COTE DE TEXAS: My New Bedroom

My New Bedroom



In late October, 2009, I wrote about my friend’s house in Dallas that had been decorated by Ray*Weitman HERE.    On one side of her fireplace, the designers had placed an old piece of Zuber wallpaper over a Swedish chest – probably my favorite vignette in the large room.  Several months later, I was very surprised to get an email from Simon P. Scott, owner of the to-the-trade décor company Jardins en Fleur HERE.   Simon shocked me by saying that this picture above had inspired him to create an entire new line of framed paintings, resembling this Zuber relic.  He wanted to do a giveaway  to celebrate his new line – and together, we chose this painting, below,  for the contest.    It was a charming pink and gray chinoiserie that was perfect for a living room or a nursery HERE.   Surprisingly, another blogger who lives about 1/2 mile from me was the winner!




Jardins en Fleur – part of a collection of framed chinoiserie paintings


After the giveaway, Simon and I talked about the wallpaper he carries and custom makes for his clients.   The wallpaper, like the paintings, are handpainted in the manner of de Gournay and Gracie.  Several times Simon offered to wallpaper a room for me, at no cost (!)  At the time, I was decorating my daughter’s bedroom and seriously gave thought to papering her room in a beautiful blue and white design.



One choice was this design of Simon’s  – here the blue and white paper is placed on a screen and is sold this way.



Another choice for Elisabeth’s room was this design of Simon’s – a traditional green chinoiserie paper shown here in an article in Elle Décor.



And there was this choice, the metallic paper which gives the paper a dressier feel.

In the end, I politely declined his nice offer and just painted Elisabeth’s bedroom instead.   The subject was apparently not dead, though.  About six months, Simon again raised the idea of my wallpapering a room – or a client’s room - using his paper.   For advertising purposes, he needed a photograph of a room with his paper in it.  Well, who am I to refuse a plea to help someone out, especially when free wallpaper is involved!??  Poor Simon.   When the casual talks started getting more serious, he mentioned my powder room as a possible place for the paper.  Except, my powder room was already wallpapered and I was happy with it.   Instead, I offered up my bedroom to be wallpapered and then photographed for his catalogue.  What else could a friend do?   Simon readily agreed, without knowing quite how large my bedroom was and how many rolls it would take!   After more than a few emails back and forth, we reached an agreement.  He would provide the paper, I would provide my bedroom, and he would get professional photographs of the newly wallpapered room for his portfolio.




My bedroom  - the room Simon and I chose to put the wallpaper in.  My fabrics are mostly Chelsea Editions sage green with pink Fortuny.





Pauline de Rothschild’s Paris apartment

So, the question became what paper, what color, and what pattern should I choose?  Simon was no help at all.   He said he could make anything I wanted – the papers were handpainted in the orient somewhere – and the artists could reproduce any style I wanted.  But what should I choose????   It was a lot like being let loose in Bloomingdales with a $100,000 gift certificate.   The choices were endless.   The above Pauline de Rothschild paper was a starting inspiration.  I’ve always loved this pattern – it is utterly gorgeous - but I knew it was probably asking way too much to duplicate.   Next.



There are a lot of iconic pictures such as this one with de Gournay and Gracie wallpapers.   Miles Redd uses them a lot, especially in bedrooms.  So, I turned to his web sight for inspiration.  This kind of light, open pattern was a consideration.



Another Miles Redd bedroom, that everyone has seen a million times before, looks almost like the same pattern above, except in blues and whites this time.   I do love the simplicity of just two colors, with a few accents, but unfortunately, my fabrics are in greens!



Charlotte Moss’ dining room is the right color, green, but I didn’t want flowerpots in my design.



Another room seen a bizillion times is Windsor Smith’s former dining room in de Gournay paper.   Even though this room is so old, I still love it as much today as when I first saw it.   Windsor has been using a lot of these papers in light and icy blues, which I love.   Again, my room has greens in it – so blues are out of the question.  Maybe I should have just changed my fabrics??   Ugggh – I always second guess myself over and over again.



A very recent living room by Windsor Smith – soooooo gorgeous!  If I had a room like this, I would die and go to heaven happy!   Here she used de Gournay in the shiny, icy blues.    Using the metallic instead of the matte paper was another decision to be made, but the metallic just seemed to dressy for my bedroom.   Such a gorgeous room and paper!!!  Blame House Beautiful for the awful lines in the photograph.



In this Windsor Smith room, the wallpaper pattern looks stylized, almost contemporary.  But again, it’s metallic, reflective, and blue.



Michael Smith is another designer who loves chinoiserie wallpaper.  He uses a lot from Gracie Studios.   Here, though, he used a mural from Zuber.   What a gorgeous room.   My mind kept going back to this picture wondering if I wanted a Zuber type mural in my bedroom.   Of course I did!   Who wouldn’t want a bedroom that looks like this?




Or, how about a mural with some color, like this de Gournay?   Finally though, I thought it would be too difficult to decide on what scene to pick for a mural wallpaper and decided to forget that idea.



Another type of pattern really confused me in my decision making process.   I am in love with the famous Swedish wallpaper found in Drottningholm Palace, seen above.   A copy of this paper was given to Nancy Lancaster by the King of Sweden and it has since been duplicated by many designers over the years.  The pattern is inspired by the chinoiserie papers, but the design is much more simple and plain.  It has a very vertically linear quality to it with thick branches, painted dark that sensually curve from the floor to the ceiling. 



Peter Dunham used the Swedish paper as inspiration in this dining room.  I sent this picture to Simon, but he felt I should go with the more traditional chinoiserie paper.  



Timothy Whealon decorated this entry hall with the Swedish inspired wallpaper.  




When I saw this dining room with yet another Swedish inspired paper in a room by Lisa Luby Ryan, I thought it was a sign that I should go with this pattern!   But Simon discouraged this one too.  Recently, he emailed me to say on second thought, how much he loved this type of pattern and would start producing it himself!!   I think it would be a huge seller.



