I love getting emails from readers, especially when they include pictures of their houses. One reader, Deanie, started sending me pictures of her house last year while she was redecorating it. Deanie lives in Grapevine, Texas and at one time was an antique dealer. But now, she had a dilemma – unpainted brick walls versus her husband. You see, Deanie’s house had several interior brick walls, including the fireplace wall, which didn’t fit in with her new all white décor. The problem was that Deanie’s husband was partial to the yellowish-orange brick walls and wouldn’t bend on the subject. He absolutely refused to allow Deanie to paint the brick!
If I have heard this story once, I’ve heard it a 1,000 times. Usually the decorating dilemma is dark stained paneling or furniture that husbands refuse to paint light. Why do men just love dark stained wood? It’s the mystery of the ages. My solution to this problem is always the same: look your husband squarely in the eyes and ask him “and where exactly did you get your degree in interior design?” This tactic may not work of course if you husband is like mine who retorts “the same place you got yours,” which is a stab at me because he knows I didn’t graduate college after attending it for four years! Deanie came up with a much better game plan to persuade her husband. She enlisted the help of her daughter, Dana. Dana wrote a faux legal brief, acting as the attorney to her client, the lowly unpainted brick. The gist of the legal argument is summed up in this paragraph:
By Dana
My case is as follows. The aforementioned male house recipient has trusted his wife and devoted partner with countless creative updates and ideas for almost 40 years of their marriage. Although he prides himself in NOT reversing his decisions on most occasions; hopefully I have made a good enough case for him to reconsider his prior position regarding the future of my Client. Questions: Why is he preventing my Client from receiving the FULL benefit of his wife’s talent? Why won’t he succumb his willful determination to keep my Client in its most basic natural state? Why won’t he give her the best 65th birthday present by taking a trip to Home Depot, purchasing a single lifeless brick…paint it creamy white, wrap with a ribbon and give the best gift of all….PERMISSION TO PAINT MY CLIENT????!!! It behooves me to also mention that ALL family, friends and professional interior designers support my Client’s transformation.
Needless to say that when Deanie’s husband received the fake legal brief from his daughter begging him to let Deanie paint the brick, he finally relented. Of course, once the brick was painted he loved it! Isn’t that always the case? Is there anyone out there that has finally gotten their husband to agree to paint the dark stained wood lighter, only to be made to repaint it dark again? Of course not!
Over the course of the past year, I have received periodic updates from Deanie showing me the changes she has made to her house as she transformed it from colorful to all white. She also sent me pictures of her daughter Dana’s house. I also received pictures of Dana’s sister in law Leslie’s house. And I was sent pictures of Leslie’s mom’s house. More pictures came from Leslie’s aunt showing me her daughter’s house and a friend’s house! I had serious problems keeping up with the family tree. But apparently, everyone in this extended family loves antiques. They love decorating and they love shopping for their houses – they even go to Round Top, although some of them live in Tennessee and Louisiana. I thought it would be fun to look at one extended family’s decorating approach.
Deanie’s House: The problem with the brick walls
BEFORE: How Deanie’s house looked when she moved in.
When Deanie moved into her house many, many years ago – it looked like this. The large fireplace wall was clad in brick and was the undesired focal point. Perhaps if the brick was another color, or if it was stone, it would be less bothersome, but this was not the case. For years and years Deanie had to decorate around the brick because her husband refused to allow her to paint it. Apparently he is quite fond of yellow-orange brick, though no one else is! The blue carpet was replaced with terra cotta tiles. The kitchen is located on the other side of the fireplace – and yes, the brick is there too!
After Deanie started redecorating her house in all white – the brick wall bothered her more and more.
In the middle of the redecorating, Deanie had yet to repaint the armoire, but all her upholstered pieces were now slipped in white.
The armoire has since been painted gray.
And finally, after her daughter Dana, sent her husband the fake legal brief – the brick wall was painted.
Behind the shutters is the sunroom, which also had many brick walls. Those were painted too!
And for Christmas this year. The furniture is arranged to make room for the white (of course) flocked tree.
The painted fireplace is so pretty and soft looking now!
