COTE DE TEXAS: President Trump’s New Jersey White House

President Trump’s New Jersey White House


I started this post over a week ago, hoping to be politically neutral.

But things have erupted and the fun is now gone.  All night I wrestled with just erasing this.

Oh well.  Here it is.  In the end, it’s just a story about a golf course. 

As you know by now, I am a bit obsessed with the White House.  To me, it’s our Buckingham Palace – if only we had royalty !!

Keeping our White House in pristine condition is a Herculean task that requires lots of man hours and an abundance of tax-payer funds.  Apparently a small renovation involving the HVAC system and new carpeting has been in the works since the Obama administration and that work is being done now, during the traditional summer break. 

New carpet being cut for the West Wing.

The Oval Office is emptied for the renovation.  I suppose the Obama/Michael S. Smith wallpaper stays up for now?

It will be exciting to see if the Oval Office will be getting new furniture during the renovation.  President Trump has been using an assortment of former Presidential décor and his office is due for a new design all his own.

The White House has not issued many photos of the interior since the new administration was sworn in.  There have been a few photos here and there of the Red Room and Green Room but the majority of photos are taken in the West Wing. 

The First Lady serves lunch to Queen Rania in the Red Room.

Since there are so few Trump White House photos, a few pictures on Instagram caused quite a stir.  Both Ivanka Trump and her sister-in-law Lara Trump gave us an exciting glimpse into the private floor of the Trump White House!

BEFORE:  The West Sitting Hall in the private quarters during the Obama years, designed by Michael S. Smith.  Classic and tailored upholstery in light tones. 

First Daughter Ivanka Trump has a very active Instagram where she shares family and work photos.  She recently showed a photo in the same above space.  It gives us our first clue into the Trump décor, although I’m sure it will soon change when they get their own furniture.

Ivanka’s Instagram:   It looks like most of the furniture is left from the Obama’s.  From the rug to the sofa to the chairs, much remains the same.   Even the chandelier stayed – although you can’t see it in the Obama photograph (it was there, I promise.)  Changes include the art work and the addition of a side console table brought in to hold a state of the art – frameless, mirrored flatscreen.  Wow.  That flatscreen is amazing – it is almost invisible.  

I do have to say – regardless of your politics – the Kushners are one handsome couple.

And there is one more photo from the family floor – this was on Lara Trump’s Instagram, in black and white.  She is due to have her first baby, a boy!  In this photo, you can see the more modern coffee table and pottery lamps from the Obamas are long gone, replaced with more traditional pieces. 

Last February, the Trumps announced that Tham Kannalikham will decorate their private quarters.  Tham has worked for Ralph Lauren Home and she studied at the Fashion Institute of Technology.  She is said to like 18th century buildings and is influenced by French, English, American and Irish cultures.  Whew!  That about covers it all.   Unfortunately Tham’s web site is password protected so her portfolio is a complete unknown.  It will be interesting to see if Tham is redecorating any rooms in the White House this August.

While all the renovation work is going on now at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the Trumps have been evicted for a few weeks.   The big question was where would the First Family vacation?

It’s obvious they don’t particularly care for Camp David – they have gone there only once, and stayed for just one night, at that.

President Johnson’s Texas Ranch in the Hill Country – love this!!

With other presidents, we usually knew where they would vacation – most had second homes. President Reagan had his California dude ranch.  President G.H.W. Bush had his vacation house in Maine.  His son, G.W. Bush, went to his ranch outside of Waco, Texas.  President Nixon would go to Key Biscayne in Florida, President Johnson had his Hill Country ranch and President Kennedy stayed at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port. Presidents Clinton and Obama didn’t have second homes so they spent their August vacations at Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket.

President George W. Bush’s beautiful Texas ranch

But President Trump is different, he has a myriad of houses he can choose from to spend his vacations at.   As America quickly learned, Trump spends his winter holidays in Palm Beach at his private club, Mar A Lago.  And now we are learning that his summers are spent at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.  What is a bit strange is that his quarters at Bedminster don’t seem very private, as you will see.

Seven Springs in Bedford, New York

I’m surprised Trump chose Bedminster Golf Club over his country home,  Seven Springs, in Bedford, New York.  Built in 1919 by the Federal Reserve Chairman Eugene Meyer, the gray stone mansion is 50,000 sq.ft and sits on 213 secluded acres.  The Trump children grew up at Seven Springs and think of it as their second home.  It has three swimming pools and a bowling alley and it is gorgeous and private.  Very private.  But, I’m beginning to think President Trump doesn’t prefer privacy.  He likes to be around people.

Besides the private clubs at Mar A Lago and Bedminster, another choice for Trump to vacation at is his Trump Winery located on 1,100 acres in Virginia.  Once owned by Patricia Kluge, the 23,000 sq. foot, 45 room mansion, is known as Ablemarle House.   In one of his most sensational real estate deals, Trump bought the property for just 8.5 million although it was said to be worth $170 million.   Today, it is a hotel and popular wedding venue.

Trump’s MacLeod House in Scotland

And then there are his other golf courses - in Scotland, Ireland, New York, Los Angeles, North Carolina, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Dubai and Indonesia.

Finding a place to spend a few weeks isn’t exactly hard for this family.  But apparently – Bedminster is the summer choice.

We first saw Trump at his Trump National Golf Club – Bedminster during the transition period when the President elect went there to pick his cabinet. 


Our first glimpse of the club was of this beautiful door to what appeared to be a very grand house.

Here the President elect waved goodbye to Mitt Romney after interviewing him for a cabinet position.  At that time, I think we all thought this was Trump’s house – and the place where he stayed.  No one knew that his actual home at Bedminster was a small, original cottage – far away from this mansion.

First, what is a Bedminster?

Bedminster is a bucolic township of just 8,000 citizens.  Its rolling hills are dotted with farmhouses with grazing animals kept behind split-rail fences.

Founded in 1710, the town is famous for having one of the most historic revolutionary war sites in the United States.

Trump isn’t the first Presidential family to have a stake in the area.  Jacqueline Kennedy kept a house in next door Bernardsville so that she could ride with the Essex Hunt Club, whose annual Thanksgiving hunt is held in Bedminster.  

This area of New Jersey has been filled with well known people.  Malcolm Forbes lived here and now his son Stephen does.   Bill Moyers and Meryl Streep once lived here while Woody Johnson and Thomas Kean call Somerset Hills home now.

Another famous resident was John DeLorean, the developer of the infamous gull wing DeLorean car.   DeLorean owned Lamington Farm, an estate with over 434 acres.  In 2000, bankruptcy caused him to be evicted from his beloved farm.  Enter real estate mogul Donald Trump who bought DeLorean’s property for $35 million – intending at the time to build “a world championship, U.S Open quality golf course.”  Which, of course, he did.

John DeLorean owned this farm on Lamington Road in Bedminster.  At the center of the estate was DeLorean’s Georgian styled two story mansion.

When DeLorean went bankrupt,  the Bedminster farm was his last asset.   He tried, hopelessly, to hang onto it, even putting it in his children’s names in order to keep it. 

Happier times at the Bedminster farm with John and his then wife, the model Cristina Ferrare, and their children.  She left him after his troubles started.  His story is a sad one involving lots of foreign intrigue and unsolved mystery.   A genius, he is the inventor of the original muscle car – the GTO.

An original ad with the handsome John DeLorean.  In the background is the Lamington Farm – with John posed in front of its restored barn and cottages.  Today, President Trump and Ivanka have their summer houses there.  In fact, that’s Ivanka’s very cottage, the white one, at the far right.

The Village:  the original stables/barn/dairy and cottages – restored for today.  And again, that’s Ivanka’s cottage at the far right.


The history of the land which was once known at The Lamington Farms Estate dates back to the 1600s and the Dutch family, the Duyckincks, who farmed the estate through the early 1900s.   The Duyckincks built the white, “Old Dutch House” which remains on the property today.  Besides raising sheep, the family also grew apples and made cider with the abundant fruit.  The property is said to be haunted by John Duyckinck, a British sympathizer who was exiled to his land by George Washington in 1779.

The Duyckinck family remained on their farm for centuries – finally leaving in the early 1900s when they sold their property to the wealthy Morgan Cowperthwaite family.

The Cowperthwaites hired architect James Cameron Mackenzie to build a grand Georgian home on the farm.  Mackenzie also built the nearby Vernon Manor for the Gambrills,  a house that still stands today and sold a few years ago for over $13 million.  

Vernon Manor, now known as Four Seasons, after the busts in the niches which depict the seasons.  Gambrill is seen above with his hounds before a hunt.

