A quick note: In honor of the Royal Wedding, I am hosting a wonderful giveaway for a lucky reader!!! I will announce all the details of the giveaway in the next blog post – so please be sure to check back here for all the information about the new contest!!
Think….. London
Now….onto THE wedding. I had plans to post this Sunday, then Monday, Tuesday and on. Each day new things would be disclosed about the wedding – new interviews, new photos. After a while you just have to say, OK. I’ll stop.
So, here it is – a few details about the wedding:
Well….I was exhausted last weekend! Were you? It took me a few days to recover from THE wedding. I actually set my alarm to wake up at 4:00 am to watch the wedding…but I was so excited (for some unknown reason!) I couldn’t fall asleep at all. So at 3:30 am, I made the coffee and pretended I had had a good night’s sleep. I was still so hyped up all day Saturday that I couldn’t even unwind.
Why was the entire world so excited about this wedding? I don’t remember being this worked up over William and Kate’s wedding – were you? I can barely even remember it except for Princess Beatrice’s outrageous hat and Kate’s sister Pippa’s bum in her beautiful white dress.
Pippa’s bum stole the show at the Cambridge’s wedding – this and Princess Beatrice’s outrageous hat are the two things that defined that wedding.
(and notice there is a RED CARPET at Westminster Abbey, more about that later!)
I have to confess this. At first I was skeptical about Meghan. She was the target of a lot of bad press from family members and anonymous sources who sold their stories to the Daily Mail.
I thought Meghan didn’t sound honest in the engagement interview with Harry – she said as an American, she didn’t really know much about the Royal Family and the only thing she was concerned with before their first blind date was “Is he nice?” It just didn’t ring true to me.
Meghan’s former best friend sold photos of Meghan’s first wedding – then wondered why she wasn’t invited to the second wedding.
And, then the rumors about the way Meghan had shabbily treated her first husband bothered me. The bad press just kept coming. Recent news of a hidden, annulled second marriage had to be thoroughly debunked by “Gossip Cop” – the web site that unmasks phony news stories. Meghan’s childhood best friend took her ex husband’s side and not Meghan’s. That friend then made a small fortune by selling her story and photos to Daily Mail.
Still, if your own family and friends think you are a manipulative, thirsty, social climber – well, maybe you are.
But, on the other hand – maybe, just maybe, those family members are the crazy ones. And maybe, that ex best friend is just jealous. After how Meghan’s family acted the week before the wedding, you would be a hardened fool to not feel sorry for her. Her strength was she didn’t seem to feel sorry for herself. I liked that attitude. Meghan has a charismatic and infectious personality. I know she’s an actor – but Harry and Meghan look madly in love. By the time the wedding was near….I might have been as much in love with Meghan as Harry was!!!
Meghan’s own father posed for phony photos for the paparazzi, probably for money. Here he pretends to surf the internet looking at photos of Meghan and Harry. Gee, thanks DAD!
The week before the wedding when her family problems erupted all over social media – Meghan was the one who seemed the most mature. Her father faked a ridiculous photoshoot and then claimed he was too embarrassed to go to the wedding. Then he said he had a heart attack and that he needed stents, while he was stuffing his face with Kentucky Fried Chicken. Meghan’s estranged half-sister claimed she was in an car accident with the paparazzi. But the police couldn’t find any record of any altercations. In addition, it turns out this estranged half sister had lost custody of her own child due to abuse. Her daughter now lives with Meghan’s dad’s first wife – got that?
The estranged half-sister who tried very hard to ruin the wedding.
It was very, very hard not to feel sorry for Meghan. We are used to lowly relatives of our Presidential Families. Meghan’s dad was shades of Jimmy Carter and his brother, Billy with his Billy Beer. Remember him? The Clinton’s had an embarrassing sibling or two on both sides. The Bushes pretty much all towed the line, but Obama had some half siblings that he probably wished he’d never heard of. The Royal Family is filled with misfits, it’s just that they are all RICH misfits which makes them “eccentric.”
And so, the question almost everyone in the world (well, almost every woman) was wondering was:
Who would walk Meghan down the aisle????
Suddenly, the worm turned and everyone felt terrible for this poor girl, thrust into a world she didn’t know – but regardless of everything, on Saturday she was in charge with starring in one of the biggest productions on the face of the earth, and with a smile, too. And she had to look perfect doing it.
Her soon to be father-in-law stepped in to do her father’s duty.
And Meghan pulled it off – flawlessly. And with a gorgeous smile.
You would think that Meghan’s half-sister would disappear and not be heard from again after everything she did do sabotage Meghan’s success backfired on her.
But, no such luck…
On the day of the wedding, Meghan’s half-sister was giving even more interviews for a promise of $25,000. Piers Morgan called her a “viper.” Samantha did not disappear after the wedding, but continued to seek any attention she could get.
Things Sure Have Changed in the Royal Family!
Here are the facts. When King Edward VIII wanted to marry Wallis, an American divorcee – he had to give up his throne! The Queen Mum never spoke to Wallis again – Wallis was exiled to France, poor thing.
Princess Margaret wasn’t allowed to marry the love of her life because he was divorced and wasn’t royal.
Prince Charles married a 19 year old virgin he didn’t love just because she came from the right pedigree.
And here, today, was a divorcee, an actress, and a mixed race woman whom was welcomed into the Royal Family with open arms.
Wallis must be rolling over in her grave.
What I loved about the wedding – and there are many things – was how Meghan insisted on honoring her heritage. She didn’t try to hide her race by playing up that she is 50 percent white – instead she proudly introduced her African American roots to the Royal Family and the world.
At the wedding, the black minister lifted us up with his soaring sermon. The Windsor minister seemed like limp white toast in comparison. There was a black choir that sang the Ben E. King hit song “Stand By Me” and later, as the couple exited the church, they sang again.
I wondered about her free-spirited mother. Would she wear her dread locks and take out her nose ring? Would Meghan ask her to? Instead, Meghan lovingly brought her mother with her dreads and nose ring for tea with the Queen and then on to the wedding, while Meghan beamed like a lightbulb when standing next to her.
At Cliveden after tea with the Queen, mother and daughter both looking lovely!
Meghan is one strong, proud woman. And the Royals are lucky to have her in their family. She is a jewel. Kate better watch out, Meghan’s wattage is bright and getting brighter each day.
Much has been made of the fact that Meghan is half African American. But it turns out Meghan is probably not the mixed race – enter Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III:
Queen Charlotte
While Meghan is said to be the first mixed-race Royal, Queen Charlotte has her beat by a few hundred years. Charlotte and the King had an amazing 13 children who survived to adulthood. It would be interesting if the Royal family would do an extensive DNA testing on descendants to prove once and for all if what was long rumored about Charlotte was true.
Despite the question of who was the first Royal to be mixed race, there were several surprises waiting to be discovered on the wedding day.
First, there was the question of what the couple’s name was going to be. It’s a tradition that the Queen confers a title on her close relatives - on their wedding day. There were several available Dukedoms available for Harry – but not that many. One, The Duke of Clarence, was discarded as being tainted with bad blood. An early Duke of Clarence was murdered by his brother as a traitor, an act which was later immortalized by Shakespeare.
And then there was this Duke of Clarence. Just looking at him is proof enough the title is tainted!! He looks a little strange!
This last Duke of Clarence and Avondale was Prince Albert Victor, known as Eddy, the crown prince son of the later King Edward VII and Queen Alexander and grandson of Queen Victoria. Whew. He was fated to be the King but died when he was just 28. He was engaged to Princess Mary of Teck whom after his death married his younger brother and later became Queen Mary, grandmother of the current Queen Elizabeth.
The Queen Mary, first engaged to the Duke of Clarence and after his death, she married his brother – which was probably a much better love match. He later became George V. One of Mary’s tiara was loaned to Meghan on her wedding day. Notice her diamonds, especially on her bodice. Elizabeth calls these “Grannie’s chips.”
The Duke of Clarence, Eddy, was involved in many scandals and was the subject of much rumor. He was linked to a scandal in a homosexual brothel and for years he was rumored to be Jack The Ripper, the infamous serial murderer. History has proved he was not the Ripper, but his reputation was forever tainted. It’s no wonder that the title “The Duke of Clarence” was quickly ruled out as an acceptable Dukedom for Harry.
Another Dukedom, Connaught, has links to the Republic of Ireland, which made it an unlikely candidate for Harry. The last Duke of Connaught died at 28 while serving in the British Army. Since Harry also served, the title had some appeal. BUT, the last Duke froze to death when he fell out of a window, drunk. Connaught was dismissed as as appropriate title.
The other available titles, Cumberland, Albany and Teviotdale are suspended but couldn’t be given to Harry because there might be future claims to those titles.
With the lack of a plethora of options, the most obvious Dukedom that could be conferred on Harry was Duke of Sussex – which the Queen named him right before the wedding. There had only been on Duke of Sussex and no Duchess of Sussex.
Readers may remember the first Duke of Sussex. We learned about this Duke during a study of Kensington Palace! A son of King George III AND Queen Charlotte (!), the Duke of Sussex lived in Kensington Palace in the expansive apartment that today is William’s and Kate’s. He was famous for his extensive library which was considered the largest, private one in England.
The original Duke of Sussex in his apartment #1 at Kensington, this painting shows what later was the front hall of William & Kate’s apartment.
And here again, the one and only Duke of Sussex. This Duke actually reminds me of Harry, the new Duke of Sussex. He looks like a ginger too! AND notice, the Duke is wearing his Badge of the Order of the Garter, which Harry also wore on his wedding uniform.
When the Queen gave Harry the Dukedom, he was also given these other titles: Earl of Dumbarton and Baron Kilkeel.
The Earl of Wessex on his wedding day at Windsor.
The Duke of Sussex was considered the premier Dukedom not yet used. When Prince Edward, above, the Queen’s youngest son, was married – many thought he was going to be given the Duke of Sussex, but he was instead given the close sounding Earl of Wessex. It is said that when Prince Philip dies, Edward will be given his title, The Duke of Edinburgh.
It just shows that conferring a dukedom is a well thought out process. In the case of the Duke of Sussex, the name was obviously being held for a long, long time to be given to Harry when he eventually married.
The day William was named Duke of Cambridge
When William married Catherine, many believed that HE would be named Duke of Sussex, but he was instead created the Duke of Cambridge. It was on that day of William’s wedding that Harry was told he was to be given the Sussex dukedom upon his wedding. But, what if he never married…..
As we all know, he did. The wedding took place at St. George’s Chapel, which has a very old layout. I thought it would be interesting to show exactly what the Chapel looks like to get a better understanding of it.
St. George’s Chapel is a popular venue for Royals that don’t want or require a large audience. It’s for weddings that are smaller and more of a family event.
Many of Queen Victoria’s children and grandchildren chose to be married there including the later King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra. King Gustav VI of Sweden was also married there. More recently, Lady Helen Windsor wed there in 1992 but she was not invited to Harry’s wedding. The Earl of Wessex and Sophie wed there. Prince Charles and Camilla were blessed there by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Queen’s grandson Peter Philip and Autumn were wed at St. George and her granddaughter Eugenie will be married there this October 12th.
