COTE DE TEXAS: Nancy Meyers House–Then and Now!!!!

Nancy Meyers House–Then and Now!!!!

Many, many years ago I wrote a blog story on Nancy Meyer’s own house, well, I’ve written a few that is: Here and Here.

Those blog stories were written after the Something’s Gotta Give mania and The Holiday’s debut, but, before It’s Complicated came out.  A sweet reader had sent me a copy of the magazine spread from a 2004 In Style Home magazine article showcasing Nancy Meyers 1998 home in the Pacific Palisades.   After being OBSESSED with Nancy Meyers movie houses, photos of her OWN personal house were just too much!   The magazine article did not disappoint.  Thankfully, that reader had saved the article for whatever reason, but I don’t think she realized how valuable her saved article would be.   Today, looking back on Google Images, the only photos online from that In Style Home article come from my blog story.  You would think someone, somewhere else, would have that article and would put the images on Pinterest or google.   Or maybe the magazine itself would rerelease better quality images of Nancy’s house.  But, finally, almost two decades later, Architectural Digest did document Nancy’s newly decorated house with all new images.   Yes!!!

My love for all things Nancy Meyers started with the dining room in Something’s Gotta Give.   I was obsessed with every detail in that room and it started a life long interest in Nancy and her movies and aesthetic.

Something’s Gotta Give dining room:  Those slipcovers drove me insane – I LOVED them, especially the ties and elbow guards and fabric.  My “Skirted Round Table” partner, Linda Merrill, and I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out what fabric that was.   Linda finally discovered it was Lee Jofa’s Bordeaux Toile, sadly discontinued. 

Unfortunately, Lee Jofa never reissued the fabric.  Huge mistake.  They could have made a small fortune selling it as “the Something’s Gotta Give slipcover fabric.”

It wasn’t just me.  In my opinion – it was this dining room from Something’s Gotta Give that caused everyone to fall in love with Nancy’s sets, along with her movies.  It was just amazing at the time – the plates, the chandelier, the linen slipcovers,  the interior French doors – everything, and everyone wanted a dining room just like this. 


As we all now know,  unfortunately Nancy is sometimes known more for the houses in her movies than the movies themselves.  Almost.  And I hope that isn’t true because there is not another female director/writer out there that produces more likable, thoughtful, funny, yet very poignant, films than Nancy.    That her set designs are so enticing is just the icing on the cake. 

But, in the end, besides her wonderful writing and producing, you do have to credit Nancy for her set designs.  No one has movie sets like Nancy. No one.


The Parent Trap’s California ranch house.


  There are the wonderful London and Californian houses of the Parent Trap, the cozy Father of the Bride New England styled house, the Hamptons Something’s Gotta Give beach house that is probably the most famous movie home of all time.  It was followed by not one, but two superb movie houses, in Surrey England and Beverly Hills - in The Holiday. 

Rose Hill Cottage in Surrey.  This house was just a shell built for the movie, but all the wonderful interiors were filmed on a sound stage.

The Holiday’s - L.A. House

Just when you thought Nancy could never top herself, she released  It’s Complicated with the beautiful California ranch burger in need of a slight renovation – a new kitchen.

A renovation?  What?? Who wouldn’t have killed for this old kitchen with its dented refrigerator??

I remember being mildly disappointed at my first viewing of It’s Complicated.  Today – it is one of my favorites of Nancy.   I think the writing and acting are perfection.

Next, The Intern strayed from the formula a bit with it’s New York chic interiors:

    The Intern – New York Chic

Recently Hallie Meyers-Shyer (Nancy’s daughter) wrote and directed a May-December love story which Nancy produced entitled Home Again.  Did you love it as much as me?  Apparently, major talent runs in this family.   I’ve written so many stories about the Home Again house, it’s embarrassing.  


The Home Again family room, with shades of Mark Sikes’ blue and white stripes.  The designer Peter Dunham was given a special mention on the film credits – he had once decorated this house for Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck when they lived there. Michael Smith decorated it too for other previous owners Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber.    

The Home Again star Reese Witherspoon’s character is an interior designer and it was said that Hallie, the writer, was inspired by Mark Sikes – her mother’s own designer.

Today, interest in Nancy Meyers and her sense of style is just as strong as ever.   Given a chance to see how the queen of movie interior design actually lives is so tantalizing.  Before the new Architectural Digest photoshoot, there were only a few photos of her Palisades house – including the old ones from In Style Home and a few updated photos from Instagram.   In an interview, Nancy said she didn’t want to show photos of her house on Instagram, but then she impulsively shared one photo of her kitchen and the flood gates opened.  Now, she often shows vignettes of her house which always creates a storm on Instagram. 