Since it has been painted white, the fireplace is an asset and the focal point of the room.
The sunroom was enclosed – it was once a porch. So, of course the walls are made of brick.
Here is how the sunroom looked before the walls were painted.
And, after the walls were painted. Deanie also painted all the wicker furniture gray, for a more trendy look. She also added grain sack pillows.
I think this room looks so cute! I love the wicker painted gray and I love the coffee table.
And looking at the other side with the now painted brick wall.
I should paint my white wicker gray like this. It really gives it an entirely updated look.
Now, let’s take a look at her daughter Dana’s house.
Dana, Deanie’s Daughter’s House
Dana recently moved to a rental house. The house came furnished but Dana didn’t like the furniture, so Deanie came to Nashville and moved the owner’s furniture into storage so Dana could use her own!
Dana also loves white slipcovers, and she likes to add touches of blue to her décor. I love this slip with the gathered ruffle edge, so cute!
Looking the other way towards the living entry hall.
The alabaster lamps and shades are really cute. The sofa table is an English antique.
Imagine that these rooms were painted a dark green when Dana moved in.
The white paint makes all the difference – it’s so bright and cheery and fresh looking now.
The dining room has a white table with black chairs. Nothing looks better than a crystal chandelier.
Many of the pieces in the house came from Deanie’s house or were bought by Deanie and Dana at antique fairs.
A close up of the entry hall with its antique buffet painted white. I have that same exact lamb!!!
Dana’s house is so cute, especially for a rental, and I’m sure they’ll be happy here for years.
Now, I also received pictures of Dana’s Mother-in-Law and her daughter’s houses. So, that makes two sets of mothers and daughters in an extended family. Of her family, Deanie says: “We are definitely partners in our madness over all things old and making our homes look the best we can. Its in the blood I guess. We all love a lot of the same things but our houses are completely different with our different tastes.” Her daughter Dana says of the bunch “We ALL love Roundtop, decorating(we NEVER stop), laughing, great food and company, cultivating 'anything' we see and just living beautifully and full!”
Elizabeth’s House:
Dana’s mother in low, Elizabeth, recently moved back into her house in Nashville, after living in Texas. While in Texas, her house was rented and it was painted by the renters. It now all has to be repainted and just the front rooms have the new paint. Here is the living room with its gray buffet and darling blue and white slipped sofa. Deanie said that when she started decorating with white – Elizabeth didn’t understand it or like it. Now, she has many white and painted pieces herself.
The dining room is in the prettiest shade of blue gray. I love the color of the walls!!
She mixed a crystal chandelier and a dark table with a painted console.
Elizabeth’s family room is still to be painted, but you can see her large white slipped chair and ottoman.
I love her green lantern – it is one of a pair. The hide rug adds another trendy touch.
The bedroom has a white slipcovered headboard with white and pale blue bedding, along with painted white end tables.
White with light blue is my favorite color combination for a bedroom these days.
Leslie’s House:
Elizabeth’s daughter Leslie (who is Dana’s sister in law!) painted her living room a light blue gray, just like her mother.
She mixes urns and columns and mirrors – as did her mother, Dana and Deanie.
The entire family all has white slipcovered sofas! And they all have crystal chandeliers. Leslie mixed in baskets and mirrored furniture.
The antique French armoire is a real focal point. When starting out, you should try to buy one large antique for each room, then build around it when decorating.
The antique will last through any decorating style or trend and is a great investment.
Elizabeth and her daughter in law Dana both moved to Nashville to start a church. Elizabeth and her husband are the pastors and Dana is head of the Children’s Ministry. Dana’s husband also preaches there. Besides her work with the ministry, Dana has four children who keep her quite busy. Needless to say, Deanie is very proud of her daughter, and who wouldn’t be!
Looking at these four families – two mothers and two daughters – and how similar their houses are, yet different at the same time, think about your own family. Does your house resemble your mother’s or your sister’s? Or do you have totally different styles than theirs? In my own family, it is similar – my mother and sister and I all love the same things, but in different ways. We all love antique furniture and accessories. They don’t love slipcovers and seagrass like I do, but we all three love French design. On my husband’s side, the daughters in law also all love decorating.
