet you could have supervised that installation from your living room window, in your pajamas, while drinking that first cup of coffee!

  55. Fabulous, Joni! It's an oasis of calm and beauty. Love this SO much. The colors, the slipcovers, the sisal, the drapes, the pillows, the furniture, the accesoories, the lanterns and everything in between including the commentary... wonderful, all! I know your clients must be thrilled!

    I have those Asian garden stools. I'm using them in a post next week. They are the greatest things since sliced bread.

    But the classic line of the day has got to be this...

    "OK. OK. I am BEGGING my anti-slipcover stalker to just quit reading this now. It’s going to be all about slips from here on out. When you have two dogs and two children, slipcovers are truly the only way to go and yes, I have heard all about the miracle fabrics available, but I happen to prefer NATURAL fibers!"

    Amen, sister! LOL! I laughed so hard, but girl, I gotta agree. Love slipcovers AND natural fibers!

    And love you much...


    Sheila :-)

    P.S. How did you get those lamps to turn on without seeing the wires??? I'm not seeing them at all? Do you have some secret? I love those lamps, by the way. Stunning!

  56. Beautiful, beautiful! Calming, serene, restful, what more could you ask for....except the pERFECT clients! Can't wait to see the rest!!!!! XO, PInky

  57. Joni, let me preface my comments by saying that I very rarely leave comments. However, this room is too gorgeous not to comment on! Wow, there is nothing I would change (and that rarely happens!). Just perfect! I'll look fwd. to seeing this home featured in Veranda, Trad. Home, or the like. Congratulations!

  58. Oh GOD THAT IS SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Oh Joni, I am drooling !! Here I sit outside the beltway and would love to see my own 1990 decor transform to what you have created. Gorgeous, fresh and comfortable. Thank you for the inspiration.

  61. Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!! Joni, my sweet friend, you are so talented. This room whispers luxury and comfort yet screams style. So proud of you!



  62. Stunning! you are a design genius! i couldn't live without my white cotton slipcovers...5 kids.

  63. Ahem. Anon, may you not get diseases brought on by chemically cleaning all of your upholstered furniture. Although my five children are mostly , okay, really grown up, and my six dogs are mostly (okay, whom am I kidding) clean, my slips keep the house looking good and smelling good.AND, let us not forget, european royalty and southern gentility have been using slipcovers for eons. When I see upholstered furniture, I see someone that is trying to save on labor costs.I also perceive germs and bacteria.Yuck.

  64. Hi Joni:
    It's absolutley beautiful!!!

  65. Love it all. The fabric is perfect and subtle. Really just great! My favorite piece is the mirror on the mantel. ~*~kelley

  66. Like a breath of fresh air! I'm happy for you that you had such an awesome client! You deserve it!! Such a pretty room - well worth the wait, I'm sure! :)

  67. Joni--it is gorgeous--I could simply move right in.

  68. omg gorgeous! Love the black accents -they really ground the space nicely. And how cute is Monica? Seriously.
    I hope they have a gigantic housewarming party now and you get a ton of jobs out of this (as I'm sure you will!).

  69. Beautiful, Joni! The room looks so serene. On a different topic, did you see the latest Ballard Designs catalog? Suzanne Kasler did an entire suite of rooms using Ballard stuff, and House Beautiful interviewed her about the process. The interview is in the catalog.

  70. Joni, I love this room, it is so soothing with its Ocean wave colored walls. I took a deep sigh upon entering. I really like the 1/4in flange on the slips, it is so interesting. Your neighbor/client must be one happy lady. Can't wait to see the rest, thank you for sharing. Kathysue

  71. Stunningly beautiful as always, Joni! Want to move to southern CA? Across the street from me? Please? :)

  72. Just a beautiful post. What a lovely home. I remember the article in House Beautiful and tore out the pics to keep in my file. You've brought it to life with your own sense of style. My one comment is about the Breakfast Alcove. Following Tara Dillard's blog, Landscape Design, as a designer you should be allowed to move beyond the glass windows and restage what is seen. Or, at least advise! That beautiful room is just marred having to look out at the "barbeque grill." Love you, Nora

  73. Joni,
    That family room is fantastic! You did a wonderful job! I love the colour on the walls which is so nice with the colour of the sitting furniture and the curtains! The seagrass is very matching the style of this room!
    You can be very proud of this redo!
    And I have to say that indeed taking pictures while you sit down is a very good tip! The pictures are stunning!
    I am looking forward to see the rest of the home next week!
    Have a nice weekend!

