COTE DE TEXAS: The Skirted Roundtable – Week Five

The Skirted Roundtable – Week Five






Blogging to a sleeping or non-existent audience  - what to do????  The Skirted Roundtable - Week Five’s Blogging Topic is up and ready to listen to it HERE.

This week’s Interior Design topic is “Paintings – how high is too high?”   This will be posted Wednesday night or Thursday morning.


As always, Linda, Megan and I thank you so much for tuning in to hear us fight it out, I mean TALK it out!!!    Beware – highly opinionated content, not for the faint of heart!!! 


  1. Thanks so much for the reminder. I have listened to the first few weeks and need to get caught up.

    Love listening to you ladies and hearing your very honest and candid thoughts on this crazy business :-)

    Tricia - Avolli

  2. Yep... that's me in the corner, dozing and drooling!

    Good broadcast about audiences. It can take a while to find your voice.

  3. Thanks Joni. I am so enjoying these roundtable talks!

  4. I love paintings stacked high, as in an old museum. Fills too-large walls, obliterates boundaries, and just looks luxurious.

  5. I think your roundtable is a splendid idea, and I hope it grows by leaps and bounds. Excellent move forward!

  6. That is so funny Joni, I'll have to check it out.

  7. Interesting as always. I guess I found my first blogger from HGTV's Rate My Space and it went from there. That first blogger, whomever it was, had links from her blog and on and on. I now have over 100 blogs bookmarked that I haven't had a chance to check out! I'd sure suggest anyone with a design blog putting their work on Rate My Space with a link to the blog right in the description of their work.
    Before that I didn't even know the design blogs were out there! Anyway, one reason I'll "drop" a new blog is if they don't post every day. If it's one I really like (Eddie Ross) I don' mind but if it's not one of my favorites I figure I'll just drop it and try something else. As you said, one reason Eddie is successful is because I knew who he was but that only got me in the door. The fact that it's personal, as you said, but also because it shows things that anyone can do and find is what keeps me.
    Great work ladies!

  8. Oops, guess I should have put that on the Skirted Roundtable site!

  9. Thanks Joni! I really liked the tiles & the flooring that were used! I am looking for kitchen flooring options & an orangery room flooring. ( Ir was going to be a computer addition, but now I am considering an orangery room after Renee Fineburg's post on them! Thanks for the "new" tiles ideas gathered from antique materials.