Aerial view of Windsor Castle. At the right is the Queen’s private quarters and the state rooms. To the left of the circular tower is St. George’s Chapel.
A map showing the Chapel at the left #A. At #C, the State Apartments is where the reception was held after the wedding for Harry & Meghan’s guests.
A beautiful view of the Windsor Castle. At the very right is the private garden of the Queen which her apartments overlook. At the very left is the Chapel where the wedding took place.
The Long Walk that leads up to the Castle. Harry & Meghan after the wedding. The throngs of people are amazing!
Another view from the opposite angle shows Harry & Meghan arriving at the Long Walk after the wedding. Their carriage took them through the town of Windsor, back to the Long Walk and onto Windsor Castle, for their reception.
The facade with greenery and white flowers. It looks like blue port a cans have arrived too.
The door is closed until the ceremony – notice the flowers.
A layout of the church. #A is where you enter. #B is the Nave where the congregants sit and #C is Choir where the Royals sit and where the wedding takes place.
The floral displayed covered the doorway and went down the stairs around each lightpost. Two pageboys, twin sons of Ben and Jessica Mulroney, were in charge of holding up Meghan’s veil to prevent it from snagging on the stone steps. EXCUSE ME, BUT WHY WAS THERE NO RUNNER??????
A view from the NAVE into the Choir with its distinctive black & white marble floor. The greenery was around this doorway too.
The Nave where most of the guests sat. Meghan chose to walk through the Nave without her father. When he chose not to attend, Prince Charles agreed to perform his duties which were to escort Meghan through the Choir only.
Beautiful photograph.
Here leading from the Nave into the Choir – you can see the beautiful ceiling over both the Choir and the Nave, or the main section.
Leading from the Nave into the Choir where the royal family sits. You can see here that unless you have an aisle seat, you are not going to be seeing anything!!! BUT, of course the Royal Family knows how to put on a good wedding and a good funeral AND a good coronation. So, rest assured no one missed the wedding. See below:
Notice all the flatscreen TVs on both sides of the Nave???? While not exactly pretty, they are quite functional for watching the ceremony in the Choir, while sitting in the main section of St. George’s.
Here Prince Charles leads Meghan into the Choir, past the choirboys towards where the Royal Family are sitting.
As they were waiting in the church, lip readers said Harry to William “I’m alright except my trousers are too tight.” Harry asked William, “Is she here?” William replied: “No not yet. I don't know actually.”
And finally, Charles leads Meghan to Harry.
Lip readers say that Harry said to his dad “Thanks Pa” when they reached the altar.
What a mensch Charles is! The family took what was the WORST family crisis EVER when Meghan’s father decided not to attend her wedding at the last minute and they turned it into a positive. My heart was breaking when I watched Charles give away his new daughter-in-law.
And don’t think errant fathers strike just the non-royal class. Remember Jackie Kennedy’s own father got too drunk before her wedding and he couldn’t attend, much less give her away!!!
Jackie’s father was shipped back to NYC in an ambulance and the family told the guests he had the flu. Her step-father Hugh Auchincloss gave her away instead and many thought it was all a plot cooked up by her mother to get her father too drunk to attend.
While it’s cute to have only young attendants, it is practical to have at least one attendant that is old enough to be helpful. Pippa had her sister fill in to help with her dress’s train. Diana had an older teen to help her. But Meghan didn’t have an attendant and this drove me insane! Her beautiful veil/train that was the highlight of her dress was never properly placed on the floor. I wanted to jump inside the TV and fix it for her! I can’t understand why Kate didn’t help out – she was sitting on the front row – she could have easily come down and straightened out the train for Meghan.
Between the lack of runners on the steps and in the church and the veil snagging on the stone and getting filthy dirty and having her train all cock-eyed, I was going crazy!!
At other Royal churches they have runners – they need to get one here too. Sorry, I can’t be all positive all the time!!!
So in love!
Lip readers reported that when Meghan reached the altar, Harry said to her “You look amazing - I missed you.” Meghan answered “Thank you!”
Thank God for lip readers!!!
And the cock-eyed veil ruins the photo!
The fabulous altar.
I like the rug!
Close up of the altar with the flowers in the urns for the wedding. Why couldn’t they make this rug into a runner for the walk through the Nave?
Such a gorgeous church!!!
Leaving the Choir and entering the Nave.
The Big Tease! Would the newly named Sussex kiss? This tradition of kissing, started with Charles and Diana, after their wedding ceremony, not during. The just wed couple comes to the balcony at Buckingham Palace and kiss for the thousands of well wishers that have gathered.
Here are some famous after wedding kisses:
Charles & Diana, Andrew & Sarah, and William & Kate – kissed at Buckingham Palace. Other royals have married at various castles, including Windsor. So the big question is - would they kiss at Windsor?
Lip Readers deciphered what Harry & Meghan said to each other at the top of the stairs at Windsor:
As they paused on the steps, a smiling Meghan looked up at her new husband and asked: 'Do we kiss?' Harry replied with a discreet: 'Yeah.'
Sealed with a kiss!! Later they kissed again in their carriage.
Going down the stone stairs, at one point the veil snagged on the stone and Harry lifted it up.
MAJOR COMPLAINT AGAIN: Why is there no red carpet, or white runner on the stone and sidewalks?!?!?! I can’t imagine how filthy the brides’ dresses get after they are dragged through the dirty stairs and walks. And, further, why is there no white or red carpet in the church?!?!? This is making me insane as I watch her beautiful veil snag on the stone!!! WHY?!?!?!?
I will just have to call the Queen and tell this is such a no-no. Even the Miss Universe Pageants have white runways.
I think?!?!? LOL
The couple left in a carriage. It’s not the most glamourous one they own, but it may be more comfortable and as it was a long route, that might have been the thinking behind the choice.
Diana at Ascot in the same carriage. I loved that outfit!
The carriage went from the Castle through and then back up the Long Walk to the Castle for the reception.
One Complaint:
While I do love the flowers, I thought there was too much greenery per flower ratio. Apparently Meghan thought so too. At the rehearsal she and Doria complained that there were not nearly enough flowers. I have to agree. It was said that more flowers were delivered later.
But, there is still too much greenery than flowers ratio, IMO. The floral designer Philippa Craddock said that tiny vials of water kept the blooms fresh and hidden behind the displays were buckets of water.
I love the flowers she chose, but I don’t think they stand out as much as they could.
For instance, I loved the flowers at Pippa Middleton’s wedding and thought the ratio of greenery to flowers was perfect and it allowed for a more romantic setting where you could really see each flower:
Here at Pippa’s wedding, there are much more flowers per greenery. And sister Kate helps out with the train detail – Pippa’s train was never crooked.
After the wedding, the flowers from the entrance were tied up and arranged in small bouquets that were delivered to hospices and woman’s refuges across London.
The floral designer Philippa Craddock announced that on September 25-29 there will be a workshop where she will share details behind her large installations, including this wedding. HERE
The Reception:
The reception was at St. George’s Hall, which was totally destroyed in the Windsor fire. The Royal Family were completely involved in its restoration which was changed a great deal from what it had been.
Instead of a stuffy sit down luncheon, it was said there would be pick up food.
Here is what the hall looked like after the great fire.
The official portraits were taken in another state room at Windsor, the Green Drawing Room.
I love how color coordinated the entire party is – from the bouquets to the clothes on the Mother of the Bride to the Grandmother of the Groom! Camilla’s pink is a new foil to the green. I’m sure they chose this particular room for the photos because of the green.
What do you think about the black uniforms? I do wish they had worn whites. But I totally love this photo.
Did you notice on the very left, the little girl sharing the bouquet. She didn’t have one because she held Meghan’s. Precious!
This same room was used last year for photos of the Queen with her great grandchildren and a few grandchildren.
And another gorgeous photo!
A note about the children’s outfits:
The girls white leather Aquazurra shoes were monogrammed with their initials and the wedding date – a gift from Meghan as a keepsake! Their dresses were designed by Givenchy, who designed Meghan’s dress.
The boys wore the same frockcoat as Harry and William – from the Blues and Royals, their old regiment.
Their braiding was scaled down for their small size. Each boy had his initials embroidered in the gold of their shoulder strap.
A composite of some of the past Royal cakes which are quite ornate, the opposite of Harry and Meghan’s cake.
The cake was put on several gold trays. The table was set in front of the fireplace.
A close up of the flowers on the cake.
And another view. It was made with 200 Amalfi lemons and 500 eggs!
Besides the Title granted to Harry, another great secret was – who designed Meghan’s dress?
In what would turn out to be the best kept secret, ever – no one knew who designed Meghan’s dress until she entered the church. Kudos to the Givenchy team who kept what was the biggest story under wraps.
The dress was designed by British Clare Waight Keller who is the artistic director of the French house Givenchy. Keller was not very well known outside fashion circles, but this dress is sure to make her a household name. Keller is now in the position at Givenchy that previous greats John Galliano and Alexander McQueen once held.
The first glimpse the world got of the secret dress! Meghan chose Keller because she liked her “timeless and elegant aesthetic, impeccable tailoring, and relaxed demeanor.”
Her veil featured embroidered flowers representing the 53 countries of the Commonwealth. Meghan personally researched the flowers to confirm each country’s representation was a unique choice. Additionally, her favorite flower from Kensington Palace gardens, Wintersweet, and the Californian poppy from her own hometown were both represented on the veil.
Here you can see the embroidery.
Flowers played an important part to include the memory of Princess Diana in the wedding. On Friday, Prince Harry went to the Diana Memorial Garden at Kensington Palace and personally chose favorite flowers of his mother’s that were included in Meghan’s bouquet. If this is true and is not an embellished story – the image of Harry, in the midst of all the activities, going to the gardens and picking his mother’s favorite flowers to be added to Meghan’s bouquet is sure to bring a tear to the most jaded eye.
The veil was designed to be the stunner, over the understated dress. Meghan’s dress was elegant and sophisticated, there was no sparkle, no embellishments at all. That extra detail was left to the veil. At 16’ feet, the veil acted as the train instead of the dress. The dressmakers spent hundreds of hours creating the veil – stopping every 30 minutes to scrub their hands clean.
Along with her tiara, the Duchess of Sussex wore a diamond bracelet and diamond earrings from Cartier.
Prince Harry and the Duke of Cambridge both wore the “frockcoat uniform of the Blues and Royals.” The Queen granted him the permission to be married in his uniform AND to keep his beard, which is against the rules!!
The page boys worn miniature copies of the uniforms.
Besides the surprise of the title and the dress, there was the tiara that kept people up at all hours waiting to see which one the Queen had given her to wear – or not.
Would Meghan wear a tiara? The rule is, or was, that tiaras are worn at dressy nighttime events only, unless it’s a wedding. A single girl doesn’t wear a tiara. At her wedding, a single girl goes without her tiara and then after their vows, she puts on a tiara from her husband’s family. But, if her family has a tiara, she can wear it even before her vows. This was the rules, before.
Sarah Ferguson aka Sarah, Princess of York, came to her wedding with a crown of flowers. I wonder why Meghan didn’t ride to the wedding in a horse drawn carriage?