  74. Joanie- Great room, just love it. Tell me though, exactly HOW does one keep slipcovers clean? As long as they are pre-washed before fabrication, do you really just throw them in the washing machine? And dry them in the dryer? Doesn't the linen skirt wrinkle terribly? What are the secrets to keeping linen slipcovers looking fabulous? Thanks!!

  75. Joni, I love what you have done!! The home is so gorgeous!! Every small detail added is exquisite!! It is one I could simply move right in! Bravo!!

  76. Joni, it looks wonderful! You did such a great job interpreting the inspiration photo. I love the Windsor Smith fabric you chose. Can't wait to see the rest!

  77. This turned out so wonderfully!!! So calm and inviting (which I'm sure the client LOVES since she has 2 small children and a puppy!!)

    It's beautiful and totally livable- as a pet owner I loved that you even took the dogs into consideration with the throws. That's what we do at our place, and it works beautifully.

    Question: I'm assuming that there was a floor outlet under the sofa for the lamps?? I am DYING to put a lamp on a side table next to our sofa, but with no floor outlet and a slab foundation, I'm left with the option of running a cord under our rug to the opposite wall.... which isn't good.

    Wonderful job - it's beautiful! Can't wait to see the rest!

  78. Country French JudiMarch 5, 2010 at 10:23 AM

    Joni it is a stunning room. Beautiful fabrics and the accessories are TDF. Having toured your home the layout for the kitchen and family room look the same! I love the fact that you used some dark wood pieces instead of all white. The fabrics give the chairs a fresh clean look. Love it, love it, love it!!

  79. Joni, I love, love this room! It is perfect. I think you did a lovely job. I would be beyond the moon if this was my room....

  80. What a phenomenal job you accomplished here! You're right: The window treatments really stand out. But the rest is just right out of a magazine as well. I'm sure you have some very happy neighbors. And that makes for good neighbors! (I've found that sitting helps with the photo taking also.)

  81. This design is beautiful!!!!! I am in love! I really enjoy reading your gorgeous blog posts.

    I am not a designer so I need to ask a question. I want a natural fiber rug like the ones that you so often use.

    What is the difference in seagrass vs. jute?

    Which is best? Why?

  82. This is lovely, but I really like that you did what she asked(aqua) AND it turned out so well. Thanks for showing the sources.

  83. Joni - these look incredible.

    Just a thought: It would also be helpful to add "Webb Design" label to all that show your work so fans and future clients can see all your work easily in one search.

  84. Wonderful job! As always!! Your interiors are so inspiring. Also, funny story, I was reading your blog and saw a picture of your nephew and realized it was my friend Jeff! Small world! Thank you for all the great work you put into your blog!

  85. Wow!! Absolutely Beautiful!!

  86. drool! this turned out so fab! Where did you find the throws? love them!

  87. Joni,


  88. Very lovely, I really admire your style!


  89. Add me to the list of fans Joni, it's really nice. You'd already made me want seagrass, now I'm trying to figure out where I can work that wall color in.

  90. Absolutely LOVE this room! Great job!! Although, now I feel like my powder room is "dated" since I have Kelly W's Imperial Trellis splashed all over the walls and a curtain. =)

    ~ Christi (from Houston)

  91. OMG it look soooooo gorgeous!! I bet she is just thrilled. you did an amazing job!!! woo hoo

  92. Joni,

    I simply adore your work in this client's house! It reminds me so much of a Veranda cover that I have kept for years, which shows rattan furniture and drapes all done in seafoam, looking out to the ocean. But this house is more sophisticated and more comfortable looking with the overstuffed slipcovered furniture.

    I do have two things that jumped out at me. One, is the size of the mirror on the mantel. It looks rather small for that grand room. Maybe more accessories up there with it??

    Also, I was wondering if you had considered using some of the stripe fabric as in the drapery on one or two slipcovered pieces? Not sure if that would be nicer, though, than everything in the same pattern. Love the barstools, too.

    But as I said, this room is gorgeous. Would love to walk in there and sit down and say, "It's mine!" Another wonderful decorating job, Joni! : )

  93. Joni
    Your talent continues to amaze. I think this room is perfection. What a lucky neighbor!

  94. Fantastic!! Just really charming, comfortable and elegant! Can't wait to see the rest of this wonderful home!

    ((perfect example for your decor book .... just teasing!))