I wonder if all families are like this? Do the women all love to decorate in your family too? I would love to see more extended family houses and look at how the decorating is related from house to house. I think it would be hard to be the only one in the family who decorated. If you spent money on your décor but your in laws didn’t, would they think you were extravagant or wasteful? My mother always advised me to “put your money into your house and not into your clothes,” which I do. I would much rather buy a new accessory than an pair of shoes. It helps that most everyone in my extended families – on both sides – have the same mindset.
A huge thank you to Deanie, Dana, Elizabeth and Leslie for sharing pictures of your beautiful homes!!!!
Kristin Mullen who writes the blog Covetable Designs is having a giveaway to tie in with a big announcement. Kristin who designed her own gorgeous home in Dallas, above, has started a new decorating business, Design Online, for clients who don’t live in Dallas but want to hire Kristin. Be sure to visit her blog for all the details about the giveaway HERE.
And, don’t forget that Kathryn Ireland is the guest interview this week on The Skirted Roundtable, HERE. Last Saturday, we recorded a new interview with a HUGE surprise guest! That will be online after the holidays, so watch for the announcement. Thank you as always for your continued support. Pictured above is a dining room from Kathryn Ireland’s book Classic Country.
And Finally:
Cote de Texas welcomes a new sponsor: Chic Provence Design Tour. Interested in a shopping trip to Provence this spring? Go HERE for the brochure!
very interesting post.. I waged a war for years over dark judge's panels in our main living area .. at last I won and we've never looked back.. we painted it took 6 months.. with 3 coats of oil based paint but it was worth it
ReplyDeleteI love the after, those darn guys just dont think brick or wood should be painted. It really pulls the room together though!! Love it, thanks Joni.
Ha ha - what a great post!!!
ReplyDeleteThe afters are wonderful...now that was a battle worth fighting!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the side of people who want to paint brick. Every time I've done this (I'm a painter) the results have been well received. The usual comment is "Why did we wait so long?" The usual answer has to do with a husband.
ReplyDeleteWhen my daughter was young she went trick or treating in a friend's subdivision and she asked me "why don't people in XXX Crossing decorate their houses?" I think she thought that every family's holiday get together meant that the women gather up the decorating magazines, fabric swatches, etc. and talk incessantly about their houses. One SIL had a design business for 15 years and the other is an artist, so we were always deep in planning and dreaming. We have a 1960's house and one of the first things I did was paint the dark paneling (and the husband didn't care) but I actually like the brick in my sunroom because it's not a yucky color and it has touches of what almost looks like aqua in it, which goes well with the slate floors. I have thought about painting it through the years, though. My sister recently talked her husband into painting their dark woodwork and now he's sorry he held out for so long. I think with men, they have no vision AND they're afraid they'll have to do the work. And then you won't like it after all that effort.
ReplyDeleteA very talented family and so happy for Deanie to have won her battle!Plain brick...yuck!
ReplyDeleteJoni I think the Whites et al believe YOU are family!!! They love you!
ReplyDeleteSo happy you are linking up to Kit's Provenve tour! Also admire what Kritin is doing at Covetable Designs!
Art by Karena
What an endearing story!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLOVELOVELOVE the "case" and I think I love even more that Deanie went right ahead and bought every stitch of furniture and accessories she desired and pretended to ignore the albatross redorangebrick! Tha'll show em'! All of the homes are so beautiful. My Glamaw is going to FLIP over this post when I email it to her!
painting that brick made a huge difference. Family drama solved! Thanks for sharing the story and the photo essay.
ReplyDeleteMy mother always taught us that the 'home' was the woman's terrain. Men had their offices and careers and the woman's home was her empire. While this notion might seem outdated as today many women have their own careers, I still believe the home should be left to the woman. I never once have asked my husband permission regarding any decorating ideas I come up with....he is more than happy with this arrangement as it is one less decision he has to deal with LOL. I do however have friends whose husbands always 'interfere' and don't "let" their wives make certain decisions in the house. I do not like these men. I am so BLESSED with my hubby as over the years I have made some awful decorating decisions, only to redo a few months later, and he never complains or interferes. What a man!!