After their vows were said – she took off the crown of flowers and her tiara was revealed underneath.
Sarah’s tiara is a rarity among royal brides. Before her wedding, she actually chose this tiara at the jewelers. The Queen footed the bill. The tiara was a gift from the Queen and Sarah owns it to this day. This was a different arrangement from other royal weddings. The Queen usually lends a tiara or two or three to the royal brides, but they remain the Queen’s property. Andrew is said to be one of the Queen’s favorites and perhaps this was her way of saying that – gifting Sarah with pricey jewels.
Her daughter Eugenie will be married soon and it is said she will be wearing this tiara.
Thinking of it – the Queen also bought a NEW house in Windsor for Fergie and Andrew, Sunninghill. People called it SouthYork after Dallas.
It actually doesn’t look that bad, but everyone hated it! They said it looked like Dallas, the 80s soap opera. The Yorks lived here until the divorce and Andrew moved out, then moved back, then Fergie moved out – eventually everyone left and it fell apart for some reason.
The house was then put under the Heathrow flight plan and planes flew over every few minutes.
It was finally sold and was torn down to make room for a new house! Unreal!!
Andrew now lives in his grandmother’s former house in Windsor Park and the rumors are Fergie lives there too.
Back to the tiaras:
Conversely, Diana wore her family’s tiara – The Spencer Tiara to her wedding. Since she owned it, she was allowed to wear it before she was legally married.
The Spencer Tiara is particularly pretty and very feminine. Diana wore is occasionally, but after her marriage she tended to wear tiaras that the Queen leant her.
Diana’s brother, the Earl Spencer, lent the Spencer tiara to his first wife, Victoria. Since he has been married three times and has seven children – it is a certainty the Spencer Tiara will be seen at numerous future weddings. In a huge surprise, Victoria was at the wedding with her children.
Princess Kate chose to wear one of the Queen’s tiaras for her wedding – the Cartier Halo Scroll Tiara. It’s not my favorite – it seems flimsy. I like my tiaras high and bejeweled!! LOL!!
King George VI had it made in 1936 for his wife – just three weeks before he ascended to the throne. Later, the Queen Mother gave the tiara to her daughter Elizabeth on her 18th birthday. Queen Elizabeth lent it to Princess Margaret, Anne, Princess Royal, and of course the Duchess of Cambridge on her wedding day.
But, the main point is, the tradition of only married women wearing tiaras unless at their wedding – they are wearing their family’s tiaras – seems to be going out of favor.
Today, Meghan followed in Kate’s steps by wearing a tiara loaned to her by the Queen.
Meghan’s tiara, The Queen Mary Diamond Bandeau was once Queen Mary’s who was given the tiara by the County Lincoln in 1932.
The center is a detachable brooch with 10 diamonds that dates back to 1893. The tiara was specifically designed around the brooch which she was given when she married Prince George, then Duke of York, and later King. This tiara was last worn by Princess Margaret in 1965 and has not been seen since!
The tiara choice was a total surprise. Pundits favored other tiaras and it took the Kensington Royal Instagram to confirm which tiara it was.
It was thought she might wear the tiara Kate had wore. If not, it was thought Meghan might wear one of the Queen Mothers – The Strathmore Rose Tiara given to the Queen Mother by her father on her wedding day.
I happen to love this tiara.
The Queen Mother wore it low on the forehead which was the style back then, but the crown can be worn higher up on the head.
There were other tiaras thought to be the “one” but I don’t think anyone predicted she would wear the Queen Mary Diamond Bandeau tiara.
The Outfits:
The immediate family. I thought Doria, Meghan’s mom looked very nice. She’s attractive and so slim. Her outfit and hat were perfect! I liked Camilla’s dress and jewelry but the hat was a bit too much. I noticed a lot of couples at the wedding coordinated their outfits and Charles even wore pink toned accessories. Kate looked wonderful – even if she was in the same dress she has worn three times before:
First she wore the dress at Charlotte’s christening and later on the Balcony at Buckingham for Trooping of the Colors, and for a visit to Belgium. She just changes the hats.
The best friends! Love it.
More Guests:
Oprah looked nice but I thought her dress seemed a little tight. Loved her hat!!
TREND ALERT: Net on faces and hats.
Amal and George Clooney win the BEST DRESSED AWARD. Amal was gorgeous! Perfection! I loved her hat. It looked like George’s tie was a light shade of yellow. How come George wasn’t in a morning suit?
Navy was a big color choice. I didn’t like Victoria’s dress at all. The arms hanging out of the slits on the sleeves with the wrists still buttoned made zero sense. And her dress was slit all the way down. Don’t like the orange shoes either. David Beckham’s morning suit was gorgeous. And I’ll say it – David has too many tattoos now. There.
Gorgeous! Kate’s parents also look perfect. She wears her coat dresses in a young way. He looks handsome.
Pippa is now pregnant, but you couldn’t tell. I liked her dress and hat even though the couple weren’t matched, his tie did go with her dress.
This meme was all over Twitter – people thought Pippa’s dress looked like this can of tea. It is the same color with the same blossoms, but I thought she looked lovely, as usual.
Most gorgeous girl! Diana’s niece and daughter of the Earl of Spencer, Kitty Spencer is so beautiful. Gorgeous!
Here are more of the Earl of Spencer’s children – Eliza, Louis (his heir) and at the end Kitty. Between Louis and Kitty is his first wife Victoria who was shown before wearing the Spencer crown at her wedding. I was surprised she was invited, but obviously Harry is still close to his former aunt. Kitty’s dress was hit on Twitter – everyone loved it. Eliza wore the trendy navy.
Their father, the Earl of Spencer and his wife, did not come in with his children. The guests were sent up to Windsor by bus in groups. Obviously these two groups weren’t sent up at the same time. And, another color coordinated couple. The Earl looks really smart in his handsome morning coat.
A group of Meghan’s friends. The former Miss World and actress, Priyanka Chopra, second from the left. At the far left is Meghan’s Suits co-star Abigail Spencer in…trendy navy! Her hat was also trendy with its net detailing.
James Corden and his wife. Corden was the host of the reception and the entertainment. Not color coordinated.
A group of Harry’s friends included his ex – Chelsy Davy from Zimbabwe. They dated for 7 years, off and on and for a time it was believed he and Chelsy would marry. This group went all out in navy.
Apparently Harry and Chelsy talked this week to tie up loose ends. She was not invited to the night party. While smiling here, she looked very serious and glum at the ceremony. Seems she was very sad to be losing him for good.
Camilla’s son Tom came with his wife. I didn’t see his sister but she was probably there.
While most guests adhered to the dress code on the invitation – day dresses & hats for women – Chloe Madeley, daughter of UK TV hosts was slammed in the press for showing shoulders and cleavage in church.
Joss Stone was taken to task for wearing white!!! I mean, come on, this isn’t white like a bride – the dress has a spring print. I love it but the press thought she was too close to the ‘no white’ rule. But, what about Kate who was in white or cream. Her dress had to cross the line, but no one mentioned it. She’s the future Queen, after all!
The Duke of York came with his two daughters and sans their mother who took an earlier bus. The Yorks came with all the Royal family cousins and I suppose that Fergie was invited to tag along with them. It was reported that the Palace did not invite Fergie, but Harry put his foot down. He is very close to his first cousins – Eugenie and Beatrice – and he was very close to their mother.
All eyes were on the York sisters, especially Beatrice’s hat after what she wore to William & Kate’s wedding. Who can ever forget?
Eugenie on the left looked like a much, much older rooster with a plume, but it was Beatrice’s hat that stole the wedding away from Kate. Her dress was pretty and the color looked great on her – a redhead, this color was very flattering.
What ever happened to the infamous hat?
Beatrice’s attitude to all the bad press including the 1,000s of meme that starred her hat – was laudatory. She decided to sell her hat on E-Bay and donate the proceedings to charity.
A typical meme using the hat on Obama and Clinton watching the death of Osama bin Laden.
Her comment?
“I hope whoever wins the auction has as much fun with the hat as I did.” What a great attitude!
The designer of the hat is probably the world’s premier hat designer Philip Treacy.
This sketch of the hat shows that it was actually drawn to be much smaller. It actually looks cute here. Somewhere along the way the hat exploded in size. Apparently both Treacy and Beatrice liked the hat.
A few years later, Treacy said about the hat – “Beatrice told me she thought it was wonderful, and she loved wearing it—and she'd realized the huge reaction to it had created a fantastic opportunity to auction it for children's charities. She went to eBay about it—she's only 22. She's a sweet and lovely girl. I love the fact that she thought of that!"
Treacy had more to say:
“I loved that hat, I thought she looked like a porcelain doll. That was the idea. I have known her for a long time. Isabella [Blow] introduced me to her when she was young. Isabella’s motto was always ‘Get them when they are young!’, so she wanted Beatrice to get into hats. She is a sweet girl and it’s not an easy life.”
In the end, Beatrice was stunned that the hat auction netted $130,000 for charity.
Beatrice and Eugenie knew all eyes would be on them at their cousin Harry’s wedding. I wonder if they were worried about that? Something tells me they could not have cared less. Beatrice chose this dress below, but had it dyed a darker teal color. I suppose she or her stylist don’t think she looks good in pale pink.
The dress was designed by Roksanda Ilincic. And most surprising, she chose a different milliner, Stephen Jones, over Philip Treacy.
The York girls looked lovely at Harry & Meghan’s wedding. I think they have hired a new stylist to assist them. They win the “Most Improved Royal Wedding Attire” award. Their outfits blended in shades of blue. Eugenie wore a 60s inspired pillbox hat and dress ala Jackie Kennedy. Beatrice’s outfit was more dressy.
It’s easy to forget that the younger Royals are indeed, royal. Beatrice and Eugenie are direct descendants of Queen Victoria. They are great-great-great-great-grandchildren of Victoria.
There are so many generations between Queen Victoria and Princess Beatrice (who was named after one of Victoria’s daughters) that you wouldn’t think there would be a family resemblance. But look at this painting of Victoria as a young girl and compare it to a photograph of Beatrice:
Do you see the resemblance?
Here behind the Yorks, more Royals arrive, Edward the Earl of Wessex and his wife Sophie (the Diana lookalike) and their children. Further behind is Anne the Princess Royal and her second husband. Anne is another Royal who closely resembles some of Queen Victoria’s daughters.
There is no doubt of Princess Anne’s parentage. She is a dead ringer for a Windsor!
Sarah, Duchess of York, aka Fergie was invited to this wedding which made me feel happy for her! Finally she got some respect for being the mother of two of the most liked younger Royals. Fergie wore trendy navy AND she had the trendy net in her fascinator.
A surprise was the appearance of Prince and Princess Michael. None of the younger generation were invited – the children of Queen Elizabeth’s first cousins such as Prince Michael. But for Princess Michael – after the stunt she pulled the first time she met Meghan, the fact that she was invited at all was shocking.
There she is Princess Michael – wearing an antique blackamoor pin, the first time she met Meghan. She thought nothing of it, she said – though I think she did it on purpose. After the world erupted on social media, she apologized.