And so, the news that Architectural Digest photographed Nancy’s house is akin to a tsunami

Mr. Blue and White himself, Mark Sikes, laying on a collection of his rug designs.

Fueling the interest in Nancy’s house over the years, were the whispers that grew louder and louder. Was it true?   Was the uber talented designer Mark Sikes decorating Nancy’s  Palisades house?

Mark Sikes and Nancy Meyers.  Together.  Is there possibly a better combination in the world of interior design?

Their relationship was confirmed when Nancy wrote the forward to Mark Sikes’ book.

Sikes’ worked on Nancy’s house for eight years, their friendship has lasted even longer.   Photos of her updated house and gardens were FINALLY revealed in this month’s Architectural Digest.  No, it’s not all blue and white, but it’s a combination of Mark in his glory and Nancy in hers.  

Today, we’ll take a look back at her house from before Sikes, during and after!  Besides the old photos from the magazine, there are photos from her builder’s web site, her architect’s web site, and Instagram.

So, sit back and


A quick background.   The current house was built by Nancy when she was still married to her husband.  It is large, at almost 10,000 sq. ft. with five bedrooms, a living room, office, library, pitch library (?) and a screening room.  About 16 years ago, after her girls left the nest, the house felt too big for Nancy so she bought the lot next door and had a smaller, more modern house designed for her to live in.  While waiting for the new house to be finished, she freshened up her old house and then discovered she did not want to move after all.  The house next door was sold and she remains at home in her original French Provencal abode.

Before Sikes, designer James Radin, originally helped decorate Nancy’s house.  He also worked on some of her set designs and is credited on Something’s Gotta Give and It’s Complicated.  Later, it was Mark Sikes turn to help and he give Hallie design ideas for Home Again.   Sikes even has a bit part (don’t blink you will miss it) in the movie The Intern.

  Before The House Was Renovated:  Here is the front of the house.  Under the Juliet balcony is the two story front entry.  The four windows next to the arch is the dining room.  Early on, the French Provencal house had light blue shutters with white painted windows.  Today, a few black steel doors were added and the shutters are now a darker gray color.

Before:   The left side of the back of the house with the large chimney off the terrace.  At the center of this photo, the three windows with the transoms, is the kitchen and next to the fireplace, the double French doors is the breakfast room.  Unfortunately these photos were taken on an unusual gloomy Californian day for some unknown reason!

Before:   Another photo of the back of the house on the right side.  At the farthest right are arched French doors which open to Nancy’s office.  Hidden behind the beautiful olive trees is a loggia which leads from the office to the living room.  Above the loggia is a large balcony and this might be what was called the sunporch room in In Style Home.  Directly above the office is Nancy’s bathroom suite with its collection of small windows.

Before:  The back side, center.   Notice the stone header above the doors and also below the windows.   The house is not symmetric at all, but this one small section is wonderfully balanced.  Below, you will see how this same area looks today – part of the back terrace:


After:   AD (Architectural Digest)  The back terrace with wicker seating around the outdoor fireplace.  This is the same symmetrical area as seen above in the Before photo when the dark gray shutters were still light blue.

Between:  And yet another view of the same area of the terrace with the symmetrical doors and Juliet balcony.   Before Sikes was finished, the terrace had iron furniture instead of Mark’s wicker patio furniture.  Which do you prefer?   Oh come on!!  We like Mark’s!!!!!


 Before:  At the very far left of the back of the house between the house and the garage were two arched openings.  Later these two arches will be enclosed with black steel doors and the area will be relandscaped, see below:

AFTER:   The same area as above with its newly added black steel doors that enclose the connection between the house and the garage.  The landscaping is completely different today.  Notice the square box beds that surround the olive trees.  On Instagram Nancy said that before Covid, Hallie was to be married at home and she would arrive to the ceremony through this door.

After:  Another view of the back of the house showing the connection between the house and the garage with its two glass doors, and with the stairs leading up to an area above the garage.



After:  Instagram.  The view out from the newly added glass doors.  The path leads from the gravel walkways, up the stone stairs to the new pool and pool house.

After:   Inside the newly enclosed passageway between the house and garage with the two new sets of steel doors.  Notice the huge log store and vaulted beamed ceiling.

After:  AD.  The new pool and pool house.  Before, a hedge was cut back, causing too much sun poolside, which is why the pool house was built.  And next, the oval pool looked dated, so the more modern rectangle pool was built.  Now THIS is perfectly symmetrical.