So with the Swedish paper out and the murals out, it came down to the traditional chinoiserie type of wallpaper.  




Did I want the shiny or matte finish?   And did I want it on teapaper with obvious sections showing or not?   While I love this wallpaper in a living room in New Orleans by Nicholas Haslam – it is just too dressy and shiny for me. 



And the color was another major decision.   Could it be blue with the green fabrics or just green?  Or should I go with a pinkish color to pick up the pink Fortuny fabric in the room?




In the end, it was this picture that got the ball rolling.  This bedroom was in Veranda late last year.  Surprisingly, it is from a house in Houston, decorated by NY great Miles Redd.  I’d wager a million dollars that this is the first Houston house ever done by Redd.    The décor is fabulous – totally different than the typical Houston slipcover and seagrass design.  But, pedigree aside, the more I looked at this picture, the more I thought this kind of pattern and color would be perfect in my bedroom. 



With a pattern chosen,  I had to first measure my bedroom – including the elevations and spaces above doors, under windows, etc.   Then, I had to give Simon the background color I wanted – which I picked from Benjamin Moore.   A few months went by and I got several samples to choose from – whether it was going to be on the tea paper or not.  I decided to not go the tea paper route.  It added a lot of money to the job, and I didn’t want Simon to go broke doing my bedroom!!!   About two months later, the completed wallpaper arrived and my stomach fell to my feet.  I don’t know why I was so nervous, but I truly was.  What if I hated it after all this expense had been incurred on my behalf?  What if I had measured wrong?  I really should have had the wallpaper hangers measure, but I did it myself – something that I was worried about now that the paper was here.  But, when I opened the box and looked at the paper, I knew it was going to be fine.  It looked so beautiful all neatly rolled up in the box, with a diagram for the hangers to follow.     I called Alan at Cannon Craft Wallcoverings - (713) 468-5491 - to come out and hang it – a job which took every bit of six full days to complete!!!   And finally, here is what it looks like:




Oh wait, no, that’s Georgie, my nervous nelly dog who went nuts during the six days the crew was here!   Ok, here’s the bedroom:




Well, I can’t really show Georgie without showing Sammie Jo too, that really wouldn’t be fair!  Hi Sammie!  She’s so cute.  OK, do you think I’m nervous about showing you the bedroom or something?????  ha!  I guess I am.  I hope you like it as much as I do:




Ta-da!   Here it is with the matte chinoiserie paper.  Each panel is different from the other.  To the right of the bed, you can see lemon trees.  To the left of the bed are those half red things, which are supposedly peaches, I think!





Looking towards the armoire where the TV is hidden. 



Looking towards my desk and the door to my bedroom.   The panel that is directly to the left of the armoire is Ben’s favorite – it has these large orange flowers.




I rehung my four Harrison Howard pictures – amazing how I bought those chinoiserie prints a few years ago and how well they go with the paper!





Behind the bed is one of my favorite panels – with melons.  Unfortunately you can’t see it all – but there’s another panel with melons in the corner behind the blue opaline glass.



I put my Chinese altar fruit on my desk – moving it from my living room.  It really matches the paper.




The paper in this corner is especially pretty – the melons are left of the curtains.




It’s impossible to get a picture showing all four Harrison Howard prints.   You have to stand on the bed to get that shot.





The wall behind the desk is really pretty too.  It’s all pretty!!



Did you notice Ben’s slipper socks next to his night stand?    Just waiting for him to come home and put them on.   Sexy!!!


That’s it!  I can’t show any more pictures of the same four walls.  I will say that if you buy a good wallpaper – be sure you get a good installer.  Cannon took three days just getting the walls ready for the liner.  The liner took a day to install, and the paper took two days to hang.   They could have put it on in such a way that I could remove the paper whenever we move, but I decided against that step.  I’m hoping the paper will only increase the value of the house???? 

Do I like it?  I love it!   It’s a subtle change, the pattern and color is very quiet so it doesn’t scream out at you when you walk in the room.   But that’s perfect, I wouldn’t want it any other way.   The craftsmanship is perfect – the artists who painted it are top rate.  I didn’t see any errors or mistakes in the drawings.  If you have ever thought about getting a chinoiserie wallpaper like this, be sure to contact Simon Scott and let him bid on for the job.  




Simon’s company Jardins en Fleur is always changing, he designs new items when he gets an idea.  Here, his large collection of marble grapes was a recent inspiration.  And I thought I had a large collection of grapes!



Here are his newest item – the alabaster grapes which come in three sizes.  They are so gorgeous!  Bergdorf’s s sells them.



Simon recently got a big thrill when at the Kips Bay Showhouse 2011,  Celerie Kemble used his grapes in the library.  See them hiding under the table on the left?  Another set was used on the fireplace hearth.  After the showhouse closed, Kemble sold them on

To peruse Simon’s web site, go HERE.  If you are interested in the wallpaper, you can contact Simon through his web site.

A huge huge huge thank you to Simon Scott for the wallpaper!   I hope you are happy with how the room turned out.  I can never thank you enough for everything!!


  1. Very nice post, thank you. I love your new wallpaper and the chinoiserie elements you have in the place: the chairs, desk. Not a fan of the gingham mixed in, I am one for eclectic furnishings, but the low-Americana aspect mixed with the more craftsman-like complexity of the wallpaper does not work for me. I'd love for you to rec-upholster that headboard too as it plays with the whole feel of the room for me. I hope that doesn't come across as rude, taste is subjective.

    What I'd be more interested in, is how much one should budget for this type of project per square foot. Can one hang wallpaper one's self? Seems like a fun 6-day project!

    I think wallpaper is a great touch for a city apt dweller like myself - packs a bold statement and in your case is like having a painting on your wall.