Leaving Windsor Castle for the party at Frogmore.
The rumors for months had been that Stella McCartney might be the wedding dress designer. So, it was a nice surprise when Meghan walked out for her party in this Stella dress, a lovely white sophisticated vision which matched perfectly with Harry’s velvet coat!
Stella was quoted as saying she was happy to “represent British design” and this was “one of the most humbling moments of my career.”
I must say this is my favorite Stella McCartney dress – it was perfection!
The vintage car was outfitted with an electric engine and is said to be quite pricey.
The license plates were fitted with England – and the date of the wedding! It pays to have friends in high places, or low places if the prisoners in England make the plates like in the states!
And Meghan waved her hand showing off her wedding gift from Harry – his mother’s stunning aquamarine ring!
Here is a memory of Kate’s wedding dress and her reception dress. Kate dresses much more classically than Meghan. She is more “Sloane Street” and Meghan is more “Fifth Avenue.” It will be great fun to see what these two are wearing for the next few decades. It won’t be a competition – Kate is an English Rose and Meghan is a high fashion model. The old courtiers must be thrilled over these two and their husband. The Fab Four will ensure popularity of the Royal Family for generations.
The engagement photos were taken at Frogmore House at Windsor.

This gorgeous polo player guest went against the rules and Instagramed the invitation to the evening party – along with its hand drawn illustration.
Serena Williams posed in her evening dress which I thought looked wonderful on her!
Jessica and Ben Mulroney, son of Brian, showed off their evening finery. Their three children were in the wedding party – their twin boys held Meghan’s train!
And Miss World and now actress Priyanka Chopra looked gorgeous in her nighttime dress, much prettier than her day dress.
Disclosure: Mr. Slippersocksman thinks she is very very gorgeous!!
Hmm. I’m prettier! ahahahahaha I wish!
The evening party was held at Frogmore House, located on 33 acres in Windsor Park, close to the Castle. See above.
Called Frogmore, because of the numerous loud frogs in the marsh – the house has been a favorite of royals for centuries.
It was a favorite of Queen Victoria’s – so much so that she and Prince Albert and her mother are all buried at Frogmore. Did you know that? I didn’t!
Today, it is no longer a private house but is a museum and a venue for royal events such as weddings that take place at St. George’s.
Frogmore House was built in the 1680s and for a while it was leased to the nephew of the architect. A series of royals and bluebloods rented it out in the early years until Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III, saw the house and bought it for her family to use as a country house. A series of renovations were undertaken to make the house royal enough for Queen Charlotte. The single floor pavilions were added on both sides of the house and the second floor was enlarged. Charlotte helped design the garden, much of which remains today. She and her daughters were artists and many of their work remains at the house today including one room – a print room – where the walls are filled with the original art work. The Queen had one room decorated by Mary Moser a celebrated painter of flowers.
Upon Charlotte’s death, her daughter Princess Augusta Sophia lived there until her own death. Then, Queen Victoria gave the house to own mother, The Duchess of Kent, who remained until her death in 1861.
You moved into Frogmore and you never moved out!!
After Victoria’s mother died, the house was used just as a vacation place for a while. Prince Albert Victor was born there – the ill-fated Duke of Clarence. King George V and the Queen Mother spent their honeymoon there.
Queen Elizabeth’s grandmother, Queen Mary, spent the most time there. She catalogued all the treasures and rearranged them. Queen Elizabeth’s husband also spent time setting up the Britannia Room in Charlotte’s library, filling it with memorabilia from the royal yacht.
An older view of the Mausoleum where many royals are buried including Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. The Duke of Windsor and Wallis Simpson are buried outside in the grounds.
From the other direction, showing the graves out back.
Inside lie Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.
The Duchess of Kent Mausoleum – where Queen Victoria’s mother was buried. Originally, when construction began, the Duchess was to live in the upper part, using it as a summer house. But, she died before the building was completed and the upper areas became part of the mausoleum.
Other buildings in the grounds include – the charming Queen Victoria’s Tea House. The Queen took her tea here and also read her red box papers.
Shown here at Frogmore. The Queen was obviously in her Indian phase, the basis of the fabulous movie:
click on photo to order. Ben & I loved this movie!!
Frogmore House. The long colonnade of windows was once open to the air, today it is closed off by the row of French doors.
The grand stairs at Frogmore. Such a pretty photograph with the flag floors and red runner up the stairs. The iron bannister is particularly attractive.
The now enclosed Colonnade Hall. The busts are of all of Queen Victoria’s children.
Harry & Meghan’s evening dinner and dance were held at Frogmore House – but in a glass tent. This hall seems so large – couldn’t this have held the 200 for dinner – at one long table? With a long line of candles and votives and the doors open – it could have been beautiful in here!!!
From 1817, a painting of the Green Pavilion, as it looked under Queen Charlotte. The door leads to the Colonnade. Notice the chandelier.
The same room today with the same chandelier. The door on the left shows the enfilade of the house. Today The Green Pavilion is painted the same color as it was in the painting.
The door from the Green Pavilion that leads to the long Colonnade Hall.
The Duchess of Kent’s Drawing Room.
Another view showing the chintz furniture and antique rugs.
Peter Phillips and Autumn were marred at St. George’s Windsor, just as Harry and Meghan were. But, Peter & Autumn had their reception after the wedding at Frogmore House. The entire family posed in the Duchess of Kent’s drawing room. The room looks extra large – could it have become the dance floor for Harry & Meghan, after first removing the furniture and rugs?
The Mary Moser Room. I love this room, of course! Red and white striped slipcovers, skirted tables, books – what’s not to love?
The ceiling and wall in the Mary Moser Room, which overlooks the Colonnade Hall through the window.
This small print room shows the collection of drawings in their original frames.
Frogmore House is an elegant mansion, unlike many others owned by the Royals – its interiors are very feminine, reflecting the Queens and Princesses who lived here, expressing their love of art, flowers and color. It’s a shame that Harry & Meghan’s event wasn’t held inside the house, but…I wasn’t the Party Planner!!!!
There is just a little information about the Saturday night party - guests were told to leave their cell phones at home or to check them at the door. A few guests or workers have spoken anonymously to press, so we do know a bit of what happened at the reception.
The invitation told guests to “dress to the nines” for a night of “old-fashioned glamour and gallons of champagne.”
For the 200 guests, the chef was Clare Smyth, top chef in Britain and the first woman to hold 3 Michelin stars. Pork belly (?) and Pol Roger champagne were served.
Actor and TV star James Corden was the host of the evening. The event took place at Frogmore House – but a glass walled tent was where the dinner and dance were held.
Inside the reception, James Corden organized a dance off between Charles, William and Harry with Meghan and Doria joining in later. House shoes were handed out for everybody on the dance floor. The DJ was Sam Totolee and the first dance was “Land of a Thousand Dances.” Later, Harry and Meghan danced to “I Wanna Dance With Somebody.” George Clooney danced with Meghan and he also asked Kate to dance. Idris Elba took over the DJ job and played an assortment of R&B and dance hits.
Outside the tent, there was a festival styled atmosphere with themed stalls and bars – with different themed drinks. There was festival-themed food, with burger nibbles, candy floss, and bespoke cocktails. There was a gin vermouth cocktail created especially for Charles & Camilla. Another specialty drink was the “When Harry Met Meghan”– a rum based drink with ginger ale, which made everyone crack up laughing. There were beer-pong games which, it was reported, Serena Williams thoroughly enjoyed.
In a break with Royal tradition, Meghan gave a speech, thanking Prince Charles for walking her down the aisle and for her warm welcome she was given by the Royals.
Harry’s speech was funny and sweet – he said he was looking forward to “spending the rest of my life” with Meghan.
William and Harry’s best friend, Charlie van Straubenzee, were the hit of the evening. They teased Harry over his thinning hair, saying he was going to be as bald as William. He also said their mum would be so proud of him.
Prince Charles spoke, saying how proud he was of Harry, saying what an incredible man he had “grown into.” He talked about feeding Harry a bottle and changing his nappy and then said how well he had turned out. He ended his speech by saying “My darling old Harry, I’m so happy for you.” Later he said how happy he is for them both.
Charles & Camilla left around 10:30 and the party continued past 1:00 am. Some guests left for London and others stayed in Windsor.
There was an after party at Chiltern Firehouse in Marlyebone which is owned by one of Harry’s friends, Andre Balaz.
To get around, cars were loaned by Jaguar Land Rover and VIP buses with tinted windows were for the more lowly guests were didn’t rate a Jaguar Land Rover. Buses? Sounds exactly like a Bar Mitzvah in Houston!!!
One guest snuck in a cell phone and took this photo from the dance. It looks like the Mulroneys here.
Another guest showed the house shoes that were handed out for dancing.
Fireworks from Frogmore House were seen back in Windsor.
The bride didn’t throw her bouquet, instead she left it at the tomb of the unknown soldier. The Queen Mother started this tradition when her brother Fergus died at the Battle of Loos in 1915.
All over the world – there were wedding watching parties. One closer to me was held in Chappell Hills, Texas – at my sister in law’s house!!! Look at this! Everyone came at 4:30 am to watch the wedding and have English scones and tea sandwiches.
Shannon’s table was set with all the goodies.
She even had plates with Harry & Meghan’s faces.
And guest towels!!
This was a shock to me!!!!!!!!!
The QUEEN came!!!!!!!!
To CHAPPELL HILL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh wait…that is actually Shannon’s mom, sorry about that.
There was a SCOTTISH bartender, all the way from Balmoral.
Nah, not really. That is actually my brother-in-law Kirk – Mr. Slippersocksman’s brother. He really needs to get a proper kilt, like this:
A properrrrr (Scottish accent) kilt like Jamie’s from Outlander….OK OK OK
Back to the wedding:
The beautiful wedding did not stop Meghan’s half sister Samantha Markle from tweeting horrid, horrid things. She eventually made her twitter private, but not before the world read what she wrote. I feel so sorry for Meghan – this sister is really terrible. She must be a narcissist that can’t stand the fact that Meghan is getting all the attention.
First Samantha corrected the record saying that she had NOT said “Doria hogged the limelight,” but Samantha DID say “Doria looked more like the hockey player in the penalty box,” talking about where Doria was sitting.
Samantha also said: “The Givenchy dress was beautiful but I would have put Doria in a hockey uniform.” Except, she got it all wrong, like so much of what she says. Meghan wore the Givenchy, Doria wore the Oscar de la Renta. And yes, she did look beautiful.
The next day Samantha tweeted about Doria yet again: “She was probably sitting there crying because she knew that she sold out, cashed in bigger than anyone and that she isolated our dad. Guilty.”
Wow. What a sister, half or not! I can truly understand why she wasn’t invited. Meghan was probably horrified as to what Samantha might scream out at the wedding.
She keeps accusing Doria of selling photographs and giving an interview to Oprah for money – none of which happened.
It’s all too much and luckily she didn’t ruin the wedding as she planned.
Then there was this: During the wedding, there 2600 people invited to come to Windsor Castle and enjoy the festivities in a private area right outside the church. Those invited were from charities, schools, household staff, and community members who have shown strong leadership.