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage

  95. Let's make it 101 comments (more to come I am sure). Gorgeous (with pronunciation a la Joni...)and the pictures too (were you shooting sitting down and/or with the camera on the back of a steady chair? Ha Ha). Bravissima Joni and lucky neighbor.

  96. Just beautiful Joni!
    You must have one happy client/neighbor.
    Congratulations on an exquisite job.


  97. Joni
    what a lovely job! Absolute perfection! Your client must be in heaven.
    Marion from KY

  98. This room is so stunning. So much to drool over. the black accents - brilliant. I love how the pattern in the Riad fabric is the same shape as the backs of the breakfast chairs. The curved seagrass- amazing!


  99. Beautiful post!
    Need looking for a source for a dining chair slipcover that is seat know, that little skirt appearance.
    I did not want custom because I did not plan to use them all the time.
    Can you help?
    Thank you.

  100. Hear me clapping? THAT is a happy room!! I'll bet the owner sighs when she's in there!
    The reconfiguring of the bookshelves was a perfect choice as was the choice of sofa table and lamps!

    Would you be so kind as to divulge your source for the curtain rods? Oh, and the stone-like spheres on the mantel? Pretty please.

    It's about time for me to revive my 90's decor here in Ohio!

    P.S. If you can find the before pics, you should show them; otherwise, you make it look effortless.

  101. Susan:

    the objects on the mantel came from Pottery Barn and the curtain rods came from The Hope this helps!

  102. Hi everyone! As usual, you are all the BEST!!!! Thanks for all your wonderful compliments. I am overwhelmed reading them all, you are sooo sweet and loyal!!!!

    Thanks again a million times.

  103. OMG...will you come and do my house please?

    BTW, before I got to the part where you mentioned trying Michael J. Lee's photography tip, I was saying to myself what great pictures these are and wondered if you had them professionally done!!

    Nice work. Thank you for sharing.

  104. Gloria:

    Olivine in Houston carries some. Call them. (713) 622-7776 I showed a slipcover that they carry in the last story I did on them.

    hope this helps.

  105. GORGEOUS! I mean, God Joni! This is so beautiful! I love the wall color, and that fabric is spectacular! I saw it a month or so ago, and thought about it for the bathroom bench - but had a hard time finding a local carrier to touch it and check the whites. Because the tile and fixtures are white I can't have anything that has a oatmeal white undertone.

    This is stunning though Joni! So looking forward to seeing the rest of it!

    Oh, and yes - doors are a bitch!

  106. Perfection Joni. You are a legend. I LOVE your aesthetic. A-M xx

  107. I love this space. Well done!!
    Would love to know the paint color and the source for the bamboo shades.

  108. So much to say... First of all, was that Ms. (or Mr.) Anti-slipcover Stalker in the Anon post talking about Ikea (or did I read it wrong?)? If so, that person needs to get a life. Second, those rooms are LOVELY! I've never considered myself a lover of seafoam, but it all looks gorgeous -- I could live there in a heartbeat! And it is so kind of you to include all of your sources. I will definitely be checking them out. And lastly, if you keep visiting my blog I'm going to feel compelled to put up some beautiful design pictures rather than my kids and our dorky craft projects. The grandparents will be soooooo confused! :)

    Oh, and how cool is it that Stephen Drucker reads -- and comments!!!! -- on your blog?! I was so happy when I heard him on the SRT say you were one of his favorites. Has he offered you a gig at HB yet? :)

  109. Love the colors and the slips.
    What is the wonderful paint colour?

  110. Me again. I forgot to mention the slipcovers... love the ties and the 1/4 flange on the seams -- TO DIE FOR! I'm definitely stealing that look! And your camera angles are awesome! Nice job!

  111. Joni,
    Clapping wildly!!! I love everything in the space, but what really struck me is that it has a balanced broad appeal. Neither overly feminine or masculine.

    And wonderful patient clients, their spaces always turn out best! Can't wait to see the rest, I just came out of the closet...5 to be exact...for over a week, and this was so soothing and enjoyable!

  112. Great work, great pics!
    Thank you for sharing

  113. I read the entire post and all 119 comments!! Thrilling!! What can I say - absolutely beautiful job! Just stunning!! How lucky for you to have a great neighbor for a client but really how lucky is she to live across the street from YOU!!