ReplyDeleteAnon: my husband is the same. He may tease me about decisions but he wouldn't dare tell me what I can do or can't do, as long as we have the funds, or I pay for it out of my business account. He knows better. We actually are going through this right now with curtains I want to put in the family room. He says, why are you even asking me my opinion - you won't listen to it!!! right he is! haha!!! but, he did say, are you paying for this out of Webb Design? Well, uh. no. He knows there isn't any money in that account. it's a game he plays. I agree with you. I am married to the nicest most generous man in the world. Yours must be the 2nd best man in the world. Anyone taking the 3rd place out there?
ReplyDeleteI just adored these house tours of these 4 related women! I do love how their tastes are similar but each home is unique.
ReplyDeleteI definitely decorate similarly to my Texas mother. She's more traditional than I am....but you can look around - especially if you look at our bookshelves -- and know we're related!
I'll be your daughter will have a similar approach to decorating once she's out of college and on her own. She must be coming home soon!!! :)
xo Elizabeth
White, white and more white! I'm a big fan!
Arghhh ... men and that dang dark wood! Throw in my husband's love of golf course green, plaid anything and FUGLY leather barstools= decor by Applebee's.
ReplyDeleteCall me sexist, but unless my husband's name is Lars Bolander, I'm going to have to be the one in charge, thank you.:)
And yep, all the females in our family have the same taste because we're too cheap to buy new stuff (needlepoint, rugs, antiques, etc.) and this way, we can at least reassure each other that once every twenty five years or so, we'll all be back in style.
PS These ladies have done such a great job with their homes -- so pretty!
I love before and after posts! They are so inspiring! Thanks for sharing and happy holidays!
Love that sunroom - looks so cozy!
ReplyDeleteAm I ever making my husband read this post! Paint the brick!!!
ReplyDelete* Joni, I SOOO enjoyed the comments from "ANONYMOUS" (above!)~ What a charming "character"!
ReplyDeleteI grew up in So Cal, & "model homes" truly WERE fabulously styled "in those days"... chock full of great ideas, upcoming trends, etc. (I mean, it WAS CALIFORNIA, AFTER ALL! Grins!)...
Anyhoo, one of my most cherished memories of my darling Mom was her taking my Sis & I out to look at houses, either at the beach OR "inland"~ then we'd go someplace terriffic to dine & exchange excited ideas about what we'd seen & thought...
I made the "mistake", some years back, of thinking to "include" my sweet husband on my decision-making processes re our completely new home's new furnishings... basically alllll of them (save a few German pieces I could NEVER bear to part with!), as I wanted to "start fresh". I QUICKLY learned that's a "NO-NO" (the moment he disagreed with what *I* preferred!), & he QUICKLY learned that I just wanted him to AGREE w/ me, so *I* would feel he was "INCLUDED"~ we still laugh sometimes about that, now 6 years later (& he reallllly DOES have good taste!!).
How FUN that the gals, in these "two families that are now one", share in this JOY and FUN and EXCITEMENT... TOGETHER!!!!!!!! Now THAT'S an UPPER to read!!!! (Cuz I miss that so much!)...
Thanks as always,
Linda in AZ *
P.S. Re: the paint "he" wants to keep: Follow the words of NIKE, and "JUST DO IT"... (better to apologize... SWEETLY of course!... LATER, AFTER it's already DONE, ya know???) XO, Linda
ReplyDeleteGreat story, fun family. Roxanne
ReplyDeleteI love your enthusiasm in sharing these photos of your reader's homes! The legal brief was priceless!!! Beautiful homes and a truly wonderful bond for these 4 women share over there love of decorating.
I rarely get resistance from my husband...after 23 years of marriage...he knows my the "feel" of our house and the style...which fortunately does include masculine touches.
THanks for the nice post. I especially liked the cute square lamp shades, besides the paint.