They all received this bag, monogrammed and filled with goodies to help them through through the long hours they would spend waiting. Inside the bag was a giant piece of chocolate candy, shaped like a coin, a commemorative magnet, a box of shortbread cookies, there was bottled water from Windsor, wedding programs and even a 20% discount voucher for the Windsor Castle gift shop.
Naturally many didn’t use the goodies, instead they went straight to Ebay to sell them. I hope none of the community leaders were ones selling their gift bags!!!
Two days after the wedding, the couple were off on an official Royal engagement, together. Soon, Meghan will do her own engagements and so will Harry. Their honeymoon is postponed and all bets are on a safari in Africa. It was noted that for the first time Meghan had on hosiery, which is a rule for Royals. Since she wasn’t Royal before the marriage she didn’t have to wear them, but now it looks like she will obey the rules.
Her longtime makeup artist gave an interview saying Meghan was cool as a cucumber the entire time before the wedding. He didn’t realize how nervous he was until it over and she asked him how it went – and he collapsed in tears.
Did you like the white dress? I tried to find some less expensive versions of it – so enjoy!!!!
To order a look alike dress, just click on the word HERE below each photograph:

I do understand that in America the press attention might have been more enthusiastic as an American was getting married but I assure you that in the UK - unlike what you said at the beginning of the post - was in no way comparable to the wedding to the heir of the throne. Wills and Kate's wedding was a national holiday and the UK got a day off.
ReplyDeleteI am AMMA MARIA. I'm from america. I was going crazy when my husband left me and my two kids for another woman 2 weeks ago after 17years of marriage. We had a lovely marriage but he started a relationship with a co worker who chased after him. He is living away OUR home and refuses to talk to me or to come home. I was devastated and am finding it hard to cope . I wish I did not love him and that I could move on but I can't. I starting to feel ill. I have begged him to come home all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr Larry can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. 4days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Larry. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. if you have any problem contact him, I give you 100% guarantee that he will help you, Email him at: assurancesolutionhome@gmail.com you can call or Add him on Whatsapp +1(424)-261-8520
DeleteI am AMMA MARIA. I'm from america. I was going crazy when my husband left me and my two kids for another woman 2 weeks ago after 17years of marriage. We had a lovely marriage but he started a relationship with a co worker who chased after him. He is living away OUR home and refuses to talk to me or to come home. I was devastated and am finding it hard to cope . I wish I did not love him and that I could move on but I can't. I starting to feel ill. I have begged him to come home all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr Larry can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. 4days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Larry. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. if you have any problem contact him, I give you 100% guarantee that he will help you, Email him at: assurancesolutionhome@gmail.com you can call or Add him on Whatsapp +1(424)-261-8520
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I agree with Coulda shoulda woulda above - this wedding was a very big deal for a lot of Americans, and this is the excitement you've caught onto. For Commonwealth countries, William and Kate's wedding was far bigger as heir to the throne.
ReplyDeleteI loved the flowers though, and thought they were like a perfect understated English country garden, romantic and dreamy.
This was great to read. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteJoni this was your best post ever!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your research and photos.
This is my favourite royal wedding (so far :) )
Joni - you just had to much fun doing this post, but as usual you did it right. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteThis was the most fun post I've seen on the wedding.
ReplyDeleteI thought Kate's dress was pale yellow. You can be sure she wouldn't have violated any rules by wearing white. Yellow blends with greens worn by the queen and Doria, without standing out too much (imagine a bold yellow like Amal Clooney's (gorgeous) dress--it would have been a sore thumb in the group photo). And kudos to Kate for wearing dresses more than once--in fact it's another tick in favor of her not stealing the limelight by unveiling some new frock.
I don't know what kind of life Meghan had growing up, but it's rare that stepfamilies are very chummy. It's nice when they get along, but it's not special when they don't. Congratulations to Doria for doing such a good job of raising her daughter. And as for the former best friend who sold out, my vote goes to jealousy. Not only did Meghan become a successful actress, but she also has married a prince. That has to be hard to choke down if you feel like you started out the same and now don't measure up.
The newlyweds look genuinely happy and I wish them all the best.
Well, Meghan's former friend is no slouch either - she's a successful jewelry designer. Besides, it was SHE that ended the friendship with Meghan a few years ago, due to how badly she felt Meghan treated her ex-husband with the divorce.
DeleteIt's too easy to assign "jealousy" to someone just because one is more famous.
Didn't we all knew you were going to blog about the wedding? Of course. I thought the wedding was beautiful and such a glorious day. Meghan looked lovely and the dress most elegant in its simplicity. Just looooved the bateau neck design. The lily white fabric made Meghan look radiant. Or was it her smile that did so. She looked so very happy and relaxed. Her mom was so dignified, so proper, so strong. It is a shame about Samantha Grant -- who r-e-c-e-n-t-l-y changed her name back to Markle -- one can tell she is troubled anytime she gave interviews. Incidentally, I understand she has lost custody of her children. But back to the wedding, I was expecting Prince Harry to wear a more colorful uniform, but again, its quiet elegance meshed with the bride's dress well, indeed. I liked the lime green, lily white, black prominent colors of the official wedding photos. Surprisingly, Camilla's soft pink dress did not upset the color scheme. And lastly, the veil was magnificent. The picture of Meghan, taken from the back, when she is climbing the church's steps, unaccompanied with the twin attendants holding her veil was my favorite. Ah, and the music playing when Meghan walked down the isle... Handel's "Eternal Source of Light Divine," performed by the soprano Elin M. Thomas was, well, divine. In my opinion watching the bride down the isle still alone by the moment she passed by her mom and listening to the soprano's angelic voice was the most touching moment of the wedding. To me. Leticia
ReplyDeleteShe picked up Charles before she got to her mom.
DeleteThen the camera showed her walking down the isle and then a shot of her mom while that lovely music was playing. I found it to be touching.
DeleteIt was just all too lovely and heart-rending to be put into words. There is still hope. Megs and Harry are going to unite the world; just wait and see.
DeleteLove this post and your insights!
ReplyDeleteI hope all the best to the newlyweds. God bless them.
While I was watching the wedding live, I was very distracted by Megan's veil. First, it was perfect, along with her dress and tiara. I was getting a slight Art Deco vibe or maybe 1920's, something like that, and I loved the whole effect. That live shot of her serenely gliding towards Harry with the dappled light, effected by the stained glass windows was sublime and too my breath away. I did notice the lack of rug runners and wondered about that. Also, when she was up at the alter, a couple times I thought the veil was tugging from behind and would come off, like too much tension on it from behind. They must of glued the whole thing down well. Yes, Megan was in need of some sort of adult attendant to assure things were ok, but she did ok all by herself, the crink in the veil and all.
Well I am in a Commonwealth country and I hardly remember Wills and Kates wedding. Being in Australia I was lucky to sit with a glass (or three) of wine on a saturday night to enjoy the wedding! Perfect timing. I wasn't expecting much but thoroughly enjoyed it!!
ReplyDeleteJoni, thank you!!! I was up at the crack of dawn with my daughter. We watched in our jammies and fascinators! I too was so excited leading up to it! I have watched Suits since the first episode and the Meghan’s finale marrying her co-star Mike felt so weird knowing in a couple months she’d be a future princess marrying into royalty.
ReplyDeleteThis was such a satisfying recap of behind the scenes. So interesting. Didn’t you wish we had many more details about the receptions? Pictures?
So much has been said about her race, her profession, her marital status....and if not all that, the focus would have been that the Monarchy was marrying an American! Wow! Just wow.
Kate not wearing a new dress to the most important social event in their kingdom and her hardly lookingat the couple throughout the ceremony raises some questions about her. I am not sure if it would have been proper for her to fix the train though.
On the note of the runner....maybe Meghan refused anything resembling Hollywood - red carpet or otherwise. Maybe the glass tent was insurance for viewing the fireworks spectacle (Harry’s favorites) considering the sketchy weather over there.
Agree about Victoria Beckham - sour puss and her dress looked heavy. Didn’t like Beatrice’s cleaning lady headgear.
LOVED your family’s viewing party! How fancy!
Meghan is a real-life Cinderella - wicked step-sister and all.
Kate isn't allowed to be an attendant for a lower-ranking royal. So, no, she could not have fixed the train. Besides, the sight of Kate climbing down from her boxed seat to fix the train would have been an incredible distraction. The veil fell naturally I thought. It didn't bother me.
DeleteWonderful article! I couldn't agree more with everything you noted. The train IS everything and there should have been a runner. I can't believe nobody stepped out from the pews to quickly straighten the veil. They should have invited me...lol. I recently attended my niece's college graduation and a faculty member was straightening the students' hoods before they went up on stage to receive their diplomas. It was a true act of kindness and the parents appreciated it.
ReplyDeleteWilliam wore the Order of the Garter, not Harry. Harry is not a Knight of the Garter (yet). Instead, Harry wore the Star of the Grand Cross Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.
ReplyDeleteLovely post! My daughter and I watched with a scone breakfast. A comment on Kate’s dress: According to the Whatkatewore.com website, it was a different dress. There were several details that were different including buttons on the sleeve. The sleeve construction had to be different for them.
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I loved everything but the cake... though it sounds like it at least tasted good!
ReplyDeleteAs someone who drives horses, here's the scoop on the carriage. This is a landau, which is made specifically so that the persons riding in it are visible to those watching. Landaus do have sides and a top which can enclose them in case of weather, but they were designed as a luxury vehicle for wealthy or royal people to promenade in. As such, the ride is better due to the lines of the carriage, its lower profile, and superior springs. Those big coach-and-four carriages can be a rough ride! This particular vehicle was not a formal royal state vehicle, hence the postillions on the reins and no obvious crest. Landaus are most often seen bringing the royal family to their boxes at Ascot; in the 19th century you would have seen them driving through Hyde Park or Fifth Avenue in New York so their owners could display their wealth and social status. It's a wonderful vehicle to drive and even better to ride in.
ReplyDeleteFamily friend is an actress here in LA who went to high school with Meghan. Her tweet arrived as the wedding reception concluded: "One of us became royalty today. The other got a $0.17 royalty check in the mail. It's not a competition. Congratulations Meghan!"
ReplyDeleteThis is an awesome post and I could study it all night! I agree with most of your thoughts. I did think the bottom of Pippa's dress was ugly. And, Fergie's daughters just remind me of Cinderella's ugly stepsisters. Fergie looked nice, but any blocking I wouldn't like for a royal wedding. Oprah's dress was more than a little tight for the Royal wedding. I didn't mind Doria's nose ring or her hair, but I thought her dress should have been more tailored. It was pretty up close, but from the long shots it looked too big on her. She seemed like such a sweet, humble and classy lady. Now, the rest of Meghan's family... well I'm glad Meghan didn't have them there! Why did Kate almost wear white and why did she wear a dress she had already wore twice? Considering who she is it almost seemed disrespectful. Makes you wonder if she is a little jealous of Meghan.