The Morgan  Cowperthwaites lived in the James Cameron Mackenzie mansion for some time, but when Morgan’s son John Knox Cowperthwaite married, he wanted his own house.

John hired the society architect Mott B. Schmidt to build a new, grander mansion for his bride, Victoria.  The house Schmidt designed for John and Victoria still stands today and is the house that DeLorean lived in.

Mott B. Schmidt is most famous for designing the new wing for Gracie Mansion and for the houses he designed for the Vanderbilts and Rockefellers.  The John K. Cowperthwaites were active in the Essex Hunt and their farm remained open to the horses and hounds.  They also raised cattle and their Lamington beef was highly desired.

Schmidt was known for his entrance halls which usually were two story and most often included a fireplace.  Another trademark was his “flying staircase” which many times was the focal point of his houses.

A beautiful entry hall designed by Mott B. Schmidt for the financier C. Douglas Dillon at his estate, Dunwalke East.   I absolutely adore those curtains!!!


A beautiful “flying staircase” by Mott B. Schmidt, found, also at Dunwalke East.

To order this book on Mott Schmidt’s architecture, click on the photo.

The Cowperthwaites remained at Lamington until the early 70s when both John and Victoria passed away, within a year of each other, during their early 60s.  The estate was then sold to John DeLorean who lived there for almost 20 years. 

DeLorean’s wish was that the property would not be turned into a golf club, but in the end, Lamington Farms became not one but two golf courses!

When Trump took over the club, the property underwent a massive overhaul.  Trump had the street, Cowperthwaite, closed to traffic and built a stone fence and gatehouse to control entry into the club.

BEFORE:  An early aerial view of the Bedminster farm when DeLorean lived there – before it was a Trump Golf Club.  DeLorean’s house is the center of the Golf Club.  DeLorean’s garage circled in red, is now the large restored white clubhouse.  And at the very top right is the old barn and cottages village.  Today this is where the club’s swimming pool is and where the President and his daughter Ivanka have their summer cottages.

In 2011, Trump’s architects and the golf course designers were give an award for the restoration by The Somerset County Planning Board.


AFTER:  The very same view – today.  On the left is the original DeLorean house with its newly enlarged rear side.   The large white clubhouse was once DeLorean's original garage.  The golf pro shop was originally the carriage house.  At the very left of the photo is the original Old Dutch House, built by the pioneering Duyckinck family.  And at the very right is the former barn/stables and dairy village where the swimming pool and cottages have now been restored.

A view of the two courses – surrounding the club house and the swimming pool/cottages where the President lives.

BEFORE:  When DeLorean was escorted from his farm, another golf corporation took ownership for a few years before Trump bought it.  They installed stone gateposts and a rather charming sign.

AFTER:  When Trump took over, a larger stone wall was built, along with a gatehouse and new signage. 

8of the Trump golf club.  There are two golf courses on the property with a total of 36 holes.  The 2017 US Women’s Open was held there last month and the PGA is scheduled to be hosted at Bedminster in 2022.   Initiation fees run up to $350,000, not including annual dues which are reported to be $18,000.

BEFORE:    The grand Georgian Mott B. Schmidt mansion was once hidden behind large bushes.  Today, a large driveway/courtyard with an ornate fountain makes up the front yard.  At the left is the original glass enclosed porch – which today has been enlarged and turned into a small dining venue.

DURING:  Before Trump bought the club, there was a DeLorean gull wing car show, in tribute to John DeLorean, who had just died.

Today:  The house and landscaping is finally finished. 

President Trump is said to love his Bedminster Club so much that he wants to be buried there.  He looked into erecting a mausoleum with 10 plots near the first hole and even received planning permission to build it.  The plan called for a 19 ft. tall stone obelisk that would be a mausoleum and temple which could also be used for weddings. 

A wedding temple…. and a tomb.

Only Trump!

In 2015, a Trump representative told a New Jersey paper that Trump now wants to be buried in Florida, instead.  Despite the change of plans, a cemetery was still built on his property, just not at the first hole.

Why golf courses?

Trump has said that the golf courses are a very small part of his business portfolio, so why invest in so many courses?  He told a reporter that he thinks the golf business will be good for his children – they will have great places to go and conduct business, meet useful people and enjoy a competitive game.

I personally think he wanted to be able to one day pass down a viable business to his children.  He just hadn’t planned on handing them his entire real estate business so soon!!

The Mott B. Schmidt house at dusk.

DURING:   This view shows the house during the Trump renovation.  The entire back side of the house was removed and a two story addition was built to create a large dining venue for weddings and events.   On the second floor, the area was left open – in order for guests to watch golf tournaments.   At the right is the DeLorean garage and carriage house which became the golf clubhouse and proshop.

AFTER:  The house today with the large addition at the rear – with its green and white striped awning roof.  To the right is the white clubhouse and proshop.

DURING:  From the opposite direction – you can see the original garage and carriage house which became the pro shop.  The rear of the Mott house was completely removed and enlarged.

AFTER:  The rear elevation today with the new dining room and the open air balcony with its distinctive green and white awning roof.  Behind the house is the newly restored clubhouse and proshop.

The foyer of the Moss B. Schmidt house has been remodeled with new black and white marble floors.  The foyer has Schmidt’s trademark flying staircase which has a commercial grade runner now.  Through the doorway is the round library and through the library, the new dining hall can be seen.

The view from the second floor of Mott B. Schmidt’s famous flying staircase.

Another view of the foyer.  Through the door on the right is the green sitting room.  That room was once DeLorean’s dining room.

The glass enclosed side porch was enlarged by Trump and turned into a dining room.

The addition to the back of the house – added to create the dining hall for weddings and events.  Upstairs is the open air viewing deck.

The dining room up close.

Weddings are held in the new back addition.

The green sitting room is off the front entry hall.  It is said this was once DeLorean’s dining room.

A guest has his photo taken in front of the fireplace in the sitting room.  Flags have been added now that the President is here!

I hate the way this room is painted – in green and black.  I wish I could have seen it as Mott Schmidt designed in – painted in shades of ivory, I’m sure.

The round library that leads to the new dining room.

This is the most interesting room.  It’s off the foyer – and appears to be round with carved moldings found at the sides of the shelves.  Lined with bookshelves, there is also a fireplace in here.

Again, the décor is so bad here.  Not sure why this once beautiful house is now so… “man cave décor.”

In this Instagram photo you can see the round, coved ceiling in the library and the fixture, which I’m sure is not original.

If the President is at his property while a wedding is going on, Trump will always greet the bride and her guests.

A wedding couple leave the round library and enters the reception in the new dining hall.

The library shelves are stocked with old and new books.  This room must have been so pretty in its day – instead of connecting with the new dining hall – its window looked out over the beautiful rolling hills.

The large clubhouse with the pro shop behind it.  The locker rooms are located in the clubhouse along with the bar and pub.   Look how charming the pro shop is – located in the original carriage house with its brick walls and arched windows.

The clubhouse with wood lockers and gilt French mirrors.

At all the Trump golf courses, there is always a very tall U.S. flag that flies.

Another trademark at a Trump course is this romantic clock.

So beautiful!

Across from the DeLorean house and club is the swimming pool and the cottages – seen at the right of this aerial view.

There are a total of five cottages, three available to rent and in the restored barn, there are nine rooms for members who want to stay a night or two.  

A larger view of the house and clubhouse with the swimming pool, cottages & tennis courts at the upper right.

BEFORE:  Before the Trump renovation was complete, the square was more rustic.  Apparently, the barn was used as a clubhouse before the white one was built, judging by the number of golf carts parked outside.    Additionally, the old dairy was remodeled into a bistro for poolside snacks.

TODAY:   Here is the newer view of the swimming pool complex with the tennis courts at the right.  The pool is surrounded by the original cottages that were there during DeLorean’s years and many years before.  At the rear is the red brick barn/stables – that was restored and now has 9 rooms for guests to stay in.  Circled in red is the former dairy that was turned into a bistro for poolside meals.

The same view – but here I have circled the Trumps two cottages.  At the left is where Ivanka lives.   And at the right – the circled cottage is President Trump’s.

Both cottages have very recently been enlarged and remodeled.  You can see the work is still being done on the President’s cottage.    The large balcony was being added to the front façade of the President’s cottage.

Inside the large swimming pool complex – surrounded by the guest cottages.   Ivanka’s private cottage is seen at the top right and President Trump’s private cottage is seen at the top left.   The President’s cottage has the round turret and the large window with the multipanes.  Today, trees have been planted to provide more privacy to his cottage.

Closeup of the back of the President’s cottage with the turret and large window.