  114. Joni-I love it the most when you share "real" houses! This one is both fabulous and believable! I LOVE the slip covers on the breakfast room chairs..( well, really, all of it :) I would love to know the paint color and type also! I know your clients are thrilled with the result. Can't wait to see the rest

  115. The only way I could love this space more is if it were my own. What a lucky neighbor!!! Everything looks beautiful, great job. If that room was on the cover of a magazine, I would snatch it up.

  116. Hi Joni...

    I never curse in blog comments..but I'm gonna here... frickin' gorgeous!!!! I love, love, love that fabric girl! What a beautiful room. I instantly wanted it for myself. You are a marvel woman! You need to be syndicated!!! :)


  117. What a lovely space, really beautiful. I can't wait to see more photos.

  118. Joni,
    It's me again- If only Sandy gets into Rice University in 3 years, I'll move into West U and you can do an entire house for me!
    A girl can dream!lol.
    -Linda, NY

  119. You have inspired me to redo my house! This is just so absolutely delicious! Do you think I could get away with sea grass in cold, snowy Ohio? Maybe I can find a soft warm carpet in the color of seagrass! Gorgeous!

  120. Absolutely Wonderful, it's a real credit to your skills. I can't wait to see more.

  121. Love the room and can't wait to see the rest of the project. Pls, pls show the living room turned into an office -- that's my next project for our house and I know you'll inspire me.

  122. Joni - there are no other words that haven't already been said. Your work is gorgeous and you tell the story beautifully.

    Why do people like Anonymous, March 5, 7:16 A.M. have to say such tacky things? I swear - it makes me sad to read such comments. You are the best. Have a great weekend!

  123. Joanie
    Absolutely don't toot your own horn enough...did I spy pb's finials on the fireplace? Aren't they great I am using them at a project I am working on. You are always so generous with your sources...thanks for the the bookcase staging as well,...

  124. It is so clean- so fresh, so, so lovely. My favorites are the cane chairs- and I love the flange on the slipcovered chair and ottoman. This room is truly, a breath of fresh air. A job well done!

  125. Fabulous post and I know I am only the millionth person to remark how wonderful this project really did turn out.

    Please share the wall and trim color...pretty please?

    Love, love, love the blog!

  126. It looks fantastic!! I would have never considered this color palette, but I'm LOVING it. I can't wait to see the rest.

  127. Just wanted to stop by and say "Great work Joni!" This could have been in a magazine for sure - not sure if it's too late to make that happen.

  128. joni....this. is. fabulous. i can't wait to see the kitchen!

    the fabric really does a stellar job pulling this room together...the trellis motif is amazing! awesome choice!

    i really appreciate your transparency in divulging all the details...thank you! :)

  129. Joni, this is so gorgeous, can't wait to see the rest! Thank you for sharing some excellent furniture sources that I was not familiar with!

  130. I have been saving up your post to read tonight and so glad I did. I had to stop after the first one to tell you and your neighbor what a lovely job. I love KWID trellis but like you think it has been everywhere. This is perfect. Everything is bold and soothing at the same time. Classic but trendy, casual but crisp. I could go on and on. Joanie joanie joanie, I will let you live in my house here in Haverford (commute even shorter and we have starbucks) if you will do for me what you have done for your clients. Give them/me a house to live/love in but could be photographed for a magazine any day of the week. YOU DAZZLE AND TRULY AMAZE ME, LITTLE JOANIE!!!!

  131. Beautiful job!! This room is so serene... The drapes paired with the grass shades really works well. Love it!! Oh, and I love the Artesia baskets. I saw those at market and have been wanting to find a spot for them! Great work. Thanks for sharing!

  132. This is gorgeous! I don't think I'll ever tire of seagrass and slipcovers! I love the shot of Monica too!

  133. I do believe the lamps are from Ballard Designs,the Salerno Table Urn. Fabulous!

  134. I've loved your website for years. Such beautiful taste and so inspiring.

    I have just started a blog, I would love to link one another.


  135. This room is heaven Joni....Congratulations and can't wait to see the rest of the job. Your client must be looking in amazement at her beautiful room...xv

  136. It's wonderful Joni!! I can only imagine how Happy your lucky client is with your work! Can't wait to see the other rooms! And would love to see the 'befores' when you find them!!