ReplyDeleteKate isn't jealous of Meghan.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteKate disrespectful or jealous of Meghan? IMO hardly! Though entitled to yours; FTR it was the fourth time Kate had worn the same outfit which was pastel yellow that when photographed unfortunately does appear lighter in some shots and was the reason why 'Oprah' commissioned a different ensemble (by Stella McCartney within a 24 hours time frame) as she felt her original choice (colour unknown) would do the same which also explains why 'hers' was a tad ill fitting. -Brenda-
DeleteAgree with you on everything except that the Big O's dress was a "tad ill fitting." It was a hot mess; everything about it was wrong. There wasn't a dress more suited for an extremely rich large woman in all of GB?
@Anonymous 1:11 PM -- Actually since I don't know what fabric was used in the garment's construction, I was referring to the fit of the sleeves as visually they do appear to be restrictive and perhaps a smidgen too long but perhaps they were fine. As for the style of the garment itself overall; as the bodice is very similar in design to the gown she wore to the 2015 Oscars I gather she felt very comfortable whereas what I will describe as the overlay elongated peplum (overskirt), may have been a wise decision since they've been know to hide a multitude of sins both in figure type and in chosen undergarments. (i.e.: At least, no panty lines showing like former 1st Lady Michelle Obama was notated for.... ☺.) All said; its just my opinion and I'm sure Oprah and Stella (or Michelle) realistically couldn't care less what I think.
DeleteLoved your photos of the wedding and it certainly was a lovely event. The British always are top-drawer with pageantry....however I fear that naïve Harry has been taken in by a covert narcissist, a con artist who is a controlling "attention seeker"...I am talking about Meghan Markle. Can a leopard change its' spots....I think not. She is mirroring Princess Diana and Harry has been caught in the spider's web.
ReplyDeleteYou beat me to the punch. Yeah, it's not going to last, but Me-again has certainly played her cards right. All except for that rear-end sashay up the stairs Tuesday...tsk! She'll pop out a sprog or two first, of course. Poor silly little Harry. He's been snowed.
DeleteI am interested in knowing what proof both anonymous have to back up their assessment of Meghan Markle character? Covert narcissist? That diagnosis does not exist. Besides to label someone a narcissist, the person needs to display several characteristics (and there is a minimum number) AND they those characteristics have to cause impairment on the individua's personal, family, or social life. If the minimum requirements are not met, the label cannot be assigned and, the person is NOT a narcissist. Unfortunately, this term is thrown around too quickly. First, a proper assessment by a competent professional with a license in the a mental health PROFESSIONAL field (not a para-professional) is required to reach that conclusion. Now-a-days, it seems that people who don't even have a driver's license feel qualified to assigned a very damaging label to others. Not good and it is wrong.
DeleteI understand that you are the resident analyst on this site, but irregardless of your credentials, the Harry/Meg thing isn't going to be permanent. It will, however, provide us with lots of entertainment over the next few years. Megs is now going to start her royal family/duchess lessons with the Queen's aide. (The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain...love it!) We will have the décor of their new apartment at Kensington, the trip to Australia et al, the arrival of the sprogs, the baptisms of said sprogs, the continued drama provided by her weird family, Doria's journey and enrichment, Harry jumping in as savior on any number of situations: there's no end...thank goodness! It's going to be a bumpy ride; buckle up!
I agree with you completely...there should have been a runner...especially with the 53 commonwealth countries acknowledged in the veil. However, thank you for a delightful afternoon.
ReplyDeleteI am AMMA MARIA. I'm from america. I was going crazy when my husband left me and my two kids for another woman 2 weeks ago after 17years of marriage. We had a lovely marriage but he started a relationship with a co worker who chased after him. He is living away OUR home and refuses to talk to me or to come home. I was devastated and am finding it hard to cope . I wish I did not love him and that I could move on but I can't. I starting to feel ill. I have begged him to come home all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr Larry can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. 4days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Larry. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. if you have any problem contact him, I give you 100% guarantee that he will help you, Email him at: assurancesolutionhome@gmail.com you can call or Add him on Whatsapp +1(424)-261-8520
ReplyDeleteI am AMMA MARIA. I'm from america. I was going crazy when my husband left me and my two kids for another woman 2 weeks ago after 17years of marriage. We had a lovely marriage but he started a relationship with a co worker who chased after him. He is living away OUR home and refuses to talk to me or to come home. I was devastated and am finding it hard to cope . I wish I did not love him and that I could move on but I can't. I starting to feel ill. I have begged him to come home all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr Larry can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. 4days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Larry. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. if you have any problem contact him, I give you 100% guarantee that he will help you, Email him at: assurancesolutionhome@gmail.com you can call or Add him on Whatsapp +1(424)-261-8520
Another wonderful post about a wonderful event. Thank you, Joni. A thought: i think the chance of the floor of the church-- and outside steps leading into it--being filthy is just about non existent. I would be willing to bet that a lot of people work to keep those floors/steps clean every day....and for such a grand affair as the wedding, doubly so.
ReplyDeleteMulti-millionaire Oprah looked absolutely and completely ridiculous in that tight, too-young, pink tiered-ruffle dress.
ReplyDeleteShe's too rich for anyone to have told her how awful she looked.
Oprah's fat and should dress in a way that at least attempts to flatter her condition. She's been heavy forever so she should have an understanding by now of what looks the best on her body. Being a bit heavy myself right now, I don't understand how she wasn't embarrassed to step outside in a frock that looked so silly on her.
I can't believe the zipper held up.
I understand that the pink dress was made overnight and was a replacement for the light gray dress she planned to wear. For some reasons, at the last minute, she realized that the light gray dress would look white on pictures and cameras, thus the last minute change to the dress she wore. I do not think the dress was flattering to her, but your fat shaming of Oprah (it should not be done to anyone) is beyond the pale. And cruel. I do not have an ax to grind. I am of healthy weight for my size. There are many reasons why people struggle with weight and it is best not to judge.
DeleteP.C. my eye. Oprah is fat and that's a fact. I don't care who the famous designer was, that dress looked like crap on her. Is she blind? Was it the only color/style available large enough to be altered to her body on a short notice? Did she have a mirror in her hotel? Does she have a distorted image of herself that sees herself smaller than she is? So many questions as it is curious how one of the richest women around could go out looking like that. She could call me; I know what looks good on an obese woman. Let's start with the color: navy blue would have looked nice and it helps cover a multitude of sins. NO RUFFLE TIERS around the hips of large women...geez. The length, the tightness around her gargantuan bazoombas, omg, everything about this dress was wrong. I hope the designer doesn't go out of business. This wealthy woman only realized the day before a royal wedding that her dress was wrong? I can't take it.
DeleteWeight Watchers isn't working. ( Because she isn't doing it right. Believe me, it works.)
But that doesn't mean that she couldn't try to dress more attractive/appropriately for this occasion.
You're not angry, are you? You said "I can't take it." Worrying about Oprah is not good for your health. Focusing on a woman who has no idea who you are, it is just keeping you from figuring out what you can improve about yourself. For one, it ain't helping your liver. There is nothing wrong with people with money and bad taste, except interior designers complain, at times, that would like to get clients with money and good taste instead of bad taste. But that is different from shaming people. It is not a matter of being P.C., shaming and criticizing others in ways that are cruel and not constructive says more about the critic than about the one being criticized. Be well.
DeleteOf course I'm not really worried about Oprah. It's just a figure of speech.
DeleteLovely pictures! I liked William and Kate's wedding more--I love more and more formality and they brought it that day. I've heard that Kate's dress is pale yellow and that she wore one she'd worn often so as not to distract from the bride.
ReplyDeleteLoved the post and was fixated on the wedding dress. Just stunning in it's simplicity. The neckline and 3/4 sleeves were so flattering. Hoping today's brides take note. Not sure who started the Marilyn Monroe, strapless, va-voom, quasi prom-dress look for a wedding? And Joni mentioned tattoos! Please stop, people!
ReplyDeleteI agree, Burn, the dress was so perfectly beautiful.
DeleteAnd tatoos are so ugly. I just can't understand why an attractive person would put ugly, permanent ink designs on their lovely skin...
Why can't Camilla get an expensive custom bra? Her gargantuan knockers are always hanging down below the equator...not attractive. Doesn't ANYONE help these people?
ReplyDeleteAnd apparently she didn't get the green memo. Or she wore the pink on purpose as her little rebellion. (And no one is allowed to say anything to her because she is Charles') And the huge pink feather hat was obnoxious for someone in the family.
Oh dear. Some of the comments. Didn't your mother teach you if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Men aren't our enemies, other women are. Kate's dress was pale yellow. It was thoughtful of her not to outdo the bride. She had a baby five minute ago, cut her some slack. Don't worry about the steps. After many centuries of use, they would be smooth. The English being masters of pomp and ceremony would not leave anything to chance. It's all over now bar the shouting. You'll have a royal pregnancy soon to chatter about. Carry on.
ReplyDeleteIt would not be correct for Kate to straighten the veil.
DeleteEverything you said.
Kensington Palace called Kate's outfit a "primrose yellow wool silk coat" by Alexander McQueen.
DeleteDeidre, some people make themselves too transparent. In my retirement I keep my self busy but I now decide when. I take a few minutes to enjoy this blog and was surprised to see over time ugly and unnecessary comments about PEOPLE! I have commented on some but since I do not feel pressured to do so, I will do what is best: completely ignore vicious comments. The more attention those negative comments get, the more they will appear. If something is *consistently* ignored, it tends to diminish and hopefully it will get extinguished. Behavior that is not rewarded, usually does stop. It is not about being P.C. it is about their bile I rather not read. So I just won't. So simple. Most importantly, commenting on ugly postings in a critical way certainly does not make the writer feel good and why should I add to a bad situation. I only felt prompted to comment because some people might read the awful comments about themselves or their private homes. No saying anything felt a little like watching someone being bullied while bystanders stay quiet or walk away. Come to think of it, public people probably are used to it and can handle it OK. Thanks for your post, Deidre.
DeleteI thought Kate's dress was pale yellow too, but it's the same dress as she wore the christening and that was cream, no doubt at all. Maybe the hat made it yellow? So strange. OR could she have two dresses?
DeleteKate's outfit was PRIMROSE YELLOW as described by Kensington Palace. Primrose yellow is pale yellow.
DeleteI was thinking after the wedding......"Joni will have a great post on this".....and you exceeded my hopes!
ReplyDeletethis anglophile learned so much more. yes Megan was lovely, her mom serene, Beatrice & Eugenie still need a stylist but much improved. Victoria B. is hard to look at no matter what she is wearing due to her "natural" glare. oh I could go on.....too much fun! thank you Joni
Another masterpiece you have written.....enjoyed every word. Particularly the views inside Frogmore House.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLoved the elegant simplicity of the dress and jewels.
ReplyDeleteJoni, you outdid yourself with this post! I am an avid reader of your blog, and also a Houstonian, and I can say this was you best post ever. You are really a master of your trade! Loved it! You go, girl!
ReplyDeleteJoni ... who needs Hoda and Kathie Lee when you could handle both jobs alone! WOW! Fantastic overview and scintillating back story. Clearly you've missed your calling, but your expertise and style are very much appreciated!