  2. You sure know how to build suspense! I love how your bedroom turned out. I was thinking it was going to be more of a vibrant pattern and colorway, but as I saw more and more of the room, I realized it was exactly right. Just what you want for a bedroom. This was a wonderful inspiration for me to use wallpaper in the future, most probably in a dining room. Thanks, Joni.

  3. Stunning! Beautiful! You got it just right!! What a wonderful treat to have such a gorgeous bedroom.

  4. Absolutely stunning!! I can't believe the difference it made!

  5. You have an amazing taste and yes, I think any room like this would bring more value to the house.

    I can feel how happy you are with the result, and there's no feeling like that, right? You just go to the room and feel this happiness because FINALLY everything looks just the way you wanted! :-)

    Enjoy a beautiful weekend!


    Luciane at

  6. Wow, Joni, it's gorgeous! It takes your room to another level. I love it! Aren't you a lucky girl? :-)

  7. Fabulous, stunning - love it! Your headboard and all your furniture and accessories really stand out with your room enveloped in the paper. Congratulations on this collaboration!

  8. She is a beauty! I would not want to leave : )


  9. WOW! what a statement that makes!! Its beautiful! and I LOVE your armoire what an amazing piece!

    Have a great weekend!

  10. just perfect... the finishing touch... the icing on the cake... well done!

  11. It is heaven Joni.....well chosen....your bedroom is a dream come true...xv

  12. Joni...
    I am in love with your wallpaper! Just gorgeous.
    Love his work. Thank you for sharing.

  13. omg -how lucky are you? it's gorgeous! JUST AMAZING! What a very sweet man to provide this to you. I saw the grapes at the Kips Bay showhouse and thought they were just so huge and cool!

  14. It's beautiful - amazing how the fruit and colors transition so easily into the next! A totally different look with just a change of wallpaper - I love both looks!

  15. Blown away! I couldn't wait to scroll down and see. What an amazing offer! Very grown up looking...and I love that all the panels are different. And yes, I noticed the slipper socks right away! Wink!

    Cheers to you neighbor!

  16. Very pretty Joni! I especially love the wall behind your desk. You can really see the detail and color in the more natural light photos. You're a lucky lady and great choice on the print.

  17. Great blog post Joni! Such a beautiful room. I am going to save all of the photos you have collected for future inspiration! AND I am off to bookmark Simon's website! Thanks always for all of your thorough research! Just beautiful!

  18. You are a lucky lady! The paper really enhances the beauty of the existing design in your room.

  19. You are a lucky lady! The paper really enhances the beauty of the existing design in your room.

  20. PS....I just noticed that you are on the "notable designers and clients list" on Simon's website among Meg Braff, Michael S. Smith, Celerie Kemble, Joe Nye and Charlotte Moss just to name a few. Nice company!!!

  21. A lovely room for a lovely lady!

  22. Wow Joni, it's truly unbelievable.
    Your room and all your furniture and fabric choices including your bedding have sprung to life. The room is completely transformed! I can hardly believe it's the same room, somehow everything has become elevated. You chose the perfect, and I mean perfect paper!! Congrats on a truly inspired new bedroom. I'm in awe!!
    LOVE IT!!!!!!!

  23. Joni what an exciting adventure on your way to choosing this paper I have always adored de Gournay and Gracie papers!

    A most luxurious, light and ethereal pattern! Beautiful in your bedroom!

    Art by Karena

  24. It is so great how all of your favorite things worked so well with the new paper. I like the little melons too.
    It also seems like the room is more warm and comfy.

    Nighty Night Joni ; 0 )


  25. Wow Joni! It is so, so beautiful! I love Jardins en Fleaur as well and this was so nice of Simon! You did a great job with the choice you made, too. I love your new room!

  26. What an enjoyable post! And yes, your new walls look deightful! Simon picked up the melony pink colors perfectly in the bird accents.

  27. Well, I had to do a lot of scrolling (with a broken finger, thank you) to get to the wallpaper reveal. It was worth the suspense! Wow, Joni! I love it! I've never seen wallpaper like this, with different panels all making up the whole room. Your bedroom is just fabulous! I am now thinking I need to revamp my master. Your headboard fabric is inspiring me. I have a loden green velvet upholstered sleigh bed that is just weighing me down! Your fabric looks so light and of course is perfect with the wallpaper. Slipper socks aside, that is one sexy master bedroom. hehe! ~Delores

  28. Oh Joni!!! YOu nailed it!! Love everything about this artful paper. It looks as if it has always been a part of the room. A perfect transition from before to after. That is what I call good design when something looks as if it always belonged there. I love the check with it, it feels unexpected and fresh!! Harrison Howard is on my radar as a someday piece. He is such a kind man. He came to my blog and emailed me the nicest comments. It would be an honor to have some of his art work in my home, SOMEDAY!!!!
    Congratulations on such a wonderful gift. Good things come to good people,Kathysue

  29. Your room turned out beautifully. You sure know how to build the suspense factor. Congrats on receiving the beautiful paper!
    hugs ~lynne~

  30. Truly superb, Joni
    The wallpaper is beautiful:)

  31. You should be so proud! This turned out beautifully. I absolutely love it (and I'm glad that you went with the green).

  32. First impression: subtle, elegant, feels like you chose the wallpaper first and let it inspire your other choices. Everything works so well together -- I appreciate the agonizing process of sorting through choices. I agree with KathySue, the checked pillow is a fresh, unexpected touch with this wallpaper.

  33. Wow, that paper is TOO perfect for your room. It looks as though it was made for everything in there, and ties it all together. Gorgeous!!!

  34. Bravo! Bravo!
    I am a huge, unabashed fan of wallpaper and this shows exactly why. Perfectly beautiful, Joni!!

  35. this is the most beautiful room I have ever seen... and I see a lot of rooms! Beautiful work you two.