Not much privacy!

The view from the entrance to the cottages.  This is the view of the President’s cottage with its distinctive turret.

Looking towards the back of the complex with the view of the barn/stable at the rear.  On the front left with all the yellow umbrellas is the old dairy, now the Bistro.    The Trumps cottages are just out of view here at the left and right of the front gate.

A larger view of the Bistro and the former red-bricked barn. 

Here is a before and after photo of the President’s cottage.  At the left is what his cottage used to look like, before the renovation.   At the back corner is the distinctive round turret.  Trump applied to the Bedminster Township to extend his cottage – adding a 500 sq ft, two story balcony and porch.  This porch was added onto the front of the cottage, which provides him more privacy.    You can see they were still building the new balcony/porch addition when the photo on the right was taken.  They added a French Door between the two dormers at the right, so that they can use the balcony as a sitting area.    At the front are a series of trees and bushes and fencing which were recently added for more privacy.   At the left side of the cottage, more trees were planted – along with a tall brick wall.

Here is the President’s cottage a few months ago – still working on the new porch.

The addition was requested before Trump was running for President.  Still, this cottage doesn’t seem to give him any privacy.  During the summer, the pool is crowded with people and children and it must be so loud.  I’m just amazed that the President of the United States is staying here – so accessible to strangers, albeit extremely wealthy private club member strangers! 

And here is another view of the back of the President’s cottage.  You can see the distinctive turret.  Men can be seen working on the new balcony and the front fence.

The aerial view of Trumps cottage the right top corner.  Ivanka’s is across from his at the right corner.  The pool had not yet been filled when this photo was taken. There are several other cottages available for guests to rent.   And at the rear is the barn/stable which now is restored for overnight guests.

When the President comes to Bedminster, his helicopter brings him right to his cottage.  You can see his cottage at the right – with his newly built two story balcony.  There is now a brick fence enclosing his house.  And there is a charming picket trim surrounding his new upper balcony.  Also – you can see a string of secret service cars that protect the front of his cottage.  Ivanka’s cottage is at the left.

At here is the helicopter landed – you can see the President’s cottage right behind the helicopter on the right.  Can’t imagine the force of wind and noise this helicopter must make!

The view from the barn looking towards the President’s cottage.   You can see the newly planted trees have grown tall – helping to screen his cottage from noisy and nosey swimmers!!

Here is a view of the barn/stables, with the French doors that lead to the rooms.   This weekend, the President held a press conference right here!!!

A view of the cottages and the barn, from far away.   It looks so charming here – like an old English village.

And another view of the cottages and barn from one of the holes.

And a view of the rolling hills in the back of the village.

The back of the barn/stables

The Trumps get around the complex on their special golf carts.  Here is Eric in his cart.  Actually it looks like he is driving his brother’s cart!

And here is Ivanka and Jared and their children in their cart.

The club has its own swimming team and holds meets here.

The stairs in the restored barn is a must spot for all the brides and grooms to pose at.


It reminds me of the stairs at Mar A Lago in front of the Trumps apartment that everyone poses at.   Remember that spot?

Everyone who comes to Mar a Lago poses in front of the Trump’s private quarters.  Even the First Family posed here!!!   Today at Bedminster everyone poses on the stairs in the barn.

Fourth of July.

And the Secret Service with their bomb sniffing dog.

And this week, the President and his cabinet walked across the cottages and pool for a press conference.

The press conference was held behind the red bricked barn with the famous stairs!!

Here a bride and groom pose in front of their rented cottage.

The view of a row of cottages.

A few years ago, Ivanka entertained a group of women she worked with.

Actually Jared and Ivanka were married right here at Bedminster.   They even posed on the barn’s iconic staircase.

I’m sure their wedding was gorgeous.  Her dress was custom designed by Vera Wang and the reception was held in the dining hall at the Moss B. Schmidt house.   Those trees!  Gorgeous!

The cake was incredible!  Designed by the famous Sylvia Weinstock.

Her flowers were done by the incredibly talented Preston Bailey.  He tented the ceiling of the dining hall!  Amazing.

A cute moment at the reception.

No wonder the Kushners chose to have their summer cottage at Bedminster.  They had their wedding right there!

Ivanka’s white house is seen here – the back faces the pool.  To the right is the former dairy, now the Bistro. 

Last year Ivanka asked the Bedminster planning board to approve a plan to extend her cottage by 2,200 sq. ft.  She and Jared added 3 bedrooms to their cottage – making it a five bedroom house.

Here are the before and after images of Ivanka’s cottage.  At the left is the original house.  At the right, you can see the new large addition that was added to increase the house from 2 bedrooms to five.  There is also a new fireplace and two new dormers.   The new addition looks so much like the original cottage, it’s hard to tell it’s a renovation.  In fact, the entire corner section of the house is brand new.

Here I circled the just the new corner addition with the chimney and dormers.  That portion is all brand new.  Notice the white boxes behind the Bistro – those are for the vegetables that Ivanka grows.

BEFORE:   Ivanka’s house on the left corner, before it was remodeled.  The President’s is at the right corner.

AFTER:   The same view – with the new building added on.  The entire section at the left under the A-frame is entirely new.

There are many photos of the Bedminster cottage owned by Ivanka.  She posts photos of it on her Instagram – including pictures of the interior design, which is particularly nice.

BEFORE:  Here is her daughter when the construction started on the new addition.  You can see they are building a basement under the addition.

And here, her daughter posed in front of their front door.

Ivanka’s hydrangea garden, right inside the complex’s entry.

And in full bloom.

The Bedminster gardener posted this photo of the edible garden she planted – including strawberries – in front of Ivanka’s new addition.   It’s totally edible!!

Spring bulbs were planted behind the Bistro, next to Ivanka’s cottage.

Ivanka’s vegetable garden, behind the Bistro.

An early version of her vegetable garden before the boxes were decorated and painted white.

During Halloween, pumpkins were added to the vegetables.  Maybe they were planted there?

Harvesting their bounty.

Ivanka even visits her summer cottage, off season during winter.

The gardener posts the flowers she creates for Ivanka’s cottage.

Tiffany Trump visiting Ivanka’s cottage.  I think this was before it was finished being redecorated – because that chair looks like it was from Ivanka’s old single apartment.  Remember that apartment that everyone loved – before Ivanka went contemporary?

Remembering Ivanka’s single apartment before she married.  She had these French chairs.  It looks like the same chairs in her cottage dining room.  Regardless, those orange fabric French chairs didn’t stay long in the cottage.  Today, she has another table and chairs.  Oh well.  I LOVED her single apartment!!

OK.  This was the picture that made me do this entire story!  That face!  That chair!  That fabric on that chair!  That fireplace!  Those blue curtains!   I just fell in love with this photo – the happy baby, the decoration.  The velvet ottoman in the trendy blue.  At first I thought this was in Ivanka’s new Washington house.  But the more I looked at it and started studying her Instagram photos, I realized it was the cottage – and that is why I started this story.  I wanted to see more of her darling cottage!

Across from the fireplace is a large L Shaped sectional with smart white slipcovers.  Blue and white pillows.  Behind is the kitchen pass through with white marble countertops and the dining room – and notice the new dining room furniture.  More modern, of course.  I liked the old orange fabric French chairs!!!   Pretty chandelier and modern sconces mixed.  It looks like a room is painted in blue.  I think that blue room is in the old part of the cottage and this room with the sectional is in the new part with the concrete fireplace. 

The décor in the new cottage is all blue and white stripes ala Mark Sikes!!  Love the décor!!!  Blue and white striped pillows and blue silk curtains.   And it looks like there is more old antique furniture with blue and white porcelain. 

Another view – with sconces and mirror above the lit fireplace.

OK.  What is cuter – the baby or the fabric?!?!  To die from them both!

I’m going to guess this is their new kitchen in the cottage with more blue and white and the cute Theo!  White marble and blue cabinets.

Ivanka showed Arabella’s new room at Bedminster – all in lilacs with a French bed.  Again, I remember thinking for months that this was in the Washington DC home, but it’s not.  How darling is this?

Ivanka showed this mash up of her curtains on the left and her wallpaper on the right.

Ok, regardless of what you think about her politics, Ivanka has good decorative taste!

And just the other day we got this photo of a blue and white stripe sofa and three adorable kids.  This is upstairs – I’m going to guess the master bedroom.

When the plans to extend the two cottages were turned in, the city planner jokingly asked if there were plans to include a “presidential suite.”  This was before the election of course.  There are plans for four more cottages, but they haven’t been submitted - yet.   Donald Jr. goes to a summer house somewhere in upstate New York.  I don’t know where Eric goes.  And for now, the President and Ivanka look like they are firmly ensconced in Bedminster

Remember that single girl apartment Ivanka had?  We went bonkers over how cute it was.