ReplyDeleteJoni, I wish I could be in a family of decorating nuts!! But for some reason I am the only gal that thrives on decorating, decorating, and more decorating. Funny that my mom and two sisters are not into it, and my MIL, who lives right next doors to me, has NEVER decorated!! Everything in her house is as it was when she set up her home 5 decades ago! She is a frugal swede, and I am quite sure she views my activities as wasteful and lavish. She did pass a compliment to me, which is a rare event, telling me I truly had talent in home decorating. So while she thinks I may be talented, she still thinks I should be washing floors and walls and meal planning, not rearranging the furniture or painting my black iron chandy white! On the plus side,my hubs loves everything I do and goes right along when I hatch my latest painting plan. Who needs to wash walls when you paint them every year anyway?
ReplyDeleteIn one of the pictures I caught a glimpse of the outside of the house. It, of course, was the same orange/red brick as the inside. If budget allowed, I would paint the outside as well for a more uniform and complete renovation.
ReplyDeleteIck in the all white. dislike dark paneling and the yellow brick but that's Texas architecture for you.
ReplyDeleteMy 20 year marriage has been a battle of the sexes in decorating. I adore painted brick on the inside and outside of homes.
My mother and mother-in-law decorate very alike. When I first visited my future husbands home, I was amazed that someone else liked the same stuff (wooden apples, blue calico, quilts). It was the 80's in Texas! Over the years we have all evolved and still the 3 of us decorate very much alike.
Great post!
Love all the rooms! What a talented extended family!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tour, Joni
I love seeing the evolution of that first room to all white. I've printed the sunroom pictures to use as inspiration for my own sunroom re-do. Already have the exposed brick wall painted white and have a clean slate to work with in my room. Was thinking of a slip covered settee but the gray wicker loveseat has me thinking twice.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Joni!
Happy holidays,
Beaustiful homes. That why I come here. Love love white Joni.. Too bad my husband does not (boo) or the dogs for that matter. I tried slipcovers in white and was literally washing them every other day.. I kid you not :) What to do?
ReplyDeletegreat design does indeed run in this family, how fun to go from house to house!
ReplyDeletethe husband bit is sooooo true and at times they are as steadfast as a brick wall
joni, my gift to myself this christmas is TIME and one of the ways i will spend it is on a chaise, with my laptop, red wine and going back to read your posts, in depth......cannot wait!
best to you
Now that the wall is painted, the room reminds me of the ice castle in Dr. Zhivago!
ReplyDeleteHi Joni, ...amazing story and photo's ... how fun to be part of that family and their decorating legacy... and very happy for Deanie and the white painted brick...much better presentation..maureen
ReplyDeleteWay to go for painting the brick! I like the textural feel that remains without the color. Loved seeing what Deanie did for her family...don't we all decorate for our families, too? I would love to see everyone post on the work they did for their sisters, daughters, mothers, etc.
ReplyDeleteMary Ann
Thanks Joni! Always love seeing "before and afters" and seeing the talents of other inspiring gals! Sadly, I'm all alone in my family as far as decorating goes. But,that is why I love all you great design bloggers! I feel I've found some kindred spirits!
Great picture record. In Texas I painted at least two brick walls white, with a great improvement to the livability of the space. In NY, where I live now in an 1885 Queen Anne Victorian, I finally painted a front hall fireplace wall inset with rare "brick" carved tiles manufactured in the late nineteenth century, although preservationists would be horrified. The wall now matches the plaster moldings and the beadboard wainscoting that I also painted white. The result is a bright entry even at this time of year when it gets dark just after four when the sun goes behind the mountain. I like to think the original owner of the house would be surprised and pleased to see how lovely it looks.
ReplyDeleteHi Joni, this post warms my heart and saddens me at the same time. David always complains about all my white and "beige" (which he says with a tone of disgust to describe any off-white or light brown or taupe or grey). We have a 1973 TV room with the ugly caramel coloured panelling (with nice architectural detail -would look GREAT painted a nice Farrow & Ball white). We also have the ugly red and orange and tan fireplace. I have started asking to paint it but he will not allow it. Thinks it's a crime, a sin, etc. What is worse is our neighbour (fat, bald, 67, uncool) came over and said how much HE loves the brick and fireplace. This guy is David's handyman hero, so that really p*ssed me off.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I am stuck with one very ugly room in my house which has depressed me so much I don't even want to tackle that floor of the house. I am so sad. Sometimes I hope David will be hit by a bus so I can repaint. Is that bad?