  36. Your bedroom looks amazing! I love all of the layers and warmth. Thanks for sharing!

  37. Well, there is just something about your room now, a romantic bower - the bedroom of a married couple SHOULD be feminine - the more so, the better - the social secretary at the French Embassy in Washington showed me HER bedroom during her annual Bastille Day party - she said "Americans always spend money on the living room and leave the bedroom until last - a French woman spends the money on the bedroom first! Hmmmm...

    So now you have bedroom that makes a man feel proud to place his slipper socks and himself!


    Suzanne on St. Simons

  38. Why the heck were you nervous your room is stunning!!! There's only a subtle differance from before and I love the wallpaper. My favorite is the panel to the right of the bed, love the lemons, or maybe the two panels over your desk....they're all wonderful!I can't believe the paper is all hand painted it's fabulous! Way to go Joni and Simon!

  39. Love your Houston Real estate posts. Think you would feature the Sprague home in RO off Willowick? Listed as "price upon request" ($27 mill) Architects: Curtis/Wyndam Designer: Bunny Williams. Stunning, stunning and less than 8 years old. Provence and the Cotswolds all in one.

  40. Oh my gosh! It is beautiful!!! The whole post is beautiful. What a lovely treat! I think I need that screen papered in blue and white and I love the pale pink room as well. I would love to do that in my dining room. Great post!

  41. I admit I wasn't seeing it until I saw your "After" picture of the room and then I literally said, "WOW"! Love the wallpaper. It really brings the room together and brings it to life really. Great choice!!

  42. Your bedroom is GORGEOUS!! I love love the wallpaper and it goes so well with your pretty bedding. Martina

  43. I have said over and over," NEVER AGAIN WOULD I DO ANY WALLPAPER!" but this could change my mind. It is like antique wallpaper, timeless ! I love it. S. knows what to do to sell a bit of paper... great job!

  44. ..oh my joni...there must be sweet dreams in that room every night...

  45. love how tasteful it is and so serene due to the colors being so subtle. Isn't funny how we can design a clients room in a heartbeat but when it comes to our own we second guess ourselves. Masterfully done Joni.

  46. Being a chinoiserie nut, I am in love with it, from everything to the color to the actual design to your accent colors, love the lemons (haven't seen that) and I have been doing a lot of chinoiserie shopping! Its so unique and I love the freshness of the color it adds. It is truly exquisite and amazing looking...enjoy!! I will most definitely go and visit his sight.

  47. It's gorgeous! I thought the room looked beautiful before, but the after is amazing. All your research and contemplation paid off :)

  48. It is fabulous. I am amazed at how much it adds to your EXISTING furniture, bed linens, and window treatments. Joni, you made a very classy and timeless choice. It's really beautiful.

  49. OMG! I'm so excited for you that I can't wait for all the picture to load. It looks wonderful. I adore that the images change as you look around the room, more as it would be in nature. I love green wallpapered rooms, pretty much all of them, and now I'll add yours to the list.

  50. Gorgeous! Lucky you, to get to do it for free! It takes your bedroom from pretty to pretty fabulous! I love how every panel is different. I could sit in there and look around for a long time. Beautiful.

  51. Only something so handcrafted and thoughtfully planned out to the taste of the owners, and the talent of the artist can make a room so special. The walls are stunning.
    Bravo Joni & Simon.

  52. It looks gorgeous Joni! I don't know how you even managed to choose one. My mind would've been on overload! That green landscape de Gournay took my breath away, but maybe not for a bedroom......Just so tough! But you chose perfectly *winks* Vanna

  53. Simply beautiful! Understated and so elegant.
    Love the colors. I Think I would live in that room. Monica

  54. Hi Joni! Oh, your bedroom is so lovely and the wallpaper is gorgeous! Everything is beautiful! That's some pretty blue glassware in the corner too. Poor little Georgie! I understand how upset our little furry babies get when others are in their house.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  55. It is beautiful! How mean of you to keep us in suspense by showing your puppies. I don't know how you ever chose what to do because all the examples you showed we more and more pretty. In the end I think you picked the perfect one to go with your room. Its surprisingly subtle...even though there is a lot going on. I think it just pulls the whole room together like this room has just been waiting for this wallpaper. Just would have been so hard for me to resist the metallic ones. I'm sure Simon must be thrilled to have these photos to put in his portfolio. What a fantastic opportunity for you and him.

  56. Oh Joni! So resplendent!! Your posts always make my day. This one makes my day more than most. Sorry to your readers that my sight is currently under re-work...I didn't know you were going to post today or I would have stepped it up! You're such a great writer, loved how you built the suspense and included your babies. And I'm glad that we didn't run off Mr. Slipper Socks Man...Lots of love to you and many, many thanks for providing me with so much inspiration and smiles.
    Big hug! Simon

  57. Don't you just lie in bed at night (or day!) and just marvel at the beauty?? I love it! Gorgeous!
    Leigh B.

  58. Scrumptious! Love the way your existing fabrics worked everything in the room just segues. It is warm and inviting but elegant and sexy

  59. This is absolutely stunning! Boy, you are such a hoot and a half showing your lovelies to build up the suspense before the big reveal!
    This should be used by anyone ever wanting to show that patterns CAN mix together SUBLIMELY!!!

    Lana In Italy

  60. It turned out beautiful!

  61. GORGEOUS, J! I audibly gasped when you finally revealed the photo. It looks warm, sophisticated and timeless. You both did a bang up job working together.

    Thinking about trying to get chummy with Mr. Simon because, you know, a starving artist (me) with a big old bare house is just about the saddest thing in the world ;) I'm sure he has some throwaways he could spare for lil' ol' me, huh? ;)



  62. Now this is the definition of a "pretty room." Bravo!!
    As I scrolled through your post I couldn't envision how all your existing fabrics were going to work with a paper like this, and then when I saw it all together it is perfection! It's as if everything is new and fresh and more important in the space because of the beautiful wallpaper (art really;) The one thing I just can not get over is how much bigger the room looks because of the paper- it looks twice the size. Does it feel larger in person? I wonder if it appears larger because there is no "repeat" in this? I would have loved for them to have papered your switch and outlet covers. Maybe painting them the BM color to go away (sorry, I have switch/outlet "issues":) I had a toile bath once where the switch/outlet covers matched into the scene of the paper!
    I can only imagine how lovely this space feels to live in. Lucky, lucky you! The room is stunning!