Emma Jane Pilkington did the décor and it was so fabulous!!!   Young and fresh and new for a single girl in NYC.

Another view.  Something tells me that blackamoor sconce wouldn’t be welcome today!  I loved what Emma Jane did to this apartment.  Unfortunately, it was all taken apart when she married and went ultra contemporary.  

Today, Ivanka’s style at home in Washington D.C. is much more contemporary.  That’s why to see her Bedminster cottage so blue and white was such a pleasant surprise.

Hope you enjoyed it.


If you live in or near Houston and are looking for a new place to shop for you and your husband – my daughter, Elisabeth, is now working at M. Penner.    It’s located in charming Uptown Park and they carry both women’s and men’s clothing. 

Elisabeth and her boyfriend.   lol. 

Elisabeth is working as a stylist there – and I’m so proud of her, I just wanted to share this bit of news with you!!     They are open Monday – Saturday.   For more information – go to  or call 713-527-8200.  To call Elisabeth direct dial 713-898-8522.


There are so many new fabulous books ready for Pre-Order.  An easy way to shop early for Christmas!!!

My Pre Orders:

Miguel Flores Vianna – dying for this one!!!!  September can’t come soon enough.

Vogue Living – fabulous, always.

The new McAlpine.

Beth Webb!!  No relation, unfortunately.  She is so talented!!!!

Gil Schaffer.

James Farmer – with the same title as Gils!

India Hicks – her four houses, including her childhood ones!  Not due until after the new year, but dying for this one!!!!

And until next time!!!!


  1. Nice post on your daughter.

    Helpful post on tRump so Feds know what assets to seize after he is impeached for treason, and all the hard working people he stiffed over the years finally get a shot at their overdue payments.

    1. Please- Joni is doing a story on the history of a property -like she always does! You are being nasty and disrespectful to her work. If you don't like the person that owns the property then don't read this one post of hers. Leave your hateful comments on Trump on a media platform for politics - not here!

    2. The fact that Joni noted that she was hesitant about posting this reflects that she knew it had the potential to be a powder keg, but she went forward anyway. Poor judgement, which is why we are having this type of discussion instead of a congenial one.

    3. Well. I hoped everyone would just enjoying reading about the cottages - I think they are charming and interesting from a design standpoint. Not politically. Originally I thought Trump's cottage was in the red barn. It wasn't until later that I realized he was up front and center in the cottage at the right of ivanka's. Frankly I was shocked the President seems so exposed here, but whatever. Least of his issues I guess. Oy.

    4. Joni, don't be discouraged by nasty comments. I understood exactly what your post was about. I enjoyed seeing the beautiful homes and grounds and found it very interesting. Aside from a couple of unfortunate paint color choices I thought everything was just lovely. Was touched seeing the flags hung so prominently also. Great post, good on you!

    5. Joni, you were wrong this time. Running this story really is indefensible. It has lowered your stature as a blogger and lessened my appreciation for your work. You should have just erased it.

    6. for Ariadne above--- your comment is indefensible. What do you think your comment does for your stature????? Joni spent a lot of time on this blog to show a lot of nice decor and the history of these homes and she did an A++++++ job in doing this. If you can't appreciate what she did and the reason for it then I think you should erase your comment.

    7. I agree Joni spends a lot of time on her posts and I have enjoyed mant of them deeply. But this is no A+++ job by any definition, and it does make me respect her just a little less. Unfortunate but true.

    8. I have enjoyed a lot of your posts even found them interesting and even educational. Up until this, I was starting to love your blog. But this post is very disappointing. Regardless of your reasons, you choosing to endorse/ highlight Tiny Trump's properties (and his complicit daughter's choices) at this time when he is just endorsed the KKK and white supremacist is in very poor taste. Maybe you were trying to create controversy and if that was your intention, well you succeeded. With all due respect, please stop to think if this is the kind of people- this despicable family- you want to promote/ highlight in any way and even if you wanted to, if this was the right time to do that. There are plenty of homes around the country and even world to showcase and write about but you choose Trump. Yes all those are beautiful properties build but acquired by stiffing others, cheating on taxes and other through questionable means. Nothing attractive about all that. Guess people will worship you if you have lots of money regardless of how that is acquired.

  2. Sorry, I love your blog. But I can't read this. I'll wait for your next post. It is unfortunately more than just a golf course. Especially right now.

    1. Share Michelle's point of view on this. I can understand and share your interest in the White House and its history so I zoomed through quickly and can see the enormous amount of work you've put into this - and indeed the pictures are so beautiful and the post so well researched. But I have such loathing of and disgust for this dreadful man and what he's doing to the US and around the world that I can't read it either. It's impossible for me to separate the man from the other content. Best wishes, Pamela

    2. For me it's like trying to separate a hypothetical post on Stalin's house and gardens or Mussolini's or Bernie Madoff's from the evils these men had done. Not that he fits neatly into any of these categories of villains (he hasn't massacred millions, for example) - but he is a self (and family) serving villain elected to the White House - all the while seeking to enhance the Trump business brand and fortunes. Conflicts of interest issues? Hell, yes. Probably the worst President and one of the least qualified for the role in the past 100 years. A shonky businessman does not a good President make. Pamela

    3. Michelle:
      No, it is not anything more than a golf course.

    4. Boy. I should have erased it? I don't know the answer!!!! To my I just thought the cottages were interesting esp that the president is staying there so exposed? oh well. on to the next time!

    5. Joni, You put in all the work, so can understand why you might want to go ahead and publish. As a person who is revolted by Trump and his family - a view which his own actions and statements magnify for me almost every day - I've found the images of his houses and gardens have just further reinforced this conviction. I'm guessing you weren't seeking to do this at all. But in effect it's what this post did for me. He is probably one of the most divisive Presidents in history so anything published about him, even about his properties, is going to get very divided and strong reactions. Inevitable. It's just how it is. And will be. I guess the US and the world just have to ride out this administration, hopefully one term only, and pray that it doesn't get much worse or bring chaos in its wake. Best wishes, Pamela

  3. Joni. Why?????? This man is a blatant racist. He is destroying our democracy. And this place you are fawning over is a way for him to monetize his office. Ugh.

    You are the best decor/interior design blogger out there. Please don't compromise that.

    I don't want to have to unsubscribe, but one more of these and I will have to.

    1. Enough with these nasty intolerant
      comments. He is definitely NOT a racist. Joni's posts are wonderful including this one.

    2. He is most definitely a racist and his family is complicit.

    3. Donald Trump ABSOLUTELY is a racist and an anti-semite . He's a despicable person unfit to even live in the US must less occupy the Oval Office. I read very little of this post as I was unwilling to read anything about this man.

    4. Sally, you know his son-in-law is Jewish, right? As well as his daughter and their children? How do you figure he's an anti-semite? Thought this was a great, well researched post. Why does everyone have to politicize this? It's an article about architecture and decor...

    5. Joni, I absolutely loved your post, but makes my blood boil at these people who can't keep their negative comments to themselves. Aren't we all here to enjoy the design?? I think we are!! You have a follower here for life.

  4. I have always loved reading your blog but I just can't bring myself to look at this. This is such a sad day for America. :(

    1. Another snowflake lives to bite the dust. Don't read it if it so offends you. I suppose that the long legged macdaddy who presided over one of the most corrupt administrations in our nations history, along with his unindicted felon of a Sec. of State wasn't enough drama for you. Nor does it appear that the racial strife he fostered seems to conjure any accusations of the charge of racism. You have zero evidence of Trump stiffing anyone nor cheating on his taxes. Your sorry candidate lost the election because of her criminality. This property is beautiful and worthy of the beautiful presentation it has received here.

  5. You should have followed your hunch and erased this. The article brought me no joy. Timing and Taste is everything.

    1. YES! Always listen to your gut! intuition is everything. I LOVE this blog but what you said!

    2. I really struggled with it. But hell, I would write about Nixon's Florida home if it was pretty. But yeah, this is bad timing. I don't know. I didn't know what to do. Half the readers love Trump and half hate him. I get that. But this was just about the design and history of the house which really interested me. oh well. you can take me out and flog me tonight! 50 lashes with a wet noodle.