  137. Joni: Please tell me you did not just say that about Imperial Trellis.

  138. Beautiful job, Joni. Lucky neighbor!

    I second the question on the blinds. I've ordered bamboo blinds before and they were still green!

    Also, curious why you don't take the seagrass wall-to-wall. I love it - just wondered.

  139. Looks gorgeous - so fresh and light with so many interesting details, like the flange welting and those two white vases on either side of the sofa table. Oh, and the Brown light fixtures is stunning!

  140. What a lovely, fun yet serene home! You always create a space that is gorgeous yet homey. The slips are perfect! I regret getting rid of my family room slipcovered furnitre for an EA sofa and chairs. I should have refurbished cushions and reslipped. As always thanks for being so generous with your sources and Drucker needs hire you! Tara just completed a plan for me and I am really excited to get started and when it came to the bbq grill, its like she said, its a part of your life and how you live.

  141. Beautiful interior! The room is stylish, comfortable and chic all at kind of interior. Thanks for sharing your great work!

  142. Joni
    You've done it again! You are the best. Can I be your neighbor?
    Oh well guess I'm not moving just yet.
    But you are kind and generous to share and also the links.
    We love slipcovers... yes we do!!!

    I can see a book, written solely by you with this style the core of the book.
    I see you are still drinking your starbucks and not sleeping much these days.
    Thank you thank you.

  143. Joni!
    I looked at this when you first put it up, but had to dash before I could comment.
    Sometimes I feel like adding a comment is not needed since you get so many.
    But here I am to tell you BRAVO, on a job extremely well done!
    You continue to grow as a designer.
    You know who you are, what you do best, and you made your signature riff of slip covers and sea grass fresh and new again.
    I love the Windsor Smith fabric! In fact I am using it too, but I used the deep brown with red chain for pillows for a client, trying to pep up the white slip covers and sea grass she already has :-)
    Hope you never get sick of compliments and comments darling.
    xo xo

  144. Hi Joni, I'm new to your blog, but it's become one of my favorite reads. The room is so restful, yet the pops of black and the overall textural quality of the stylings keeps it from becoming a snooze. There is something interesting to see at every turn, and the overall feel of the room is so relaxing and family-friendly. I especially love the burlap on the barstools and the seam flanges on the slips. Hang on to Monica...a good slipcover maker is hard to find! Bravo!

  145. That room is absolutely gorgeous, perfection in every way. And, your picture taking looks very professional!!! I heard that discussion on SKRT and I have been doing the same, thank you so much for that huge tip, because it does make a big difference.
    Hugs, Cindy S

  146. As I finished looking at the pictures, I realized that I had been holding my breath. Stunning, lovely, perfect!

  147. I wish to add my compliments to the above. Your blog is my first read of the day everyday! I really appreciate the detailed and informative postings you write. But,I especially love when you post your work. I can't tell you how many times I have looked at the Tanglewood family room! It serves as an inspiration as I try to update and neutralize my 1960's ranch family room in Houston. Your neighbor's family room is lovely! Thanks for the continued wonderful work and down-to-earth approach to life. I am going to put your phone number in my speed dial so that when my ship comes in you are my first call!

  148. Hi Joni,
    I really enjoy seeing images of your own work, such as your daughter's delightful room. I adore Imperial Trellis, only wish I could have even just a pillow in one of the colorways, but love seeing alternate trellis fabrics used. Was that comment really from Kelly? And finally, kick me if you like, but has the TV gotten leveled? I only noticed this because when I had the guy come to install mine I walked away thinking, "oh, he knows what he is doing, it will be fine"...only to return to see one side hung about a fourth of an inch lower than the other. Still bugs me to this day, though no one else seems to notice!

    Finally, I hope you get more work that lets you just stroll to the work site! Janell

  149. I love everything about this room Joni! My favorites are the coffee table, the barstools and love, love, love the slipcover fabric and how it is flanged. Great job. Can't wait to see the rest of the reveal. How nice to only have to walk across the street to your client!

  150. Helen Stroud, get a decorator honey and have them price out a comparable size sofa upholstered in a top of the line fabric such as Scalamandre, Brunschwig & Fils, Beacon Hill, Lee Joffa, etc., and white linen slips by Kravet and you will easily see that not using slips as a costs saver could not be more inaccurate. One uses slips because they like the look and they are more costs effective - not the other way around. Have you ever wondered why all of these homes we see in the West U. area of Houston all look alike? Is there no originality in Houston? Go to any other major city in this country and you will not see the "copy cat" approach to decorating that photos on this blog portray.