Love all that painted brick.
Sad, Terri xo
I had to laugh at that last comment. My husbands name is David too! lol Just like yours, he does NOT want me to paint our brick wall in the living room and my daughters room. What he doesn't realize is if he doesn't agree by the time I go to repaint those walls, which is going to be soon, that brick is getting painted anyway, HA! Its so darn ugly! He says, "Oh, its the only thing really left of the original house" hahaha
ReplyDeleteBtw, LOOOOVE those rooms these women decorated! I do love some white, not beige so much but white makes everything else POP. :) Now I am sure I want to order that slipcovered sofa I've been wanting and gonna paint that brick also. That blue they choose is gorgeous as well, my kitchen walls look alot like that color.
So just one question, How the hell do you get them to let go of those ugly you know what recliners? He said the big one can go but he better get another recliner in its place. Uggg
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog faithfully but have never posted a comment. I look forward to emails letting me know you have updated things. I too love the grey wall in the Dining room. Is it possible to get the name and brand of paint used? Thank you for taking the time to post beautiful pictures of beautiful decor. Your blog is definitely my favorite!
Forgot to let you know about the non decorating in my family. My Aunt may be the only one I know of that actually cares about decorating her home, but once its done that's it. She won't do anything else till it REALLY needs an update. My Mom, SIL, MIL, GMIL do NOT really decorate their homes. I'm sure I will get lots of throat lashes(what my husband calls fussing about or at someone) when I redecorate all these rooms we are working on. But they did say the kitchen looked great so maybe it won't be too bad. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post! Why do all the men want to keep the brick, the dark wood, etc...whyowhy? I've been through this one soo many times...I won with the knotty pine paneling once and was able to paint it ever so softly pale almost white coral...it was GORGEOUS!!
ReplyDeleteSo I might have to hire Dana for the next case of "stubbornly clinging to ugly original"!
Kit PS thanks for posting the Chic Provence Tour! we are filling up, soo excited, Joni please join us!
Hi Joni!
ReplyDeleteI'm just eatin' this post up! It's so yummy! All that peaceful calming white and beautiful statuary. I would really love to have an all white house but I'm married to one of "those" men. Allergic to painting anything *sighs* He's otherwise perfect so I keep him *winks* But there are days....like when I wanted to paint a french armoire white to work in my guest bedroom and the hubbs lectured me for about 20 minutes on how I would ruin it's authenticity and patina. He won that round but I'm still considering sending him on vaca with the boys so I can pull a fast one!
Deanie, Dana, Elizabeth and Leslie are so lucky to have each other! How fun it has to be to compare notes and share decorating strategies! I'm the only one in my family who cares about decor. I had one cousin in crime, but she moved out of state. So now the blogging world is my only place to share....pity party for me lol! *winks* Vanna
So fun to go on to your blog and check it out as I do every week (for so long now) and actually see a post about women i know! The names were all too familiar to me, particularly as I saw the decorating style of all white! I have been in Elizabeth's home when she lived in Texas and it was gorgeous as well! I am a designer in San Antonio myself and a dealer at Marburger Farm in Round Top. I want to say hey to these talented McCollum women! Miss you Elizabeth!
WINDLOST, so someone is uncool when they are fat and 67 and you hope David gets hit by a bus so you can paint your ugly brick. Somehow, I think you need counseling. Your comments were pathetic.
ReplyDeleteHi Joni -
ReplyDeleteWhat a great before and after visual! Woman love white furniture and men hate it. I noticed in my store that it is impossible for men to justify spending money on white furniture. I agree if the piece in question is a beautiful antique or panelling too gorgeous to paint but that is hardly ever the case. It is usually ugly cheap panelling or ugly red brick. The most expensive piece I have in the store is a bespoke dining table from the U.K. in a beautiful dark finished oak for exactly this reason. Although I love the mix of dark wood and our beloved white - this is a way to please both the husband and wife. I loved the legal document - a brilliant way to win the battle! I will have to remember that one. Congratulations to these talented ladies for their beautiful white interiors.
Thanks Joni.