    3. Joni I loved it. I'm a big golfer and I know the Pesident as well as Ivanka are as well, I can see why he has a cottage there he has a great view of the course! I'm glad you shared it. I've been in a funk with the bad news and this perked me up. My husband is a big golfer too, I sent this post to him. This would be my dream retirement setup especially Ivanka's cottage
      Kris in Seattle

  6. Lovely post as usual. I always enjoy the history, the architecture, the design inside and out, the landscaping etc. Thank you for all of the hard work you do in putting these posts together. I appreciate that you can set your own politics aside to take us into these lovely properties. I'm sure you will hear from folks who can't get past politics and will be unkind in their comments, so please know how many of us truly appreciate your work. And thank you again for sharing this piece of American history from it's beginning to it's present day. I'm sure your daughter has inherited your good taste!!

  7. What Kim Wawhiney said. I am happy for your beautiful daughter and expect she will be wildly successful....good genes and all that! Thank you for your exhaustive work in getting these posts together. So many of us are sad/sick over the fact that this amoral man has become part of this great country's historic footprint....and the rift that divides us grows wider.

  8. Thank you for your hard work. Interror design has nothing going to do with politics. You daughter is Precious!
    Thank you,

    1. Actually good design has a lot to do impeccable taste and Joni has always displayed that in her designs. Unfortunately this post was in just simply in poor taste.

      Joni- half the country does not love this man or approve of the job he is doing as is evident in all the polling. Heck even among republicans, he polls at 60 something now. Before some Trump lover point out the polling before elections, let me remind them 1. Hillary won by over 3 million votes. 2. In every poll, there is margin of error and Tiny's so called victory was within those statistical margins ( not to mention with lots of help from Russians).

      I don't mean to be harsh to you but I really hate this ugly man who stands for all that is bad in our country. Every single person who supports him or defends him or keeps quite is complicit in his racism, divisiveness and hatred. Yes this is not a political space but will everyone be okay if Hitler's is glorified here? I guess I am not even sure of that given the direction our country is going.

  9. Lovely researched article of the evolution of a home and property. PLEASE don't listen to all the negative comments! I never felt this was an endorsement of a person or politely party! You do an amazing joy of weaving history, design, and personal stories into your posts, truly a gift. Congrats to your daughter!

    1. Penny, you hit the nail on the head. I don't know Joni but I have followed her blog. I am not a gambler, but if I were, I would bet, based on some comments made on Cote de Texas, that she is NOT a a supporter of the current president. I read this current blog entry, and enjoyed it despite its connection to Trump, his family and his properties. How? Because I read it the same way I listen to Richard Wagner's operas. To enjoy Wagner's work, I set aside -- for that moment -- the fact that the Wagner was a womanizer, racist, anti-semite and Nazi sympathizer and focus on his glorious operas. This blog's readership has supporters and non-supporters of Trump. The supporters are OK with it. For the non-supporters, my humble and gentle suggestion is that you do what I do when listening to Wagner and forget about Trump and what he means just long enough to focus and enjoy the comments and photos of the featured architecture and interior decor. I am certain that this won't work for everyone, but it works for me.

  10. Ok, after reading this incredibly interesting post (kudos again to your research, Joni), the one thing I want to know is: what is that fabulous blue and white fabric on the french chair? Thanks, too, for not bringing politics into a blog about design. I am so sad about the state of politics in our country today! Finally, I can tell your daughter dressed in her trendy denim jacket has your sense of style!

    1. i know !!! It must be the schumacher fabric. it's darling. but she always had good taste. Thanks about Elisabeth!!

    2. Schumacher has some very similar fabrics on their site, but I don't see this specific one. If anyone knows who makes this lovely fabric - I'd love to know!

    3. Go to a decor or fabric shop. Pull down all the fanciest fabric sample books. There are hundreds of blue and white prints out there right now. Use your good taste and judgement to select your favorite. You will experience a feeling of self-satisfaction. You don't need the exact fabric someone else has. Let go of your fear and make your own selection.

  11. Love this post! I love seeing these beautiful homes. Thank you for your hard work, even when I know you disagree with them politically. That truly shows you are a professional. Good job Joni! Cute store too. If I'm ever in Houston, I will visit.

  12. Well I, for one, enjoyed it. It just makes me so agitated that now if anyone sees a blue and white stripe, it is "ala Mark Sikes!" He did not invent blue and white stripes!!! Thanks for the post.

    1. yeah. I know. but....he has revitalized blue and white. I say it a little tongue in cheek to be honest. Like - everytime there's a stripe,, it's Mark! But I do give him much credit for the current obsession. Have you seen his blue and white house in Coastal Living?!! to die for!

  13. I love you and your blog Jonie, but why would the events of the past week in VA have anything to do with Trump??? Did you think twice about covering the White House after Benghazi, the covert cash payout to Iran, the lies of "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor". Previous administrations have actually hurt our country. As far as I can see Trump has done nothing to warrant any blame in what paid protestors on both sides did in VA. Your readers who criticize the printing of this current post need to get their news from sources other than MSM which is out to destroy our President. Wake up America!!! Mary Jane Strawn

    1. " Trump has done nothing to warrant any blame...paid protesters." SERIOUSLY ??? Joni's post was not political but you certainly made it that way. This is so sad.

    2. Please don't compare past presidents to Dump. He is truly disgraceful no matter what side you are on.

    3. Great comment, Mary Jane. Couldn't agree with you more.

    4. Whatever bubble you live in, I want to be there.
      Please, this is a design blog, go away.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Well said Mary Jane!They have no idea how wrong they are. I thoroughly enjoyed this blog until I read the hateful comments. So sad how people have been deceived by the estsblishment via the media.

      Beautifully done Joni. Thank you for sharing this.

  14. Great post as usual - been wondering exactly what Bedminster is. Ivanka has been nothing but gracious - don't let the naysayers get you down. You did the right thing publishing.

  15. Your blog is always so interesting! I'm very glad you decided not to delete this post. Regardless of ones political views, I think being able to look at the history, architecture and design of a property is wonderful. Thank you for all the time and thought you put into all of your blog posts. When I see you have something new to share it always brightens my day!

  16. Don't let these nasty people intimidate you. I did not like or vote for Obama but read your posts with interest. Their outrage is uncalled for. I love all of your posts. Keep them coming.

  17. I also want to thank you for publishing it and please ignore the sad comments made from people that cannot separate their politics from anything at all! You have posted on many past presidents, despite your own political leanings, and done so quite neutrally. Put simply, the negative comments are shameful. I'll be expecting to see another post once the White House is renovated and I hope it will be from you! husband used to shop at M.Penner quite often when it was just men's clothing. I'll be sure to stop in now that I know they carry women's as well. Elisabeth is darling...wishing her much success!

    1. The White House belongs to the United States tax payers. Trump's properties does not. Despising Trump has nothing to do with political leanings- I am independent and my husband Republican (who never voted for Trump). Trump is the Hitler of America. He has made hateful remarks about - women, prisoners of war, gold star parents, physically disabled, people of other religion, elected officials of other country- one can go on and on. Name one other President or Presidential candidate anywhere who has done that.Name a father who has made lewd comments about his own daughter- not once but multiple times. So no this has nothing to do with politics but more so with glorifying a hateful man through with properties.

  18. I enjoy your blog, and everyone can have whatever political leanings they choose. However, this did not seem like perhaps the day to publish this

  19. I feel for you, Joni! Nobody should fault you for writing this article on the Trump’s summer abode, and nobody is forcing anyone to read it. I am one who won’t read it-I live thirty minutes away from his Bedminster golf resort, and that’s as close as I’m willing to get to anything Trump. That’s the only course of action for a ‘Never Trumper” :-)

  20. Charming Cottages on the Trump estate and that darling family. Thank you, I loved seeing that side of the Trumps.
    Too bad people don't know more about history and people getting stiffed by our leaders (re the comment above mine).

  21. Joni,
    I wonder about your motivation to publish this now.
    I have followed you for many years, but I unsubscribed today.

    1. Really? really? I told you my motivation - the cottages and that photo of the decor of it with the schumacher fabric on it. Plus, i'm interested in presidential homes and the white house. sorry to see you go.

    2. I too wonder about motivation. As someone else pointed "There are may lovely houses that can be featured- this need not be one of them." Or a takeoff of Casablanca: Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, why did she choose this one at this time....

    3. Why can't you take Joni Webb at her word? If she has hidden 'motivations" I've never seen it - not in all the years I've followed this blog.

    4. re: Beth W.'s reply .... Joni, pay no mind. If she had been following your blog 'for many years' as claimed, than she would have known that never, in the blog's history, have your posts had underlying, hidden nor ill intended motivations. Unfortunate and a bit childish, I think, is the implication as well as the consequential action of unsubscribing before reviewing your replies up to this point and to have not asked you directly. ugh.