After:   AD.  Inside the new pool house.  Nancy tells AD that she prefers white and cream with black accents.

Instagram:  An afternoon view inside the pool house.

AD:  These professional photographs show how beautiful the pool house is  compared to the amateur Instagram photos.  This view is of the other side with the banquette and dining table, along with the fireplace.


 Instagram:  View of the banquette looking out toward the house.


After:  Between the pool house and the house/garage is this covered outdoor kitchen. Those trees!!   

AD:   Past the pool and pool house is the large yard with its amazingly tall privacy hedge.  This area is behind the right back of the house and Nancy’s office, while the pool area is mostly behind the left side and the garage area.


Before:  Looking up from the back terrace to the same French doors and Juliet balcony.  



Before:   In Style Home Magazine.  Off the office is the loggia that faces the back yard.  The loggia connects the office, the living room and the perhaps the family room/screening room.  Hard to tell!

Between:  A later, not styled, view of the same loggia off the office.

And, from the same day, looking from the office out towards the loggia to the living room and the screening room?  I wish I knew for a fact that is the screening room.  I’m pretty sure it is but there’s no official confirmation from Nancy, so…..

And the adorable Nancy Meyers stands on the loggia with the door that leads to that darned screening room.

After:  AD.  The loggia today, with a glimpse into the office. Much, much prettier with the wicker chairs!   Doesn’t the leafy vines remind you of Rose Tarlow’s living room?


After:  AD – the same spot as above but looking out towards the yard from the loggia.  The trees were perfectly placed to create a vista.

Before:   The stairs lead up to the front door.  Again, the trees were placed for the perfect vista.   All the olive trees are just gorgeous.




Before: Closer view with the Juliet balcony in the two story foyer.   The window to the left of the balcony is in the master suite.

And the closest view!

Let’s go inside and welcome Mark Sikes:

Mr. Blue and White himself with his collection of rug designs.

Before:   The two story entry with its stone floors and antique settee.  Notice the glimpse of the toile curtains upstairs.  Before with Radin at the helm,  the fabrics were French and English prints, but today – there are no prints except for a stripe or two.

Before:  This looks a little dated now.  Faux? seagrass runner. 


After.  AD.  Wow!  Newly painted white walls make such a difference.   Same stone floor.  Recovered antique settee.  Antique prints.  Same stair bannister.  And notice the white linen curtains – the toile is long gone.


After.  AD.  Another part of the foyer.  Gorgeous antique table from Rose Tarlow.    Love.





Before:  The living room as it once was.  Beautiful French fireplace mantel that remains today.  Through the opening is the octagonal library right off Nancy’s office.  You can see the shelves in the library were once painted yellowish ivory like the walls.  The open door leads to the front of the house.  The opposite doors lead to the loggia at the back of the house.





     After:  AD. The living room with two white slipped sofas and a banquette next to the fireplace.   Black accents.  Sikes said he had a hard time talking Nancy into these chairs.   Mark!  I’ll take a pair myself!!!!!   The living room looks so good – I love the touches of blue! 

Again, these doors open onto the loggia off Nancy’s office. 



After:  AD.  Another view looking into the Sikes décor with the two black chairs.


Instagram:  Christmas in the living room.  Through the door you can see the octagonal library which is connected to Nancy’s office.  The library overlooks the front of the house.  The shelving unit is now painted black whereas before it was the same ivory as the walls.

Instagram.  In this photo from the living room, you get a glimpse of a wonderful chair in the corner.  Wish we could see more of this one.



Before:  LOVE!  The original dining room had a Bennison toile.  The mirror is a copy of one Nancy saw in France – it is framed in black velvet!  Love the blue glassware.  The living room is reflected in the mirror – the foyer is between the two rooms.  Notice how pretty the chandelier is!


In this view, the dining room looks much bigger.  The doors lead to the front and the living room is at the right. Unfortunately – no photos of the dining room today!  But Nancy did say she had lightened the dining room table.



Before:  The powder room with the stone floor, cane doors, and marble counters.



Before:  Nancy and Hallie in the two island kitchen.  It has remained basically the same since 1998.


Before:  Seen before from outside are the three windows and transoms.  Café curtains at those windows that overlook the back yard.



AFTER:  AD.  The kitchen today is the same as it was except with whiter walls, new fixtures and pendants.  It has two islands, one wood, one marble.  Nancy uses the wood topped island for serving food.  Beautiful marble backsplash and counters.   