  151. Joni,
    This is just beautiful. Your client/neighbors must be so happy. Great job! Can't wait to see the rest.

    What's up with "anonymous"? He/she needs to get a life.

  152. Joni! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
    And thank you for linking all of your sources - I wanted to know where several things had been purchased and you listed that.
    This family will be so happy!!

  153. Whoa - thank YOU!!!!!!!! I am amazed at the comments.

    ok - paint color is Makaha by Pratt and Lambert. Trim color was there already, so don't know that.

    Still waiting on the Blind company name, i'll let you know that soon.

  154. Joni,

    How come none of my neighbors can make my home that lovely? :-) Seriously, it is beautiful! I, too, like how the black pieces ground the room yet never overpower it. It feels soothing, light and inviting. I can't wait to see the rest of the house.

  155. Well, Welcome back to the anti slipcover stalker who terrorized my Christmas Day blog posting with about 50 nasty anon messages, using different names. After I finally had enough, she jumped over to other blogs, bad mouthing me anywhere I posted a comment. She got banned from a few of those too. She knows I told her not to post here anymore, but she's not listening, obviously because she has now left two comments.

    SOOOOOO - just to address her nastiness to Helen Stroud. Helen is the owner of Olivine in Houston. She doesn't need to price things out OR "get a decorator honey" - she IS a decorator and quite a good one, having both of her homes published a few times each. OK? And yes, it IS more expensive to have furniture slipcovered than not. OK? You don't SAVE money by slipcovering, you pay more. Slipcovers can may be made out of almost any fabric, so the cost of the fabric is moot. Also, slipcovering a sofa in a Rose Tarlow or a R&G linen will cost you a bundle. So would linen from Lee Jofa and B&F - their linens are quite pricey. Besides the cost of the slip, you must first UPHOLSTER the sofa in muslin - so you are paying for two labor costs there - hence making the slips more expensive as a rule.

    And again, just like in all things, there are good slip craftsmen and bad slip craftsmen. A good slip should not be ill fitting. I defy you to look at that slipped chair in this project and tell me you can tell that is a slipcover. You can't. or the caned chairs, or the dining room chairs. the sofa being in white is more obvious, but you can see that it is expertly sewn, even, and not drooping as you described. plus, have you never heard of an iron? My slips are all ironed after washing which keeps them looking crisp and not overly wrinkled. I know you wouldn't think of wearing a pair of pants for five or ten years without washing them. That is exactly how dirty an upholstered sofa is, hiding under the dark chenilles, etc. full of dust mites, hair, grease, and grime, ugggh. give me a clean, freshly washed slipcover ANY day.

    And I am not going to get into a flame war over slips. Like Helen said, slips were first used in England - centuries ago, quite a far way from Houston, wouldn't you say? Why you give Houston credit for slips is beyond me.

    Their current popularity started in California with Rachel Ashwell, again, quite a way from Houston. so, this is NOT a Houston phenomenon. I just happen to like this look, so I show it, on my blog. There are plenty of frou frou faux Tuscany decorated homes in Houston and in West U. I don't like that look, so I don't show it. There are plenty of blogs that do. Find one like that to read - you will be much happier. I promise you.
    Now, go back and disappear and try not to insult my friends anymore, ok?

  156. Kelly Wearstler:

    Actually I love imperial trellis and think it is one of the prettiest fabrics of the decade. I didn't mean to offend anyone that has it. It's just that now, starting fresh, there were other fabrics like Windsor's that would convey the same feel. No insult was intended. I think Anna Spiro's pink IT wall in her showroom is one of the prettiest things in the world.

    If they gave Oscars out for fabrics, IT would win. It's fabulous - then, now, tomorrow. It's timeless - it will be around forever.

    I just wanted to try someone new, that's all. I didn't mean to insult anyone!!!!


  157. I love what you have done! I can't wait to see the kitchen!!! I wish I lived in your neighborhood!

  158. First and foremost, I love pretty much everything you do. This is my favorite! I love the color combination and the textures. This room is one I would like for myself! You're so talented. Thanks for your site and for your insight. I may try to do my bedroom in this fashion. If I ever get it done, I'll send you pics.