  63. Beautiful!!Joni, Is it better to get a rug that is bigger or smaller for a room that is irregular?? It will be antelope and I don't know whether to get 8by10 or 9by12! Help please.

  64. Unbelievable the difference it made. I'm really astounded. It's like it grounded all the elements in your room just like a rug normally grounds furniture. Warmer, richer and don't get mad at me for saying this, not so Houston looking,(not that I think that is a bad thing).It's just a fabulous ,timeless look. I love it.

  65. I am over the moon...can't stop looking, over and over. Just BEYOND WONDERFUL!!!! You and Simon have done a spectacular job!!! There simply are not enough words.....! WOW!!!

  66. Oh,Joni, it is so pretty! What a lovely nesting spot for you and Mr. Slipper Socks! Great choice!

  67. totally elevates the room and the layers are all working together beautifully. the room sings. love the check mixed in. love the accessories. you did a stunning job. would have been hard for me to resist the metallics too, but your choice creates a sophisticated , old world beauty with all of the elements you already owned. bravo.

  68. absolutely stunning!

  69. While your bedroom was lovely before, the new wallpaper animates it and pushes the walls out, making it feel larger and brighter. Everything in the room is just right for the paper, as if it had been waiting patiently for it to arrive. And BTW, the checks are the perfect counterpoint to the floral design...This was a dream of a post, with just the examples we would want to see.

  70. I truly believe you make the best choice. It elevates your entire room. I hope it's your forever house so that you can always live with it!

  71. Awww I remember a post you made about my bedroom as it looked like a hotel room but was real ;) And now look at this.. that wallpapaer is simply lifting up your whole room It really fits everything and gives the room a chique and cozy feature.. I am pretty sure you'll enjoy it for a long time ;)

    Well chosen ! x desiree

  72. Joni,
    You hadn't need to be nervous!! Your bedroom is gorgeous! So tasteful!! And how lucky you are to have Simon among your friends!!
    The paper you choose is also my favorite of all the images you showed! It goes wonderful well with your curtains! And buying these prints you had already hunging you did a good thing!!
    Congratulations Joni!And congrats to Simon ofcourse!!
    Your dogs are so cute!!
    Wish you a wonderful weekend!

  73. Lovely post. I saw so much inspiration and the Veranda bedroom was a favorite of mine. I am thinking about papering my dining room ceiling.
    Also, I noticed the first appearance of the slippersocks and giggled wondering how you missed them. Can Simon just paint slippersocks into a paper so the real ones disappear? hahaha

  74. GORGEOUS!!! That is the only thing that room screams!! If I had a bedroom that looked like that I'd just have to stay there. Lucky girl!!!

  75. You nailed it Joni. Absolutely perfect. The room is simply . . .Stunning!

  76. Absolutely, stunning, gorgeous, dreamy and romantic! Wow. What a fantastic job all around. Thank you for the inspiration!

  77. Gorgeous! Contrary to the comment about the gingham, I love it mixed with it. The wallpaper was the icing on the cake! Thank you so much for sharing. It took the room from pretty to "Ooo la la!!":)

  78. Absolutely spectacular! The room is perfect!

  79. Beautiful post! I admit I raced through all the photos to get to your bedroom then I dutifully went back and enjoyed the entire post.
    I adore your desk area. The beautiful mirror and sconces. Wall paper is such a commitment but wow so worth it when you take the plunge.

  80. Wow! What a great choice. I don't know if I could have done it. Your bedroom looks beautiful and a definate asset to the house and selling price.

  81. *** I hardly EVER use this word Joni, but I MUST use it here... it's ABSOLUTELY D*I*V*I*N*E!!!

    It all "works" (seemingly effortlessly, too!) SO beautifully, to create that feeling of calm, with that very S*P*E*C*I*A*L warmth & coziness...

    I.....LOVE.....IT!!!!!! KUDOS to all ~ and CONGRATS!

    Linda in AZ *

  82. Gorgeous!!!! Goes PERFECTLY with everything in your room! Both you & Simon did a terrific job with picking out the pattern & colors. Couldn't have been any prettier.


  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Your bedroom is beautiful, Joni. Congrats! Love your choice of the colors for the wallpaper. It looks perfect.

  85. Amazing. You are one lucky girl!

  86. Oh, Joni! It's magnificent!!!! I love how each panel is different and how you made it all come together with your current decor. Absolutely beautiful!!!!!

  87. Joni this turned out absolutely stunning!

    I would've had the hardest time imagining a painted paper in my bedroom, worrying it would be too busy, distracting, narrowing down a color, etc.
    But it's amazing how this enhances and enriches your space without taking over -- it's just gorgeous workmanship, a true treasure on four walls.
    Enjoy it in the best of health and happiness.
    Cheers, Alcira

  88. You already know this from your 89(!) previous comments, but it Could. Not. Be. More. Perect. YOU get a lot of credit for doing such a great job with the color and pattern to go so well in your existing space -- that is NOT EASY!!!

  89. Great story, thanks for sharing.
    Love the paper.

  90. OH my gosh, reading this made me so nervous! Wall paper tends to make me nervous! BUT I love how it turned out! It makes all of the other items in your bedroom more beautiful. It's not overdone, and the pattern is gorgeous...more like a piece of art.

  91. I love this, Joni. And I get to see this beautiful bedroom, in person, on Monday. Lucky me!
    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful
    story and beautiful pictures.