    5. Joni's motivation is probably the same as most bloggers which is to get as many clicks onto the blog and as many comments as possible.
      Her motivation would not be because she likes Trump, that's for sure.

    6. Oh Sheila that is such bs. really. If I was looking for clicks (and clicks don't even amount to anything anymore really) - i would certainly be blogging about different things than i do. My blog is for people who love design and the history behind it and want to go beyond a few photos. seriously. as if this was for clicks. lol. If it was i would have a completely different kind of blog. hmmmm.

    7. Joni,
      Oh, okay. I know most bloggers write, of course, about things they are interested in, but I really did think that the goal after that was to get the most viewers as possible. Sorry, that's how I thought it went. In that vein, did you see "Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce" last night?

  22. I do like seeing the pictures, and I love your blog, but it's hard to look at them with anything but disgust with all that's going on now. Makes me wonder how many of his homes were paid for with dirty Russian money. Also, seeing smug Ivanka and Jared make me ill. Those two are so complicit while they run around playing "advisor" and pimping themselves out to make money off of this presidency. They ae truly as vile as Trump is. I hope their children don't grow up to be as horrible as they are.

  23. There is nothing that should be done to glamorize or normalize this family. They are hideous--all of them-- their politics are hideous and are aimed at destroying everything that this country stands for. The past several days should be a good example of who & what Trump is- nothing about him should be lauded.
    Further, this is not just a post about their houses- this is a business that they are running and this just helps them to monetize the presidency.

    If you really want to do research regarding Donald Trump- do a little research into his life and familiarize yourself with how he cheated and lied, how he worked with both the American Mafia and the Russian mafia, how he built his success on the backs of others while scamming them or not paying them for their labor, how he failed at multiple businesses taking many people down while profiting himself, how he used his father's political connections to lie and get his start in NYC- I suggest you start with "The Making of Donald Trump" by David Cay Johnson. See how he came by any money that wasn't inherited and then decide if giving him any positive press is the right thing to do.

    There are may lovely houses that can be featured- this need not be one of them.

  24. Linda in PoughkeepsieAugust 16, 2017 at 11:52 AM

    Thank you for keeping the post Joni, it was interesting and informative. There is no reason for criticizing your herd work. The unhappy readers can just skip today's post.

  25. Beautiful, thorough post, as always. Politics aside...(nothing to do with the history of this/these properties.) I am definitely not a Trump supporter, but again, enjoyed the history and design. Carry on, well done...

  26. Dear Joni,
    I really enjoyed your post, it reminded me of the ones you've done previously on the British Royal Family- it befuddles me as to why some people don't understand what President Trump has accomplished in just one short life span- including saving the iconic Joseph Urban designed Mar-a-Lago from demolition-
    All I can conclude is that they are small minded, jealous sorts who don't have any enjoyment in their small lives. It's not for them to judge anyone, including the former, current, or future POTUS!
    You did a fabulous job of presenting an un-biased post- so be proud of that. Freedom of speech is sacred in our country.

    Your daughter is a beauty and so smart I am sure!

    1. Hmm Joni, so your post has some readers touting their political view while insulting and name calling those that don't agree with them. Not a good sign for a blog that is supposed to be about beautiful things.

    2. Thanks Dean, much appreciated!!!! He also saved the estate in Charlottesville of all places.

    3. Joni,
      My old friend Tice Alexander, was offered the job of overseeing the installation of the Kluge estate, by David Easton- but he declined the offer. A plum assignment for someone, certainly!

    4. @ Dean Farris- If 45 is the one you gush so much about, God help you. For those that worship wealth, Tiny must seem like God. But for most decent human beings he does not have anything to be jealous of. What should one be jealous of- his multiple marriages? his ability to lust after his daughter? his money grubbing tendencies? his ugly countenance? his orange hair?

    5. Maverick, go to your room, mommy is calling. Your bottle and passy are ready.

  27. Yes, the right thing to do would have been to delete the post in spite of all of your work. This President does not deserve a platform, not even for something as mundane as a house. Everything he does/owns is political and he is a disgrace to the ideals of this country.

    1. She's not giving him "a platform" she's talking about presidential houses.

      Grow up people!

    2. No, she's talking about Trump's golf club, not an official Presidential home. Promoting a man with views that 4 Joint Chiefs of Staff, Speaker of the House, Senate Majority leader as well as countless others have all disavowed. He consistently brags about his properties, even yesterday he couldn't help himself but promote his winery in Charlottesville. You cannot separate the man and his beliefs from what he owns - he has the lowest ethical standards of any President in our history.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. yes. I heard that about the winery. I had wanted to do that house but forget that now. forget the whole thing.

  28. Congrats to your daughter! I have to say Ivanka has great taste in decorating, I wonder who she works with or if she does it herself? However they could use a new architect -so many horrible and cheap details (that cheap brass hardware on the front door, the cheap plastic windows). Maybe if they paid their architects instead of skipping out on the bills...oh wait I wasn't going to get nasty or political. Some great properties, didn't know about some of these. Would be interesting if Ivanka branched out into home design somehow.....

    1. ArchitectDesign, you want to talk about cheap details. Perhaps you should look no further than the inside of your DIY house and then come back and comment.

  29. The more I read the comments and responses (from both readers and blogger), I too have decided that this is a Blog that I no longer need in my life. Fortunately, there are many other wonderful Style Blogs available to follow that don't get into the fringes of bad taste.

    1. Amen!! To publish this on the day Heather Heyer is laid to rest is the definition of tone deaf.

  30. Why oh why would you want U.S. royalty?! So many have died and sacrificed so as not to 'bend the knee or bow the head' to a king. Remember our history, our love of freedom and appreciate that hard won liberty you enjoy today.

  31. I rarely comment on any blogs I read, but I wanted to thank you for this post. The grounds are lovely. The decor exquisite. I am glad you pushed the post button. I come to your site for decor and that is what you gave me. When I go the a museum do I pass judgement on the artist while I enjoy their work? If that was my criteria, many of my favorite works would be out of my view. Would I pay for concerts if each singer had to pass my political muster? My life would be much smaller if I only read those who agreed with me. And....Your daughter is delightful. -chrissi

  32. I was very interested in your post and I sent it to my daughter.

  33. Thank you, Joni, as always for a thoroughly researched post! You have been my go to design blog for about 10 years and I can't wait for the next 10!!! Keep up the good work!

  34. I've always loved your blog and I love this post especially. I am not swayed by all the hysteria and hype in the news and I know that Donald Trump loves America and wants the best for our country. This won't be a popular comment and will likely be removed. Because he didn't put his words like the MSM wanted, now so many are turning their backs. Where was Obama's condemnation to the thugs who burned and rioted during Trump's rallies? The hypocrisy is so loud I can't hear what the news is saying. No hate group should be tolerated which includes BLM and Antifa. Just my opinion....

    1. Please, to all the readers. If you do not like the post just do not read it. Your comments demonstrate one more time how selfish and out of touch some people are. Joni keep up the good work. your blog is beautiful.

    2. Oh yes Tiny is not racist at all. It was his evil twin who started the birtherism nonsense. He loves America so much so that he "loves" all dictators especially Putin. Just like he loves women so much that he grabs them by their genitals.

    3. Maverick, weren't you suppose to be on the west coast this week-end rioting for George Soros and bathhouse Barry's PAC, at $25.00 an hour. Get out of mama's basement and go to work. Don't forget to wear your black mask. It would be a real shame if someone actually recognized you.

  35. I'm glad you decided to post this - I love, love, love looking at houses and talking about them. I think I'm adult enough to separate houses from politics.

  36. I have to agree with Jayaitch one hundred percent. Some of the comments were cruel and vicious. He is the President. He ran, we voted and
    he won, with no help from Russia. Thanks for the post, as always you are so thorough.

    1. He won by cheating and Russia most definitely helped him win. And he lost the popular vote so more people did not vote for him than did. He's the most vile person ever.

    2. Please abstain from vulgarity. This is only your opinion.

    3. sara;
      Please explain, in clear and precise language, how he cheated.

    4. He did not cheat. If, and I mean IF Russia exposed something, was it not true? Were the exposed emails from Podesta refuted? No. Face it. The democrats had a deeply flawed candidate. That is the reason Trump won.

  37. Great post!!! Sad so many believe everything they read without checking out the source!~~ Keep doing your excellent homework on interior design and continue to be BOLD!!!!

  38. This post is beautiful! Thanks! And, hey don't delete it. Wouldn't that be almost like censorship? I mean people forcing you to back down?

    1. Sammy:
      Yes, good one. It would be censorship. Certain books are going to be banned and burned soon; wait and see.

