COTE DE TEXAS: House For Sale: San Antonio

House For Sale: San Antonio



An romantic English inspired cottage in San Antonio, Texas dating from 1924.


A reader from Houston emailed me about her best friend who is an interior designer in San Antonio, Texas (you know, the home of the Alamo!)  The designer’s house is now for sale and she thought I would like to see it.    First:  looking over the listing, I was thrilled at how large and beautiful the pictures are – you can get whole screen images in high-res which is shocking compared to the terrible pictures we get in Houston.  Take a lesson from San Antonio -  HAR!    The house itself is also remarkable:  a rock house, built in 1924!  Wow.    Was Texas even a state back then????   It’s located on a hill in Bluebonnet Hills – an area of Alamo Heights, which even I know is the place “to be” in San Antonio.    The house has been completely restored and updated and has original plaster walls and hardwood floors.   It’s 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms at a total of 2,582 sq. footage.   There is also a 325 sq. ft. guest house, which is adorable. 




The side courtyard.    The master bedroom is located on the lower level where the French doors are.



The Live Oaks date over 150 years old.  Amazing!!!!!  I love all the curving stairs and the rock walls – details you don’t get in new houses unless you pay a fortune for them.


image The living room’s ceiling is so beautiful!   And notice the original stucco walls.   I love the slipcovered settee (of course!)




image The front door leads into the living room.  I love the French Os de Mouton chairs and the skirted table.  And I really love the day bed in front of the window.    So pretty.



imageSuch a cute fireplace.  The living room leads through the arches into the dining room and the hallway. 





The dining room off the living room – what a pretty chandelier!!! 


image Off the dining room is the kitchen with black glass fronted cabinets.  Great Viking range.  I wish I had one of those!!




image Looking the other way towards the sink area.  You can see into the breakfast room on the right. 




The master bedroom is so beautiful all in linen.  Wonderful textile hanging over the headboard and I especially love the closets with the faux antique mirrored doors. 



image The master bedroom overlooks the side yard courtyard.  Great lamps!   What a beautiful room.



image Close up view of the closet doors – making something utilitarian beautiful. 



imageThe master bathroom has beautiful Carrera marble – you can’t find it like that anymore.  It’s a totally gorgeous slab.  



image Master bedroom vanity area.  Great mirrors,  lamp and shade.



image A pink French fantasy for a daughter.   Too cute.



image Great carpet choice in this daughter’s bedroom!   Cute beds.



image The guest house is used as an office for the designer – must be nice to have a separate office like this.   Great day bed and French chairs. 





Huge backyard!!  I love how the fence is rock and iron.  

A huge thank you to the reader for sending in this beautiful house.  It’s inspiring to see how romantic and desirable a house that dates from 1924 still is today.   All the touches – the rock exterior, the stucco walls, the beautiful wood ceilings – make it so special and really hits home how devoid of detailing we build in our houses today.  

The listing agent is Lisa Worth with Kuper Realty.  To access the listing, go HERE.


  1. That home is so beautifully elegant. Dreamy really!

  2. What an amazing home,inside and out! I love all the details,inside and out!Dreaming of using some rock like that on my own house someday....too bad it isn´t too common here in Norway and that makes it expencive and hard to get :/
    The bedroom I think was my favourite!!:)

  3. LOVE:

    the darker, (black) kitchen

    the cafe curtains in small office

    Would I move back to Texas if I could live in this house????

  4. Great to see that it is just as beautiful inside as out. Love the ceilings, kitchen, master bedroom and bath. Just awesome. Thanks for sharing.
    Those Vikings can be a pain to repair if you get a lemon.

  5. If that home were here in the NY area it would be millions. I bet it will sell itself.
    Seems like a great house for the price.

  6. I dig that you put original content on your blog. That takes effort & time!!

    Bravo for getting sponsors, you earn it!


  7. I love walking into "Open Houses" specially when you can tell that the person who built it has very good taste. I get ideas from all the little details. I like the mirror in the bathroom, and also the drawers on the vanity below. Love the little chandeliers too! Thanks for sharing!

  8. In a word, thisisit, Joni! This is the home of my dreams! I would be so absolutely at home here.

    Thanks to your reader and thank you for featuring it.