Joni -
ReplyDeleteI love the grey painted wicker. Please ask Deanie if she would let us know how she achieved that. Beautiful room...
Love the white. But I really want to know what she fed her fern?
ReplyDeleteMy design aesthetic is so different from my mom and sister that you wouldn't even know we are related. Modern (mom), folky eclectic (sister) and subdued classic (me). Totally crazy different!
ReplyDeleteMerry, merry!
I read your blog all the time and saw this and got so excited. Deanie is one of my mom's dear friends (small world) and she did all of the flowers at my wedding--at cost! I have told Deanie that she is my angel--makes sense, she has to be since her favorite color is white. My floral arrangements were so beautiful. I left the creativity up to her. My best friends still talk about how wonderful of a job Deanie did. She does this for other girls who don't have the funds to afford a "real" florist. She truely is an angel and her house is a reflection. For the record, her husband is such a sweet, good man!
ReplyDeleteAmazing interior, beautiful furniture and fantastic hamorny!
ReplyDeleteLoved the french armchairs!
I guess I'm an oddball here, but I don't love all that white. I thought the brick on the fireplace and in the sunroom was much better before being painted. I'm a huge fan of painting brick, but it just doesn't look right to me. The spaces just look cold and uninspired. I definitely don't see how the fireplace is now the focal point in the room when it just blends in with everything else. BUT, if the homeowner is happy and other people are inspired then it's all good!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the same thing! I was searching through this comment post to see if I was the only one who thought that way!! I am a huge fan of white brick but in this decor case I think the "before" picture looked tasteful and contrasted beautifully with the white accents.
DeleteI love posts like these.
ReplyDeleteNo. I seem to be alone in this in my family and in-laws.
ReplyDeleteMy mother has lived in the same house for over twenty years and has never changed the previous owners' wallpaper in any of the rooms.
My mother-in-law moved into her in-laws house and the only thing she changed was to install two recliners, and a massive tv and laminate wall unit (both of which stretch across the room to create a computer and guest 'room' behind it).
Oh - and a permanent instillation of Christmas lights and Star Trek space ships pinned up into the office style flocked drop ceiling.
So, no. Nothing in common.
This is such a great post....gorgeous homes!!! After years of hearing the word "NO" I did what any disgruntled house wife would do....now I just wait until DH goes to work and then do whatever I want!!! Last time he went out of town for business I jokingly taunted him about what my next project would be ;o)Just for kickles and giggles I did nothing but when he came home it was pretty amusing to watch him walk around the house looking at everything to see if I had done anything!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing such wonderful homes...
This is such a great post....gorgeous homes!!! After years of hearing the word "NO" I did what any disgruntled house wife would do....now I just wait until DH goes to work and then do whatever I want!!! Last time he went out of town for business I jokingly taunted him about what my next project would be ;o)Just for kickles and giggles I did nothing but when he came home it was pretty amusing to watch him walk around the house looking at everything to see if I had done anything!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing such wonderful homes...
Hands down this is the BEST post I have ever read online. I am in love with these rooms, especially the sun room decor and overall feeling.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing these gorgeous homes. I have bookmarked this page so I can come back and study these rooms.
Anon at 2:39, you are not alone. To me, the all white is stark and the antithesis of "cozy- welcome home" for a family residence.
ReplyDeleteIt would also be a strange interior palette choice for my classic 1940's mediteranean
So Cal home.
I see this all white/seagrass style as very "Texas-trendy" - not popular at all in 90% of the nation.
Would love to see 3 good design options for that original room with all the brick left unpainted.
That's why God made chocolate and vanilla. Everyone that comes into our home says its warm and inviting and comfortable, not cold and definitely not typical Texas. We have 10 grandkids who are in and out and have no trouble making themselves at home. Thank you for your comment though and have a wonderful holiday in the warmth of your home.
ReplyDeleteGreat this is awesome, they beautiful and fantastic.
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That rug on the wall strangely matches the chairs.
ReplyDeleteHi I love your sunroom. Do you mind sharing the gray color you used on the wicker chair/sofa? I've been looking for a gray similar to this for a table.
ReplyDeleteThank you