  92. Stunning! My favorite: behind the desk and the Chinese altar fruit is a very nice touch. It's all truly inspiring!

  93. I would never want to leave that room!
    Stunning and so YOU! I bet it is the hit of the house.

  94. absolute perfection...your walls were an empty canvas waiting for this work of art. If he needs another canvas to
    photograph, I've got one!

  95. Your commentary on your wallpaper adventure is delightful. Thanks for "taking us along"!

    I thought your "before" photo's were great, but they seem bare after seeing the beautiful "after" results.

    I love the way the wallpaper picks up the Fortuny colors.

    Congratulations, wonderful choices!

  96. Joni, ABSOLUTELY stunning!!! I loved the room before and thought Oh No..she can't change it. But it is even better than before. Perfect!! Can you tell us what BM color you chose for the background??

  97. The suspense was killing me but I was patient and what a payoff!! SO amazingly beautiful. Enjoy!

  98. Love it Joni!
    The perks of blogging are great aren't they?!
    xo xo

  99. I would just sit in bed and stare at the walls. It's heavenly. I just bought a bunch of jade grapes at our local flea market (in my current post) for $15--think that was a good deal?

  100. I LOVE the wallpaper, and, unlike another poster I LOVE your upholstered bed with it. I like the two of them together----a lot! Thank you for sharing this. It's really beautiful.

  101. I have to agree with the first post, the paper is far too important an element in the room to dress it down with linen checks. Also take the throw off of the bed and perhaps choose another one that is a single color from the paper. I think the paper is lovely and perhaps it is difficult to determine all of the shading from a computer monitor, but the pops of orange and melon are distracting when they don't follow a repeat pattern.

  102. Love It!!!!!! I can't believe how perfectly it pulled everything together. So beautiful.

    Laura Hardy

  103. Not only is the room beautiful, but the story was enchanting. Thanks for taking us along on the decision making process, which can be such a stumbling block for me. It's absolutely terrific.

  104. absolutely stunning!

  105. Surprisingly subtle! Just lovely!

  106. My heart skipped a beat when I saw your beautiful wallpapered bedroom. You must be thrilled xx

  107. Oh, don't change a thing, everything else in the room looks perfect, don't change the checked upholstery, it looks fabulous with the wallpaper.

  108. If these images are to be the photographs that advertise this wallpaper, the creator/owner of the company has picked the wrong home to display his wares. This bedroom is not in the least sophisticated. Yes Mrs. Blandings you would have attempted some sort of DIY or stenciling or better still painting a room, including the crown molding and leaving the baseboards white. Mrs. Blandings, you are a writer and a good one, a decorator - not so much. Joni's decor needs to reflect the wallpaper at this point. Lovely wallpaper, but these pictures will never sell the product because the rest of the room does not live up to it. Sorry, but even Joni must know this in her gut.

  109. Joni, I love the wallpaper! Sweet dreams takes on a whole new meaning. Beautiful!
    xo Isa

  110. That wallpaper is beyond beautiful. Swoon swoon swoon. Good work Simon and Joni!

    I didnt' realise your bedroom was so big and yes, the first thing I spotted was Ben's slipper socks.

  111. You must feel like you are encased in art when you lie in bed.

    Everything in your room just looks like it was waiting for the wallpaper, your blue glass, your fabric, your prints, the armoire, all lovely on their own, but NOW, now they just work so amazingly well together.

    I have to add something that I was thinking as I looked at the pictures, I do hope the overseas artists get compensated well for their amazing work.

  112. Had to come back for another look tonight! Looks even better the second time!
    Love that armoire, beautiful wood. Have you ever toyed with painting it a french distressed finish? I have pieces I keep mulling over trying to convince myself to take the paining plunge.

  113. the throw works so well with the wallpaper in an unexpected way. ie , not a formulaic composition.i love that. love the layers of patterns and prints. hard to get right, and you sure did. takes confidence and a good eye. shows originality and it works.
    this bedroom will most certainly sell the wallpaper; it is a beautiful, soothing,lovely bedroom and the wallpaper shines when mixed so nicely with such pretty antiques, interesting accessories and pattern play throughout the room. kudos to both you and the vendor.

  114. Simon's paper is a beautiful addition to your bedroom Joni, and the flashes of red and yellow from the flowers, fruits, and birds on the soft green of the paper are especially eye catching. No one should buy chinoiserie wallpaper without first taking a long careful look at Simon's website.

  115. Joni, your room is absolutely beautiful! I really didn't think you could do anything to improve it, but the wallpaper has taken your bedroom to another whole level. I like the juxtaposition of the check fabric with the wallpaper, and the green color in the fabric seems to match the background color of the wallpaper so well. Like another commenter said, I would like for the wallpaper installer to have covered your light switch & electrical outlet plates. But, I'm sure you have extra paper and that this can be done. The only other thing I would do is use your beautiful suzani presently on the bed in another room & instead use a throw (solid or different kind of pattern) the same coral/orange color as that in the bench fabric and the pair of chairs. Lastly, Simon did not make a mistake in choosing your bedroom to showcase one of his papers (I believe you even said that he is the one that suggested it). How a room is lived in daily sometimes differs from how it is styled for a photo shoot. Joni is a seasoned professional and, I'm sure, realizes that Simon & the photo stylist will put their desired touches on the room for his portfolio shots. Good job, Joni!You could not have made a better choice of wallpaper. Your room is quite welcoming & restful looking. What a bedroom should be. I can tell that you and your husband are more than happy with the room, and I am happy for the both of you!

  116. I like to own my comments. Sorry, I forgot to sign my May 22, 2011 2:57AM comment.

    Karen T.

  117. Joni, I loved your "new" bedroom. The wallpaper is stunning, and I love the eclectic mix of checks and suzani and prints and antiques. I never really love show house rooms because they seem to lack the human element, it's as if designers are turning cartwheels to show off their tricks. This is a real room for a real couple, and it's absolutely charming.