  9. ahhhh... the master bedroom is my favorite... so peaceful... love the simplicity of the linen...and the master bath.. drooling over that marble slab.

  10. Oh my gosh! My favorite house you've shown us so far!!! I want to move in tomorrow. After seeing the listing I was so tempted to tell my husband "Lets move to Texas" just to live in this house!

  11. Beautiful home. Regarding your comment about listing photos- I just read that "web appeal is the new curb appeal" when listing a home for sale. Sounds right, and I wonder if we'll see an increase in local interiors photographers hired by real estate agents...

  12. Oh my gosh! This home belongs to a good friend of mine and she is an AMAZING Decorator! May I post her name so anyone can hire her? She works all over Texas even though she is based in San Antonio.

  13. Beautiful home! That area has so many unique and charming homes. I've been lucky to do work for some of these homeowners. Making window treatments and linens for these rooms are so much more rewarding than the "Cookie Cutter" rooms.

  14. This house is amazing. I love every square inch of it! One of the best you have featured. It shows that size has nothing to do with good taste and style. Thank Joni!
    Hope you have recovered from Lizzy moving out! xoxo

  15. Charming old world elegance. Impeccable taste - great job. Love the house, homey yet staged beautifully - no clutter. Love your website Joni - still look forward to it everyday. Thank you for beautifying our world.

    Pemaquid, ME

  16. This home is not only beautiful, it has a quaintness you don't see in most homes. Love this.

  17. What an adorable home. Thanks for sharing. Do you know anything more about the carpet in the daughter's room?? And I'm now on a mission with faux antiqued mirrors...hmmm Sounds like a honey-do-list project to me!

  18. This is MY house!! A Texan garden designer living in Georgia, ugh.

    Must move home. The guest cottage perfect for my business.

    150 year old hardwoods???? Exciting.

    First on the list is fixing the Vanishing Threshold view from the huge front window. Why would anyone wish to look at the road & neighbor's homes from that beautiful room?

    And those sadly misplaced Italian cypress....

    Go Joni......another great post !

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  19. Beautiful home - thanks for sharing. BTW - Texas became a state on Dec. 29, 1845. ;)

  20. This is MY house!! A Texan garden designer living in Georgia, ugh.

    Must move home. The guest cottage perfect for my business.

    150 year old hardwoods???? Exciting.

    First on the list is fixing the Vanishing Threshold view from the huge front window. Why would anyone wish to look at the road & neighbor's homes from that beautiful room?

    And those sadly misplaced Italian cypress....

    Go Joni......another great post !

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  21. The house is beautiful. I was not expecting the inside to look like that. Love all the large windows. The interior reminds me of the all the spanish / mediterranean houses here in LA that have the big window, curved doorways, etc. White marble is favorite. Gorgeous. That house in LA where I live would be a $2 Million dollar house. I need to move to Texas it's simply stunning.

  22. What a cozy and a beautifully appointed home. Too bad they are selling it I would hate to leave such a beautiful home. Kathysue

  23. Gorgeous!!! Simply the BEST!! LOVE the fact that the kitchen has white tile counters -- just like mine! LOL!!! :) Many thanks for another dreamy home tour!

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage

  24. just in love with the kitchen, thanks for sharing with all of us.

  25. Oh how I love San Antonio...beautiful home, I love the rock and iron and the gorgeous trees!

  26. Yes! Give us the name of the designer please. It would be great for her name to be attached to this story.

  27. beautiful! I love all the linen in the master suite and closet doors! I also would hate to move! Wonder where they are going?.... I looked up the listing..price seems really good....

  28. I am so loving that house, the master bedroom is to die for, the textiles, especially the textiles, those lamps…FABULOUS! The only thing we don’t know is the price and what the heck are they upgrading too? I can’t imagine!

  29. What a darling home. The rock exterior really speaks to me. I love the living room ceiling and the black kitchen cabinets. But that master and bath are sso beautiful, serene and restful. What a treat to see a home like this--a real home with heart and soul.

  30. Suzanne from CaliforniaAugust 27, 2010 at 11:15 AM

    Fabulous home...makes me want to move to San Antonio!
    Thank you for another wonderful story.