ReplyDeleteMeghan's dress was lovely, but I thought the fit was off. If you look at pictures of Kate's dress, it was impeccably fit, almost like it was painted on. Meghan's had some strange bulges around her armpits, and I thought the bodice was too loose. Simple, yes, but ill-fitting considering the cost of it. I couldn't quite wrap my head around why Oprah wore the dress she wore. It was just not appropriate for her body type and seriously unflattering. You'd think a woman of Oprah's wealth would have had a backup dress ready. If she had worn a coat dress like Meghan's mother or Kate's mother, it would have been much more flattering. I mean, Meghan's mother's dress was seriously stunning.
ReplyDeleteI have my doubts as to whether this marriage is going to work out. While I understand the potential for craziness surrounding stepfamilies and half siblings, and I completely understand why Meghan would have not invited the step-brothers and sisters, I do find it odd that no other relations on Meghan's side were at the wedding. Has she no aunts, uncles or other cousins that she is close enough with to invite? Not a single one? Even from her mother's side? Doesn't her mom have any close friends that she wanted to bring and sit with? That was odd for me, especially with Oprah and the Clooneys on the guest list. Really? She's besties with Oprah and the Clooneys? I can't imagine any of them would have given her, a relatively obscure actress, the time of day before this. It just strikes me that some of the guests were invited for show and not because they were particularly close to either the bride or the groom.
DeleteYou're reading my mind! Everything except the part about the dress...well, it may have been a little off fit, but I loved it to death.
I'm an experienced sewer, and it was great the way the bateau neckline fit and never moved. There had to be serious undercarriage work in that dress. I made my own velvet and satin wedding dress in 1968.
I was so obsessed with the train dragging, ,I didn't notice the dress. It does look a little loose on the bodice.
DeleteMaybe her mother is an only child? I would never invited the others. They are HORRID. HORRID.
Maybe the marriage WILL work because she has no one now, but Harry?
@Kelly 4:58 p.m.: I agree with your statement about the comparison between Megan's and Kate's dress and its fit but am wondering with all the negative drama involving Megan's family if she understandably had lost some weight after the final fitting? Also from what I've read, the fabric was a 'double bonded' silk which IMHO (as a hobby sewer for many years), just may 'not' have sewn up or possibly even pressed that well or could it have been its underlining if one was used, resulting in the appearance of what you describe? i.e.: Bulges All said; in the photographs the seam lines do appear stressed to me however I did love the simplicity of its design but feel the head piece (embroidered veil and jeweled bandeau tiara) was what really completed the look and that she was a beautiful Bride. -Brenda-
DeleteOh I completely agree mrsben about the veil and headpiece. They were stunning and unforgettable and made the whole ensemble. And I see the point that Meghan may have lost some weight last minute due to the family drama in the leadup to the wedding, but many times with these types of couture dresses, you are actually sewn into the dress on the big day. That's how custom gowns get such an incredible fit. Either she was not sewn into the dress that day or the fit was intended the way it came out. It was also rumored that the dress had only 6 seams. I call BS. Four seams at least for both sleeves, one up the back, one at the waist and there were at least 4 darts visible, which are seams. That doesn't even count what was going on inside the dress.
DeleteWhen they said six seams, they weren't talking about the sleeves or what is inside the dress.
DeleteI have nothing against MM personally, but she brings so much baggage I'm still shocked HM allowed the marriage at all, and I think it's doomed to failure. Hollywood age is a good 3- 5- years older than advertised, so who knows how old Lady Sussex actually is - children will be difficult, if they even manage to bear any. I know Harry is waaaaaayyyy down the list, but stranger conferances have happened...I blame King George VI - he wanted his children to be happy - ugh. Don't we all. You can't trade them off to grifters and expect a good outcome, royal or not. Prince Philip was the signal of the end of the monarchy, "Ms." Markle is the linchpin.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@Kelley May 28/8:51am: Correction -- From what I have recently read; there was a total of eight fittings however the Designer herself is now admitting that there should have been one more fitting. That being said; having witnessed myself what goes into the creation of a couture garment from beginning to end (as my son's profession is in the fashion industry and holds degrees in both Fashion Design and Haute Couture and has created his fare share of the latter) I have learned that there are numerous steps as wells a sewing techniques involved that can lead to the possibility of error. To conclude; when comparing the final product of Meghan's dress (excluding the impeccable hand-worked veil) to that of Kate's, I think it is safe to say (reference my previous comment) that we both agree, it unfortunately fell short in quality appearance. -Brenda-
Delete@Joni: Thank for allowing this discussion with Kelley.
Fantastic post!
ReplyDeleteWas I the only one that noticed that the guests in the church sat on crappy folding chairs?! I have nicer ones in my shed right now! I thought that a royal wedding would have nicer chairs!
Also, Meghan’s hair had a strand that was starting to fall out. I wanted to stick a pin in it so badly! She was so lovely, but that hair was distracting.
those chairs are always there - I saw an other photos with them. WHAT GIVES!?!?!?!???
DeleteSuch an informative post Joni and fully appreciated the read and photos. -Brenda-
ReplyDeleteAn estimated 45+ million for the Feudal weddin'.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is thank Gawd for George Washington and Paul Revere.
I am Alenna Alison This is my testimony on how my ex lover come back home..i want to say a very big thanks and appreciation to chief priest ODUMODU for bringing back my lover who left me for almost 2 year,i feel like my life is completely over, so one day as i was browsing searching on the internet for recommend spell caster who will help me to bring my lover back, Finally i met a writing how so many testimony talking about how ODUMODU help to restore relationship back,so i decided to give it a try so i contacted the spell caster called ODUMODU and explain my problems to him,and he cast spell love spell luckily within the 48 hours my lover really called me and started apologizing for all he had caused me.and be begging me to accept him back and will are live happily marriage, I am the happiest woman on earth today because ODUMODU has done a wonderful deeds in my life and i will continue to share this testimony, i pray God almighty give you the strength and wisdom to help more people having similar problem like mine, contact him. drodumodusolutions@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteYou are attempting to scam people on the internet but you are too illiterate to accomplish that. Why not take a bathe, get dressed, and go look for a real job. The big tourist hotel in town needs good help, but you would actually have to show up on time everyday, and that probably isn't in your purview. In the meantime, go play somewhere else.
DeleteJoni, loved your summary. Such a wonderful day. A couple of notes that aren't correct or i feel i must comment on as a compliment to what you've written.
ReplyDelete1. The uniforms. Unfortunately, military ceremonial dress is what it is for each regiment according to rank. If Harry was attached to any other military unit even as honorary colonel in chief, he might have had other options. I think he has recently taken on a few more regiments in other military services, but blues and royals is his regiment, and unfortunately for him it's that black (in other places very dark navy) colour in cold/ temperate climates or a white jacket For the tropics. He has no control over the colour. William was, theoretically, attached to the blues and royals during his army career, but in practise he hopped across all the military services without forming any attachment to any particular service either personally or ceremonially. He was made honorary colonel in chief of the Irish Guards whose ceremonial jacket he wore at his wedding. A much better look than the RAF he was rumoured to prefer.
2. Tiaras. There is a tradition about tiaras in aristocratic families in Britain. Rule if you like. Every family has a tiara. It is the property of the Male head of the family along with all the family heirlooms, estate and family fortune. It is all inherited by their male heirs in the next generation and so on and so forth. Any daughters and younger sons have no rights to these things. However, daughters and inlaws of the male head of the family can borrow certain heirlooms at his discretion. I bring this up to point out that Diana never owned the Spencer tiara. She borrowed it from her father and later from her brother. Her brother's wife and sisters could borrow it because they are part of the Spencer family. Kate nor Meghan are Spencers by birtn or marriage. They are Mountbatten-Windsors therefore the only tiaras available to them were the Mountbatten-Windsor tiaras NOT the Spencer family tiara. I know people point out that William and Harry have a Spencer mother, but the British convention is to follow the MALE line of the family as 'true' family. William and Harry are therefore Mountbatten-Windsors NOT Spencers.
3. On the subject of tiaras in the British royal family, the Queen has developed a pattern of loaning out tiaras as life-loaners to the recipient. That means whatever tiaras are loaned to Kate (as an example) will not be seen on other women in the family. They will be Kate's tiaras exclusively as long as she remains in the royal family. Her wedding tiara was passed around several family members before it was loaned to Kate, but it belonged to the Queenmother who didn't have the same loaning pattern as the Queen.
Therefore Kate's wedding tiara, the lotus papyrus and the Cambridge lovers Knot were out of the running for Meghan. That said, Kate's wedding tiara has been in the Cartier travelling exhibition for several years now which is why it hasn't been seen on Kate again. The exhibition started a year after her marriage and is currently in Australia. Kate didn't start attending tiara events until 3yrs into her marriage.
I would have loved to see the Strathmore Rose of Meghan, but rumour has it that it is too fragile to wear anymore.
4. Sophie Wessex's wedding tiara was re-fashioned from broken bits of a coronet belonging to Queen Victoria
Is that you, P?
Delete5. Speaking of family resemblance, i'm forever floored by how many people in this family have such strong resemblance to their ancestors. Eg
ReplyDelete1. Beatrice looks like a young Victoria
2. Eugenie looks like a young Queenmother
3. Harry looks like Philip +Charles+ young Queen Mary
4. Charlotte + Sarah Chatto + The Queen + Anne + Zara all look like Queen Mary at various stages of her life
5. Prince Michael looks George 5 +Tsar Nicholas 2 of Russia
6. George 5 + Tsar Nicholas 2 of Russia look like identical twins.
7. Frederick Windsor looks like Prince Albert Victor + Queen Alexandra
8. Margaret looked like George 6.
Ps: that teen at Diana's wedding was Sarah Chatto, daughter of Margaret. She was present at Harry's wedding with her husband and 2 sons. Ditto her brother David Linley.
DeleteThere's a bun in the oven.
ReplyDeleteI hope I am wrong but you seem to be hating on Kate! I assume you were kidding that SHE should have gotten up and fixed the veil?!! I am impressed she actually wears a dress more than once even if she is a royal!
ReplyDeleteYou might want to get your hands on a grammar book & learn about who & whom. Who is the subjective case & whom is the objective case. In other words. The way you have used them in your most recent blog may "sound" correct, but it is not. The authoritative book is Fowler's Dictionary of Modern English Usage (commonly referred to as "Fowler's). He has also written a more technical book, The King's English.
ReplyDeleteOr if you don't wish to go to all that trouble, Google who & whom. Whom must ALWAYS be the object of either a verb . . . the pronoun may follow a verb, but be the SUBJECT of a clause, in which case who is the correct word.
To Anon 5:11
DeleteGeez, I'll bet I take the heat for that.
Oh, and by the way, you said "of either a verb" but you didn't say "or" what else; that sentence was incorrect. Either goes with or.
You should be pretty sure your own verbiage and grammar are perfect before you get that high-handed.
You must be new here because the author of this blog has said before, not that long ago, that she is aware that she isn't that good at grammar.