  118. Your room was great before, but it is absolutely stunning now. I agree with the commenters that said it takes it to a whole new level, and looks like it has been there forever - a true compliment. I love the mix of the paper with the checks. The colors and different designs of the wallpaper are just perfect. The room has come alive.

  119. I love your blog and am a HUGE fan from Dubai, UAE...I really think that something like hand painted wallpaper is a fantastic investment for a home, as it adds an element of exclusivity and originality which is always a good idea in my humble opinion!
    What an exquisite addition to your already lovely must be bliss going to bed among all those gorgeous trees and birds....thank you, as always, for exceptional photographs which really give us a good idea of the workmanship and design.

  120. Love the build up with all the beautiful examples and background info... love the adorable dogs and LOVE the big reveal!!

    It suits your bedroom furnishings perfectly!!!!! So much beautiful imagery to gaze a, very, very pretty!

  121. Just beautiful, love it and those prints OH MY !!!

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

    ps I remember the post you did telling us about Ben and his slipper socks too funny.....

  122. Seriously. Just flippin' gorgeous. Really. And a wonderful story to boot too! What a great transformation -- love everything about the room BUT adding the fruit to the table setting really seals the deal! Very Well Done indeed to Simon and to you of course! And a big hug to the dogs! LOL! :)

  123. Please take down the heinous bamboo shades before the photo shoot and edit some of the excessive accessories on the desk and table. A little bit goes a long way Did Simon see this room prior to the wallpaper? Can't wait to see the magic performed by the photographer.

  124. Gorgeous - and I love the check with the wallpaper. Great choice to go with the simple matte background - a perfect complement to your room!

    - Jealously yours!

  125. lovely Joanie and even before! the paper is beautiful-and everything is perfect. I love the opaline youve collected-my fav color and have collected a little bit of it too. gorgeous. pgt

  126. I love it ... and I am more than a little bit envious right now!!! It is just gorgeous!

  127. So beautiful and such a great post describing the process. Really loved the photos of the various inspiration rooms.
    Thank you for sharing!

  128. joni, jomi, joni!!!!!

    i love your choice of style,
    and your colors.

    it's forver!
    i don't imagine
    you will tire of it.
    i wouldn't.

    i must keep his name. i am opening a showroom - tp the trade -
    in boca raton at royal palm plaza.
    *across from lemon grass.
    elisabeth will know right where it is.

    come and see me when you are over here xxx

  129. Your bedroom is a bower.........a lovely garden in winter and summer.
    I could not be more beautiful; and you will never tire of it!

    This wallpaper can be mounted on linen and made daughter was a beneficiary of one of my client's! (he switched wives in the middle of the job)
    It is will never tire of it.....and regardless of the seasons you are in a lovely garden

    Well-deserved.......and well all involved.


    To all! Bravo!!


    ps the gingham is BRILLIANT with the wallpaper. Could not be better.......absolutely brilliant. I pray you do not change. it is so lovely together. If you gave me a million dollars to change anything......I would have to just give it back. this room is as perfect and comfortable as it gets.

    and the dogs are perfect, too! warm and wonderful.....the whole kit and kaboodle!

  130. WOW - an AWESOME job!! AND I love the bamboo shades!!

  131. Cannot believe how fabulous this looks - the wallpaper just elevated the whole room. AND it was really great BEFORE!!
    Love the "heinous" bamboo shades - do NOT remove!!

  132. I was so skeptical, especially when looking at all the choices you were considering.... And boy am I surprised at how unbelievably perfect it is. It's not wallpaper for the sake of wallpaper, it's an absolute improvement for the whole look and feel of your space. Wonderfully shocked at how great it is, congrats.

  133. Reminds me of why wallpaper was so popular. Really gorgeous.

  134. If you don't have sufficient wallpaper left to match up the design on the light switches, then you could match the background color and at least paint them so that don't pop off the wall for the photo shoot.

  135. Joni:

    Beautiful job - love the wallpaper - what a perfect job they did hanging it. You are so lucky to have such beauty in your bedroom. Your gingham blends in beautifully, your Harrison Howard prints are perfect, and the slipper socks add LOVE. Great job. Warm gorgeous room. Thanks again for your wonderful blog. You never disappoint.


  136. Thank you for telling (and illustrating) this beautiful story in such an informative, suspenseful and playful way, as only you can. I understand why Simon chose you to showcase his sensational product.

  137. Joni: the paper is really gorgeous and goes so well with the decor! your dogs are adorable too! thanks for sharing!

  138. Lovely wallpaper! Great choice and what an opportunity. But I have to say......LOVE the Springer much more than the paper.....she has my heart....of course, I have one of my own that also owns my heart!

  139. Joni,
    BEAUTIFUL!!! I am amazed you were able to stave off such an incredible offer for so long. But, it cetainly worked out as it truly is perfect. I love the MR bedroom that inspired you, it also inspired my holiday decorating last year! How funny to have the same picture and relate to it two totally different ways...makes me love design so much when I read a story like this.

    Thank you as always for the research as I've tried unsuccessfully to describe a pattern of scrolling vines and trees to all the wallpaper people I know. Perhaps I will one day be able to have Simon make it!

    Enjoy, and may I ask what the slipper sock protocal is now???

  140. My is the icing on the cake. It binds every beautiful objet together; but not too-too "decorated." Truly lovely!

  141. Your bedroom looks fabulous. I love the wall paper. Enjoy!!!

  142. Hey,Joni, wow that was fun to see! What gorgeous paper & it really does enhance your bedroom, which we all couldn't believe needed a thing. that paper just takes it up a notch & it looks so elegant, yet quiet and calming too. Great job on the choice, you must be thrilled with it!

  143. Joni, it's gorgeous! I am just in awe of how beautiful it is...sooo special. You chose such a beautiful every single scene! Thanks for sharing this with us. It is absolutely wonderful!