  39. Thanks for the post! Trump wasn't my choice as candidate but he was the choice for a lot of desperate Americans. I respect the election and for the sake of America, I want him to succeed. I pray for him every day.

  40. Great post and I really enjoyed seeing inside Ivanka's cottage! Love all the blue and that chair fabric is perfection!

  41. Oy is right! Joni, you work so hard to produce beautiful posts on design and stately houses. This stately house will endure despite the temporary residence of this a**hole. I am a Charlottesville girl and UVa is my alma mater and my family's alma mater. What happened there was terrifying--no other words for it. I have never experienced anything like it in my life. As a Jew, it made me tremble. These men intended to terrorize; they were armed, and they were violent in words and action. For that reason, I am posting as "anonymous" for the first time in my life.
    The beautiful White House will endure; I appreciate your reminding us of that with lovely photos and well-researched posts. The history of Bedminster is also interesting, and serves as a reminder that the devil frequently appears cloaked in beautiful things.
    Thanks for all your research and hard work, Joni. This post was meant with kind intent, and we should all accept it as such.

    1. Anon, your angst is not well placed. Perhaps you should take a more studied look at your governor and your mayor and city council who allowed BOTH SIDES, BLM, Antifa and Neo Nazis congregate at the same place and then instruct the police to stand down. One week-end it rained idiots in Charlottesville, Va.

  42. I am soooooo happy that you decided to post these photos. I loved them so much, don't think that I ever would have gotten the chance to see any of this property otherwise. Trump was, and is still, my choice to be POTUS, and I don't feel that I am a desperate American, I pray for him and his family, and that God will watch over him, in every choice that he makes. Again, thank you very much for posting this page, I am sure it took much time and effort. I do appreciate it..Lovely, lovely, lovely...

  43. Joni, I appreciate all the work you do on your posts. Please don't write about racist, anti-semite Donald Trump again.

    1. Sally you are very wrong. Joni will post what she wants and those who do not like it don't have to read it. This is still a free country. You cannot censor something just because you don't like it.

    2. Sally dear...
      President Trump's son-in-law is Jewish! Jared Kushner. He is not a racist.

    3. And I'm sure he has a lot of black friends. You are fooling yourself . . .

    4. The Ivanka/Jared thing confuses me. Jared is so religious, yet.... oh I need to SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  44. As an Australian follower of your blog I am always amazed at the amount of work you do on your posts, so many beautiful photos and mountains of research. Unfortunately readers are taking a political view on this post, shame on some of the comments posted. I think most of the Western world is governed by shonky politicians at the moment, appears that "greed is good" . Thank you for another wonderful post. You must be super proud of your daughter, wish there was an M Penner star in Australia.

  45. Unlike some of your other less-imaginative readers, I am able to separate the man from a post about beautiful interior design and architecture. Thank you.

  46. Cry babies, cry! Your hate and stupidity tear down everything in its path- even a interior decor blogger. You will always lose because you are haters and negative. Post what you want, Joni - this is your venue. I know your politics but dont give in to this Facism.

    1. Beth Christoff:
      Ha! Made me laugh...please comment more here!

    2. Beth - Free speech means you can say something, but it does not mean people cannot comment their approval or disapproval. And please spell fascism right if you are going to throw the word around incorrectly or correctly. Thanks.

    3. Beth didn't say that people couldn't comment.

  47. Excellent post Joni!! Absolutely loved it. I grew up in the Bedminster area so I was especially fascinated. Appreciate all your hard work in writing it. Please keep posts coming regarding this interesting family and their real estate.

  48. I grew up ten minutes from Bedminster in a town called Bridgewater. Funny no one ever seems to know where that is ( i have since moved south- way way cheaper) - nice to now have a reference point for folks....

  49. Great, absolutely great. You do the best job in the blogosphere!

  50. I thoroughly enjoyed this post. There's no need for any political comment or apology in this blog.

  51. Joni this was an outstanding Post, Know everyone loved it, the children and decor fabulous, I"m surprised more of this is not done nationally, American people particular the "Trump" supporters would love to see this, maybe you should submit it !!!! XXXXBR

    1. WHY thank YOU!!!! bETTY rAE!! the first time you have commented I think! Everyone - this is the infamous Betty Rae, aka my mother!!!!

  52. Joni, you are so brave!! and the best. I always love learning from your posts, thanks for continuing to hit publish!

  53. It has none of the charm it had when Christina Ferrare Delorean lived in it. She was featured often in magazines and television shows for her home decor and cooking. I can see why John DeLorean was so desperate to save it. But it's still beautiful and thank goodness has none of the ostentation I've seen at the NY apartment.

  54. Joni, you disappoint me. As do all the comments made by others in any way defending the disgrace that occupies the Oval Office. There is a place for beauty and design, most certainly....there is certainly enough beautiful architecture and design to be featured ...... by ANYONE but that sick man defiling the White House. Now is not the time for shallow folk to lah-lah-lah their way through the horrors being inflicted on the Republic. Wake discernment...give a rat's ass about something that matters, please.

    Judy in Fort Worth

    1. This blog is about decor and properties. You can find Joni's political opinions on her Twitter. She has strong opinions there and she does not hesitate to express them in strong and colorful terminology.

    2. shhhh Sheila!!!!! not the twitter!!!!! do you want people to kill me?

    3. Joni,'re funny!

    4. Perhaps Joni is still trying to find those shovel ready jobs her boy Obama told us about. It looks like they are going to need a few in Houston.

  55. If you want to see how Joni really feels about politics, read her Twitter.
    This blog is about properties and décor.

  56. I guess we have an Alt-Left and an Alt-Right. Sad for our country!

    Joni, I really appreciate your hard work and the time it took to put this together. I look forward to ANYTHING you want to do for us!

  57. Joni, you have the right to post whatever you please and the pictures of the homes are lovely. I do have to say, however, that it did seem a little like a social commentary given the number of pics of the President and his family. Perhaps you could have left out the pictures containing photos of the people and it would not have sparked such responses. I am disappointed in the many many negative comments. I am not, in any way, a Trump fan, but I am capable of hitting the delete or close button. I do not believe it is admirable to make derogatory comments about a person because you don't share their opinion. So sad that our country has come to this. I blame a lot of it on the availability of social media. People can inevitably turn every good thing into something debasing. My bottom line for you is that I visit your site to see lovely homes, good decorating ideas, and uplifting commentary so you may consider that for what it's worth. Thank you for your post.

  58. I love your site and I admire all the work you do - no one works harder than you do... I will say that maybe it would have been better to wait a bit for this story - that way the emotions would have calmed down a bit. (What with Nazi's, white supremacists and A Brave young womans dying at the hand of said nazi's and our President defending the evil ) Just my opinion.

    1. It's never going to calm down.

    2. You're most likely right - but hope springs eternal :-)

  59. Joni, Thank you for this post! I found it interesting and beautiful. I too, have the ability to separate houses from politics. However, whether folks like it or not this house and family will be part of American History.
    Again, thank you for all your hard work!

  60. Once again a wonderful post....about decorating ... not the life of Orange! I enjoyed reading it

  61. Meanwhile, as you people are so butt-hurt over photos of some buildings, dozens of black people will be shot this weekend in Chicago and Baltimore.

  62. Great article and photos. I am so sad that so many citizens have such a hateful opinion of our president. He didn't have to run and was elected fair and square. I have known a few people who have worked for the Trump organization and they loved it and were treated well. The country has been going in a wrong direction for decades and he is doing the best he can. Congress is corrupt and we should blame them before our President.

  63. I will unsubscribe. Poor judgment to present racist Trump and family with all their wealth and insensitivity. Trump is not a royal. He does not represent all Americans - close to 30% and shrinking. I will not purchase from your supporters.