Instagram.  The photo that Nancy took on a whim which caused the internet to almost crash with excitement!!

What I am not sure about is the stone floor looks so much darker now than before.  Was it changed out?

Everyone said Nancy’s kitchen was just like Erica’s, but while they both have European cabinetry and two islands, the soapstone and subway tile is not a match.  Still, both kitchens are wonderful.


Instagram:  The wood countertop vignette.


AD:  New bar stools copied from Ina Garten at the marble island where Nancy sits and talks with friends.


Before:   The quite large butlers pantry with marble counters and backsplash.

Before:  More of the butlers pantry and laundry area.



Before:  The breakfast room off the kitchen with its corner fireplace.  The doors open to the back terrace where the wicker furniture sits around the fireplace.


After:  AD.    The breakfast room with its corner fireplace.  Sikes added new wicker chairs.


Instagram:  Another vignette of the wood island overlooking the breakfast room.  This vase is seen in many Instagram photos including the AD photo  above.




Before:  Nancy’s office facing the back of the house. 



Before:  The chair and ottoman were covered in a leafy print.  Today, it is all in white.




After:  AD.  The office has not changed at all, except for the upholstery fabric.




  After:  Doesn’t this office remind you of something?  



Something’s Gotta Give – Nancy’s office always reminded me of Erica’s work area in her bedroom.





The door that leads out to the vine filled loggia.



Through the doors to the office you can see into the octagonal library, which faces the front of the house.  While the décor in that library is different from before – the light fixture remains.




Before:   The octagonal library.  Later these shelves were painted black and the walls white.  Again, the light fixture remains today.  Lots of pattern used back then that today would never be used. 



After:  The only photos of the library from now are found in the background of other photos.  Here you can see the room has white furniture and a round wicker ottoman topped with a white cushion.  Love the small Eastern side table.

In this other view of the library, you can see the large ottoman.  I wish there were a proper photo of this room!  It looks so wonderful.




Before:  From the In Style Home magazine, this photo was labeled as the living room, but it clearly is not.  The fireplace mantel is different.  I’m not sure what room this is – maybe the screening room?  That horse is seen today in the living room and the coffee table is today in the screening room.




After:  Instagram.  This must be the screening room.  The small mirror on the right wall was seen in this room, before.  And hmm.   There’s that horse and the same side table from the “living room” photo above.   Not knowing what room is where or if it is correctly labeled drives me crazy.   LOL.  BUT, I think this is actually the room at the end of the loggia, past the office and the living room.  It faces towards the back yard.  You can see the loggia through the door.     This reminds me of when the family watched the movie together in It’s Complicated.

Something about that photo reminds me of this scene from It’s Complicated.  I just rewatched this movie for the 59th time.  It gets better with each watch.




  Instagram:  Another view of the screening room – ok.  It’s the same coffee table and end table as the “Living Room” photo from the magazine. 





Instagram:  The Screening Room – Mark Sikes has just left samples for his client.  Wouldn’t you just die to get an LL Bean bag of samples from Mark Sikes?   Die and go to heaven!



Before:   In Style Home called this the sleeping porch room.  It’s upstairs.  Most interesting is that drum.  Look familiar?  Yellow walls and red toile curtains. 



Badly cropped photo, but you can see more of the room here.


From The Holiday.  The drum table!!!  The tufted ottoman.  The chintz curtains.   It is all so Nancy.  Just looking at this – is it any wonder why we all loved that movie so much?  Drunk Jude Law at the doorway.  Dreamy.  Cameron’s clothes. 




After.  AD.  Another upstairs room.  It’s the drum room  renovated.  Here, we finally get to see some blue and white Mark Sikes stripes.  Apple matting.  The chair is from Bonacina 1889. Love.

After:   Another view.  Such a cozy room.



Before:  Nancy’s bedroom.  I’ve always like this French styled room with the lilac bed.  I wonder if she still has that?  Notice the yellow chair.


Instagram:  The master suite overlooks the front walkway up to the foyer.  But notice the blue and white striped chair – it’s the yellow one, recovered.  Wonder who did that?


Before:  From In Style Home.  The master suite in that gorgeous lilac velvet.



Instagram:  Another view from the master suite.  A tiny clue of the décor with the short linen curtains.  Or is this the master bathroom?  Hmm.


Before.  Internet:  The master bathroom with the short linen curtains.  The cabinetry is wonderful.  Marble countertops.


Internet:  Another view.  Such beautiful marble.  Wonder which it is. 


Before:  From In Style Home.  One of Nancy’s daughter’s bedroom.