  144. I will sneak into your new bedroom one night and borrow the chinese alter fruit. I'm serious.

  145. I LOVE your wallpaper!

  146. Joni, I love the wallpaper, the furnishings and the fabric! Great job! But, most of all, I love that you gave me a glimpse into your design decision process. By sharing your inspiration images and comments, you provided me a framework to improve my own design decision making process. Once again, just by reading your blog, I learn something new and get energized about improving my own space.

    Thanks again.

  147. Joni: Wow, you really had me doubting that this was going to work. It could not be better. I liked it before, but now its love. Harrison Howard and I started talking after he won my Edmund Hollander book giveaway. He told me all about Simon and I appreciate the reminder. Going over to his space now.

  148. Now that your fragile ego has been sufficiently fed, can we move on to another more interesting post. Please no more HAR and multiple downloads with excessive commentary. A picture is sometimes worth a thousand words.

  149. Joni, I always find your blog so inspiring - your latest post did not disappoint! I love how your bedroom turned out - you must be so thrilled with the result!


  150. i love the way joni and all the readers are totally ignoring the very ,very few rude posts. there agendas are so blatantly obvious ( as in jealous.) it is one thing to have a differing opinion, which is what makes the discourse fun. but the obvious rude comments are entirely a different matter and are too close to pathetic to warrant any attention at all. thank you all for not indulging in their negativity and for keeping the focus where it should be.

  151. Anon. 10:06pm, whether you agree with negative comments or not, the average person commenting here probably does not realize that the rest of this bedroom does not measure up to the paper. Sometimes when a design is updated it causes a cascading effect because the new causes us to focus more on the old. I simply believe that the fabrics in this room now call for more refinement, not buffalo checks, a wrinkled bedspread and a heavy suzani across the bed. A little editing on the alter fruit and glass wouldn't hurt either. I suspect a good stylist taking photos will remedy that problem.

  152. Joni,
    Your bedroom is simply lovely -- just the way it is. And all of your posts are a delight to read. I sincerely hope you are disregarding the comments being made above by "anonymous" -- what a mean-spirited person!

  153. A plus about Joni's blog is she allows all comments, good and bad. Many bloggers do not.

    I admire her blog on ALL levels and it's one of my favorites.

  154. I mean this is the nicest way... I'm so jealous!
    Your wallpaper is gorgeous.
    I'm not sure how you will ever leave your bed. Wonderful post, Joni. Amazing designer and fabulous story teller are two of your many talents.


  155. the "average person", hysterical.

  156. Oh Joni I think this is the most amazing transformation I have ever seen using wallpaper, I am so pleased for you.
    sweet dreams!

  157. Anon. 7:44, I find the "average" person here hysterical also, especially the gullible ones like you.

  158. My fabulous french pick would be the mid-centrury studded leather trunk! Thanks so much for introducing us to the site.

  159. What a great post. You are so lucky to have these gorgeous walls! It's like night and day looking at the photos. I'd have to go to bed with the lights on so I could look at my wallpaper all night.

  160. Besides the fact that I am totally in awe of the beauty here( and would have to be dragged out kicking everyday)- I just can't believe that the wallpaper added LAST in the scheme of things perfected every other choice in the room!
    How many gorgeous French rooms have we seen in which checks were the pefect foil- non-competitive, to such a beautif allemcompassing design on the wall? I agree with Joan ( fthloah) that the outlet covers painted the background color, or better still, papered to match, would more befit these refined walls... but that's a small, esily fixed detail .... This room with all the accessories so loved by you is PERFECTION !
    All of us would truly love to know what B.M color you chose for the lovely.
    .. I'd do this( wallpaper) in a heartbeat "if only'..... You will never be able to move out and leave this behind!
    Thanks for sharing the thrill of this adventure in design... and Bravo to Simon also!

    Alice A

  161. What a tease you are. I love the wallpaper in your bedroom. It looks fantastic!! Thanks for sharing. Cyndi

  162. Lovely Joni...really lovely!! To wake up and go to sleep viewing those pretty walls is going to be so enlightening...and relaxing! I also love that you have a desk and a sofette in your bedroom...pure luxury!
    Thank you for sharing...
    xo J~

  163. I love the new wallpaper and the rest of your bedroom! Thanks for sharing with us - you are always inspiring and have had great influence on my home.
    Average Person in Fort Worth

  164. Joni!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please email the pattern and color I've wanted to do a chinoisserie paper in our bedroom. I'm amazed at always how effective walllpaper is in softening a room and creating presence. Thanks for sharing this and this new resource for paper!

  165. The rude posts by Anonymous are so blatantly ridiculous, jealous, and just silly in a way that I actually am finding them funny. I'm glad you don't delete them. If there was any validity to what this person was saying that would be a different matter. Nothing can take away from how beautiful your home is and how wonderful and popular your blog is. It's absolutely one the best decor blogs out there and everyone knows that!

  166. I thought your bedroom was wonderful before, now it is absolutely stunning! The wallpaper is gorgeous!


  167. oh, I think the paper is just gorgeous! i don't even love that type of wallpaper, but I adore this- it's not too heavy, and the color is perfect. Joni, I think you are too cute and self-effacing. Why people want to leave snarky, rude comments is beyond me.

  168. Joni beautiful ... very good! A wake up and go to sleep watching these beautiful walls will be instructive ... and relaxing! I also like that you have a desk and in your room sofet ... Pure luxury!
    student letting newcastle

  169. Joni, this is a forever bedroom. You made a great choice that I don't think you could tire of, and the pictures look great on. The Opaline pops off the wallpaper. What a bespoke gift he has given you.
    How does Ben like it? Bravo!

  170. Pauline de Rothschild’s Paris apartment

    Is so amazing and green, love it.

  171. Your room looks very expensive. It is interesting how to turned your inspiration into a more personal result. You proved that you don't need to copy a design.