  64. Sheila,
    Last I read, this is Joni's blog...NOT YOURS, please stop addressing others comments of their concerns of fascism, treason and evil as unfounded. OUR American Government, which includes both parties, is INVESTIGATING this rotten Crime Family of Grifters and their scheme of collusion with Russia and White Supremacist, KKK, Altright and Nazi influences to gain access to the White House for personal monetary gains. Please refrain your obvious compulsive nature to pontificate by trampling others comments with your admonitions skewed towards the dark side.
    Joni, wrote an essay on a historic property, one you alone chose to post, on an estate purchased with Russian laundered funds as all his properties are, but you knew quite well the climate of late and the comments that would always pay a price when one wanders into the darkness away from the light.
    I predict when all is said and done, the black Fifth Avenue Tower will be pulled down by the City of NYC, now seen as a dark reminder of OUR NATIONS near demise with an Electoral College President WHO espoused Hatred, Racism and will be replaced one day with a Shining Tower as a Beacon of Hope...even a small Meditation Park, would be better than that tacky tower of a tasteless tyrant. God Bless America, God Bless ALL

    1. The swan - my hashtag this year is #godhelpus I'm 62 and honestly have never felt the way i feel today.

    2. Joni, please don't be discouraged. Posters like The Swan have much more serious issues than your blog. You graciously posted about the Obama's decor without outrage from those who did not support him. This outrage about your Bedminster post says far more about the hysteria of the posters than of anything you have done. I understand your comment on being "62 and honestly have never felt the way I feel today." The presidency has checks and balances; it may be a rocky four years, but the country can withstand it. I'm not sure how the country will withstand the division and damage the "resist" movement is causing.

    3. You want to talk about "grifters", Swan. Look no further than Barack Hussein Obama, his ugly angry wife, his children and his mother in law if you want to see what grifters look like. Why don't you look up the millions of dollars the taxpayers paid for their luxury vacations while our unemployment rate soared. This family was the absolute trashiest family to ever occupy the White House. I hope the Trumps brought in the best exterminating company they could find to get rid of the vermin they left behind. Donald Trump was elected by the rules set forth in the Constitution. Our elections have been conducted this way for over 200 years. It didn't go your way so you now want to cry foul, trash the President, his family, his homes, his wealth, etc. Sounds like the typical class envy we see on a daily basis coming from Democrats. Your problem is that you don't have multiple properties all over the world and you are envious.
      The skinny, empty suit shuck and jive idiot we just got rid of is more your speed - I get that from reading your ignorant comments.

  65. I love the Trumps and loved this post. The property is fabulous. Not going to argue politics here. Thank you Joni for posting.

  66. The Swan:
    I never said those things you are saying. I'm not crazy about Trump. There are many people on here saying things WAY more blatantly than me. You must have missed a lot of the other comments here.

  67. Very interesting to know more about the history of Bedminster, despite whatever associations it may now have with POTUS 45. Thank you for another well researched post.
    I only hope all those posting strong political reactions, on both sides, are as vocal with their local and national senators, representatives, and even the White House, where registering one's opinion actually makes a difference. If you can post so vehemently on a design blog please take the time to also do so in a forum where it can actually be effective.

  68. Thanks for sharing an informative post, Modess furniture offering beautiful bespoke furniture for the home as well as for trade and commercial customers.

    1. Modess furniture...hahaha!! I can picture it.

  69. Just wanted to add to the positive feedback. I only discovered your blog a few months ago and I've been enjoying it so much!
    Reading this article after work almost caused me to miss my bus! I am a floral designer, so I always enjoy catching a glimpse of the flower arrangements used in the beautiful homes you show us. Thank you!

  70. Joni, I really enjoyed your post. I've followed your blog for a while and am amazed at how much detail and effort you put into each one. I really appreciate you sharing your design commentary. You are so talented and appreciated by many. Thank you!

  71. Lovely post! And how exciting for your daughter. If we still lived in Houston I'd have to shop that store! ~Miranda

  72. I love your posts! The pictures are the best and the history is always spot on.The immaturity and jealousy in some of the readers right to free speech is expected as it should.I love seeing pictures of Ivanka and her sweet kids.The love of country is also refreshing! Thank you for posting for those of us that are interested in seeing beautiful pictures of countryside and gorgeous homes! Your daughter looks like a sweetheart.Thanks again Joni!

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  74. As was stated in the opening, it's just a story about a golf course.

    Personally, I despise the Current Occupant and everything for which he stands, his tactics, his insensitivity, his falsehoods, his bullying, his trashing of the media,....I could go on forever.

    But in the end, this is a freely-offered (and well-researched) blog about design. Nothing more. Take it or leave it as you wish, but let's be civil about it. Thank you Joni, for your hard work. I look forward to your next offering.

  75. Hi Joni, I am sorry people are beating you up personally over this. I do not like anything about this person, but you feature a great many very rich people's homes, and no doubt there are many unsavory stories about how some of them got their money. I just want to put this link from the Boston Globe here about J. Kushner, you will not find he and Ivanka to be so attractive once you read about his slumlord practices. He has a reputation as a real bastard stemming from his father's arrest for malfeasance. And of course the father of 45 made his money in liquor and bordellos and was arrested after a KKK rally in New York. Money really is the best whitewash you can buy.

    1. Stacy, I believe you are confusing Joseph P. Kennedy with Fred Trump. Fred Trump was a developer in Queens, NY. Get your facts straight and for heaven's sake if the Baltimore Sun is the best you can do, give it up.

  76. Joni, Just clicked over to catch up on all your fabulous posts that are always so wonderful and shocked to see this one after the horror of last week. To give this man and his family space on your lovely blog... I feel sick. After his comments a few weeks back that The White House is a "dump,' while golfing with friends and the first family's reticence to even inhabit it, I hate to hear what he's doing to it. Even worse is what he's doing to our nation and his dividing of all of us. Our country is going through a dark period and to glorify those causing it is not something I care to see.

    1. Kim seriously, you are just nothing more than an ignorant troll- you are what’s gone wrong with this country- if you’re bitter about an election, keep it to yourself! Your post was entirely self serving and attempted to diminish all the work Joni so graciously put into it so that we might enjoy the history of a place we have recently begun to wonder about. I suggest you pop that tarnished tiara on your head, crawl under your bed, assume the fetal position, with a bottle of vodka and remain there the next 8 years- all this is going to be over your head and so you will miss nothing!

  77. Beautiful and informative post, as always. Thank you. Trumps eye for quality properties is indisputable, though I wish he would consider hiring Ivanka for the interiors. She seems very smart, stylish, and interesting - I suspect First Daughter will not be her last political function.

    I'm confident enough in my personhood that I will survive the Trump administration, much like I did the Obama and Bush and Clinton administrations, though there were plenty of things I found to dislike about each of those Presidents. I think it's also incredibly hypocritical (leaving inaccurate to the obvious) to accuse President Trump of racism, anti-semitism, sexism, etc - the next time one of us slips into or spritzes on a little Chanel, or celebrates JFK, etc, we've put our fashion sense ahead of our newly found moral convictions. Just something to consider.

  78. I have always loved your blog. Now, I'm literally gagging. Please, no more Trump. Absolutely disgusting.

    1. Your pettiness makes me gag- grow up!

  79. I really enjoyed seeing all of this. Can't imagine how much time you put into it! I love interiors and love watching the White House evolve every time there is a new president. Thank you for doing this - even knowing you were going to get some haters. I would LOVE to see the rest of Ivanka's kitchen at the cottage. It looks like it is beautiful!

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. Joni, Thanks for a wonderful post, I really enjoyed it and now will know what Bedminister is like and it's history when it is mentioned. Your attention to detail and history brings the pictures to life. Great job, as usual...

  82. What a lovely post. I forwarded it to my fiance so he could read the part about John DeLorean (being a car guy and all). I had no idea what Bedminster was and was pleasantly surprised to see none of the gilt and ostentation that I've come to associate with Trump. Also, don't let the haters get you down. Some people are incapable of separating politics from anything, least of all a post about interior design and architectural history.

    That being said, I would LOVE a series on presidential homes!

  83. These are really nice photos. I would love to visit this place for sure! custom home builder can be contacted for creating such a beautiful house.

  84. Fantastic article. This lovely property has been tastefully preserved for generations. Putting politics aside, I see a growing family living the American dream. Thank you for compiling this and sharing.

    NJ lost in TX

  85. Fantastic article, really begs some questions to be asked about our great POTUS. Here is a man we usually think of as loving opulence choosing to holiday in a tiny modest goldfish bowl. Weird! I really am blown away. So much food for thought. All I can assume is that Trump hates being on his own, and I think he really does like people to an extreme degree. This would be my living nightmare. I'm wondering if Melania married a billionaire for this, to live in a tiny house between a noisy public swimming pool and tennis courts? But it's a huge compliment to his members that he is so happy in their company. It's got to be clean and corporate to work as a business, but it is sad to see how the old graceful estate has been obliterated. Interesting to think tha all those wealthy people are doing their thing in De Lorean's old garage! Probably oil stains under the carpet. By the way who painted Ivanka's front door? Very sloppy job, white paint dribbled onto doorstep. Surprising! This is totally weird, things are often not as they appear. But makes me respect Trump even more, he's clearly a modest man at heart. I think Louis IV at Versailles lived in a tiny suite of rooms accessible by a secret door from one of the huge staterooms.