    Suzanne from California

  31. Thanks for this dream today! This house is so me from the outside in that I can hardly stand it. What beautiful decor.

  32. I love this house we might just buy it

  33. Joni;
    Like the home. What is that pattern called in the one bedroom the whitetailed deer look?

  34. Charming litle fairy tale cottage.....I would love to live in it. So Pretty!

  35. The Decorator's name is Michele Stevens. Her company is Intoto Interiors. Her number is (210) 822-1273. She is fabulous and a delight to work with.

  36. I like everything about this house -- thanks for posting it!

    I wonder if you would comment about the curtains. I love them all and still do all of mine this way. However, I have read some "snarky" comments in the blogs about curtains puddling on the floor. What is your take?


  37. Ssshhhh, Joni. Don't show 'em too many gorgeous bargains or those foreigners from out of state will cash out, move here, and bring their high prices with them!

    A wonderful house in one of the neatest neighborhoods ever, and another great thing to think about with the rock houses -- other than the doors and windows, they don't need painting.

    -- H.A.

  38. There are so many things in this home that I love I don't know where to begin!!!! The marble in the bath and that MIRROR!!!!!!!!! Be still my heart! ALL of the window treatments! The kitchen, cabinets and wall color! It is all gorgeous to me! Thanks so much for sharing this one!!!! XO, Pinky

  39. Angela in NashvilleAugust 27, 2010 at 4:20 PM

    Joni, I am such a fan of your blog! Your entries are thorough, well written, informative, and well, just flat out deliciously amazing. I can't wait for each new posting. Also, I have enjoyed your interviews on the skirted roundtable, especially the recent one with my favorite architect for many years, Bobby McAlpine. His salty language was such a scream and how interesting to hear him speak of growing up in a sawmill town in Alabama and 'not recognizing' the world around him, so he retreated to the beauty he could create within. Fascinating. Did you know that house on Felder Ave. (the one of the cover of the book) in Montgomery is for sale right now for $499,000. Can you imagine living in a 'self portrait' of the genius of Bobby McAlpine for such a reasonable price? Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do to bring such beauty and creative genius into our daily lives.

  40. The Oaks and the ceiling in the living room take my breath away. I do have an issue with puddly curtains, but they will go away. Great bones and stones! Thanks, Liz

  41. What a charming home. You are so right, the detail in some of the newer homes is so not there.

  42. Any chance you could tell me the manufacturer of the deer hide carpeting in the girl's bedroom? I would love to use it!
    Thank you for another great post.

  43. What a gorgeous home. The doors in the bedroom are stunning!

  44. I LOVE this home! I have always dreamed of living in a little stone cottage with an art studio out back in the garden.

  45. Hi Joni,

    Oh, I love so much about this house: the black cupboards, the carpet in the daughter's room, the bombe secretary desk in the daughter's room .... And, you know what? I'd be perfectly happy to live in the guest house, never mind the main house!

  46. Gorgeous house! I went to Trinity University in San Antonio, which is near Alamo Heights. I knew it was an Alamo Heights house as soon as I saw the picture! I love the architecture and the way it slopes down and the back is taller than the front. It looks like such a little cottage and then surprises you when you get to the back yard. Just lovely!


  47. So quaint, so storybook, so 'old B&W movie-ish'...and now, a referral fee is in order for you! (that's my vote anyway)....or at the very least a 'day at the spa' gift certificate! Hugs from your ol' pal above the border.

  48. Beautiful house but I feel a little ill after looking at the listing. It's the exact same price as my 800 sq. ft. apartment in San Francisco. Maybe I should move back to Texas...

  49. Joni, thanks so much for the tour of this lovely, vintage home. I lived in San Antonio for four years and this listing makes me homesick. I used to live in that part of town and it's so beautiful with established trees. Although I love the whole house, for some reason I'm not crazy about that living room. Hmmm.

    I wanted you to know that I flipped through an Architectural Digest yesterday, all the while thinking about your comments on the Skirted Roundtable. I totally agree with you that the photography has long been a problem with that mag. Having some experience in photography I can tell you that the photos are very flat and one dimensional. They somehow make interesting interiors look sterile. They must work very hard to accomplish this.