Whom cares? Sorry, I could not help it :-)
DeleteI thought Meagan’s hair was messy, especially the tendrils that ended up tucked behind her ears, the bun was too messy given this is a royal wedding. I noticed since the wedding her hair and chignons are tidied up. Also agree with you Joni not enough flowers. Great commentary
ReplyDeleteThis can't be said enough apparently.
DeleteThank you for saying this. SO MANY people had a negative reaction to the dress.
ReplyDeleteThe wedding was on the same day that Anne Boleyn was executed.
ReplyDeleteIs anything a coincidence with the royal family?
Love your insights! Really enjoyed reading other reader's comments too.
ReplyDeleteYou might take a look at the blog What Kate Wore. A lot of checking was done and Kate was wearing a new dress not the old cream one. This one was pale yellow and had buttons on the sleeves and different stitching. It was made by the same designer. You would think if she had one made it would be more distinctive??? But who knows. Anyhow, that blog is fun to read and they have companion blogs What Kate's Kids Wore and What Megan Wore.
I loved reading your take on this royal wedding and what a fun viewing party your family had! A couple things I noticed that no one else has commented on..
ReplyDeleteIn regards to your comment that the Queen Mother never spoke to Wallis Simpson again after she was exiled to France, I don't believe I've ever heard of someone sympathizing with Wallis! She was not just divorced once, but twice was rumored to also been having an affair with a top level Nazi official and she was trying to marry the King! Harry is now 6th in the line to the throne, even Princess Margaret was closer when her match with a divorcee was dissapproved of.
And secondly, about Kate helping with Meghan's train I haven't seen anyone mention that Kate had just had a baby not even a month before! In addition to seeming very innappropriate for her to be adjusting the train, I had a baby just a few weeks before Kate had Louis, and at 3 weeks postpartum was definitely still recovering from child birth!
Yes ... Kate had worn her dress prior! The British have been very harsh concerning Kate and money. She's smart and knows she's held to a higher standard as the future Queen. Thanks for the great post, Joni. Did not watch the wedding.
ReplyDeletearticles that I really like and thank you for this excellent article
ReplyDeletebandar togel
Good article! Just fyi. Charles did not 'give Meghan away'. He just accompanied her. obviously she wasn't his to give away anyway. https://www.independent.co.uk/royalwedding/meghan-markle-walk-aisle-alone-feminist-prince-charles-royal-wedding-harry-latest-news-a8357766.html
ReplyDeleteLove all the interesting information you shared.
ReplyDeleteI was curious about the fact that there was no runner - then I thought the black and white floor may have been symbolic as well and loved the way it looked beneath her veil. Overall, I thought it was an incredibly elegant wedding and just loved every minute of it!
Hello, I’m the most happiest person on the face of the earth, after 6 months of sadness and sorrow without being with the one i love, i tried all my possible best to make sure i make my lover happy but it never seems to work out well it was like am doing everything in vain but all thanks goes to Dr Ogundu for coming to change all my worries and sadness to Joy. i knew the great man when i read some wonderful testimony about Dr Ogundu how he has helped lots of people on their relationship problems i was reading a magazine when i saw great testimonies, as well my predicament then i decided not to waste time because i have missed my lover so much i decided to contact him and share all my problem with him which he told me not to worry that he is assuring me that within 48 hours everything would be sorted out i believed Dr Ogundu so much because of how he has been helping many people, my boyfriend who left me for good suddenly replied my text and returned my calls and asked me to please forgive him i was so happy am so grateful to Dr Ogundu for what he has done for me and I promise to testify his goodness all through my life. If you are there passing the same problem or any kinds of problem contact this great man on his email address: drogunduspellcaster@gmail.com
ReplyDelete1. Getting your lover or husband back
2 Lottery spell
3 If you can’t satisfy your partner
4 Weight loss spell
5 Divorce spell
6 promotion in offices
7 Getting your money back
8 Pregnancy spell to conceive baby
9 Love spell
10 marriage commitment and so many more
11 Money spell/ good luck spell
Kate was not going to hop up from her seat to arrange a bride's train. You must be kidding. And no one else would insert themselves to do that either. And besides, can't we just let life happen sometimes instead of worrying about if each second is picture perfect? Too many damn cameras these days. The veil landed the way it did naturally; let it go for god's sake. Along with the fit of her gorgeous dress.
ReplyDeletePeople need to find more to do in their empty lives.
This is my story, a true life story on how I survived an abusive husband(s). Please read and share.
ReplyDeleteLeaving an abusive marriage was life threatening, I was scared of the post-divorce lifestyle. I felt starting afresh with another man seems impossible at my age because my husband(s) always downplays my emotions making me feel like a worthless woman. Yes, I was married thrice.
I was betrayed by a friend, cheated upon by husband(s), beaten, jailed but I never gave up, I chose to ride or die with my current 5-year-old marriage because of love, our children and our shared finance. Though I love my husband to a fault and believed I can change his mindset through spiritual means before we go our separate ways.
After domestic abuse and emotional conflicts comes spiritual father, Dr. Wakina with redemption and restoration via dr.wakinalovetemple@gmail.com with the spell that ended my abusive circle. I also escaped social pressure.
I wasn’t wrong afterall sticking to my husband and changing our lifestyle through spiritual doctors. Believe me, we’re living our dream lifestyle for over 5-months with much love and respect for each other.
very good article this time I saw a very good article like this.
ReplyDeletebandar togel
Enjoyed your recap very much - thank you for sharing all the wonderful details and history.
ReplyDeleteAs for the choice of brides- I will always be surprised at that one. However, seeing as Harry is pretty much never going to be King....it is nice he really could choose whom he truly loved. I hope she proves worthy.
As for the dress, it did not stun me, but it was properly conservative, which worked well. Her veil was amazing. And I agree it would've been nice for it to be straightened. Perhaps from her vantage point HRH, The Duchess of Cambridge couldn't really tell in order to even know it needed to be straightened. It certainly would not have been proper for her to straighten it. She wore white - surprisingly so - but looked beautiful and classy. I respect her so much for wearing things more than once to show she is frugal and smart. She cares about the future of Britain. That takes an amazing strength in character and I love her even more for it.
One thing that made me cringe was the actor George Clooney's inappropriate suit - not a morning suit - and did anyone notice how much tv time they received? Ick. And his wife - whew - if body language speaks, holy smokes, she must be so insecure. EVERY single shot of her she is nervously playing with her hair. Big yuck to the two of them. Not a fan of either of them.
Funny how Sir Elton John was there and I only saw a glimpse of him. It was during that rather long and emotional sermon of the visiting Pastor from the States. I noticed he wasn't mentioned in your post. : - )
I think perhaps there weren't as many flowers in the entrance greenery due to the fact that is was so very HOT that day. Everyone must've been so uncomfortable. I cannot even imagine how hot it was that day for all those layers and sleeves and length of time spent in those luxurious but very unnbreathable fabrics.
I like the white or red uniforms better too, but the lads all looked dashing in their dark ones.
My very favorite of the entire wedding was the sweet happy smile on Harry's face. We watched him grow into a fine young man. I wish him and the Royal Family happiness and good health, always. I hope his wife knows how fortunate she is to have been welcomed into that family. Not long ago it would have never taken place. I guess times truly are changing. I wish they weren't, but it is what it is.
God Save the Queen.
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ReplyDeleteThank you ezizaoguntemple@gmail.com for what you have done for me! My husband stopped to fill the divorce papers after i
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It just occur to me that I have not done the right thing since when my husband came back to me, I am on this blog to give thanks to whom it deserve, Some couples of weeks ago my life was in a terrible shape because my husband left me and I never believe that I was going to get him back, But through the help of this powerful spell caster called Dr.Ekpen my life is now in a joyful mood, I must recommend the services of Dr.Ekpen to anyone out there that they should contact Dr.Ekpen through these details below: ( ekpentemple@gmail.com ) or whatsapp +2347050270218 because through Dr.Ekpen assistance my marriage was restored.
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I had struggle relationship with my husband in the past which led to divorce with my first husband. After i and my ex husband got divorced, i had another chance to re-marry again and just 5 years of my second marriage there was another divorce which almost killed me emotionally. I stayed for another two years been unmarried and a single mother. Honestly I wasn't really happy it because every woman need a man in her life, there was a time i saw my first husbands photo and i realized how much i loved him and have missed him. I tried to get to him but i was told that he moved on with his life and we may never been together again. I wept bitterly that night thinking i have lost the man that i have had so much love for. I asked for advise on what to do and a friend of mine gave me a contact of Osasu Solution Temple, i consulted him and to his very best with his powerful spells he helped me with a Reunion Marriage Love Spell to returned my ex husband back to me, in just 9 days i had enchanter with a spiritual reunion prayers with priest Osasu everything turn around for good in my life, I am now happily living with my first husband again and sort out the divorce issues. with the help of Osasu temple, his a man of wisdom and care. Thanks and i appreciate all the help you have rendered to get my ex husband back into my life again. I testify here today that Osasu temple is powerful it can resolve all problem in a broken relationship with love once. contact him for solutions to any kind of relationship problem. Email....(drosasu25@gmail.com) You can also call him or add him on WhatsApp +2347064365391
ReplyDeleteI had struggle relationship with my husband in the past which led to divorce with my first husband. After i and my ex husband got divorced, i had another chance to re-marry again and just 5 years of my second marriage there was another divorce which almost killed me emotionally. I stayed for another two years been unmarried and a single mother. Honestly I wasn't really happy it because every woman need a man in her life, there was a time i saw my first husbands photo and i realized how much i loved him and have missed him. I tried to get to him but i was told that he moved on with his life and we may never been together again. I wept bitterly that night thinking i have lost the man that i have had so much love for. I asked for advise on what to do and a friend of mine gave me a contact of Osasu Solution Temple, i consulted him and to his very best with his powerful spells he helped me with a Reunion Marriage Love Spell to returned my ex husband back to me, in just 9 days i had enchanter with a spiritual reunion prayers with priest Osasu everything turn around for good in my life, I am now happily living with my first husband again and sort out the divorce issues. with the help of Osasu temple, his a man of wisdom and care. Thanks and i appreciate all the help you have rendered to get my ex husband back into my life again. I testify here today that Osasu temple is powerful it can resolve all problem in a broken relationship with love once. contact him for solutions to any kind of relationship problem. Email....(drosasu25@gmail.com) You can also call him or add him on WhatsApp +2347064365391
ReplyDeleteI am from United State,Michigan. I did not believe in Love spell magic for i thought and believed it was not real until the day that my Husband left me for his Mistress, I tried all my possible means to get him back but it all seems to be in vain, So till the next day and did not come back home i search on what i could do to get my man back on the internet i saw a testimony about DR AZIBA how he helped lot of people to get there Lovers back and how he recently casted a spell for one Man to get his wife back, although i didn't believe in love spell, i contacted him because i loved my Husband and i want him back, So DR AZIBA performed the love spell and told me to wait for just 12 hours which i did, So surprisingly, My Husband sent me an apologizing Text and he started begging me, from that day, we became together and up till now, We are in love with each other like never before.. If you need any help, You can as well contact DR AZIBA via his Emails > priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com .You can also call him or write to him via WhatsApp +2348100368288 to contact him directly .
My Regards...