  159. I'm in love with this place. I love how it it looks so effortless yet anyone with an eye for design knows that a lot of work was spent on designing the room. It has a high end look but it is still very welcoming as well as relaxing. I can't wait to see what you did with the kitchen. I was once on the dark cabinet and granite look but am becoming more and more in love with the white cabinet/subway tile/black countertop design. Excellent job!

  160. I'm in love with this place. I love how it it looks so effortless yet anyone with an eye for design knows that a lot of work was spent on designing the room. It has a high end look but it is still very welcoming as well as relaxing. I can't wait to see what you did with the kitchen. I was once on the dark cabinet and granite look but am becoming more and more in love with the white cabinet/subway tile/black countertop design. Excellent job!

  161. Oh, Joni, it's been TOO long since we've seen one of your creations. I love this!! Every bit of it. and I love the wall color too. Wow, it's all just gorgeous, I drooled over every photo. Great job! You're so good.

    I have to laugh at hearing seafoam green paint again. I painted my house seafoam back in 1985. I guess it's back! But, not with mauve, thank goodness. :)

  162. Oh my gosh! AMAZING. Soooo very beautiful yet you can still snuggle right in! That room just looks like it smells good!

  163. "She got banned from those blogs also" - OH REALLY, I DON'T THINK SO. I have posted a comment anywhere I have so desired and no one has banned me for having an opinion that every room you do looks like a clone of all the others. As to the workmanship of your slips - Joni put your contacts in and look at the sorry looking welting on your slipcovers, really. And by the way, some of us actually wash and change our clothes more than once a month. From the looks of your pictures, your family does not.

  164. Anonymous, what is wrong with you? If you don't like what Joni does why do you read her blog? I can't understand the need to put her down when all you have to do is not read it. Please understand my tone, (it is an honest to god question for you) as I would really like an answer. Thanks.

  165. OMG, Kelly Wearstler commented! That's so great...She is so beautiful and talented.

    Joni, I keep coming back to look at the details of this lovely, serene room- it is so heavenly beautiful!

    Anon, we read this blog because we like this look and style...if you don't, simply find some design blogs more to your taste and liking.

  166. Miss Joni,

    I am both humbled and flattered that you'd stop by my little blog. This room is delightful and I simply adore what you've done. Riad, Windsor Smith, that amazing beach glass color. I die.

    Your post made my day :)

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  167. Well, only 177 people have told you how wonderful this room is. Let me be 178! Beautiful! laurie

  168. um, Kelly Wearstler did NOT comment - that was a joke!!!
    but STephen Drucker did. :)
    love that man.

  169. honey, you were banned. your comments were not published. several bloggers personally emailed me to say they were holding them back because you were such a rude person.

  170. Hello. Little 'ol me here. Just stopping by at the end of your long, long, long, long, long line of charming comments to thank you for being so great. I mean that. xo

  171. This comment has been removed by the author.

  172. Oh My God!!!! What the hell is going on here with negative, rude people. I just came back to read some of the comments....Insane I say. Incredibly insane. Thank goodness for the majority 'goodness' in the blog world. Love You Joni and Your Work. Love you bunches. xoxoxo

  173. Joni, your fellow bloggers must have held back comments on the wrong person. None that I have posted on any design blog has been held back. Sorry my dear, I know this must disappoint you.

  174. Joni,

    I always feel silly being the 187th comment because at that point what could I say that could top all your fans except, "You Go Girl"! Beautiful room from a lovely lady and I lament the day I have ugly comments on my blog. That's not what this is all about. It makes me sad someone would want to take you down through ugly words. We all work really hard at what we do and my most favorite thing about the "World of Blog" is mutual support for one another. You've got mine! Best. G

  175. Joni, do you know who anonymous is? Did you do something horrible to this person? I don't understand the hatred. Aren't these things for entertainment only or did I miss something?

  176. I agree that the black anchors the room. So fun to read how you tailored your ideas to how the CLIENT LIVES. As decorators, we WORK FOR our clients, so if they are happy then we have accomplished what we set out to do. I can see how yours are thrilled with the space you've helped create for them.
    (LOVE love the cane chairs - so hard to get a hubby to sign off on something like that :) )
    Thanks for sharing! More, please!

  177. Joni: I admit that I am not a fan of "seafoam", but I love love love this room! Great job and thanks for sharing your latest project.

    Please do let us know where you purchased the blinds when you find out.