  50. It really shows how home prices differ throughout the country. This would sell for a few million in the Boston area. The dark cabinets are nice change from the usual white version. White marble counter tops would look great, but you've probably already thought of this.

  51. Lovely home, I'm sure it won't be on the market long.... The master bedroom was especially nice and the bed treatment elegant, relaxed...Maryanne xo

  52. This house has great potential for the right owner and designer. None of the pictures reflect the unique style that could be achieved here. It has a beautiful lot and lots of exterior charm. I hope we can look at what a new owner may achieve in the future.

  53. What a very lovely home you have there. I think living in that house is like heaven. Everything is just so gorgeous and relaxing. I wish I live in that house.

  54. I love it! So beautiful! :) Thanks for sharing...Stop in sometime for a visit! Meme

  55. Joni,
    Just stunning! I love all the architectural interest! The ceilings are to die for!

  56. Adorable house, Joni.
    I've sent the link to a friend in
    San Antonio, with instructions to
    buy it -


  57. Wow -- to think that before I started reading your blog and Beadboard Upcountry, my visual image of Texas was somewhere between cowboys and Indians and the 1980s nighttime soap opera, "Dallas!" You just keep posting gorgeous home after gorgeous home that makes me want to head West and see what I've been missing. I didn't realize that gems like this existed in Texas. I'm so ashamed of my ignorance! Thanks for sharing yet another beautiful Texan home.

  58. So funny, I just saw this house a couple of days ago. I have friends who live in the neighborhood and what a great neighborhood it is! Just beautiful and full of charm. The great thing about this house is location -- all of the nearby houses are equally as wonderful. Lucky person who snags this one!

  59. Joni, what a charming home! Love the English look of the outside, and that little girl's room is absolutely adorable! laurie

  60. That is an amazing house. My favorite is the closet wall in the master bedroom - that's not easy to do and make it attractive. In this case it actually ADDS to the look. Thanks for sharing.

    I love it if you checked out my painting giveaway!

  61. Everyone who loved this house - where does the family LIVE? You step off the street into a living room with nothing but legs. Stiff chairs - armless setee - the fireplace has never been used - no television - no books - no photographs. So you walk through to the kitchen - dark with nowhere to sit. Hmmm..seriously am I missing a room here that everyone sees and I don't that's cozy and warm with a television and books and lamps that says "A family lives here"??????

  62. Have to agree with you! Not livable at all really. Veins from standing all day! Can't be the breakfast room they didn't photograph - it's only 6' wide.

  63. I'm not sure what house you're looking at, Anonymous, but I see lots of comfortable places to sit in the living room. Not everyone wants a TV in their living room ... or wants a TV at all. As for the kitchen, it looks like its made for cooking. Perhaps the eat-in part is just out of view. As for the lack of books, photographs, etc. - well, this house IS for sale, so perhaps the home stager or real estate agent had the owners put all their personal things away.

  64. Beautiful home - even prettier decorations.

  65. Squeek - you never come home and want to "put your feet up"? Where are you going to do it? The settee has no arms to put your head against - no ottoman - just stiff chairs to sit straight backed in. In this day and age who doesn't watch t.v? Especially "families" who watch great movies on a DVD. I will say it again - this is not a comfortable, livable "family" oriented house. Period.

  66. Anonymous, why do you feel the need to judge this designer's family lifestyle? Your scathingly bitter tone toward her seems to be a little too personal - especially in light of the fact that it takes place within a blog about French decorating! Your judgment call in which you deem the home not to be "a comfortable, livable 'family' oriented house" is a bit presumptuous, don't you think? Frankly, you come across as a little mean and a bit jealous. You may want to consider laying off the decorator blogs for a while, and instead turn to one in which you can air your insecurities and hostilities within a supportive and much more relevant conversation.

  67. Nicely explained. It's indeed an art to stop new visitors with your attractive writing style.


  68. Whoa, now that's a paradise for sale! It has a vintage but romantic setting. And it amazes me that it was been kept beautiful throughout the years! It's simply gorgeous!

  69. This cottage in San Antonio was amazing. I like this post and thank you for sharing.

    Charles A

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