Instagram:  And today, the daughter’s room.  It sits next to the upstairs balcony, above the loggia.


And finally.   The daughter’s room from the outside, looking at it from the upstairs balcony.

What’s next?  A Nancy Meyer written, directed, produced ensemble movie for Netflix.  Count me in.

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it.  A true labor of love.


  1. Thanks - loved every photo and caption...

  2. Do you know who makes the kitchen stools that Meyers copied from Ina Garten? I'd like to copy both of them. Wonderful post.

    1. Buell stools from 1stdibs - must be antiques and pricey

  3. Oooh, that glassware is, French Blue Opaline, Portieux Valersthal...I know Brook Giannetti used to collect & Eddie Ross collected...I have 6 sherbet goblets, etc. LUV'D YOUR RESEARCH!!! franki

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you - I too am obsessed with Nancy Meyers and her wonderful movies and the beautiful movie sets! She is adorable and I wish she was my next door neighbor!

  5. Fabulous post! I can’t believe you took the time to do this when you just moved yourself!
    Thank you!

  6. Wonderful post! Any idea on the rug Mark installed in the upstairs room with the blue and white?

  7. Thank you for taking the time to do this deep dive! You are amazing! We all love Nancy Meyers design, both on her sets and home. And speaking of sets, and details, I loved the wooden scrub brush in the kitchen of Somethings Gotta Give, finally tracked it down years ago, now it too sits on my kitchen counter...(ok call me crazy....)

  8. I loved every picture! I would happily live in any version of her houses. Thanks Joni you are the best!

  9. It is a wonderful piece of design, thank you Joni, and hope you are moved in..

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  11. Very interesting and creativearticle!

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  13. Thanks for such a treat!

  14. This was such a great read and very much appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to research and write it for all of us to enjoy!

  15. Another fabulous master class, loved every word and every picture and it was over too soon! Thank you.

  16. Thanks for the before and after tour Joni - no one does it like you! I don't even try! Thanks for the shoutout!

  17. Loved every picture! I could just move right in and not change a thing!!!!

  18. Absolutely luscious! Ever, single, photo! Can't imagine living in that perfection. Thanks for sharing all that. Can't wait to see what you do in your Galveston home. Enjoy that sea breeze. We do when we get down there. Thanks again!

  19. Great job, Joni. I can’t count how many times I have watched Something’s Gotta Give just for the house.

  20. Synchronicity, came across Nancy Meyer's instagram channel day before you posted. Of course I followed, even better getting your post.
    Sending a client the last pic, the shutter. They're doing a new build, to look like an old build. One of the windows 'needed' same shutter. She wasn't 'clear' on what it would look like, or if appropriate to not do the 'traditional pair'.
    One of Meyer's movie houses, created magic in the garden. Put in an 'orchard' of trees in front/back yard, to make it look like the house was built in an orchard; of great age & presence.
    A friend creates interior design, exactly the same. Must be a DNA brainwave too few of us are born with. More than the interiors being beautiful, even the AIR in the interiors is more beautiful. Somehow that comes across in these pics.
    Another interior decorator friend has 6 booths at an Antique Mall. Each booth styled into 'a life well lived'. Merely understanding what is 'seen' in her booths, is Change by Design, aka design-to-change-lives. Saying this poorly, but hope the signal is getting thru. Terrain vs. Territory type stuff.
    Thrilled with your move to "MY" Galveston. Have you done the big Biker, Lone Star Rally, weekend yet? Accidentally went down during one when helping my mom. Great time.
    Tell me you've already been eating at Gaido's for decades, . Cannot imagine growing up on Galveston Bay without Gaido's, mom/dad member, Pelican Club, at the back entry, which they have since closed. Many birthdays, holidays, anniversaries spent there. Was late to the table for, Di Bella's. How did I not know it existed for decades? Sadly, closed now.
    Now, you get to keep me up to date on GALVESTON.
    Looking forward to you posting about your new home.

  21. A million thanks and so helpful. Have a few pieces of that Bordeaux Toile I've saved because I'm am not quite sure where to use them. Bed room head board, roman blinds in some room, cover a lovely arm chair... love it to pieces. But love all the solids too, so restful.

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  23. Loved every inch of this post Joni! Only you could cover it like this. Everyone and their brother has posted about it, but you got to the heart of it as always!! Love Nancy Meyers and EVERYTHING she does!

  24. Joni Loved this post!! So awesome to see all the details and the past pics. Wonder what the house she sold looked like next door?? x Kim

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