    I have a question for you off the subject. I just received the new Ballard Design catalog (March 2010 - with the white shelving unit and white dining table on the cover) and commentary throughout by designer Suzanne Kasler. I know you're also a fan of some of Ballard's stuff... so I was wondering if you could help me. I'm going nuts trying to find the very light/pale beige wall color that can be found in Suzanne Kasler's room on page 2 of the catalog. Do you recognize that color (it doesn't have to be that exact brand/name)?? If you can suggest a similar one I would be MOST grateful! I've stopped into every paint store inside the loop and I can't find one similar!

    Thank you and keep up the beautiful work!!!!!

  178. MaryBeth:
    no, I have no idea who she is. none. she's not from texas. she's from up north. but i have no clue who she is becuase she is anon. obviously. and she really does not bother me at all. i actually don't moderate my comments because i like to hear the negative opinions - i think it keeps it honest. but, there is a line between honesty and rudeness towards people's family members.

  179. Hi Joni
    My commennt is going to get lost in all the other comments but that doesn't matter.
    Your blog is always informative and inspiring.I read it always and have learn't so much.
    I think some of us forget you are a really talented designer as you don't showcase your work often enough.What a fabulous room.
    Kind Regards
    PS: Can't wait to see the rest.

  180. Hi Joni!
    I think think that room is really gorgeous, and your fabric choices and the blinds for the windows really tied in the darker furnishings. Well Done Missy!!!!
    This doesn't look like a clone of anything......Maryanne xo

  181. I love the long curtains ! the table behind the sofa is beautiful ! what a serein atmosphere !

  182. Wow, 194 comments on this already! My jaw dropped from the first photo I saw, and I can see lots of others loved it just as much as I did. What a STUNNING house- I am in love and I am sure the homeowners love it even more. Amazing job Joni!!!

  183. I think you posted Befores of this LR during earlier days. Or am I dreamin? (I say that in case you're still looking for them.) Love-love the soft color palette. And the fabrics, what can I say . . . I want! best, -s

  184. I love this Joni. Beautiful work! I always enjoy seeing your rooms.

  185. Joni ... there is only one word to add to the 197 comments ...


  186. You have done a beautiful job as always. I love everything about these rooms. Cannot wait to see the rest.

  187. Joni I LOVE YOUR WORK!!! I always read your blog but seriously you have a stalker you might need a restraining order reading all these nasty comments gives me bad energy and seriously dampens this beautiful blog you write. WE, the readers are DEVOTED and quite frankly some people never learn. Keep up the Amazing work.
    P.S. Anonymous you might like to subscribe to a different blog their are so many out there. You are bringing me down with all these nasty nasty comments. (I am sure a lot more would agree) May we should start a Vote!!!!!

  188. Joni, Ditto all the other positive comments! I love this room, and look forward to seeing the remaining rooms. I love all the elements that clearly represent your signature. Bravo! I'm with Q Magpie though. Where do those lights behind the sofa plug in?

  189. Joni, Ditto all the other positive comments! I love this room, and look forward to seeing the remaining rooms. I love all the elements that clearly represent your signature. Bravo! I'm with Q Magpie though. Where do those lights behind the sofa plug in?

  190. Joni, Ditto all the other positive comments! I love this room, and look forward to seeing the remaining rooms. I love all the elements that clearly represent your signature. Bravo! I'm with Q Magpie though. Where do those lights behind the sofa plug in?

  191. Joni, Ditto all the other positive comments! I love this room, and look forward to seeing the remaining rooms. I love all the elements that clearly represent your signature. Bravo! I'm with Q Magpie though. Where do those lights behind the sofa plug in?

  192. Joni, it looks stunning - airy and fresh. I just love Windsor and her fabrics are so classic - great colours and patterns. I am mad for this room - great job!! I love the effect of the blinds and the dark touches really ground all the airiness, a secret I just myself learned!

    GREAT job - I want seagrass too - can you believe we cannot even get it here in my city unless you want a Pottery Barn rug version. No one sells it - of course it is cold here, so wool is much more popular.

    Love the zebra tail too (hehe) and I don't know why the Slipcover-Hater bothers to read your blog. You know, even I have those commenters that seem to hate my taste and I think "why are you here???" Or they comment on how much money I spend. Me. I am not even a big spender lady. Drives me crazy.

    Love this room and can't wait to see more. xo Terri
